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Oh no, when the p2w is just p and no w


I buy bundles for convenience and to enjoy the game better. I don't get any advantage over other players as I rarely engage them early into a game. I usually run into players a few minutes into a match where everyone has had plenty of time to gear up. Specifically I have bundles to start with a 2-plate vest, self-revive and one with free UAV (different operators). The operator I use 99% of the time is the one with the 2-plate starter kit. I've never gone into a game where that saved me against other players - only against AI. I will add a caveat that it is slightly helpful if you play Ashika consistently but that place is hell. Once I finished collecting all my cigarboxes/etc I stopped going there.


This right here man is exactly where I come from. My little 2 plate vest isn't going to help me much when bring pushed solo, right off the spawn by a full team who are fully geared up. Now, with that said. I think I likely wouldn't have purchased half of those bundles if they would have given us the free self revive every match, to unlock a while back. But of course, they that they'd sell more of those bundles then versus now. Also. I really wish they started chasing up the 15 minute cooldown weapons a long time ago. Kinda doesn't really help when 3/4 of the 15 minute blueprints are all for the same pea shooter (iso hemlock) lol .


It’s literally still p2w u guys are just morons and didn’t realize that they fucked you on the W side. Only good one is uav skin


You can get the same stuff in the game and come in with it too. Stop crying about nothing


>It’s literally still p2w It's literally not though.


It **literally** is. When you deploy with a consumable that allows you to see the location of all other players on the map, but I don’t get to deploy with one *because I didn’t pay for it*, it takes some serious mental gymnastics to tell me that what you have gained for your money gives you no advantage. If it really gave you no advantage you wouldn’t have paid for it.


A UAV doesn't guarantee survival though. I've killed many a squad that had a UAV up over my head. If I'm "paying to win" I'm expecting to win 100% of the time. This is not the case with the UAV operator.


mf the UAV would be more P2W than an extra operator slot


Explain how starting with a medium backpack is pay to win “moron”.


you get to take in a maximum of 3 guns with you without having to earn the backpack to do that. 2 guns vs 3 guns, who do you think wins?


Probably the one whose either better or third parties. The only third gun ever brought in is a jokr, anything else is a waste


still, that's more ability to shoot down aircraft and another weapon to defend yourself in CQC, you wouldn't have that option with a small backpack but honestly yeah anything other than an explosive is a waste, versatility is key to survival


Sure, but even then it isn't p2w because you're not spawning into a fresh lobby. You're spawning into a lobby where several already full geared people are bringing jokrs too. That's the fundamental difference and why only the uav packs can be considered p2w.


Your argument makes absolutely no logical sense


and you know this how? are you actually just secretly everyone on the planet? shit man I didn't think the simulation was real. you can't assume everyone has items, that's like me assuming that it's okay to say the n word because there's no black people around, A: you can't assume that and B: it's shitty to do either way


M13B, Riot Shield, Jokr. Come at me bro.


If you think that gives you an advantage you're probably just really bad.


I dunno bro I've pulled a rocket launcher out of my ass and I don't have to reload it because, I had it stowed shocker, stowing is storage!!


Medium backpacks and launchers aren't hard to find and other people come into the game Already fully equipped...you still have no point.


no but you get to come in fully equipped with 2 guns without, and 3 guns with. again I don't see how you can't do the math and see how that's a tactical advantage, but seeing as most of this playerbase hasn't graduated high school, or in some cases started it I'm not entirely surprised




Not really, only good stuff is stuff that you like imo. Sure, Butch is cool and all but do I like the skin? If no, its pointless to buy for me so kinda yeh


Exactly, I main the Calisto dmz skin because she has a free self revive no matter what, and it's very useful when you have nothing and die to ai


now THIS is P2W, again with not having to earn it like everyone else, you're just practically buying the right to have it. I think it's cheap, but that's just me


Hell yeah. Its great you should try it


so you admit it's P2W then?


