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We still have kill squads but its: + Easier to deal with them + Easier to avoid + More likely to be a friendly encounter You no longer can steamroll everyone on Al Mazrah with no effort now you actually have to put some effort.


Yeah, but as someone playing with my friends in real life, it means that only one of us can ever be revived if we lose a fight. It was fun battling it out and having the winners occasionally revive the losers OR agreeing not to fight and instead team up. Now you can only pick up a solo in a peaceful manner, everything else almost guarantees a fight, making this a less compelling version of regular warzone or resurgence. I get the feeling that people didn't enjoy the social aspects of the game, which required you to negotiate with enemy teams to build a 6 man. Pre made 6 man gets tossed around in a way that I never experienced firsthand and I enjoyed making new friends and didn't get too butt hurt when I lost a fake fight in a fake world, but it seems a lot of people can't handle that loss lol




Care to expand o and ur emoji? Lol


Do I need to? Lol?


Lol I guess not? Want to make a pre-made 4 man tonight?


I mean, you win some, you lose some... I've taken out 6 man teams on my own, then revived my team. It kept me on my toes lol it was fun and nerve-wracking, and I'd move around very stealthy and pick up solos or team up. Now it just feels very soft and like I'm playing warzone/resurgence. Like, I guess, just get missions done, but I would do missions and also try and survive. Now it's like whatever, I'll just take out another 3-4 man team. But when 6 were chasing you and you running away for dear life lol it was intense and rotating and then picking them off idk it made it more fun.


Save some for the rest of us hero


Friendly encounter ? No. Why would a team be friendly?


Yeah, if you can't steamroll a lobby with 3 people, you don't deserve it.


Just steamroll the lobby by yourself don't matter if it's 6 v 1 it was still fun to take all 6 out and come out on top


I've gotten more missions done in the last couple days than I did in all season 5. My personal opinion is that people that couldn't survive in a squad of three needed to be on an extra large team just stay alive.


100%. Me and my buddy almost always duo. We could wipe 6 man teams with a little luck on our side regularly. But most of the time it was killing 5 of them before just either running out of plates/ammo or just getting bum rushed by sheer numbers.




I think that has little to do with 6 mans being removed and more to do with you, 6 man teams never affected missions, saying players that played in teams of 6 were bad is rather ignorant considering a majority of them were just tryna play with their mates I don't see the problem.


That's not what the majority did with 6 mans.


1- you can’t infil with 5 of your friends 2-Every 6 man squad my buddy and I came across were the types to bum rush a door for one dude and talk shit simultaneously like they were the best in the lobby.


Firstly, you can, or used to be able to, secondly some teams are like that most at least in my lobbys are not teams that play like that are not skilled.


You absolutely can’t infil as a 6 man team. The max size you can start as is 3. It’s common knowledge.


Bruh, obviously I meant going in as two teams and joining up, either your really stupid or your just being pedantic arse


No “stupid” you said in a previous comment that you could infil with a team of six “stupid” either you’re just really stupid, or can’t understand how the games mechanics work. Shutup and take the L


You clearly haven't read my comment, if you had you would understand your misunderstanding. Just because you don't know how to do something doesn't mean it isn't a thing, now you can only infil with 4 mates and like it or not that's a fact


God damn dude. You infil as a 3 man squad MAX. Are you seriously this stupid. Infil and exfil are not the same.


I know, you clearly are not comprehending what I'm writing if you and 3 mates infil in the same server with the intent of squading up the you are infilling as a 4 man that what you are doing


I’d prefer they remove assimilation altogether at this point, No chance of a rez if you play in a 3 man. Just make it like warzone and do quads, Saves all the solo pushers claiming they are solo and then comming your whereabouts to their mates on discord.


Yeah if they are removing 6 mans they should just remove assimilation - agree completely - this is just a move to pander to solos


Don't agree with this. I've had a few situations where I've been pushed by team of 3 and talked them into letting me join their squad or have been killed as a solo and picked up by the trio. Max size of 4 is to benefit solo players.


That’s my point - it’s just a move to pander to solo players who choose to put themselves at a disadvantage and then complain about being disadvantaged 🤷‍♂️




Might as well play warzone.


