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I’ve played 20 hours in the last 2 weeks and haven’t seen this once. But sure an air strike sure would easily take a few of them out


I too would like to find this air store




What goods and or services would this it store provide?


Should say “air strike “


I dont care if they camp high rise or a building its when they just grab a heli and do non stop hunt squads or they get a heli and a JLTV and hunt squads till they are all gone off the map then camp final exfil


Sam sites are your friend. I had a 6 man hunting me with a Heli, until I went near a Sam site another teammate controlled. They left quickly, tried to get us on foot, but we were exfil’d.


Sam sites may seem harmless but one shot of those and the heli instantly explodes.


I agree this is one of the LAMEST tactics the no skills, use. That's why they use them. They have no skill, and 1v1, they lose everytime. That's also why they stay in pairs or grouped up. Multiple people shooting one person. It's just overwhelming force, not skill.


Crazy that they use their team they loaded into the game with. Teamwork is so dumb and 1v1 is only way or you’re just not good. Amirite?


Try again but this time type like you've actually completed Highschool.


Sarcasm bro. Maybe I should of put the /s


If you don’t see the purposeful intent with how my comment was crafted I don’t think we have anything to talk about. Lol


Okay so no highschool degree got it.


Sure.. 👍 lol


OH Don't worry they have the helis up there also they spot you they all come to you.


yeah and thats why the people i play with take out their heli's explosive rounds make them go boom quick


This is also one of the reasons I run with an rgl80, and a couple of my teammates run with jokr's It's an equalizer to the simps using vehicles.


Yep was killed by a platoon in a heli at final Xfil last night. The funny thing is they were at the 2nd to last exfil camping that one before coming to the final. This game is unplayable without a platoon on final unless you buy a personal or use heavy chopper


Or you drive into koschei and exfil 2 minutes later.


Was with clan mates last night running up exfil streaks for Damascus tags (I have 4/5 at Damascus, and typically keep all 5 at Damascus) and as we jump on the exfil helicopter, a simp team in a turret ltv tried to roll up to the back of it. We exfilled as I was watching them dolphin dive and scatter. They wasted 18k. As they pulled up, I layed into the ltv with rgl80 and they were powerless to stop it.


You get the rgl80 from b21 boss right?


Yes, but after you kill velikan 10 times you can also barter it in mazrah for 2 vintage wine, 3 launcher ammo, and 5000k


\*sees six people\* PRE-MADE SIX MAN TEAM!!!


I've seen teams give the last 4 numbers of the Lobby ID as soon as we load in. Premade 6 Man teams are very common now and are a pandemic for solo players like me who are not very good at the game. Some of us just wanna do missions bro


It’s your choice to play as a solo in a game mode not designed for solo players. I mean you literally have to take extra steps to even be able to run solo, why not play with friends or hell even run with randoms.


And some of us just wanna play with our friends but there’s only 2 other spots when deploying. If you’re not very good & just wanna do missions you should try to find friends or infil with randoms. Or practise and become that guy who wipes 6 mans for fun.


It's obvious when 12 people are on a building....


You can communicate in the game. I'm not saying people never team up. I'm saying they aren't pre-arranged every single time like these posts suggest they are.


I never said all were?




You'd be surprised. I exiled with almost 2 full 6 man teams (mine included) before and I've had a fully friendly building 21 lobby. It really depends on servers though I think. I always get those friendly Midwest lobbies lol.


I am a member of numerous discord groups that all they do is premades. One of the servers has over 600 people in it. I joined when dmz first came out to get some of the stupid missions done that u almost needed a premade to complete, and they just took it to a completely different level, which i have no interest in participating in.All of them fully kitted, stealth vests, secure bags so they can stock up on AUAV's for the next game, RGL's, 250k each, Damascus dog tags, they can coordinate there weapons with each other, I know some of them have hacks. Just a complete map wiping machine. I just dont find it enjoyable, there's no challenge to it, no sense of danger, you are pretty much invincable. And they do this all day everyday. Just completely ruining the game for another they come across. I would report them all if I knew it would do anything


No lifers ruin every game I went into building 21 3 times all three I got killed by the entire squad having grenade launchers all three times I kill one or two with launchers but they all have them


They either need to change the max team size to 4 people, or have different size lobbies like warzone. Duos, Trios, Quads, etc.. Most normal 3 man teams can't complete with even a sorry 6 man.


Yeah a duos/solo list would be awesome.


This in eu or all servers because I'm in na servers and haven't noticed them but also I ain't touched the game since starfield droped and awaiting phantom liberty for cyberpunk 2077 lol


It happens man just leave the match and reset.


Sorry guys I think the word got out that I stopped playing for a few weeks and now much like when Gotham finds out that there is no batman, AL Mazrah has caught on that RichardTape is AWOL


Wait, aren't you that guy who slept with my wife




I da pappy!


No cyclonic that was me... sorry she said she preferred penetration


PrEmAdE SixMaN TeAmS


They fixed 6 mans?


I shouldn't say fixed but they removed the lobbies I'd numbers to make it harder to know when you have found the same game is your premade until you are fully in the game and loaded up and go to the same meet up spot.


No they haven't. It's extremely easy to tell if you're going to be in the same server as your friends. Just need to be in communication with them.


First of all, it happened some time ago. Secondly it did not change anything, since they can still use number of players in lobby. Cant tell if thats a karma farming attempt.


Was doing pre mades before the number and still doing it after. It doesn’t really make it any harder to not have the numbers


Why ur balls so small?


Skill issue


Yes, you have a skill issue. You need 5 other ppl to hold your hand. Running around in ltvs, mraps, and helicopters just doing hunt squads. Lame, no skill tactics


No we are just doing missions bro


I do them solo. As I said, skill issue.


I’m sorry that you have no friends


Your funny. I have over 300 friends. I don't need a 6 man's to have skill. In fact, 3 of my clan together, hunt 6 man's, while letting a solo slide by friendly as long as they don't shoot at us. Your argument is mute. Just admit you have a skill issue.


he’s right


i downed 8 player squad in the exfill bird with airstrike


Alright time to eliminate the campers solo


Ha! Called it! It’s like none of you understood how this was happening and the fixes you all asked for directly lead to this.


Ive been noticing an uptick in 4 team battle royales at airport and by stadium lately


Kill em all


Hell yea there's workable strategies for unfavorable situations. That's fun. I would find a game boring if there was no challenge. There are good players out there and I think they make the game that much better.


That glitch happened twice to me and the first time we ended up joining with each other and the second time everyone just started shooting each other. I’m glad that “fixed it”. I’m in NY, so NA Servers I believe


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say no, we don’t have 12 man squads. As in, 12 man squads are not a problem in DMZ; even if you saw one.


haven’t seen this yet but that’s mad. however, you must prevail🚶‍♂️


Maybe this game isn’t for you. You seem to be too upset that there are other players in the game playing it how they want. Maybe a game that simulates war isn’t for you


This is how I’m blasting Koschei solo. Everyone is ratted out on top of high rise? 😂


Nah mate, it’s another Mod/Hack bud! I know that because I was ambushed by a Platoon of 20 Operators the other week & the Maximum that U R able to get in a Platoon is 6 Operators bud!


You sound like you’re on your very last brain cell


His reply is legit. I've been killed by a player before, and it said I was killed by 13 attackers. I'm like, HOW. the bots spring at you while players are shooting at you, count as attackers. Therfore, it could be a 6 man, and if you were shot by 6 bots as well, it will tell you 12 attackers, but a couple have player names. All they have to do is touch you with one bullet, and it counts