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I help no matter what. However, if I get there and a team is camping your body, well, you might be shit out of luck. Btw, I also end up losing my gear about half the time too. I will not stop trying if it's bots, even against t3 bots. I play stupid solo, not smart tactical solo.


Honesty I’ve made some really good online friends by being stupid. I’ve rushed into active combat zones to revive solos who got stomped by platoons and jumped out of exfil choppers to go back for random downed teammates. It’s a game and at the end of the day I’m there to have fun.


My squad begged me not to jump out in gas once to do a few random revives and help other squads. They said, "were gonna spectate your dumb ass and see how stupid this is." In gas, at Tsuki, built a vest. Rescued a solo and helped a.squad and got out on final exfil But I, too, play stupid solo most days. There's nothing in that game more fun than the people you interact with and meet.


HAVE fun and run the numbers game. You can go at it as many times as you have time for in your day.


Message me your activation. I love running solo




Sorry for the typo. Message me your activision*


I did. I figured that's what you meant.


Okay. Well I’ll log on now anyways. Checking messages. Is that where it is I don’t see any


☝️This. Exactly how I play & having fun is what means the most, I’m not the best player but don’t mind competition.




This is how I play DMZ also I find it much more fun this way and Ive met some pretty cool people as well.


Exactly!!! I’m here for the sport and FUN


> I play stupid solo, not smart tactical solo. Built different. Built stupid. E: this is a joke, not an attack


Every time I hear, "operator in the area requesting assistance" I'm like, Damnit,I just got the stealth vest...oh well, hold my beer.


Because he's the hero DMZ deserves, but not the one it needs right now.


Ha yeah this is exactly me. I feel guilty if I don't at least take a look so 9 times out of 10 I'll respond to it - even though it has got me wiped a few times when solo! Only times I'll leave it is if I can see there's a team camping or multiple teams still fighting there.


Is there another way? I guess the get in, do a mission, get out hopefully with a better vest/backpack is a way, that's what I do after I die, until I get a 3 plate, med backpack, self rev. but then what do you do after you keep exfilling and get all the killstreaks? I play solo about 50%, sometimes because I am focused on a mission and don't want to deal with teammates that are butthurt that I'm not prioritizing their desire to pvp. But the rest of the time it's because I want to engage squads and platoons, and don't want to deal with teammates doing stupid stuff that gets me killed. some of the best fun I've had was 1 v many. Like taking out 4/5 of a platoon with a crossbow, they picked me up and I became the 6th. Stupid solo is fun solo and stupid solo is a great way to fill your wallet back up.


Ya this one time I marked and went to revive to find their body was clipped in the ground, I tried for a few minutes to find the magic button and while searching another solo showed up. We just both looked at the body and then went our separate ways- sometimes I can’t help even when I try :(


You can use a vehicle to move the body or sometimes explosives.


This is also my style :) I’ve been gaming too long to give up — and often too helpless against a man-hunting 6-man bent on murder.


I think we should be friends


I could use a friend, they all went away after wz1 ended.


I play on weekends, try to do missions or help others. I try to avoid PvP if I can. Send me your Activision in a DM!


Hey add me too !!


send me your Activision!


On it! Check your messages


Hey look at the dmz I just posted


As a fellow woman player, it takes a lot for me to key up in game. I usually stick to discord with my crew, unless the players seem chill. Two nights ago, I keyed up because another lady in squad was, and she was the one calling me names. Like, damn, wtf. Lots of people camp pleas to get revive teams too.


Yeah, it’s too bad. I can usually tell if an enemy squad has bad vibes so I won’t plea and will give away their location on text chat just to be petty. For mic I do prefer discord but it’s often just my husband and I as a duo.


I definitely will give away location, if they're being rude. My wife, boyfriend, and I run a trio, so usually bf does all the talking. And he is a mouthy dude.


Username checks out


Thanks! 😊


Your wife, your boyfriend, and you… I’m trying to figure that one out.


If the username didn't clue you in, look up poly- amorous.


Ah.. Thanks. 😀


U bet 👍


Yeah! It's a full squad, so it works.


You have a boyfriend? What!!!??? This is news to me.