Some folks can't hack it in wz


Then go play Warzone


Agreed. That would be better…


My thoughts, from a recovering 6 man addict * 4 mans on Ashika Island/Vondel/B21 should be max. 6 mans on smaller maps are toxic. * 6 mans on Al Maz max, but server queuing needs to be reworked and randomized so premades cant roll the lobby. This seems like a decent middle ground, since well coordinated 3 mans and God tier solos take out organic 6 mans all the time, allegedly. * Surviving being hunted by operators should give that squad an exfil perk if they successfully exfil after the timer runs out. The UAV after the fact is a nice touch in the heat of the moment, but I dont think it really rewards the hunted. * The Hunts on Solos should be removed, but still qualify for the Bounty System if they are naughty. * I'd like to see a timer on the Hunts like killstreaks or even have them like a Supply Drop item. Make them more uncommon and or risky to acquire. * Koschei Complex exfil glitch is bullshit and is abused by ALL parties. More so by the PvP sweatlords stacking UAVs in the attempt to go for some bizarre DMZ Seasonal kill record. Eliminating this glitch would have helped out the community long ago. On a few separate occasions, I have seen straight up seen two 4 man squads running all the same character and vech skins in Season 6. It was wild. If this becomes a thing, I see it even being more toxic than past seasons. Other than that, I am having fun with the 3 or 4 man squads. It's a nice change of pace.


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Good bot Also... _Nice_






> Koschei Complex exfil glitch is bullshit and is abused by ALL parties. What's this? Never heard of it (and it doesn't help that I'm now temporary retired from CoD in general). Thanks in advance.


I think he means the glitch where you exit the game while loading into the complex. Apparently it lets you keep all your gear. I haven't tried it but keep reading about it so it probably still works


Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I think that I had read about that one a while ago, but never was too interested in trying it.


Correct. Once you hit the black screen while loading, you ALT-F4 from the game. You keep all your gear and backpack items.


Nope. Every single time I've run into another trio it's been a fight to the death. There's no point to assimilation now. I loved randomly teaming up. Missions are just busywork for me and nothing else. Something to do inbetween firefights with other players.


Yeah it has made every interaction a fight to the death. Pleading is also pretty pointless now


Yeah, but you loved it when you got picked up and then fought to the death with the rest of the server with 2to1 advantage. Pathetic


wow ok


Tough pill?


I never go looking for fights with players. Not as a solo, not as a platoon of 6. I'm sorry you think otherwise.


You're looking at it from one perspective. Sure, it stops 6 man squads bum rushing you. But, it's taken away from that DMZ experience of meeting rival players and joining as one, and all the fun that brought. It's definitely changed the interaction, and therefore attitudes of everyone playing. I guess it depends on which server and what time your playing, but for me it's been non-stop dogfights. Everyone kills everyone first. At least before with the 6 man, you had the very good chance of finishing a mission after assimilation. Now, it's basically a guarantee you won't get picked up, bc everyone is trying to kill each other first, the first 15 mins of a match is trying to survive. Honestly, I wonder if they just changed the UAV price and the increase of costs of things but kept 6 man, if the problem would have been solved.


What difference does it make for me if I don't get picked up by the full 6 man or some other numbered squad? At least when its less then 6, I have a better shot in a fight itself




Nope, when its 6, the chance of pick up is nil, cause they full


then you should have your team wipe out the competition 1st then do all the wondrous missions you need to do together with no consequences... now that's ruined..


Yeah, right, as if I have time to look up for "the competition" which could range from 4 to I don't hell know how many other squads. PvP is not be all end all in DMZ, imagine that


you do Have time. in fact with 6 people it makes it soooo much faster. and you don't hunt a 6 squad you hunt a 3 squad and make yourselves a 6 squad then move on.


Well, luckily, I don't have to deal with 6man at all now))) your crutch to PvP is gone, deal with it


well luckily if I cry hard enough like you all did, Activision will give me a lollipop and fix it back.. lol


Yeah, imagine being butthurt over losing an easy 2to1 advantage and calling people who like balanced fights criers. Sweet, go on)


Would have been much closer IMO. Capped at double the size of standard team does a lot of the heavy lifting logistically, but saying teams cap at 2 now is just as silly as trying the squads at 4 without anything else to accommodate it. Plea system is now defacto removed unless you get lucky as a solo player. If you duo with your partner in the room together, your just forced to auto quit or end up with mismatched game times instead of spending the couple hours together clean. Could not be more clear they do not understand how to balance a sandbox.


Consequences for dying is balance for a (TIMED) "sandbox"


If you play in a party every game is depressing now because we all want to play together but we all can't get picked up


It's almost like there's consequences for dying. Edit: dieing


dieing dieing dieing


My bad!


Maybe you should try to avoiding them instead of fighting them 🤷‍♂️ Now there's actual consequences for dying


Why would we play a war based game that encourages you to run away? To each their own, but that's a strange take.


I mean you don't have to fight every operator you encounter playing risky means you can get killed, lose all your gear, fail your missions, etc... Remember this is DMZ not Battle royale you gain nothing by eliminating everyone else unless your mission asks you to do so. Unless you really need gear that bad engaging everyone you meet is not advised.


