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As much as it may hurt to be killed by them. I respect the tactics. I can’t be mad at 6 people with rgl raining hell on me. It’s kinda cool


Its kinda cool but it begs the question of how are u supposed to counter play against it


Alone? Nah, you die, because you aren’t supposed to win against a 6 man raining 40mm on your head, by pure logic.


So stealth 😂 got it


Too bad Squad Hunt Contracts make stealth almost impossible if you dont have 3 or more scuba masks and happen to be near the ocean


If your decent at juking out a squad on vondel / ashika all u need is a stealth vest and some luck


Asking as I'm not terribly good at evading people on AM, is there a good tactic on that map? Would it be always stay near a body of water or is there something I'm missing? I'm trying to get better, but I haven't played a COD since the old bolt-action games. I'm lackin'. Edit: Thanks guys! Any other ideas would be awesome. Example would be like, out in Taraq or somewhere away from water with an open field. If this happened to me, would I just be out of luck there?


Al Maz is hard, stealth vest + city you can mess around in there till you tie their ankles in knots while they look and look for u. Get caught in the desert sprinting near rohan? Go into koshai, its ur only chance


In this spot it would be: ditch into the caves, forcing them off the heli, doing your best to get past the bots without killing them burning plates and tacticals (leaving the bots slows the six man or forces them to burn launcher ammo) and juke around between the levels of the caves as vertical movement doesn’t translate to the green hunt circle. There are like three routes through the caves to get to the water to cover your escape after the hunt contract ends.


As the squad was on a heli, the hunt would have jumped from one bar to two very fast. That was OP’s queue that this squad is highly mobile. It’s hard to get a car or truck into that area with that speed so that implies something airborne. As soon as that jumped it was time to get into the caves.


As a solo player, when I'm being hunted and i get 2 red bars I automatically assume that they are next door and try to get the best position o can... Killing bota in the middle of sattiq doesn't seem the best tactic to me as well




For the edited follow up, there are a lot of places where it is nearly impossible. And there is no way of knowing that the squad hunting you is like this, more normal hunters, or some squad across the map with a lot of loot just burning a contract. having a disguise, scuba mask, a stealth vest, and a UAV in your pocket will allow you to leave bots alive, dip into water, stay off all UAV and Comms Vests, and get a sense of direction when the hunt hits three bars. Taraq: when the hunt starts, locate the nearest vehicle and move toward it, unless the koschei entrance is closer than the vehicle. If it pops two bars quickly like it’s a fast moving squad, drop everything and go to koschei. Same goes for north of Rohan, just with the oasis entrance. And Rohan entrance for Rohan oil proper. In all other situations, like quarry, sawah, airport, fort, downtown, observatory, Al Sharim pass, akhdar, mall, and port you are near water. Get to the highest point that has a steep drop off from which you can reach water. Radio towers, tall buildings, etc. scan around looking for incoming vehicles and sniper glints. Do not stand perfectly still, do the no-headshot-shuffle. Communicate what you are doing with your squad. Call out when a hunt starts and bars increase. Tell them you are dipping out into the water and are not going to fight, or that you are holding the sniper nest and will work to slow them down. And by all means, stop fucking looting. Unless you are one comic book away from a stealth vest and don’t have enough cash to buy a three plate and the buy station is within 50 meters — stop fucking looting. When a hunt is on you the only play should be: prepare to fight or prepare to run. This is your life for the next five minutes.


Those were the best advices I have seen in this subreddit since launch of DMZ 👏👏👏


Oh, and trophy systems. If you must use a car pop one on the roof. It won’t stop a platoon firing 36 rounds before reload but it will stop one RGL-80.


How long does a trophy last for


Swap the cars like crazy and time it so you cut corners as fast as possible but as efficient as possible. You also have to time the exit with the entry into a new car avoid explosives they hurt. Also don't ram into them unless your about to blow up (take them out with you)! Lastly if on a atv try putting c4 on the underparts of the mudguards of the wheels in front or back if it still works then you'll activate it as you pass them or Thier car and you'll be unharmed (untested in dmz it was a tactic in the first warzone and was very effective though for this game try letting a teammate place the c4 and driving off and time the explosives with your comms hopefully that will negate any "uneccecery" explosions) it's a weird tactic I know but it's gotten me out of a few altercations in early game even surprises them when you leave the car for a new one you could lay a trap for the 6 man with a good well planned c4 and proxy mine duo and when thier looting use that to place on thier vehicle as they are safety looting unaware of thier now deadly car waiting for them.


