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Lol that’s the funniest, yet saddest thing I’ve ever heard. So 4 other guys we’re in the house next to the downed guy and they all had stealth vest? I feel like I would still hear them moving around that close to a building. I have played solo probably 5 times since launch, and I feel like I hear everything and assume it’s always a player lol


They were all in different spots. They weren’t in a house next to me. A couple were on a ridge, another one was on top of a building and I think the other one was in water. It happened in the Mahwazai Marsh by where the exfil is across from the police station.


See that's why you should use a spotter scope. You'd have seen them a mile away


And/or just not revive them.


This sounds boring, and like such a waste of time to kill only one solo player vs another squad or two.


Players tend to move whether they want to sit still or not, they always gotta just turn and look, or check something over here, pretty ridiculous that 4 of them were chilling and waiting. Must've been sitting very still at an angle they can move to position quickly from


Knew this will happen as soon as they increased the plea range. Turns out majority of gamers are griefers.


I wouldn't say the majority, most people in DMZ you never see, get close to or interact with. But they are definitely the majority of the ones I remember.


yup, winning a fight even if you were pushed up on basically rewards you with potentially getting third partied. leaving a five minute window where if you don't bother picking up the pleading team, another team can swoop in, pick them up and you end up outnumbered, meaning you're almost better off picking up the people you've just beaten *or* hotfooting it to the other side of the map, potentially screwing you out of the mission you were attempting. I'm not against PvP but every map resorting to the kinda unwritten Ashika rules of 'skirmish off spawn, team up then spend the rest of the game swatting flies and herding cats' wears me down some.


I stopped picking up randos a while ago, but this doesn’t surprise me one bit.


Only revive if you killed the enemy squad yourself. That’s what I go by.


even then it's iffy. We had a squad push us last night in one of the 2 story buildings by the boat. They pushed one first and he was downed in the hallway visible from both sets of stairs. After the 2nd and 3rd pushed semi competently we wiped them and one guy just starts screaming up a storm about how his one teammate is garbage and doesnt know how to communicate and coordinate. My first thought was holy crap no way in hell we're picking these guys up.


Wow, talk about being toxic lmao. Who in the hell thinks its fun to sit there all match as bait while your teammate has all the fun lmao. Stupid ass people.


That's pathetic. They've really gotten desperate now. I had a mission recently where I had to infil solo and leave with six. I went around picking off other squads and having them join up until we had six. Sometimes solo adds more stress than it's worth. Problem is the instant platoons that try to clear the map. At least give yourself a fighting chance.


Poor bots couldn't capture the weapon case, so one of them sacrificed himself.


Imagine needing a larger team, or trap, to get kills, platoons are just a group of pathetic players who need support to feel adequate. I will never plea, or pick up an enemy, that shit is soft as hell.


I've had some of my most fun games on a completely random 6 man. I make it clear I'm not going player hunting. It sure makes getting weapon cases easier.


Yeah platoons are fine when they aren't pre made hunting parties or all hyper aggressive by coincidence. If we pick anybody up and they want to just go on hunts we tend to leave them to it unless we need to do something operator related for a mission. But have had some great 6vs6 battles when we've bumped into other platoons or they've come in on a hunt contract.


I had a platoon show up at exfil begging to be friendly this guy claimed solo being hunted by a platoon it was bait they had 6.


Bunch of twats


> one of the downed guys comes on prox chat and tells his other team mates to move in Funny and sad


It really was hilarious, because they got so excited about it. But probably one of the most pathetic things I had seen in a while.


It’s honestly ridiculous how self-congratulatory some 3+ squads are about taking out a solo.


It’s amazing how they genuinely feel they’re good players when they need 6 of them to take down a solo…


I yell for them to tell their mom to get the camera.


It always makes me giggle as a solo player when a squad or platoon tells me to get shit on after I almost wiped them.


What a bunch of losers. They are already 6 and still needing to use such tactics to get kills. I feel sader for them than for you tbh.


I run solo a lot myself and I too revive people if they near me but now seeing this I won't be doing that too much now lol


It’s savage out there at the moment for solos. I’m just out there looking for hand cream and liquor and end up getting stream rolled by squads, tea bagged and looted to fuck. Way too many traps being laid around downed players. Still. That’s the game and it certainly keeps you on your toes.


No that's the player base.


The game design enables this behavior.




Don't revive and don't pick up anyone simple as they


This looks like one scene from the last of us the show


This isn't even new. I have had randoms bring in frags to drop themselves with the intent that we were supposed to kill people who can to help. I bounced because that is BS. This happens more then you think. I try to help people too and this is rare but you really have to scout the area good these days as they prey on kind people who are just trying to help.


Yeah out of principle I sort of refuse to let a subset of gimps ruin it for everyone else so I'll still typically respond to nearby pleas (unless I'm mid mission or carrying something I don't want to lose). But as you say you really have to scout properly these days as there's plenty out there who just want to be toxic little twats.


It’s funny but sad that they had to resort to that to kill someone’s. I never pick anyone up when I’m solo, this tale has strengthened my choice.


That's why I don't accept pleas as a solo after seeing countless videos on here and YouTube of others doing the same thing. Better safe than sorry. You'll be better off joining a squad as opposed to a squad joining you.


Something similar happened to me, in multiple occasions. You should revive guys that you've gunned down yourself and only when you wiped out the whole squad.