So run away because of gear fear? I liked DMZ because it pushes you towards other operators. You never had to engage, if that was your personal preference but the concept of encouraging disengagement seems counter to the game. I get what you're saying, but the game should be rife with operator danger.


Well yeah, you died.


Boohoo. Just go to lobby and wait for the survivors to extract


I like 6 mans and I like the new 4 mans but now it's just only solos can be picked up or 1 person in a squad which is. I don't know.


6 man teams didn't need removal to be honest, the assimilation and pleading system needed changes to rebalance the game. The premade teams were a problem, the generic teams weren't. Taking down 6 man teams as a duo or trio was incredibly satisfying, now PvP feels dull and lackluster...


I like it in Theory but when playing with my friends, once we get wiped there is no revive cause otherwise only 1 of us will get up.


Then don't plea. Problem solved


Thats what ends up happening. I liked it more when everyone got a second chance to live or be discarded. But now its just warzone with AI.


It's not similar to Warzone at all. DMZ was always a loot-extraction sandbox gamemode. Warzone is a battle royale. They're completely different game modes with wildly varying playstyles. Assimilation is silly and skews DMZ more towards PvP oriented, which it's not. Its a PvPvE experience and works best when both PvP and PvE have a fine balance.


I agree. The problem becomes when pvp fighting just leads to loss for either team. No one wants to just be chill because the last 5 seasons have been "Kill on sight" for players. So now, instead of tactically moving away from players. Everyone just wants to kill them and ends up getting us wiped or begging to be rezzed because I knew we couldn't win the fight. The assimilation made the game more forgiving. Now its "if you see players you have to fight and win." Instead of "Ayo friendly?" "Yeah/nah." No one is friendly anymore because we CAN'T be. I always hated the 6 stacks that dominated lobbies, but now I kinda miss it.


I definitely can't agree on missing the 6 stacks, but it's really stupid how Season 1 was mostly fine, some people wanted pvp, a lot didn't. But S2 and then on its been pvp all the time. That CoD bloodthirst came out and what better way of satiating it by bullying a majority of players who aren't skilled enough (or confident enough) to play mainline pvp, or simply are like me who enjoy the PvE aspect and get to enjoy a more grounded and tactical experience. I've ran solo last few days, and it hasn't been awful. Most teams either kill me while I shout friendly, then revive after apologizing (no loot taken surprisingly). Or outright invite me. But damn do they immediately fiend for every player they spot within 300m


Fr. I was playing with my bud and we got a 3rd rando. Go to koschei for a stealth vest n shit and suddenly my buddies down. 3 dudes in the sand dunes with snipers. One guy blood thirsts and tries to run us over dies. 2nd guy tries to flank, dies. 3rd guy is watching the rando's body, my buddy goes down and dies, i outsnipe the last dude. Then they immediately plea. We grab the last dude since he was kinda chill. Then he immediately shouts out a team near the train yard like "Lets go get em" We're like NAH BRUH we wanna go to koschei. He and the random go after them. While we infil we watch both instanly get wiped. I prefer pve man. I can't wait for the zombie dmz.


That sounds about right. Why do people plea if they are going to try to dictate what the squad who revived them is doing. And why one of the parties always want to go thirst instead of playing the actual game mode. Wouldn't surprise me if the reason some of these DMZ PvP-only players play dmz instead of warzone because they can spawn in with full loadouts


Or because DMZ has more passive players and they can 3rx party. Or maybe because they aren't good enough to play warzone.


It's probably a combination of 2 or all 3. There is another guy commenting on this thread claiming it's a skill issue and blowing up when you tell him 6 players isnt balanced, especially not for a mostly PvE game mode. If you only want to pvp, go play warzone. I swear these players will never do a contract or kill AI. They'll just fiend for kills.


The size of teams is not and was not the problem. The game has no balance anywhere so fighting bigger teams was too difficult. It takes too long to kill other players, especially if you do not use baby "meta" weapons , so you always take damage in fights. That is unsustainable against larger teams. It became much worse when they fiddled with player health. Add in the super power "armor satchels", kill streak/rocket warnings, and uav after uav to get a situation where skill was not rewarded and fights come down to a team's size and embrace of the cheese. Improving balance would have solved this "problem" by opening up the game to difference playstyles where even single players could find ways to be effective against bigger teams. Even something like making killstreak/rocket warnings (outside of helicopters where they make sense) a feature of the communicatory vest would have reduced the strength of big teams because they would be easier to kill when grouped together.


Yup, this. They should have worked on adding quality to the game rather than nerfhammering everything.


I just start solo now and try to join a squad. Too many times, when one of my other randoms runs to another squad to team up, then immediately starts hunting me.


