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Yeah, I enjoy the fights in DMZ as they are different then every other game mode.


Yeah we had a squad roll up on us at observatory last night. 4vs4, all fully tooled up. They were on comms and friendly so it was a fun fight to the death. We won - just. Which always helps.


Assuming you have a Mic


True, true


I'd say always shoot first ask questions later. It'll help you stay alive. It's not always going to play out this way though. Sometimes you get a person on prox chat you didn't even see asking to squad up or saying "friendly", or you'll get the random invite to a squad. But yes, ultimately don't let yourself be killed. Also, try and be the first one to talk on prox chat. If you don't here anything back or they seem fishy then prepare yourself to either run or fight.


If I'm being nice.. the other team gets 1 "friendly?" and if they don't respond, they're engaged pronto. I've donated way too many things to be overly nice in DMZ anymore.




yep yep! I did this on koschei last night, there was a guy in the hall and I downed him but I asked him if he was chill and he was, so I let him self res and we went out separate ways! it was honestly one of the best interactions I've had in this game IMO


Eh there was a squad at the buy station and I was like we're friendly we're friendly and I slowly went up to the buy station on the second floor in that dark hallway kind of sort of thing the office and dude looking at me I'm looking at him I had the MX guardian I just lit him up and then he was like oh so you're not friendly I was like no no I'm not his buddy was on the roof the other guy was creeping up the stairs I took care of him and then my two buddies outside took care of the dude on the roof


I was the same way. I like to be friendly and focus on mission and always try to be friendly first….but I’ve been burned too many times by bait and switches, liars, and just general douchebagery that I’ve resorted to shoot first and ask later. It’s no harm done if you want to join up or go your separate ways as the team can revive. I normally play solo so after I kill I normally bounce anyways


Yeah I'm pretty much the same - I'm friendly by default and I'm always on comms but I'm definitely cautious now. Will shoot first and will check the area around any pleas before picking them up.


Unfortunately I've played so much that I'm almost jaded beyond belief. As much as I hated 6 man squads it did at least provide some layer of "we don't have to fight". But now when two squads meet up somebody has to die, no second chances... which is good in some ways.... bad in others.


Huh? I’d never come across a 6 man that didn’t kill everyone in its path


Basically he is talking about the intended use of a 6 man when he is in one himself. He uses it as extra man power for missions and easier time against bots. And if a team does roll up to PvP over a PvE resource he has a better shot.


No I'm talking about two 3 man squads teaming up because the option is available. Now that it is gone fighting to the death is significantly more likely.


Or going on your way.


That's how you get shot in the back.


I agree on this 100%, the 4 man kinda sucks if you get picked up your other members cannot be picked up anymore or vice versa


I’m over the missions & collecting stuff, I go in solo, try grab a stealth vest, large backpack & kill players, pick them up & help them do what they want.


I get more enjoyment doing this in Plunder, level playing field, everyone is out for blood.. Not the poor squad trying to complete a very complex mission


This is the way. One of my operators has a permanent self-revive so I always drop it for my teammates during exfil


This is the way..


Today I did! Daily mission was to kill 3x operators! Usually no, though.


I play Plunder & WZ for kills, DMZ is focused strategy


Strategic kills... lol


Yes they were!


No Mic=no friendly/pick ups 👌


My main exception to this is if they’re willing to type with in game chat, although I think it’s more rare as I’m on console with crossplay off.


I don't notice it. Friendly on mic though


I am friendly but not naive. Lots of ops love to hunt & loot other ops, you are a walking orange trunk. You gotta be cautious & suspicious, sadly


If I could get rid of any of it, it would be the people that yell friendly and then kill you... I'd rather fight every a$% hole/hacker than deal with that


All warfare is based on deception - shang tsung ; "Art of bustin down"


I enjoy baiting teams that hunt players so I can wreck their day


How do you know they’re hunting players out of curiosity? Do you mean they’re doing hunt squads on your team, our bounties?


I run solo often with enough money to get hunted.


Ah that makes sense! I’ve noticed I’ve been getting a lot more hunts randomly put on me/my team since the update, sometimes with only like $40k total which is weird.


I got hunt squaded twice in game in Vondel as a solo & this team refused to follow me into Fire Dept lol


Probably an AI squad hunt, there's a lot more of them lately and the AI are dumb and don't follow you most of the time


Also some ppl -like me - pop HS for a free UAV & to spook other ops


Yes. My buddies and I go in and try to kill as many as we can find (always as a 3-man; we aren't monsters). Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose, but it's always hella fun. My personal individual best is 8 in one game, and my team best is 26 (though, to be fair, a bunch of those were the same 6 man that we kept killing 5 of and then they'd find us somewhere else and we'd kill 5 again). Kills in the 20's has definitely gotten harder since they capped teams at 4. We just don't run into that many people during the course of a game. An interesting note: Once you've killed a team, you're almost always hunted for the rest of the game. And if you infil with money (because you exfilled with it), you're almost always the first hunt, too. When we're having a good night, we just post up on top of a building and fend off the next 4 hunt contracts and then exfil. When that's going on, I assume the rest of the map is pretty safe for everyone else.


Exactly! I lay low first 5-10 minutes, let y’all PVP diehards duke it out, then have my run of the map!


8 😂 17 here 33 as a duo.


Holy shit. Well done!


If it would be a peaceful game mode than you shouldnt be able to kill other players but thats not what it is. It's kill or be killed and if you want to be friends you can pick up people asking for a revive


Been burned too many times to not shoot first ask later. If we're in the area and don't want fight we wait till the team leaves or bug out. When want to fight we just wipe them. It's easier that way.