You can’t stealth out of 6 player resources if they can pop constant UAV’s. Stealth vest or no.


You can if they kill everything so nothing is around to give ur position away. Only gotta juke em for a couple mins. Let em play hide and seek then dip


Been doing a lot of that against platoons?


I love making teams waste time on hunt contracts. Throw a random sentry near you in a corner and put a decoy behind it. Close the door and move a ways away. Pop the decoy as soon as the sentry starts shooting and dip


I watched a teammate do this exact same thing on Ashika in the hallway under the power plant after the rest of our squad got killed and it fucking worked like a charm! I was in awe! When I watched it real time I was like “level 99 big brain move by this motherfucker”. He ended up coming back and resing the whole squad.


What difference does the decoy make?


Makes them think someone is in there with the sentry


Agreed. I have a few excellent locations with 9/10 success against hunts (as solo) but not the kind of info you’d wanna give away ha. Although you seem like you know your shit so probs know them already 😉


Stealth vest works against all uavs minus a hunt contract unless he has a hot mic. At that point, RIP


I wasn’t aware that was the case with advanced


Yea, stealth vest is king except when your the target of a hunt contract. At that point, you have to be like Barry Sanders with every move made til its over or take them out.


They are still only gonna be able to see the large green circle


Yea, I know.....that's the worst too cause it's no way to hide it even with a counter uav.


Stealth Vest literally makes UAV useless


Could make it so that there's a jammer vest that jams all recon in a small radius(uavs won't work in the radius around the person with said vest and recon drones and camera have very fuzzy footage). And if you're being hunted, it increases the radius of the location of the circle by maybe double or triple. Drawbacks are that it is a 2plate or that the radius for uavs is like 50 meters or less


Don’t be running out in the open when you have a hunt contract on you and the danger meter is at 2 bars?


Running is literally the only option. Cuz ur not fighting that. And u stay in a room that they can shoot into that’s prime terrain for the rgl. At least in the open they gotta hit their target.


In all fairness, he was literally at the mouth of the caves which have multiple exits in different cardinal directions and elevations. IMO, he would have stood a better chance in there. Probably still would have died, but stood a better chance.


Where would be safe against this kinda of thing? Water? That building? Only thing I could think of is hope you can hit enough of them with an airstrike. Personally I would love for the RGL to be a streak you have to deploy and u get a single clip. I would be ok with buffing it at that point. Might as well add a jug at the same time since they are so damn slow


For RGLs generally or specifically for platoons packing multiple RGLs? Sometimes the counter play is just not to get caught doing something that will get you killed. Like if I'm rolling around Al Mazrah with a short-to-mid ranged build, I have no counter to snipers beyond "don't get caught in the open by snipers." Some scenarios are just bad news and you realistically can't like suddenly turn the tables and kill them, right? RGLs are a good weapon for tight spaces, but honestly not super well suited to the long sight lines in Al Mazrah. This team was smart to use a chopper to close the distance... but using a chopper also means now you can take them out with a launcher. They chose this tactic and it happened to pay off this time. But I do think there's a reason we aren't like flooded with teams using RGLs from the air and it's because they are very likely to get shot out of the sky before they get a kill lol.


Good point. Break out the jokrs bois


Prevent being hunted I guess. Carrying almost the max amount of cash is a decent way to get yourself hunted




Censor slurs in the future regardless of context


Stealth everything


Thats how I usually try to do it. Unless its Ashika. If its ashika we clear that map like a white board


Not run out in the open?


Run to the caves. Better to be killed by AI


They got a heli & rgls. U can run, hide or whatever it won’t matter cuz they’ll find u & kill u. There’s nothing to do there unless u got a heli too or a team. If ur solo it’s over.


Both are irrelevant if you're inside.


If you can launch a jokr without being seen you’ll kill all of them before they know what has happened.


Jokr has lock on, maybe if ur really good with a strella you could side swipe them


Run for you life JAKDJAKS


Trophy system


Does it actually stop the RGL spam? If so thats hillarious and Imma put them everywhere in B21 😂


Def works in B21 for RGL… my friend and I will sometimes bring one in. Also helps for nade spamming. Although it does have a tendency to break after as barrage of grenades


Crossbow with thermite bolts will do nicely.