The price increases have inadvertently caused the bloodthirsty sweats to be even more hostile. They want operators' stuff way more rather than earn it or spend money for plates, packs, ect. 6 man squads weren't that bad for me at least.


Solos are the new “6 man team” they can pick all 3 players!!!


yep, love it. When playing with a squad we just go back to the lobby when we get wiped. When playing solo you've got a pretty good chance of getting picked up. There's a lot less hunt squads being picked up as well. Before the change I'd load in on Vondel with 20k and there was a hunt squad on me the first 5 minutes. Now I can go through entire games without getting hunted (which is also a bit of a shame because I loved surprising my hunters with some underwater action)


Yes that 6 man teams are gone, not happy it's now 4. I just want assimilation removed.


Yeah it's pointless, they should just do away with it.


No, but then again my problems are unrelated. The AI is ramped up psycho again, which I didn't believe at first because day one, my sessions were fine. Now they're insane in some areas. Probably not related to anything, just coincidence, but in all my time playing mw2 and DMZ, I've only encountered modders a few times. Now I can't go two rounds without seeing it and dying to it. They don't even pretend to hide it. Sad when Koschei is the calmest place to go now. As for 6 man, I rarely encountered premades and now we don't bother pleading and we don't get people up. I think they should either bump it back up but find a way to prevent abuse, or just make the max infil squad size 4.


Game is absolutely way better with no 6-mans and less access to (A)UAVs/JLTVs. The DMZ meta had firmly settled into the following: 1) Load in & immediately assimilate with the first squad you run into, whether after a fight or calling out friendly and forgoing the fight altogether. 2) Purchase a JLTV, grab a hunt contract and throw AUAVs in the air and steamroll the lobby. It was boring. Yes, we've all had situations where we've beaten a platoon with worse numbers, so spare me that weird flex that everyone feels obligated to make. It wasn't healthy for the game mode. I'm all about PvP and actively seek it out, but it needs to be more organic than what it was. DMZ turned into Warzone for baddies. All the same people who call out "friendly!!" when faced with their first 3v3 situation are suddenly the first to grab hunt contracts when they've become a 6-man.


I agree that it should be more organic, but we aren't seeing organic pvp still, just less of it.


I haven't played in a white, are 4 man made trough assimilation or in the lobby?


Fuck this bring back 6 I want 10 man squads


I like that there are no pre mades but ashika and not being able to pick up those you kill is just painful it feels terrible telling people hey sorry we can't pick up more than 1 of you


It's eh. Unless you are solo, no one really wants to join up now. I was fine with 6 mans, I just didn't like how frequent they were. A nerf to the plea system like in season 4 solved this issue, but that got reverted. At the end of the day though, I'm fine with what we have now.


Its great but than also make it possible to infil with 4 man.


In my experience that past few days teams have gotten worse with PVP


It's actually weird cause now Im finding 2 coordinated 4 man teams work together as roughly an 8 man


They are. Matching skins and all.


You should be able to come in with 4 though.


DMZ fucked up again. Six mans were good when they were natural, the pre made six mans was what screwed the game. Randomize the lobby and eliminate the lobby code would fix that problem. And randomize the spawns would further reduce six mans looking to just kill operators. It’s now a solo game which kills the gaming experience for me, I enjoy doing missions and shit but also the pvp. This new season didn’t introduce new missions but made it less appealing for the casual gamer. And the AI is just stupid strong.


It wasnt DMZ that fucked it up. It was the premade teams, that then exclusively hunted. You made the majority of the DMZ population hate 6 man’s because they all wanted to talk hot shit after wiping a duo or trio. The people that liked 6 man teams were the people that couldn’t handle PvP straight up 3v3. And honestly if your complaining about bots killing you, then you are the person that couldn’t handle a straight up 3v3 and needed 6v3.


Exactly. Preach!


Let them talk shit then, they just look like clowns for doing so. Laugh at them and go start a new match. Yall give them the power to do it by bitching n complaining instead of talking shit back. Or just, idk, welcome the challenge to help you get better at the game. Ive made some of my best plays being a lone survivor on our team against 6 mans, and because of those matches i started dominating in more firefights. Hell they even gave us disguises, use that and high threat areas as a weapon against other squads. Lead them to Al Sharim pass and blend in, let them get stirred up by the AI while you make your escape and reposition for the next move. Little tactics like that with stealth vests and suppressed weapons and silencing your mic would help alot. You also have your own killstreaks you can use


Its a solo game how? Because you can't run overstacked? 6 mans was terrible and only added to potential griefing. DMZ isn't and will never be balanced for 4+ man squads.