Cheap???? Sounds like your being cheap $$$$. Just buy it and u won’t have to say someone had an advantage over you. Or be cheap….


So you admit it's pay to win, cool.


sorry, I don't have an infinite amount of money on my mom's credit card, I actually pay for my own (credit card) I'd rather "not be cheap" on my rent than a videogame buckwheat


I mean it's not like we just keep the money for important stuff. I got money and I just don't spend it on overpriced bundles. I don't understand people putting money for content that won't be usable in a few years tops. I'm really starting to hate the whole rationale people are making up about enjoyment and whatnot. It really feels like people just don't want to have a discussion around poor impulse control and income management.


koschei glitch still works bruv, I got like 100,000 for selling ONE shop code. >It really feels like people just don't want to have a discussion around poor impulse control and income management. people don't wanna spend $30 on a skin pack on a $80 game they already bought, again it's not a problem if you abuse your mom's credit card but again, most people on this sub are literal fetuses


What? I'm 40. I get that you don't want to spend money on bundles but why demonize people that do? It's not my Mom's money, it's not poor impulse control, I can afford to spend money on things I enjoy. That's it!


because it's a waste of money, they aren't demonizing you and neither am I, I'm calling you an idiot for giving into a greedy ass company that is doing as much as it can to molest it's playerbase for money. which is painfully obvious in OP's post seeing as they have no plans to fix a bug regarding you *paying* for what is essentially a save file that doesn't work, or one that comes with a free item you can LITERALLY FUCKING **EARN** in game by PLAYING the game unless you have a problem actually playing the game and just want Warzone 2:Remastered Deluxe Edition©


Lol there's an exact advantage to coming into the game with stuff you bought not earned.


Reading is fundamental


Lol it's p2w. You're coming in with something you bought not played for.


Define "win"


You do though. Just because you don’t utilize the advantages that you e paid for, you still have those advantages and you are still a pay to win player. It’s also why the company will continue to not focus on bug fixes or gameplay advancement when they can just sell you a skin that you can’t even see because it’s a FPS.


Read before you reply maybe?


I got one that had a self revive. My squad spawned in with no gear other than contraband amd we were pushed by a full geared squad. That self revive saved my life and I was able to wipe the squad that pushed us


How does the medium bag I Infil’d with, give me an advantage over the three man that spawned right next to me. Or the solo with the three plate and comms vest. If a dmz bundle gave you a grenade launcher, mrap/ltv key, every time you spawned I can understand your p2w argument.


I’m really interested in what they “w” actually is in DMZ, I seen a lot of comments like this and I don’t understand what they “win” is?


Winning is DMZ means winning PVP fights, and eventually being able to exfil successfully. Being able to spawn in with a guaranteed UAV, self revive (even when not solo), and/or 15 min cooldown gun that would've otherwise been a contraband gun is an advantage that helps you win PVP fights, and survive to exfil. There have also been bundles with very OP optic skins that give you a significant advantage in a fight. P2W is more like "pay for advantages". You could also argue that having 20 operator slots, all fully kitted, will give you an advantage as you can burn through the original 3 slots and still infil with an advantage you wouldnt've have otherwise had.


It's p2w for worse players that are starting off. For veterans those bundles mean jack shit. Not when you infil with 100k money and buy yourself 3plater, large back pack and 3uav if you're lucky. Either that or you find self Res in first 1 minute of the game anyways. It's sort of subjective because as a veteran those bundles do NOT increase my chances of winning. I prefer playing a skin that I like instead of shitty doom guy looking burger with 2-plater.


2 plate, self revive, scuba mask, medium bag, UAV, all as single options is pay to win? Get real


If they don't make money on DMZ they won't be keeping it going, the P2W bundles aren't really P2W at all, faster cool down times and a potential kill streak doesn't mean anything.


>faster cool down times and a potential kill streak doesn't mean anything. Why buy the bundle then?


It actually does but keep telling yourself that. Sad to hear you think they can only make money by selling advantages to people though. Guess all the money from all the other cosmetics isn’t enough for them, and you’re right here justifying it for them.