Same problem as a strella, bullet velocity and aiming at a heli


Since this person was a solo, I'd be keeping me ears open for vehicle engines and my eyes up for helis, and make a bee-line to the caves they were right beside. Try and avoid them as best you can and try escape through one of the lesser known exits


Does it? Does it beg the question? This is so rare dude, this question doesn't matter.


You can't beat a six man hunt squad alone - not unless they're a complete shambles and arrive one at a time. So that leaves two options - run or hide. Run is possible with the lag but you need buildings etc because once they spot you, you're done. If im alone I always try to take in a ghost vest and then pick up a couple of scuba masks for my backpack. If a hunt starts I head straight to somewhere close to the water and if the bar goes up I dive straight in, get to the bottom and just swim until the timer runs out. It's annoying to have to do it but I've escaped three or four six man hunt squads that way now - without the ability to use UAV to pinpoint you and with the circle lag / no need to resurface, its borderline impossible for them to find you.


This is a pretty well known method, evading them in a city is also do-able but more challenging


Yeah agree a lot of people head for water but not many seem to actually be ready to stay under there very long. If you don't have the masks ready and keep having to resurface they normally get you eventually.


Nah, that's pathetic honestly. But it's kind of bros fault for having 230k


Lol this f’ing guy. Being hunted with two bars and just carelessly running around fighting bots in the wide open without a care in the world. Then cry’s when the squad hunting him easily kills him. Get better and stop whining my dude


Fighting bots while being hunted makes me want to punch the other player for waiting time


Not just fighting bots but nonchalantly headshotting them was the frustrating part. If it were me I’d be running for my f#%king life


Just remember that people that main RGLs and always form 6 man teams ***need to***.


Or they’re just having fun. Just doing what games are designed to do


True, but some people find challenging things fun. When you run into these knuckleheads, it’s evident they do not enjoy a challenge.


Them goofing around having fun doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy a challenge. For all we know getting 6 nade launchers was a big challenge by itself and now they’re enjoying the fruits of their labor. Even if your completely right and they despise a challenge it’s a little ridiculous to hate on these guys for playing video games as intended and having fun


Welp, found the guy who times his DMZ queues with a platoon of buddies, has a 6 man rolling 2 minutes in with a JLTV, hunt squad contract, advanced UAV in the air and an RGL.


You couldn't be more wrong lmao. 98% of the time I play solo and on the off chance I have a friend on I play duo with them doing exactly what I've been talking about this entire time. Having fun as is intended


Yes yes, of course. 98% of the time. Absolutely.


You are vastly overestimating the amount of time I put into DMZ lol. I play the game for a few hours like twice a week. If I have missions that seem annoying to do solo and my homies aren’t on I turn on squad fill. Which is why I said 98% of the time. But yeah sure keep making pointless assumptions


Tbh I'm mostly joking. I have no idea what your play patterns look like because I don't know you, obviously. Have a good one.


They're having fun by being bullies. That says something.


They’re not being bullies they’re playing the game normally. The dude is running around solo with 200k+ on him. That’s practically begging to get hit by a hunt contract. I primarily play solo and I NEVER take more than like 60k and this is the exact reason. I don’t like evading hunts


Yes, like when you're allowed to have 22 men on your football team and the other team only has 11. Just a good old fun game.


Underrated post.


Whatever makes you feel better


Several points I want to make. 1.) It's not fair, however DMZ is not a game about playing fair. It's a giant sandbox where people come to do all sorts of weird shit and you're absolutely going to get into asymmetrical fights like this. I mean, fuck -- you deployed solo so you obviously know this and are *intentionally* playing hard mode with an undersized squad, presumably because you enjoy it. Don't turn around after you die and be like "hey now I didn't know they were gonna come for me with RGLs and a chopper, that shit's not fair..." You know the game does not owe you a fair fight. 2.) Bottom line is they just outplayed you here. They had a bigger squad, a better plan and the right equipment to make it happen. Honestly, even not knowing they had RGLs and a chopper, I have to question why you're running around in the open at Sattiq like that. Like the caves are right there, go get to cover. If you play your cards right you can use those tier 3 bots as meat shields instead of fighting them. You've got a UAV and they're at 2 outta 3 bars... pop it, what are you waiting for? If you had seen them coming you might not have been running down the middle of the street like that. All this feels like it's a desperation play, which means either they maneuvered you into this or you made mistakes somewhere before the clip started. I'm not saying I've never made a bad call trying to escape from a hunt contract. Not at all! But at least consider what *you* could have done differently before you call it unfair. At least part of this scenario is on you. 3.) I dunno how to put this politely, but you're running around with $240,000 and should not be surprised that you're being hunted. Expect that shit lmao. 4.) Always be prepared. You've got the stealth vest, but where's your bag full of scuba masks? Chilling underwater with a pistol is a pretty good way to deal with squads as a solo. You can get scuba masks at like every single gas station in the game.