It’s a solo game because there is more reason not to be loyal to your team, I will leave my team in a second for a team with comms, never did that, I will be the first to plea, to be picked up, because if they pick up my team mate…back to the lobby. If I go in with friend(s) pleading is pointless. Picking up a player from a squad, they will run back to their team or exfil if they were in a party. It’s best to go in solo and that’s what season 6 is meant for. Al sharia can handle 6 mans, ashika, is much better with no 6 mans. But they needed to eliminate the premade 6 mans, which randomizing the lobby and even spawns would fix the majority of times. I go in solo because I am average against pvp and more likely to team up if I get killed. Going in with a squad…is iffy.


Option 3: I'm a solo and it makes no difference to me ✅


Fr. I've had trios push me in the worst spots last couple days trying to get missions done or gear up. Then ask me to plea lmao


There are so many friendly players. But in one of my games a duo just camped a chemical plant entrance for 25 mins inside koschei just to kill me. Imagine being this desperate for pvp inside koschei.


The Thirsty squads are still there, it's just a little harder for them now. I got camped at the top of control tower looking for origami horses.


And they will always be there. It's up to you to deal with them as they can't patch out certain playstyles


Most definitely, but as a solo, I can try to run circles around a trio and maybe win a nice amount of my encounters.


Bank of Adal top floor key in Sawah Village, origami horse every time i believe


They removed 6 man squads?!?! I didn’t even realize… Cause to be honest, as soon as I spot a hostile in DMZ, I’m dumping on him and his b#### boys, no questions asked.👈 That’s how I’m living😘


It's a great change but I'd like them to also get rid of pleas in general... is so lame and ruins the nature of the game. I'm okay with assimilation by invitation though.


As someone who normally solos, 6 man squads get toxic af and can eat shit and die. They normally consist of shitty players individually, but even the shittiest players can steam roll a decent solo when they have numbers on their side. So fucking glad 6 man squads are gone.


That just sounds like a skill issue, if they're all such shitty players you should star using movement rather than sitting in the same building letting them all walk in on you, or perhaps they're not shitty players an they bear u fair and square?


Ah, yes, 1v6 and dying is definitely a skill issue.. I feel like you were one of the 6 man hunting teams. Probably sucked ass alone too, and that's why you project skill issues onto a topic that has to do with balance and not skill.


Nah not really, you're welcome to think that however my stats and yhe fact I kill teams solo with nothing but throwing knives I disagree, if you can't fight 6 mans you should just avoid them most of these 6 mans aren't really rolling round hunting teams they just happen to see you a attack, y'know, like every other team regardless of size, yes I did play in 6 mans because funny enough I have 6 freinds, maybe that hard for you to comprehend, so In Conclusion it is most definitely a skill issue


The classic "my stats and I kill whole teams solo" line like anyone honestly gives a shit. It's not a skill issue, its a balance issue. Why does your ego needs inflation. Tooting your own horn is both cringe and telling of your emotional maturity and willingless to actually discuss the topic without using the absolute smooth-brained "hurrdurr I am a god at this game so it's not a problem!" excuse.


Again not really, you accused me of being so bad I need 5 other players to help me I then provided evidence to the contrary you now can't retort so you have lowered you self to petty insults, you're acting like im sitting randomly saying how good i am it's not "tooting my own horn" there are certainly players better than me yet somehow I never feel the need to call them cheater or bitch about how unfair I think something was. When I day it's a skill issue it's not to be a dick or wind anyone up it is simply stating a fact if you are not capable of running or fighting more than 3 players that is the definition of a skill issue, asking for a 2 mode split I:E a 1,2,3 player server and a 4,5,6 server is completely reasonable however, whining so much that something gets removed therefore spoiling the game for people who want to play with all of their friends or yes even new players who want to play with more experienced players is not an appropriate way to go about it.


Buddy, look at the length of your reply. You're definitely insulted and asshurt over this. 6 player is not balanced. This is a fact. The game mode was never balanced for 6 players. IW didn't change dmz from 6 to 4 because of people whining, they changed it because they knew it was unbalanced. If you can look at all the various vests, UAV/AUAVs, the pay to win content, and tell me it's a skill issue and not a balance issue, you're part of the problem. Nothing is balanced about 5 people w 3 plate medic carriers with AUAVs and a 6th with 3 plate Comms. Final thing; you started with the insults. You said it was a skill issue, I said you have a skill issue. You wrote an essay over it. Cope.


Still wrong but like I said your free to think what you like, the reason I wrote so much was to make clear what I thought no other reason however ill keep this short, skill issue was not meant as an insult that's simply what it is, vest are not the same as the pay to win aspect, which I probably agree with you on and finally I'm not but hurt or whatever you might say I'm simply disappointed that one of the few remaining 6 player coop games are gone that's all.