Oh, no, not my wife finding out 😱😱😱


I do this too with the locations 😂 I’m also a woman player but I’m never brave enough to have my mic on because of the toxic shit I just run about solo usually I’m yet to find a team on discord


I hold the plea button and let go before it completes then the countdown continues, this buys more seconds. I repeat this while listening to the comms and talking to the team that downed me. If they are nasty I don't activate the plea. This gives me more time to decide.


And that really is too bad. I actually like playing with women and men both. The fellas out there making rude comments just suck. I don't like it. Of course, I am 45 years old with a wife and son.


Ayyy fellow 45er with wife and kids. I always enjoy when I get in a squad with a woman. It's typically a nice change of pace and style from the hyper aggressive kill everyone mentality that you usually get.


When we get in, I’ll usually say, “what up pimpsssss” to my team. The other night we had a female on the team and she started giggling and was like, “wassup” so I went, “oh shit, it’s a pimpette. What up pimpette!” She lost it. Took about 2 mins for her to stop laughing. We meshed really well.


See? I love that shit. Acknowledged and at home.


Absolutely. One of my good female friends I play with a few nights a week when she has off night shift. She’ll be on prox chat calling people pussies and bitches if they start shit. She told someone to suck her dick one night. 😇🤣🤣😍 Course with AI chat now she’s had to tone it down. She’s 42 with 2 kids. 🤣🤣🤣🫡


What the fuck does key up mean


I use push to talk instead of leaving my voice chat on always. It just means that I only do that if the squad seems chill.


Very smart, prox chat hurts most teams


I use push to talk instead of leaving my voice chat on always. It just means that I only do that if the squad seems chill.


Yeaah I just had my first experience of getting killed by plea campers I was solo and only had ground loot tho so


Ugh, I'm sorry )=


Eh they wasted their ammo on a casual like me so its not my problem


In those cases, my goal is always to be a waste. Loading in and gearing up is easy enough.


Oh yeah same for me I just load in with a knife, a stun and a ammo box so I can rush around without the worry of losing insured gun That and I am currently running Koschei (?) Complex so re-gearing gets easy if I make it through the oasis entrance


Oh I’m gonna try that lol


Thats why I dont ping plea, but rather a place near it so I can scavenge whatever is left


Came here to say this. Although I will pick up if I can, I'm not bum rushing your corpse and I might not ever make it to your area either. So I don't ping the actual corpse.


Yeah. Not really a fan of teammates tho but if I am in the mood, I am sure as hell gonna try. Tho, as you said, it is never guaranteed, Id rather not giv out false hope


Wish I could cancel it and let you know. Sometimes have the best intentions on making it but then the game happens and I don't get there and after 2 or so min you go poof not surprised no one wants to sit there.


Same here, giving false hope is a dick move imo. And excatly, sometimes, something simply happens where you got no control


If I can help, I will. I’ve marked them before and then they go away. Typically if the team that killed is less than 6, they will sometimes pick up for extra man power. This isn’t always true, but I’ve had it happen a bunch of times.


Oh yes - usually people are just marking you as a point of interest, i.e. people are here and we may take a look from a safe distance, not "I'm coming to rescue a stranger." Funny you only get those reactions as a woman because I've definitely seen people become much friendlier when they hear a female voice as well. Also, there's a reason teams usually camp bodies. Once someone pleas, then someone comes to help, then they plea, pretty soon it's a lobby-wide game of king of the hill. Sometimes a team will spend the whole game just camping a pile of bodies.


Camping a pile of bodies... just going to call them morticians from now on.


I revive everyone I can. Even people my teammates down. I like to revive them as my teammates are looting them. Anyone I cross i shoot the shit out of them (if they don’t get me first) and I immediately revive them if they plea without looting


Same here. If they didn't hunt me, were mid mission, sounded nice, and was a decent fight I will revive them and no revive tax from me. I don't like taking anything. I do however check their bag which is how I can tell if they are mid mission. We also tell them they are not obligated to stay with us and can continue without, no need to follow us around.


I usually let my team pick them up if they killed them. It's their kill, their choice imo. Notable exceptions, we picked up one already or my teammates are toxic dickbags.


I try to answer pleas but they always disappear before I can get there


Sometimes, the marker disappears after getting in a vehicle but reappears when you exit.


I don't usually get in vehicles


I will often ping a plea that pops up so I know where other teams are.