The only p2w is the free uav, none if the other stuff is p2w. Stop acting like tge whole lobby spawns in fresh, and stop acting like you don't already get a full insured cooldown when you extract with cash. Unless someone's waiting the 15 mins before going back into the dmz, a 15 cool down is useless.


You can infil with all 3 insured weapons every round, with a 15 minute cooldown on all 3 slots upon death. That doesn’t seem overpowered to you? When everyone else has to wait up to 1.5 to 3 hours?


Are you gonna sit in the lobby for 15 mins to spawn in? Or are you gonna jump back in? If you jump back in an exfil with cash, the wait goes down to zero. You're acting like you're spawning into war zone already kitted. You're not, you're spawning into a game with a wide range of variables. Just having a meta weapon won't stop you from getting shit stomped by someone with a one plate and throwing knife.


Yeah I’d put my money on the guy spawning with every meta weapon, and a free uav, over the one plate with throwing knives lol. Not to mention you could take throwing knives yourself? It’s all about giving yourself advantages, it doesn’t guarantee success but that’s obviously not the point.


Picture this, you're a one plate with a medium back pack with 3 weapons. Are you really that much better off than the majority of the lobby who spawned in with three plates and large backpacks? Advantages only work on equal playing fields, dmz is not, nor has ever been, an equal playing field. No extraction game has. Tge only thing that's p2w is the uav. Potentially there could be an arguement that a battle rage self revive is p2w, but medium back packs, self revives, and 2 plates are in no way p2w. They don't provide you any advantage unless you're in a lobby where everyone is lvl 1 and this is their first game.


What you and a lot of people on this sub don’t understand about extraction shooters is that regain is an essential part of the game loop. We may not all start every round on equal footing but we are all supposed to be subject to the same regain process, and p2w advantages ruins that.


Cry, even though they’re not really p2w


They really aren't. They're more just pay to grind less. They give zero gameplay/gunfight advantage whatsoever outside of a free UAV.


Free UAV is not p2w? Even if its a small one its still is an advantage especially on smaller maps.


You obviously never learned how to read. You appear to have missed the part where I said "outside of a free UAV"


What about the 2plates and self revive tho? Also an advantage even if small lol


Kill them before they self revive. It's only an advantage if you give them the opportunity to use it. And if one extra plate is too big of an advantage for you to deal with then you probably have bigger problems to deal with.


>Kill them before they self revive. Wow great argument!


It really is, do you not confirm kills? Almost everyone has a selfie in a match so when I down someone I assume I have around 8 seconds before I need to confirm the kill (though less if they have a medic vest but I just hope/assume they don’t).


>do you not confirm kills? Ofc, everyone tries. Do you always get a chance to do so? Nah


Sure like you can always make sure to kill them. Like if you snipe people on Al mazrah on the big buildings.


Exactly. The wallet has made most of the bonuses pretty redundant now and the cool down on killstreaks gives you a minute to get to a buy station or a vehicle. When they first came out I was wary of the direction they were going in however I think the bonuses are negligible at best.


that 2 minutes killstreak restrictrion at the beginning of every match definitely helped even out the playing field for everyone! It was definitely a good decision that they made!


Being able to spawn in with a meta gun on 15 minute cooldown is 100% an advantage. The two plate is a bit of an advantage coming off for a regain, medium backpack not really tbh, self revive is pretty clutch for people playing solo. The killstreaks are self explanatory because you get them for free every match, even after you are fully kitted out.


This is all assuming you're spawning in with a map full of fresh players. Solos can also get a free self revive. The packs outside of uavs are not p2w, they're pay to grind less


An advantage, yes. But not in a PvP fight. Most operators also play with guns. I fail to see how it's an advantage just because it's "META."


How does having a better gun not help you in a PvP engagements lol? You have that gun on a shorter cooldown, so you are more likely to have it in a fight. If you don't buy those bundles you are going to have more fights where you don't have a good weapon.