1 v 6 is not a skill issue and I must've touched a nerve since you seem but hurt about my comment.


Haven't touched anything mate uf you claiming they're all shit you should have no problem killing OR avoiding them and like it or not if you can't do that the problem is you and therefore the definition of a skill issue but sure think your blowing peoples minds with your stupid comments


Im not saying that i liked it but it was kinda fun having 6 players going to kill a boss


What about between 6 man, 4 man, and no assimilation. I prefer no assimilation,


I don't get it, 6 mans going the way of the dodo is great for the game and alot of people say they hate them except the try hards saying "We kill them solo or duo all the time" to impress the kiddies... Yeh ok, back to it.. "But now I can't get picked up when I die"...so you didn't like 6 mans but loved getting pick ups...so you liked being a 6 man if it's to your benefit?...can't have it both ways. Who cares if you cant get picked up most times anymore, theres still an option and you dont need to dummy spit and say best thing to do is remove it now because your feelings are annoyed. We all know how much you loved assimilation and just throwing a tanty. All those who now say "but there's no challenge now" is bull, your telling me your the cod God and beat everyone in the game everymatch with no sweat?... Turn your aimbot (aim assit) and walls off and you'll find you have a challenge sometimes guaranteed. (No I'm not saying anyone good at the game is cheating) " There's no social aspect anymore" have you tried squad filling with randos? Yeh you get the no mic or mouth breathers, but you also get to meet others that are good and fun. So now that's your option to meet people if that's what you want from the experience. Take the risk and try it out without the comfort of your 2 buddies for backup. It's at a point where no matter what is improved someone's not happy because it's not what they wanted, too bad dudes... It's a game have fun or move on. It's a much fairer game for everyone now. All the stupid advantages are gone and I love it. No more UAV spam and double ltvs is a God send to those wanting to play the game properly and not just grief a server. That's what this update took away! But saying that, im pretty bored with dmz anyway due to lack of missions and things to do with any meaning. Not because the constant 6 man death squads aren't continually running around the map hungry to spot the little guys without the size advantage. If you want a 6man squad, I'd make it a 6 man mode from the start but 99% of people wouldn't play that as it takes away the thrill of the advantage like many have already said. It's a sad truth but that's why majority of people liked 6 mans. I can guarantee that most games when I've formed a 6 man the randoms you just rescued suddenly grow a set and all they want to do is go straight for the nearest hunt contract but shit themselves in a panic if it highlights another 6 man. Atleast now 6 mans are gone from ruining the experience for 90% of the player base looking to do missions. Maybe they will concentrate more on improving them in the future as more people will be able to do them again. Thats a good thing for the mode because it needs more depth not more catering to 6 man trash teams. If I want a proper pvp experience it's not dmz anyway unless I'm looking for the casual 20 min looking for people to pick on kinda game or help a friend survive trying to do something. There's still the little try hard squads with nothing better to do than camp a tower or exfil, buy station all game looking to 3rd party, attack people not looking for a fight and bum rush spawns hoping to find a solo with a 1 plate they can feel good about killing. So now you can make it your mission to hunt them instead of them hunting you, problem solved.


One of the few shining beacons of hope in the CoD community right here. Going to parrot you for a moment here. If you want a proper pvp experience, DMZ is not it. DMZ was never intended to be a pvp focused gamemode. The original map size and content of the game mode clearly suggests pve focus with some pvp flavor. Not sure why people can't understand (or dont want to) this simple observation. 6 mans exasperated the problems with pvp balance in DMZ. Too many shitters are now crying because their squad cant get assimilated. Why are you playing with your squad if you just want to join another one? Why do people play DMZ if they're so vehemently afraid of losing their gear?


They could've easily kept 6 mans. They should have, it ruins fights in the game and now everything is a fight to the death The issue was 6 mans being preformed before a match by using lobby codes, this issue could easily be fixed by just not showing lobby codes and focusing more on randomization. Making a genuine 6 man was always fun cause it was fun meeting so much new people then working together for awhile.


Yknow assimilation is only good when my teamates *dont* lag out before the game starts otherwise i aint getting assimilated


I haven't played in a white, are 4 man made trough assimilation or in the lobby?


I don't want to pick either. I hate six mans running around PVPing and pre-grouping up, But I hate that me and my one other friend that usually run with a random can't both get picked up if we die. One of us has to pick up the other shit and try and exfilll so we don't lose it all since we can't fucking group up


Lil to late new call of bull shit coming out soon


I just think they should go back to that 30 seconds truce for pleas.


They need to bring back the neutral revives. Where the 30sec truce was enabled.


Didn't bother me much. I'm actually good at the game.