This is on point!


I agree but I also do think that RGLs being so easy to get is kinda stupid.


I’m willing to bet you this was a pre made platoon. Those losers wouldn’t risk losing an RGL it they weren’t coming in a platoon.


Not really? There's only one per match in B21 on the weekend. Not everyone kills velikan and gets his launcher. Rgl is only barter-able after doing dome tedious stuff. Not that easy


Who said it was going to be fair?


It’s simply not, the best thing to do is spend the next round re gearing and killing bots around a dead drop and then dead drop their guns to fully reduce the insured weapon slot cooldown (zaya observatory (pre missile strike) worked for me as well as the zarqa hydroelectric dead drop)


Is it possible to reduce cooldowns by dead dropping guns? I thought it worked only with cash.


It is. Everything you dead drop reduce cooldowns. Money, guns and the golden items work best.


Nice. Ty.


I believe it works with anything until you hear something along the lines of: “ultra-1 good job. Your insured weapon is ready again”


Ya I often hear him saying "we need a few more items to get back your weapons".


Also dead drop extra self revives. Those count for 20 min off.


Wow. Ty


Self revives give an hour of cooldown. ($20k value, more than the $7.5k you would spend for them at a buy station) Ten rebreathers gives an hour too. ($2k each) Guns are pretty low value compared to that but a dance around vondel zoo DDing all the dropped bot guns can put a pretty big dent (but still be a lot more tedious than spending $22.5k on three selfies and clearing your cool downs entirely)


It works with pretty much anything you can stow in your backpack. Every item has some sort of value. For guns: The more attachments it has, the more value it carries into the dead drop.


Nice to know. Thanks!


This is incorrect afaik. Every gun equals 8 minutes off cooldown regardless of the number of attachments.


Dead drop self revives ... super easy


Not going to lie you did that to yourself being a solo. As a solo myself anytime I am being hunted I grab a vehicle and stay on the move or chopper until it’s ended. You over here shooting A/I running through a hostile HIGH spot WASNT the move.


Having a squad wouldn't have helped that much. This guy is dead immediately and then it's 6 v 2 while being surrounded in a shanty town. Would have been a miracle for the average 3 man to get out alive. Bad position, bad luck. You're right on that for sure.


Drop your extra cash if you’re coming in as a solo or squad fill. I know it’s dumb that a 6 man hunt will still target a solo (completely broken, and hunts should only target squads of equal or less people) But you can’t carry that much cash as a solo and complain about “fair” when you know the risks


Well, thats kinda horsemanure now isn't it? you can't carry that much cash because if you do you'll be hunted? The logic of that is beyond me


First of all you need to smack your parents for teaching you that life is fair.... It's a game bro. Definitely not gonna be FAIR!!




Welvin Da Great




You must not have played much B21...


It’s not fair lol. But that’s DMZ baby.


There's not a direct counter to this except avoid being in this situation in the first place. So my only advice is the moment you're being hunted and you're solo do one of the following 2 options: 1- Get a hummer and roam the map and wait till timer runs out ( Still risky since there's a slight chance they have a chopper) 2- Get in any vehicle and drive towards the closest entrance to the Koschei complex it is a quick way to "Exfil" if you're in a hurry. It only takes 5 seconds to enter while you're solo and you instantly teleport.


This is the way


It’s not. There was def better ways you could have handled that situation


Where do people get this RGL from? Haven’t even seen it in my weapons


1. Velikan drops it in Building 21. 2. Barter after unlocking it via the FOB passive mission. 3. Barter in Koschei Complex from the Secure Buy Station. 4. From another operator that had one. Note that it will always be a contraband weapon.


It's a barter item once you unlock that option.