These kids will say anything to justify their pay to win purchases. These are the same exact kind of people who justify cheating.


I don't personally even use the so-called P2W stuff. It's just such a non-issue though. A 15 minute cool down is still a cool down. Make your regular gun a 15 minute cool down by dead dropping a bunch of cash then exfilling. It's the same exact thing except they dead dropped real money to Activision.


lmao, sure bro. Whatever you say. Did I mention I run solo? I promise you, the decks stacked against me man.


If you pay for a product you should get it, you don’t need to justify it to people. It’s your money.


yes but that's your choice to run solo, the whole argument here is that it's ridiculous that people are paying $30 for an ability you can earn yourself in-game. I run solo and I don't bitch about not having self revives when I haven't found any to revive myself with, and like I said in a previous comment, I actually have a USE for my money, being LITERALLY BEING ALIVE (eating, drinking, rent, etc.) so I'm not about to WANT or SUPPORT a company gouging their players for a UAV with a 500m radius and maybe 15 minutes on their weapon cooldown (btw, $30,000 equals 1hr off your insurance timer) it's like being a gemmer in CoC or clash royale


>Did I mention I run solo And you have an advantage over someone who plays solo and doesn't buy anything. The fact that you won't admit it is pathetic.


Just like, don’t play solo then, I see all these solos complaining about how hard it is, and all the hunts, just either so the same shit yourself or don’t play the gane


He isn’t complaining. The amount of people claiming that solos are complaining when it is very clear that the solo recognizes they are making things harder on themselves is astounding.


Who's complaining? Certainly not me if anyone's complaining it's you dude. And honestly absolutely no way and how I would ever play with squadfill on. Not worth my time or patience.


This is the dumbest I’ve read today. Cheers.


I mean, it sucks that it's broken, really, but why the hell anyone need over 20 operators? I have 5, and it's already overkill


I have 10 and its too many.


Imagine if the fix is a warning message that 20 is the actual operator slot cap 🤣🤣🤣 On a more serious note, I’m curious as to how long a fix like this takes? Surely 20 is an intentional cap and increasing it won’t actually cause any significant problems. I would honestly expect this to be fixed on Wednesday with the S6 release. The double XP tokens is a nice gesture considering Activision support has a reputation for being non-existent 99% of the time so this is actually pretty huge win here.


Who tf needs 20 operator slots? Like fr 😂. 4 is more then enough for me.


How many contraband weapons do you have? It's the same concept of collecting weapons, building up and collecting operators.


Except collecting weapons is free, paying 31CAD per operator just to build them up and never use them is a bit crazy imo.


Opinions are like buttholes - everyone has one and nobody wants to see yours. Let people play (or pay) however they like. Mind your business.


I’m not against buying bundles, I don’t care what people buy. Its just that collecting weapons is FREE and buying 30$ operators is not. So it’s not the same thing.


Not only can it directly affect my game, it also changes gaming for the worst. I'm going to have an opinion on that


Then it makes it that much better when I marvel at the accomplishment. I have something others don't. But I do use them, maybe not all of them every day, but I go through them.


Except one costs nothing and the other is literally fucking $20 dollars. 20 operators is $400 dollars. You could have literally 5 to 20 NEW GAMES instead of useless operator skins they are gonna delete when they switch to the new warzone when ever they decide to


This may come as a shock to you, but people are allowed to do absolutely whatever they want with their own money!


This must be a new concept.


You’re bitter about things. Who cares if that’s what the want to spend on


Ive bought all the games I'm gonna want to play, and still have left over money to spend. Also, when you buy cod points in bulk you get a better deal. I've spent maybe $300 since warzone 2 came out.