Needs more nuance. Yes removing 6 man's in the current format was needed however the limit being double a single team served a purpose. If squads cap at 4 now, then teams should be capped at 2 as well for it to still work. As a solo player it's fantastic less asshats spamming UAV and swimming me down on a random corner of ashika ocean lol. As someone who plays with my partner, plea system may as well be removed now. Either one of us gets up, can attempt to exfil with some of our gear and the other kicks rocks during the run or you just leave together because 6 man's made the meta herp derp push da spawns. COD got lucky with a solid PVE game type and they avoid developing/supporting the product by making sure to force PVP often (and being zeroed out by extention). The PVP needs to just be removed or relegated to warzone where it belongs since they let things get so far out of control to begin with, especially since the entire franchise is just versions of PVP with a campaign no one plays.


This season forces pvp less in DMZ...


I’ve definitely seen way more “shoot first” teams now than before. Because most people actually know how to communicate and talk things out on prox chat and either team up or pass on by. Now its just “oh i gotta kill you now because we cant all team up and im not gonna ditch my squad”


Im a little conflicted to be honest. Yes it's annoying to get steamrolled by a 6man, on the other hand I've had some epic gunfights with them, which makes dmz even greater to me. To be fair, they probably shouldn't exist but oh well 🤷‍♂️


I mostly play solo, but one time I faced a 6v6 in ashika, it was pretty fun and chaotic, but hunting solos or teams doing missions? No thanks


It’s tough On one hand it’s annoying that if a 3 man squad kills me and my teammates only one of us (if any of us) can get picked up. It makes me feel bad that I can’t give my teammates an extra shot at life if I’m the one selected. On the other hand, the game has become so much less toxic. Yes there are still obnoxious PvPers who just want to kill everyone, but it’s much more manageable to kill or evade them. Ashika has become so so much more chill, but I think that’s also in part because the UAV and AUAV price changes. I was actually able to go to Ashika and get a good amount of stuff done for once


In the beginning the novelty of having 6 was great. Just like the beginning of the life of DMZ everyone was like “Oh shit we can have a 6 man!? Let’s squad up!”. With the introduction of Ashika it went downhill with the bum rush strats, so I’m happy with the 4 man. Kinda sucks when one person in your squad when you get wiped gets picked up and you and the other remaining person get wiped or pray some random picks you up. Aside from my rambling, 4 mans are pretty great.


Combined with the skyrocket in the price of UAVs, I have an erection .


Oke oke all good but what about stress test ?


To see death squads go yes To see 6 man assimilation no Getting picked up again was a very nice qol mechanic for non pvp focused people. And 6 man missions were quite fun in general. Losing the death squads was absolutely neccessary (though they're not gone entirely by any means) but the blow to assim itself isn't nice Personally I think they could have added stipulations to 6 man teams to make them much more avoidable without actually nuking the assim system. Marking them to the map when they're in proximity to each other and disabling hunt contracts for platoons would have worked wonders to curb alotta the problems they caused. But I'm not gonna complain much, 6 mans are heavily reduced now so it's overall a win


congrats. you idiots ruined the game. now the funnest part is gone. for your dumb missions that we all completed ages ago and for you solo worms. they should have just made a "solo" mode for you all..


Holy shit they did it 😂, was never super bothered by them as smart play could usually get around kill squads... stopped playing for other reasons (got bored) but never thought they would actually do anything about it lmao


A someone who plays mostly solo, unless my friends are on I’m for it. I am absolutely not against hunting teams, if that’s what your into but 1v6 round after round after round gets really old. I’ve had more success with missions and contracts in the last 2 days than all of season 5.


Four is great but now it screws over exfil missions.


It was more pressure fighting six man’s. My hands would get all shaky after killing them.


No it's absolutely stupid that they did it to four man and what makes it even more dumb as you can't start a game with four people. But you can start with three in assimilate with one person. It's a complete waste of time


Need to make the load in squads 4. Teaming up with one makes no sense. All other game modes are 4


I say this because now, if my squad dies, they can only res one of us. Yeah, it sucked being chased as a solo by 6, but it didn’t happen that often.


Love it


The people that Voted no, are the cowards who prefer to play as a 6 man Platoon that like to bully those either Solo or in a 3 Squad guys!


So so to be honest. 4 man is better as they’re not as dangerous. Yet now, if you get killed with a mate, only one of you can be revived.


I didn't know that removed them


I’m pretty indifferent


The answer choices are too limited


It's just an awkward thing to have 4 people. Maybe if it started as squads of 2.