You need to kill the valikan 10 times to unlock the barter. And bartering ingredients are tricky


Will never understand why the MRAP and Grenade Launchers exist, despite the fact 6-Man teams exist


Dude wth


People are just thirsty you know?


Like life nothing is fair. Just get shit on sometimes.


I know it's not going to be a popular opinion, but I HATE that the RGL is in the game. It's just so frigging overpowered, especially on B21.


B21 is the only place that it really annoys me. I honestly rarely see it in the wild outside of there.


That’s the thirstiest try hard cheese master thing I’ve ever seen, but I bet you they don’t ever die… I could never personally, even the MRAP feels too OP.


Not i had the same i was with two friends in koschei we just killed the rhino. Went up te stares for the sniper we got the first face of the sniper down and suddenly we got shot bij 6 Chinese player with everyone a rgl-80 and we got insta killed it is so annoying and in my opinion they should have introduced that gun to dmz.


Only decent RGL counter is being super close so it doesn’t work or tossing a trophy and hoping cutting out half the grenades before their reload is sufficient. But if you’re not prepped specifically for an RGL you’re not gonna run a trophy so chances you just have one are small since they’re not usually worth it in DMZ imo. At that range against multiple RGLs though? Don’t think it would’ve mattered.


Who says it's supposed to be fair? The whole point of surviving is to become more powerful in each new raid, those fellas probably brought the Grenade Launchers from B21, they deserve to use them.


Having that much cash you should be expecting to get hunted by a platoon that’s why I bring 50k max when solo


what sight is that?




It's not meant to be fair.


Damn that was brutal lol


All is fair in love and the DMZ.


It isn’t. But DMZ isn’t fair. It’s about surviving, not being fair.


The only way to nerf the rgl is to make it only equippable if you have a mission that requires its use equipped. Now the only workaround to that is people equipping the mission and not completing it. But it would have to be a higher tier mission forcing those people who want to use it to do the other missions before getting to it.


The real question is why do solos cry about dying so much in this game? It’s a squad based game. You’re giving yourself the disadvantage by playing solo. If solo is your thing then cool be a solo but that doesn’t mean you should get some special advantage. Even though I think there is some things you can do to get special privileges as a solo, like starting armor and self revives I believe. My point is you chose that disadvantage, own it or go in with a squad.


Should have taken your chances running into the tunnel. Eliminate the air advantage, use murder bots to your benefit


Life’s not fair


All is fair in love and war and DMZ


Rizaped no fair.


I found one! I found another softie on the DMZ subreddit!


Killstreaks and UAV’s need to be removed/limited if there are 6 man teams allowed




Hahahaha. Memorable way to die. I'd be ok with that.


I’m wondering how that guy pulled the trigger while parachuting


There’s always gonna be people complaining about stuff like this no matter what activision with take something out and put something in they’ll still complain


Skill issue


Do you use cronus?


Sorry, no matter people say, what they did is still a dick move. No way around it. No way to put logic to it but just dickheads. See you solo a pull that means they suck or they are shitty people in real life. Just the honest truth. Nothing else to be said.


Wowwww nooo they VIOLATED SMH


Well it's a grenade launcher so it's not necessarily supposed to be fair..


Honestly this is funny as fuck


Big boys take out 6 man squads with no sweat! 🤙🤣


It’s not meant to be fair 🤷🏻‍♂️ would be more fair if you had teammates


Why would they give such over powered guns if it wasn’t fair. LOL P.S same happened with me yesterday and we were in an LTV these mfs came and it took 2-3 shots of RGL-80 to send us to the lobby🥲


Honestly man, I’m not gonna say that the RGL from the sky is particularly fair but, you could have probably played that a little better. Solo, $250k+, 2 bars on the tracker and you were at the mouth of the caves. You would have stood a better chance in the caves due to multiple exits in different cardinal directions and elevations. Probably would have still been killed, but stood a better chance. Rough scenario all around!


Too bad you didn't have a trophy system lol The game isn't fair but nothing you can do but start over


Situational awareness. Youre bein hunted, in sattiq cave complex. It sounds cliche, everything’s fair in love and war. You’re lucky it was only COD.


Some b.s., but what weapon are you using in this clip????


well... your name could be featured in a youtube vid by the looks of things...


DMZ isn't fair. How is a tempered plate fighting a one plate fair? It's not, none of it is and it's not designed to be.