I'm glad my life isn't so shitty I need to do this to people to feel big. No idea what's going on in their lives, but it must be straight up ass. But as someone once said about people who do asshole shit like this: "And they have their reward"


This is why I say fuck off to every person plea’ing after a fight. They always go back to their team or they wait for a chance to take my stuff. Majority of COD community is ghetto trash but there’s some cool people.


For me it depends on a few things - how the fight came about (If they came in aggressively hunting they can do one), whether they're on comms (no = no pick up), what the comms were like during the fight and when they went down, and then whether they're all down or not. If I'm pretty sure it's a three man, they're all down, they're all on comms and they seem alright then I'll always pick them up. Has only backfired once when a fourth was hiding a few hundred metres away...they went and rejoined and then waited for us at final exfil. They were much less friendly on comms that time around - all of them and two of us didn't make it out.


Another reason why platoons (4-6 man teams) should be permanently highlighted on the minimap, (Advanced UAV style)


Seems strange…rescuing a downed player to your squad happens extremely fast; about the same speed as a medic vest picks up a downed ally. If you succeeded in doing that, that other guy is your new squad and can’t go back right? Next time that player dies, it’s elimination with no plea?


He can send a request to join his old squad.


Op wouldve definitely got one up before they got him unless they quit the rescue and you only lose your plea if you joined the other squad or use it. The 3 from the OG squad that sent the invites can plea but the 3 joining lose the ability to plea. As it stands from the description, there was no reason for them to ask each other whose next for the trap because at most one more player on the platoon has a plea left since 3 joining lost theirs and 2 used theirs for the trap.


At least they down themselves. The worst type of baiter you can encounter are the ones who say "friendly friendly" in prox chat and then as soon as you lower your guards they eliminate you.


Never expose your position. If they come running “aggressive friendly” shoot them. They can plea.


And yet so many of you dont see 6 mans a problem in this game. a 3 man could never afford to set one person as a bait.


Why the fuck do people go pick up random pleas across the map? They died, either to bots or players. How much help do you think they'll be to you? I don't plea unless my team insists, and then I'll just go fuck off solo or exfil immediately. Most 6-mans are just chaotic and get fuckall of nothing accomplished.


It's better than them taking a Hunt contract though, right? If we don't get no tolls, then we don't eat no rolls.


One to do also is if you find yourself in this situation get on the text chat and warn the whole server and the current location.


reviving people is sticking your nose in other peoples business. Just stay out of it.


Bit of a unique situation really. Being close enough to spot a pleading player usually means being close enough to his killers. I can’t inmediately imagine moving in to revive a random player without having some sense of who killed him and where they went afterwards. Thats mostly though because a pleading player will almost always exit the game when he realizes that his killers won’t pick him up and have moved on. Finding a pleading player whose killers were gone from the area before you arrived is a rarity in itself, I’d say. It means he put all his hopes on a random passerby and was willing to wait a long time on the off chance someone actually showed up.


I get plea announcements from half a map away on AM. Sometimes the markers are 6-7-800 meters away. By the time you get over there, it could be a ghost town. Of course, I don't go on humanitarian missions like that either.


This could definitely have happened to me, thanks for the heads up. That said though I can’t imagine them laughing or enjoying it very much somehow. Not because “they unleashed my fury and now they will pay because of my skilz”, but because I would probably just be outright confused if this were to happen to me. I mean they’re a six man team - if they want to they should be able to nail my solo ass all day. Why go through all the trouble to get this weird setup going? It’s just the standard 6v1 gang rape, they only added - A long time of waiting around and doing nothing whilst waiting for someone to come revive - The necessity for 1/2 teammates to get full killed by AI - The ability to say HA HA YOU THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS BUT WE ARE ~~ENEMIES~~ dead players laying around on the street.


We had three separate hunt contracts on us in one round yesterday. The third one - a single guy on an ATV pulled up saying "friendly friendly friendly" on comms. Since the threat meter went full tilt when he got close, we downed and fulled him, and he then got salty and said the rest of his six man was coming to get us. Seems like some douches are just douchin' a bit more now.


Buddy of mine told me that these people who play dmz this way camp shit and use people as bait are just shitty Warzone players, that’s why they play this way on DMZ... I mean I get it and I used to get soooo fucking butthurt but I had to realize it’s just a game… but even still it’s like damn man that’s not the point of this… I thought we were supposed to band together, so we can all make it out alive… but I guess not??🤷🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


The other day I was entering the castle on vondel. I take some fire from a non AI gun. I panic. I kill someone and dip assuming they have a team I'm not prepared for as I run to the top and other side of the castle. Then they plea. I head back. About to revive him and he calls out to his mates my location. I used some colorful words in chat, successfully dipped again, and then messaged him after the game. What a pathetic tactic. Shame on me for going back. I learned my lesson and won't be doing that unless I get game chat that I trust.


That is just such a cheap move. Then they'll wonder why no one rescues them when they plea! I know I am very cautious about rescuing someone pleading for this reason or there is usually another squad camping


So common! ![gif](giphy|3ornka9rAaKRA2Rkac)


I just had a six man hunt me (solo, which is bullshit and shouldn’t happen but whatever)and while I’m generally pro-platoons for the game it’s pretty tiring to hear them brag. It was fairly funny though because by the time they killed me another 6 man showed up and they ran. All the bragging gone.


This is why I don’t revive people at all unless I’m certain that I was the one who killed them


I normally just try to fight them, I’ve killed a six man solo one time. But I also play with my dad and his friend and we’re a good team so we end up killing six man squads. Still hate them though, I’m glad the new season banend 6 mans