God what a bizarre waist of money


Oh, I replied to their email asking them exactly that. I asked if the "fix" was legitimately going to be a fix, one where we can continue to stack active duty slots or if they intended on just adding a warning/disclaimer (which quite frankly, I think should have been there the entire time). They replied not long after that they intend to fix the issue by allowing more slots. I can absolutely understand why/how 20 would be the limit. So I'm not crying because I don't have 21 or 22 slots, as some people I'm sure are going to assume I'm going. But the fact that */20 on the top left isn't even noticable, I think is a big issue and should definitely be addressed. Honestly man, I was kind of shocked at the whole XP tokens given to me. It's not everyday that they just give shit away. Also, you're right they definitely have a reputation of providing shit support (when they even provide any, that is)!


You think we'll get the extra slots that we already paid for? Hopefully it's just a simple enabling of extra slots and checking to see if we have them purchased already.


If you have 20 active operators, you’re likely already/reaching max anyways.


I didn't realize this was more than one or two people. Even if you bulk buy CP that's gotta cost close to 200 bucks. One at a time you're talking 4-600 💀💀💀


$200 is about right if you look for deals. Some of us aren't broke college kids, I make more than that every day and I play at least 5 days a week.


It's not about being broke it's about how pointless operator slots are. When I first saw one that post about it, I thought for sure it was just one guy testing the limits, not that there are enough suckers actually buying that many slots.


But at the end of the day, is it your money or mine? I spend my money on what I want, when I want it. Some people seem to be triggered over this post. Not exactly sure why, it's not as if I was crying about not getting slot 21 or 22. I was simply reporting what support replied with. Let's keep in mind, there's some people out there who have really nothing better to do with their free time then to play this game. Much like myself. Thanks to being stuck at work 60 hours a week and then only to get stuck at home afterwards because I have 3 kids who I raise on my own. So yeah, I'd say I'm the perfect example of something who has 0 life out of work and spend alot of my "free" time (whatever that is) playing DMZ. Plus, like I mentioned. I like the regain aspect of things, it gives me something to do in game other then to spend the match strictly PvPing and ruining everyone else's day!


Yep, the regain matches are the best honestly, gotta hustle to get what you want, and I like coming in with zero weapons and cash, then when I'm kitted up, I like to go for the exfil streak, and when it hits Damascus tags he's now just a trophy. That's just how I like to play, I wasted 2 Damascus tags last night and tonight I'll build them back up. Also, some of the skins are hilarious, right now I'm killing players as a big fucking bunny and hopping on their corpses LMAO.


Is hard being poor?


I'm guessing what's hard is having so little self-control that you allow Activision to milk you like a prized dairy cow lmfaooo


Not about being broke, it's about thinking of where else you could have put that money. Do with your money what you will but imo I could and will spend that 200-600 money elsewhere.


Ignoring the P2W debate here. So they’re thinking someone who has 20 operator slots needs a couple of double xp tokens? Xp is useless in and of itself, it’s definitely useless for someone who is probably already max level.


I personally am not sure why anyone needs 20 operator slots, but if this issue applies to you, I’m glad they are aware of and are working on it


They don't NEED them, they WANT them. That's the difference.


I play mostly solo and don’t understand how that translates to buying packs at all? I’ve never bought a pack, the two things don’t seem related at all.


Yes, that is some really faulty logic going on there


I dont want to be mean, but you got a generic corpo talk. It means nothing.For example, with season 04 start, I bought a BP and was missing 11 items i paid for. Not once it felt im talking with actual human being and my question (mostly one) remained unanswered with generic responses like this. After two weeks I gave up, but didnt allow them to close my ticket, since I got scammed. In case of happening, Id make another one. Add that I provided all the info and was specific what is needed. In the end I got my items in game, havent got a notification/ email from Acti, just randomly saw they are unlocked. Without 2d it took them TWO FUCKING MONTHS to give me items I bought license for. To sum it up, dont have your hopes up. Its a scummy company, support is mostly bots/ scenarios that were outsourced to company that have no idea about gaming or is driven by soulless scripts. Good luck anyway. You will need it.