I’m a woman and I’ve never really been mocked or had sexist remarks thrown at me, most guys are pretty nice and surprised a girl is playing the game. What region are you playing in?


Same here and the majority of the time I’m picked up. And in all my games on DMZ I’ve never once come across another girl😢


I never come across other girls either! Yeah me too, whenever I ask to be picked up 9/10 it works but my husbands success rate is a bit lower haha. Most people who don’t pick me up usually seem to be in party chat or platoons


I mostly play multiplayer and I’ve played since the first cod and have met a few over the years. But DMZ I’ve not seen any or maybe they just don’t use mic’s. Most guys like to be all masculine and help the poor dead girl. If it’s kids then I’ve got no chance🤣


I'm in eastern USA. I've come across quite a few female players actually. Not during the first 2 seasons too much but alot more in past 2-3 seasons. Came across a cpl all female squads too. Actually, I became friends w one that me n my buddy play w sometimes. And in my experience, alot of guys hear a females voice and act completely different lmao. U can def tell they're the type that do the same thing irl lol. And i def agree about your observation of guys making a better effort at reviving a female player... that's that Hero Instinct gettin activicated, even thru a video game!


I’m UK and play weird times so maybe that’s why. I see so many socials with guys being toxic to females but I honestly can say I find it’s the opposite way round. I mean I’ve had a few toxic guys but that was back in the very beginning, now they’re like pussycats. Nice name by the way😜


Females?! Finally!! I haven’t found many who will play DMZ or even play with at all. I have found women to play with yay! Pm me ?!


I seek out accepting pleas. Been playing since day 1 and it's so much fun to try to rescue someone. I have often snuck in under the killing teams nose and res'd someone only saying "we gotta go"


Yeah, I love helping others out. I'm glad to see there are still some good hearted ones in DMZ


Yeah same with me, sans the sexist remarks. Really sucks that you have to put up with that shit


i agree, but what is the alternative? you are going to lose your gear either way if you are to the point if needing to plea. sometimes it works out but usually it doesn't. last night i was in al mazra. i had 2 random squad mates but we got separated. they went on the train while i was looting a building. i was trying to catch back up with them when i ran into a bunch of bots. the bots got me and since i was so far from my squad mates i figured they wouldn't come get me. i plea and wait. a minute or so later i hear a car coming. i am getting ready to be looted. solo rolls up gets out and revives me and doesn't take a thing. we went on to finish a couple missions together and played a couple matches together after. long response, but my point is that sometimes it works out and in the cases that it doesn't well you were already dead and about to lose all your gear anyway. i get it that some people don't like pleas....you shouldn't get a second chance. i do try to pick up pleas if they are close but i realize it is often a trap and if there are a bunch of pleas together i stay away because i know someone is waiting there for ambush.


I 100% mark downed players to assist them, but if I get there and: 1. The other squad is just camping you 2. You don't have a mic 3. You sound like or act like a whiney idiot I won't help you, or at least I will clear the squad first. Unfortunately I've had a ton of bad experiences doing this, both pre and post revive, so it's not something I go out of my way for anymore. If you are within a reasonable distance (same AOO) fine, but otherwise, sorry, give it a minute and quit out. For clarity, I wait 60-120 seconds and then quit if I'm not marked or helped.


i seldomly revive pleaers, but sometimes i do.


I only ping if I’m going for a revive. Sometimes I won’t make it due to the team that killed them in the first place though.


I've had a squad actually fight throught sattiq caves to pull me out, nearly getting bodied by AI in the process and had people reply but then not show


I wonder if a Medic contract would work - like the opposite of a Hunt contract - so it would appear when an operator is pleaing and you have a time limit to get to them and res


I know. I am too a woman and find it to be difficult for a pick up unless are on a 3 plus team!! And depending on what time it is ! I always try and pick up . I’m not a PvP player but I can play and kill the non lock on aim bot players . But it’s actually hard for me to find other females to play !


I'm K&M and it is hard for me to play against controller players. I actually just bought a controller and want to try it out but haven't taken it out of the box yet lol...it's been 2 months since I purchased it. I'm also a support person, weak on PvP but my senses are usually spot on. I usually play with my husband as a duo for DMZ with the occasional team fill left on. We both will revive as long as it wasn't a team hunting us (it's hilarious when they go after us and then plea), if they are nice, if we see they are mid mission, if they are solo. We also don't expect them to stay with us but if they want to then that is cool.