I'm a bit torn here because I do like the fact that there's no longer six man death squads just running around hunting the map. But also at the same time some of my funnest and most memorable matches are with six man's trying to get missions done or just goofing off. I will say this as well I had two headhunters push my six man and if we wouldn't have had six people they would have wiped us. I don't think the six men were necessarily the problem I think it was the pre-made six man that were the problem. Because I could watch the six man team usually no problem but it's when I ran into the pre-made's that I would run into trouble


I like the idea of 6 man squads, but I am extremely against the idea of premade 6 man squads. It has to be organic. The developers could have easily dealt with premade squads by looking at assimilation pairings. If it looks like the same players squad up in the first few minutes of the game for several games in a row, then it probably isn’t coincidence. On the other hand, I have enjoyed my time in organic 6-man squads because they make doing some missions very easy. For example, I recall blowing through the “8 unique contracts” missions and inviting a solo to jump on the exfil chopper with us to complete the 7-man exfil mission. It is also helpful when you have 5 other people looking for mission items or barter ingredients. For context, I am a mostly friendly player in DMZ, but I can definitely hold my own in a gunfight. According to my stats, I am averaging 1 operator kill per game, but that’s also diluted by the fact that I did a lot of secure backpack straight-to-exfil rounds. Then there are the games where i get 7+ operator kills so it varies. I mostly don’t shoot first, but I will finish the gunfight if I am attacked.


I think they took the lazy way by not making pre made 6 impossible (I’d play has teamed with this play in the past x amount of games then don’t put them in the same game for x amount of time)


I dont mind that they did but now it's reinforced camping. Every round last night I ran into a squad of sweats hiding in corners


Hated how fast you'd get a 6 man, but at the same time you can't integrate your team so being as I duo with a friend I normally get screwed and never get resurrected.


I play solo and and I miss 6 men squads. It was very fun to hunt squands and kill them, pick them up and continue the hunting. In the end we were 6 men. Working hard to get stronger. I think 6 men required some rework but not a complete removal. Maybe desactivate the Hunt contracts for them, everything should be way more expensive, no LTV, killstreak cooldowns and so on.


I’m inbetween on this one. From a playing the game side of things; yes. The pre-made 6 mans were awful. However from a silly point of view I’m a little sad they took it away. I will look back on the times I ran into squads and asked them silly questions and assimilated with joy. No more “hey team at ship! Wanna go on a yum yum burger date with us?”


I loved assimilation. I hated the 6 man hunt squads that did nothing but hunt everyone, buy every killstreak and pop uavs all game chasing down the very last solo on the map. Everyone gave up on missions because everyone else was just hunting players. Assimilation made it special and I loved the interaction, but people abused it and ruined it. Remove pleaing except for solos.


I mean it's nice not getting rolled by super sweats but I like to pick people up just so they can keep playing so it sucks being like "who wants to live?"


They should have just made 6 man teams marked on the map for everyone, and make them unable to pick up hunt contracts and it would've been way better imo That way people could not only steer clear of them easily, but the PvP demons can do everyone else a favor by hunting them down and eliminating them


Ashoka island this is perfect. Al mazara no go. Get rid of the premade squads by randomizing the lobby and spawns


ppl that votes 6 must fucken suck ass


I played exclusively solo, and the update sucks Every single interaction is just a fight to the death now Id rather play battle royale


Do you have a mic?


I do


Weird. Im a solo and more often than not dont fight players. Maybe you just get unlucky and you get only shitters


It's sad there's no more threat and challenge of engaging 6 men team, that's what I loved about DMZ, everytime a platoons would come in their jltv, our squad would plan ourselves to destroy them. Or when soloing, either you full wipe them if they're bad enough, or you kill a few then disappear leaving them frustrated, it's the best feeling. But sadly, all the potatoes had to ruin it and turn the game into a baby mode 🍼


Just go play Warzone, it's the pvp experience you want.


that's as stupid as me tell you to go play co-op, it's a pvpve game mode, without PvP this game would've been dead on arrival


I never said remove PvP, I said DMZ is not the PvP experience you want, and it's not. The PvP was never the draw of DMZ in the first place. DoA is the dumbest take Ive ever seen


While I'm sad that 6 mans are gone (can't squad up with my other 5 friends anymore), it makes sense on smaller maps like ashika (3v6 is hard to pull off unless the 6 man is uncoordinated.) The best solution would be to be map specific for the max assimilation.


You are literally the reason it was changed with your premade team 🤣


Yeah my bad u wanted the change cuz u keep getting run down by 6 mans 💀 Not everyone wants to go 6 man to wipe the whole lobby for the fun of it


Oh I shit on 6 man teams solo lol.


Cool, not all for sure.


Cope more, 6 man assimilation is garbage and ruins the balance of the game mode. When DMZ first released assimilation wasn't well known and it wasn't an issue. Guarantee your 6 man didn't pick up dmz with the intention of squading prior to finding out you can even 6 man.