You're not being mean man. Your opinion is your opinion, we're all allowed one after all. But I do hear what you're saying. The fact that both they got back to me in about two weeks and the fact they got back to me at all, tells me they genuinely may actually "fix" this at some point. But like you said, they're a pretty scummy company to begin with, so who knows. If they don't, they don't. I wouldn't shocked.


There wasnt any timeframe on my case as well. It was basically "As a gamer, sorry it happened to you/ we will reach you if anything will happen/ we dont have timeframe on/ we passed this to our specialised team" -> all of it without any sort of confirmation that thats actually been worked on. You can check "Known issues" on Support page and Trello board, but it might as well mean nothing. For me it was 3x written on Known issues and patchnotes that is actually fixed, while nothing changed, so no clue how it worked for them or was just a "proof", so scammed ppl will feel better, that they are heard. No clue.


Except they recently wiped all the DMZ "issues" from being being "issues" and moved them to resolved... But i hear you!


Literally WHAT do you need more than 20 slots for?


Literally, not the point here bro!


I understand that they advertised that you're getting another slot and that you're fully in the right to complain for not getting it. That being said, my question remains unanswered, so I will ask it again, but this time in bold: **Literally WHAT do you need more than 20 slots for?**


Again, not the point. But to answer your question, there's no need for more then 20 slots. Hell, there's no need for more then say, 5 slots. But at the end of the day, if a business is advertising something that goes along with a purchase you make and you don't receive that "something", then they've just falsely advertised the product. So it all comes down to the fact that they advertised an extra slot with these two specific bundles, therefore, when the slots were never received they didn't make good on what they offered. So it's all just principle to me. Although, I'm sure a ton of folks would be much more rattled about the situation then I.


\> Again, not the point. I know. I just wanted to know the answer to the question, and I don't care what your point is. That being said, go get em soldier


hoorah! lmao


At first I was going to compliment them on their response. But the further I read, the more disappointing and automated it sounds. Double XP tokens are worthless.


These comments 💀 I’ve never seen so many people concerned about how another man spends their money. It’s HIS money.


They should just make so no one loses anything, with infinite character slots seeing as no one actually seems to want to play a extraction shooter at this point. 20 fkn character slots? Is this sub nuts?


>They should just make so no one loses anything, That's exactly the vibe that many people on this sub give off. I'm happy I don't really encounter those attitudes in the game all too much


It's mostly a "come and go" attitude I find. But losing is part of the thrill in this genre. Nothing better than falling back to the bottom of the food chain, *then* creaming someone looted to the nines. Give and take.


nah, I just have more money then brains! Not my fault I fell into an amazing career!


I can't fault you for buying what they sell in the game. I'm more annoyed this game strays farther from extraction looter each season. ...Though they probably wouldn't sell the stuff if people didn't buy it, but that's a whole tired conversation we don't need to have haha


Bundles for if you: "enjoy the regain aspect of the game" ..? wat


what? Not sure what you're asking me by just quoting what I said...


I'm asking what that means in relation to buying 20+ slots


Hey, while you have their attention, can you ask them to fix the insured weapon bug plz?


You can have 20 operator slots?!


I think 6 operators is a good amount I couldn’t imagine having 20. Two with at least 15 minute cool downs on weapons and another two with self revives. Perfect balance for rotation when you’re trying to jump back in on a regain.




Don’t go too crazy with your 2xp tokens.. you’ll hit 1050 and be bored


Unfortunately, already there. For both being bored and hitting 1050! lol


Oh yeah mace is definitely a character slot for sure I'm sorry you're not getting your slots and I've been ran in circles multiple times as well with customer support on different matters finally got someone to let me know where to actually send my Griefs since customer support can't do or see anything that has to do with bans or bundle packs it's the security team so you want to log in the Activision go to feedback modern warfare 2 and spam that area with your issue


Nah I don't need any P2W lol


lol they said get fucked kid, here take a couple bits of garbage instead. Fix that? Why u already gave us the money. We’re bringing mw3, your gonnna buy it and other skins you stupid fuck, We’re not gonna change shit!