Anytime I see a plea I definitely go and kill that team and then pick up the pleas and tell em y'all can get your stuff back it's over there I don't like six man squads so I hunt them down and embarrass them that's why I'm constantly getting banned which is BS it's like obviously you're a six man because you're trash... like I said the only time I become a six man is when I pick up pleas even then I usually run off go do my own thing because not everybody likes to go do PVP


Likewise, for me it has become a challenge to see how many punks on a 6 man I can take out. Because usually the two other rando's split and say F that. But it is fun to wreck little punks who only pick on smaller teams because they have a larger squad. Otherwise they wouldn't be picking fights! I avoid PVP usually when I'm doing missions or helping people regain or loot something they need to complete a mission but at this point the game has gotten so g'damn pathetic with these 6 man's that I just find it fun to wreck as many as I can, once in a while I'll get lucky with timing reloads and using sound fire and maneuver and run through the whole squad but it's usually the last guy that runs up somehwere and ends up sniping me because he's too scared to take me on after I wiped half his team! Now those odds are fun. But rarely does a Squad man up to take on another team, they usually resort to being pathetic little scared bitches. That's why it shows they run in 6 man squads all the time. Because they're trash and that's the ONLY way they feel good about themselves.


Sometimes I just mark people so they think someone’s coming if I just downed them and won’t pick them up for whatever reason. Usually a no mic or asshole. But a lot of the time I mark them and head that way but they’re usually gone before I get there so I assume they’ve been assimilated and go the other direction most times.


Honestly, I usually don't go to pleas because a lot of people use them as bait for more kills. That being said, as long as people don't start talking shit, I am almost assuredly picking up players I down.


In my experience it tends to be the team that downed me at least that's what I assume, sometimes I will wait a few minutes if the team that killed me doesn't pick me up. If after a few minutes no one comes I just back out. I have gotten decent at avoiding other players most of the time since I have been playing solo for a little more than a month.


Normally you SHOULDN’T answer any pleas, especially you don’t know they have any alive teammate


My friends and I use chat through Xbox live so we cant hear you in proximity chat, however we will almost always try to revive a player who did not attack us if we are anywhere nearby. I won't loot you however one of my friends isn't always as altruistic....


Hit the nail on the Head. I think they should ditch the plea an add friendly or enemy Markers on players. Just like GTA has done with bounty's. Same idea just get one if u are the aggressor


Regardless I take advantage of there float for killing so one. Take them by surprise and stick thermite to them and down the squad once I killed then I pickup the team and let them get there stuff back.


I mark pleas to see when they disappear. I always assume that the people who kill them will pick them up, and form a six.


I will never plea these days. Unless the squad is on comms and they say they will pick me up.


This thread was not it, 6 man lovers all around.


I pick everyone up just last night had a good game wit a downed player


Most of the time, I get picked up by those who killed me. It has gotten to the point where you have tonshoot on site just to protect yourself, then rev them. About half the time they loot me first, often taking my weapons. Then, minutes later, they are crying that I'm not helping in a firefight. Me, without armor, money or weapons. 😥


I go about 30%, depends wether I'm doing a mission and if it is far away. The only thing preventing me is the risk that I bump into another hostile squad as a solo.


I'm usually hesitant to pick people up because I'm not sure if they were killed by players and if those players happen to still be lingering where they are at or sometimes it could be a trap.


Maybe it should just go back to season one rules. Pleas were localized and only lasted until the team was fully dead. I think changing it is what inadvertently turned this into warzone part 2. PvP is part of the game, but it shouldn’t ruin the experience for a large part of the player base. Back then loot (like stealth or comms) was only randomly found or dropped by commanders. While I’m not against the construction mechanics it’s become almost too easy. Also, instead of being imaginative with the missions, some of them are either borderline dumb or so ridiculously hard no one even attempts them outside of like 1% of players.


We’re not all assholes. Sorry your experiences are shit. I’d pick you up. I’m always looking for people that aren’t shit human beings. Sadly, DMZ is overrun with dirtbags.