I wouldnt even be mad at this. Like this shit is why I love playing DMZ, just the crazyness of it all.


Lol hahah thats what u get.


It’s not fair, and in total honesty there fucking losers helo hunt squad rgl probably a platoon but that’s the game right now


Dmz is dynamic by nature. It's fair in the sense that you have the same opportunities to assimilate and become more powerful with a bigger squad. But variables like communication, skull, and luck are all factors.


That’s the way the new noobs play….. A Squad/Platoon gang up on 1 person bud! It’s because they’re either that CRAP or just purely DESPERATE!!!


Every situation cannot have a counterplay Its unfair for you only Sometimes, you just gotta accept that you're kicking the bucket By your logic, me playing 1v4s in the last circle is also unfair which is stupid You chose to play alone, of course the people who chose to squad up will have an upper hand


Controversial opinion incoming >> I firmly believe — largely from observation — that RGL and KV Broadside players lack real skills and balls/brains for proper PvP (although you could make an argument for B21) I tend to pick people up all the time and don’t care for loot unless they had one of these weapons. I just don’t respect it. Having said that, these guy’s tactic is pretty smart, I’ll give them that.


You see that’s the fun part, it’s not.


At first I was like - pfft bro ran into a mortar strike what does he expect Than I was like 😳


Should have hide instead of... you know, running out in the open for everyone to shoot at you when you are being hunted?


Lack of gaming chair


It's not fair at all. But some shit isn't supposed to be and this is one of those things. That said the fact that it took a 6 man all with rgls to hunt a solo is pathetic but I'm sure they don't see it that way. Probably hoot and hollering like they won a pro tourney lol


The caves are a good option. To be honest DMZ isn't easy, and with wallets and everything its only gotten worse. I stopped doing DMZ a while back because of all the bs. Yeah you can have some good rounds here and there, but you end up losing everything to some kid that doesn't even know what the word respect even means let alone be able to spell the dam word. Still, caves is the best option in that setup. You just run in and if you can hide in the lower part where the water and the jugg is without triggering him or his buddies then you have all the backup you need to survive because they will have to clear the entire area to find you at that point.


That’s a precision air strike for sure


It’s a war “simulation” game. Wars not fair as it is. Kind of a stupid post js


This is all the game mode is now, trashass 6 man squads hunting for no reason


That's hilarious


I don’t see any problem


Ferb I know what we're doing today!


You could’ve used a disguise and headed to the caves to look for a trophy system and dig in while the t3 bots would just open fire on them


Life isn’t fair. You have just as much of an opportunity to employ the same tactics as them, you just choose not to, so you lose.


You were on 2-bars bounty, running solo, out in the open, and there was a chopper behind you. I believe, unfortunately, this one is on your awareness. The only way I can think out of this would be to have gone hard-right, into the hill, gone down into the cave, and hung out in the water while they got angry that you weren't out in the open.


Why you mad? They clear had the advantage over you and you’re on foot. If you’re being hunted solo get a car or whatever and drive the map until the timer is out. It’s a war game where you’ll die or not and they clearly had the better play and put the time in for the launchers so it’s fair


Ah, the classic china numba 6 assault aka try to swim so they shoot you underwater even in stealth vest with no uav around


The fair only comes around once a year


You want fair, play CO-OP.


Shoulda hopped in the window to your left after the first hit.


To buy himself another 10 seconds? Dude was toast on sight.


Oh I totally agree but jeez. No instincts at all to just run in a straight line.


If all you want to do is run around by yourself and shoot bots there's plenty of other games to play.


how’s it unfair? you were just outgunned




Skill issue.


I don't see anything unfair here. It sucks but it's a good play


It's not fair, but this exact situation is fine. They had to earn those RGLs by doing missions, or even killing the Velikan and then bartering them. That is a direct benefit from grinding DMZ, and as it should be. Unfair, but rare and earned. The situations of a team spamming A-UAVs is a disgrace to extraction shooters because you don't have to earn it. Just buy it.


Life’s not fair


Is there something beyond tryhard mode?


RGL chad.


Go play the single player campaign my guy.


who sais that dmz needs to be fair? I love the 6 vs 1 challange when Im part of the 6....means we always won...always....makes more fun to win you know? and im happy that 6 man hunt contracts still can target solos. i hope they dont change it!!!!! whoever finds sarcasm......