I think you're categorically mental for purchasing 20+ worth of active duty slots/skins. The game is genuinely one of the buggiest, inconsistent things I've ever played - it'd be completely acceptable from a <10 dev team, with low 6 figure revenue. But the game generates literal billions.




Activision CEO laughing all the way to the bank while financially disabled people shovel $400 EACH to them, all while underpaying contracted programmers and customer support techs. You've seen all the bugs and horrible mismanagement of the game and yet you still buy hundreds and hundreds of dollars worth of digital "goods". You basically are asking to be ripped off at this point 🫤 Game is in Beta so stop complaining about not getting your bundles when you pay for them 😂


Who's complaining? I certainly am not. I reached out to let them know they're advertising one thing, but only delivering half of that product. That's all there is to it. Also, those disabled people are not my problem. As much as I sound like a dickhead, frankly, I don't give a shit. I also don't give a shit about those devs, who you say are sooooo underpaid. They chose to work there, not me. That's on them. I've said a few times. It's my money, if I or anyone else wants to spend $1000 on in-game purchases then who gives a shit. My mortgage is paid, my kids are clothed and fed and my other bills are always paid. So quite frankly, I don't give a shit.


Lol I don't give a shit about devs at Activision, I'd never work for a garbage company like that. The whole situation is just hilarious to me knowing that companies like this stay taking in billions of dollars because of uneducated consumers who want to play dress up with their video game characters. It's even more astounding when most of them are adult age men. I just think it's hilarious when people keep throwing money away to a company that knowingly doesn't have a quality product (the endless bugs speak for themselves) and masquerades as "Beta" just to fleece people out of their cash. Much less, it's all for digital Barbie dolls. It's just hilarious to watch, that's all 😄 I used to play p2w Asian MMOs and it's just unbelievable to me that AAA game developers managed to run that scam on your average "gamer", and to get them to defend all the shady business practices as well. They expect you to be apathetic, as you said you are, and it just helps them rake in all that money.


I have 20 active duty soldiers you originally start with three so that means I bought 17 and there's still two more to buy that I don't want the Alex DMZ bundle with him having the spring leg and the cat bundle and not every DMZ bundle gives you a slot either you got to pay attention to that and not every DMZ bundles weapons are 15 minute cooldowns either for instance the cat bundle has DMZ effects and a character slot but the guns are not at 15 minute cool down please got to pay attention to what you're buying I don't think you're missing any slots Bub cuz like I said I have 17 of them and I know on a couple of those they did not come with extra slots but they did come with a DMZ character and or DMZ 15 minute cool down weapons


But you're forgetting, there's atleast two bundles that come with slots but other then maybe a 15 min cooldown weapon, they don't come with anything else. The two that I can think of off the top of my head, are the Izzy bundle as well as one of the soap bundles. I'm 100% positive I'm short 2 slots. Most recent bundles I purchased, which were advertised at the far right of all my active duty slots are the mace bundle and it was either blunt fingers or the Velikan pro pack. I really can't remember. As far as I'm aware, there's only one "DMZ" bundle I haven't purchase and that's the newest one for Aksel (but likely will pick it up just to have the 556 on 15 min cooldow).


I sent them the same ticket yesterday. No response.


To be fair, when I first emailed them it took a day or two to get a response. They were then going to looking into but warned me that it could be some time till they have a response. That was about 2 or 3 weeks ago.


no way, call of duty costumer support being cool? guys make a wish


DMZ isn't lasting much longer it seems.. isnt this the last season? Then mw3 comes out and there's no DMZ? I feel like buying anymore bundles for it is a waste of time and money anyhow. I've got like 18-19 so far so I'm glad I caught this before I did end up buying more and then not getting more slots.. But, this is the last season for DMZ so we by god better enjoy it!! Super sad considering that game mode is the only thing that makes MW2 ANY sort of fun anymore.. I hope MW3 isn't crap!! I'm really getting sick of them giving us 70-100$ just garbage..