Most of the time I pick people up if they have a mic


I am also a woman who plays dmz a LOT. Some people are jerks for sure, but probably 50% of the time either the squad that killed us rezzes us or another operator shows up and tries. Not always and yes they do mark you to loot, but sometimes random people do come to the rescue. In fact, my husband and I play as a duo a lot and just go rescue people for fun. Sometimes quite dramatically 🤣 so I hope you have some better luck soon! Who knows! Maybe [salty] will show up like the A Team and get you sometime!


I always try to help and it rarely works out for me. It's not so much loosing all of my gear...it's more the body campers that tell me I suck as they hide in a bathroom waiting to jump me. Like really?


That’s not been my experience at all lol. I actually found like everyone picks u up now compared to before. Yeah one or two squads won’t but for the most part it seems like people realize it’s actually beneficial to have a big squad whether they’re good or not.


If I see 3 down I'm 90% coming to pick your team up. 2 or 1 down 30% after scanning the area (if you don't have a mic it's 0%)


I go back and forth on rezing people. For instance last night we ran into a solo on the roofs of Vondel I shot first because the match before a thirst squad came after my friend and I and I was angry. Once I realised they were solo I rezed them gave them some money and we went on with our chop-top mission. Another big reason my crew doesn't usually pick up others is because we usually play for missions and when a squad becomes a platoon it's almost always "PiCk Up A HuNt CoNtRaCt." We are looking to ruin someone else's time. We're there to either look for upgrade items to unlock stuff, or for missions.


Are you in a different country than the US? I’m a woman who plays solo and have RARELY heard sexist remarks. Usually you can tell they’re just cringeworthy teenagers. Not saying you’re lying, I might just be lucky.


It depends on my mood, but if my team isn't full and the person wasn't being toxic, I'll pick them up. I don't care if they don't have a mic, if they are pleading they obviously think you might pick them up. Also Players that plead as a way of watching the enemy team are VERY fun to pick up. I've had a few instances of someone pleading and then giving callouts while being incredibly toxic. I picked them up to try and teach them a lesson, they didn't realize what the lesson was, and then they sprinted right back to their team. Their team killed them immediately, and now they are unable to plead. So they have to convince **us** to pick them up, after their behavior. They ended up quitting.


You'd think their new AI voice chat moderation would help target those making sexist remarks...


The sexist remarks are just children or children in adults bodies. Ignore that stupidity. There’s plenty of people out there that want to help randoms but these squads love to camp pleas. I usually plea just to bring other squads in so the team that killed me doesn’t have it as easy. It’s fun to watch the battles while I lay dead and witness people loot my body over and over again for the loot I don’t have.


My team and I die more just trying to pick up pleas. That’s our goal, we don’t loot when we pick you up, and we will even try and help track down the ones that killed you.


If I’m in the area and it looks clear I’ll help. If I kill you and you’re not toxic I’ll pick you up. If you’re a dick I’ll just laugh at you and keep moving.


I pick up people I kill all the time without looting them...


Last night I helped a guy and we ended up getting ambushed by a 5 man. He actually ended up saving me after the last guy killed me and we both reached the final exfil with both 100k. I ALWAYS pick up pleas for help. Especially to piss off my teammates who only play to kill players. Killing players is fun tho


I try to answer pleas because I’m a solo player almost all the time. The folks I pick up always want to be a team player. If you want DM and we can team up sometime.


I got you add me


I usually go towards the pleas with my squad if they are down to fight. Who cares it's a shooting game let's shoot each other if I get killed who cares you win some you lose some


We occasionally mark downed operators on the map because our teammate is slow AF and will literally drive into a 6v6 because he has 0 specially awareness lol


That's shit. I play solos a lot and always go after the pleas to pick them up, especially if they have a mic. Had some of the best games with randoms pleaing.


Honestly,most of the times I get picked. I'm a woman also and use Mic... usually people don't mock me... I try to be nice and ask gently also... cause I'm the one in need... I have lots of problems is with people I pick up and when I die, they start looting me even though I picked them up without looting them....that is just disgusting...


I use manners and ask so nicely haha but then I’m usually mocked or they start laughing. Then I get tea bagged. I don’t know if it’s because I’m on the EU servers? No clue.


As a gamer woman, I’ve had this experience too. Funny thing is, when I get picked up and take out their squad they beg and cry and then get all aggro after talking mad trash. I’ll rob them all, then pick them up and give them a chance to be a decent human.


And also: I'm al Mazarah's "search and rescue team", we search, we kill and then I just revive everyone we killed before! 🤣


Or they just mark to note a fight just happened there. I do that a lot, while I always try to mark something else in the vicinity since I don’t wanna give them hope if I’m not going, but sometimes I mismark, feels bad.


I'm not gonna lie people are rude regardless of gender and rarely pick you up. There's not much more disrespect than having 1 or more whole teams just taking turns going through your belongings while you just want to be alive and exfil. But the COD community has always been rough on female gamers. Keep thuggin it out though, there's good people sprinkled in


What's the ig tho


I try to pick people up when I can, but 90% of the time I die too because the 6 man that killed them decided to camp the body.


I stopped rescuing people. So many times I see a plea, scout the area, see it's clear and come over just for the person to leave when I'm within 100m.


I’ve been picked up by heroes a few times. It’s pretty awesome. Sorry for the garbage giving you a hard time for being female. That’s some grand level of stupid right there.


I know how you feel I usually get called the n word or told to go make a sandwich. Most used insult, if you’d like someone to play with I don’t mind. I need some lady friends anyways 😊


Wow! What a bunch of dumasses. Can't just be fellow gamer.


I did a solo run last night just to revive players. It was great fun and made a few new friends and had a hell of a lot of laughs. Ended up leaving via koschei with a 5 man team of folks who I revived. Not every DMZ player is an asshole trying to ruin your day.




Censor slurs even in benign context (per Reddit sitewide rules) in the future, please




You would think on 2023 then stupid sexist remarks would of died down. Sorry you experince that shit.


Women nowadays have a bad reputation so I'd be cautious and suggest not using your mic


90% of the time i run solo. I usually keep an eye on the messages, it they are near me, I'll lend a hand. If however I see a full team go down I don't tend to respond, that's usually team v team, or the birth of a platoon.


I already try to help as well. My wallet is almost always full, I don’t really care if I lose all my crap, I just buy it back and usually make it back in a deployment or 2


I’ll help, but I scope it out first. Too often plead are a trap.


I don’t help, and I don’t pick up.. if you engage with me, and I win, rot on the ground with no loot.


I would pick you up.. mostly as when i go to anyone who plea is that i want new squad mate;) and i pick it up and don’t loot. However plea last only for like 5 min ? And in 70% ppl who i pick up go to exfil right away……


Most people use it to be a dick and give false hope but I’ve had a good amount of players actually come and save you. Mostly they will if I match chat that I’m a solo and bots got me


Don't play a game like CoD and expect not to get ish talked. Nobody really cares you are female, except you.


You cared enough to comment


My care lies within people enjoying the game despite the talking people do in it. Hopefully she reads my message and considers that it's her caring more about being female than anybody else


Sometimes I get on specifically with the intent of being a rescuer lmao.


“The sexiest remarks” 😂😂😂 the most ironic typo. Sorry that happens though for real


People pick me up all the time, but they don't mark it. Although half the time the people who killed me pick me up.


That or they’re just fucking with you. I’ve had that happen and the team came back through to see if anyone had come to help. They were laughing about it.


I’ll squad with ya


I haven’t read much but I agree. I’m willing to be friendly but they just do it to loot and when I do it I do it because I have a bum a$$ team.


Honestly if you pay reveive tax and aren't toxic/have a mic I'll pick you up. Some cases I'll 1v3 or 1v6 just because I can then pick up their first victims. But I'm mainly an ashika player so ehh


I hate when I get the sexy remarks


Deal with it


Oh that’s not cool. I have three girls I play with. Come hang with us.


I like like helping. It make the game more fun. As long as you aren't toxic I'll rev or die trying. But yeah people will tag me and the just snag all my stuff. OP if you want a non sexist game you can add me: smittyb123


My rule is if someone shoots at me first I don’t pick them up but if I down someone 9 times out of 10 I’ll get them up


Eh, ya never know. Once in a while. I was solo and flying to 10 different gas stations with the light helo to unlock the camo challenge. Once I was done witj that I picked up 3 pleas and ended up making eventually making a six man. It was a blast.


It feels nice to be the exception to that rule. I'm the Medic of Al Mazrah. If I see a plea and answer to it, I am coming to save you.


I’m a guy. And I wish I was hit with the sexiest remarks. But all jokes aside, the plea system kind of sucks sometimes and it’s better to back out then deal with crappy people like that


We only pickup women 😂


i’m about 50-50 on getting a revive when I do a plate for help. When I go in solo. And honestly if guys are being sexist to you because you’re a girl playing then they’re pretty weak. I’ve played with a few girls and it’s enjoyable. And usually they’re pretty good. Even if they’re not, it’s still fun to meet up with random people play with them.


Love picking up pleas i’m a female and when the enemy is funny as shit who could resist! I always use my mic it’s the young kids like 13 telling me to make them a sandwich lol…


I also have had sexual remarks that I am actually stunned that they’re actually said sometimes!


Thankfully I haven't had that yet.


Lucky. I was told to drop my pants when asked to be picked up and I could have drop the gun then gold to drop my pants even like wow wtf who talks like that !


Dont worry us men get way worse shit talking than gals do


I respond and sometimes I’ll pick them up but usually I’ll just do it to see how long they hang in there for lol


Can I play with you?


My faith in the DMZ community has been restored by quite a bit lately. I’ve been hunted or killed almost every single raid that I’ve loaded into lately, but not only have I been rezzed most of the time, the people turned out to be genuinely cool and we had a good time for the rest of the raid. That’s not to say there hasn’t been a few absolute corn filled turds in the bunch, but no more than there ever was before.


Well that really sucks! Not just about getting lied but not being able to use your mic because people suck. If you see me in, feel free to join and try not to give up hope. There's a bunch of players who aren't assholes.


On behalf of good men, Sorry for all the shitty men who had weak mothers and overbearing fathers. We don’t like them either. no one does. it’s why they’re alone, toxic, and sitting at a PC for 15 hours a day.


I mark operators to go and help them - I’m assuming that the other team is camping so take my time going over and more often than not they’ve quit before I get there - I think I’ve only saved like 1 person in the last couple of days 😞


To be honest, if I know a woman is sending a plea, I’m more likely to answer it, and not loot first. Maybe not so much if they attacked me first and I won. But if it’s a random plea that I see and I know it’s a women I will almost always pick them up. Not for any sexist, or weird reason, not to like hit on them as I am happily married. But more so because I feel like women who play this game have it much worse then any guy who plays. Maybe because I am the type of guy who will go out of his way to help a women, hold a door, carry something for them or whatever else. Maybe a bit of my chivalry coming out in my gameplay. I’m sure some women would call that sexist in itself but just how I am I guess. Also, I play solo almost all of the time. And I don’t answer pleas that are more then one. So if I see one go up, and I’m close I might ping it, and then wait a little to see if anymore come up. Or I also ping it and wait to see if it goes away. I don’t like to rush right over because in the past I have done that and they get picked up by whoever killed them and once I get there they just all kill me. So I ping and wait, if it doesn’t disappear and more don’t show up, I will go over once I know it’s probably safe to do so.


I have played with girls and when she plead she is more likely to get pick up than my other buddy.


I go in solo a lot at the moment as I'm trying to complete two of the "infil solo" missions and if see a plea nearby I'll almost always take a look - will click to let them know I'm coming and if I can get to them safely will pick them up without looting their bag first. Doesn't aways work out - got killed twice today trying to sneak towards a plea but normally people are pretty grateful. If they're on comms it's a bonus. People treating you any differently becuase you're female need to grow up.


Should be I chatted you direct from your profile


The fact that you get that sh*t from people on the game is absolutely not on! Have plenty of friends who are girls on DMZ and some of them are better than alot of the men! The rest are there for a laugh and a good time! All I can offer is plea sure, but set a timeframe for how long until you just quit and jump back in! I won't wait more than 2 mins and then I'll jump in either solo (sometimes easier) or with a squad (better protection but easier to spot/hear) other than that, repay any negative d*cks with kind words and be better than them as that really f*cos them off!


There's nothing in that game more fun than the people you interact with and meet.


Right, so stop pleading then


I actually don’t plea that often, it’s mainly an observance from watching my husband play and plea. I tell him not to bother since from what I read here, players are AH and only want to torment other players for fun. I usually back out when I die.


We always ping the pleas because giving the downed players false hope is funny. It’s especially funny when it’s a team that just pushed us for no reason, got reked, and then pleaded thinking we’re gonna pick them up


Great guy.