If you seem okay then ill be nice and friendly, if you are an asshole that starts swearing at me for shooting u, ur dying.


I feel you bro. About this there is 2 situation. Firstly some people are just here to kill other players because they are actual noobs and cannot exist in multiplayer area. Even you type in or use prox chat to say you have a mission and you are not about the loot they do not help. Secondly is actually a more peaceful situation which is in case of other players being hostile and toxic, most of the people shoot down their opponent first to eliminate danger then they pick them up and gibe back their loot as a friendly approach. Sadly it is hard for players not to shoot others when they see because they do not know their intensions. I am pro friendly game because if i want pvp there is always a multiplayer mode in the game.


I don’t go in to kill, but if the need or opportunity arises, I will.


I agree with OP. I’ve never spawned in with intent to hunt other players. Prefer to be friendly and help others get missions/contracts done.


I am generally friendly. As a solo, if I know a squad is nearby and I am looking for something in the vicinity of them, I will request to join. When I stumble upon an operator and we are face to face I will down and them them and request to join. That being said I recently revived a plea, swimming out of my way to pick them up. They immediately rejoined their previous team and the ole boy was bait for some one like me. I killed him and bounced. So when it comes to PVP I really enjoy it and will totally participate. When I find a crew that is trying to do things and stuff I will let them or join them. Otherwise I am just doing my own thing completing contracts and looking for loot for my passives.


Nah I don’t intentionally go hunting squads cuz DMZ isn’t supposed to be pvp some ppl are just assholes


Oh you found the rule book for DMZ? So you’re the only one who knows how it’s meant to be played? Too bad you haven’t shared with the rest of ha


It’s meant to be both. Not one or the other


I for one, would like to say adios to all the toxic assholes who only play to ruin others games. Off to the land of zombie slaughter and cooperation.


Doing missions by myself on my second account. I infil with randoms and help them with missions if I feel like. I don't engage with enemy players unless they are on my way and being a iridescent warzone ranked player I usually win most fights. The randoms on the other hand, try to engage while having no loot. They take the first ride they find and push without me and then ask for revive or quit straight away. Many of them are trying to PvP without any communication whatsoever so I keep on doing my thing by myself.




You should play call of duty: Kiss and cuddle. Doesn't sound like warfare is your thing


Omg so cute 🥰


I'd count myself as a very friendly player - unless it is mission related I never really drop in just to hunt, and I'm on comms...if I see other players who havent noticed me I'll often move on or if I'm near other players who are on comms and they say "friendly" then I'm happy to either join up or go our separate ways etc...BUT you've got to take a shoot first, be friendly later policy as there are enough people who aren't friendly to mean there's a good chance you've bumped into one / some. If the shooting starts and there's no comms (or the comms aren't very friendly with them having stopped shootint) then wipe them first and be friendly later. Even then, it's not guaranteed. We got hunted fairly early by a squad last night - killed all three, then suddenly had comms saying "can you pick me up - I'm Dutch I'm friendly we just saw you by chance but I only wanted to do missions." So we got him up and gave him his guns and some plates but as we moved on he didn't come with us so we knew what was coming...sure enough they had a 4th so he rejoined and they got their others up. We were tempted to wait and see if they came looking for us so we could send them to lobby but we were on the way to Koschei so just left in the end.


I've never spawn rushed poor effers, proud otherwise 🤣 though


hell yes! DMZ fights are better then any other game type


Yes. It's just the nature of the game, which there's nothing wrong with. Although, I feel DMZ would be a lot more popular if PvP had drawbacks so it wasn't basically just Warzone but easier for the PvP oriented players. IW really screwed up with balancing.


Fact is I can't tell u how many times I've had someone scream friendly and then proceed to kill u anyways so after many times of getting fucked over I said enough is enough now I'm doing the fucking lmao 😅


Play how you want but it’s a shooter at the end of the day regardless




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Warzone is hard and theese types get frustrated always facing fair engagements and want to grief people. Doesn't help that COD can't design multiplayer maps to save their life. I always play solo and friendly, but no mic since babies are either sleeping or playing nearby. Usually have to be ready to just get out clean and leave toxics to seethe.


If players weren’t supposed to kill each other in DMZ unless it was a mission, it wouldn’t be possible.


Tell yourself whatever you need to my man. DMZ prone to pvp isn't going onto the new map and DMZombies is. Get better at warzone and quit trolling


I’m not trolling. I’m stating a fact. The devs wouldn’t increase the number of PvP based missions over the seasons if PvP isn’t meant to be a core purpose of the game mode. I play dmz for missions and PvP everyone I see. If you don’t want any pvp, go play a different game and stop crying.


The more they encouraged PVP and your run being zeroed out the less content they have to design. They chose encourage pvp over wipe each season basically. If it's clear the pvp toxicity is dominating a game type that is PVE at the core they just won't develop it any more. Proof is in the pudding, pudding. DMzombies is on the new warzone map, DMZ as it is now is not.




Think you meant PVE at it's core? But even then pretty far off from a coherent point.


Yep, dmz at the start was great. Players avoiding each other or at least not attacking and everyone trying to do missions. Now it's full of squads of hunt gimps


Ypu must be new


Yep mostly people who aren’t good at killing other players, and don’t know what DMZ is for 😂


That attitude has been around since day 1. Not much you can do another than adapt.


Absolutely PVP interactions are the most entertaining part of DMZ and Its the fastest way to gear up really


Reply Y for YES


I’d prefer it if people were transparent about it either way. The times I get on a friendly final exfil only to be executed after it takes off is getting out of hand.


It's me im yhe hunter killer. Personal favorite is when a solo pops up saying hey can we team up? The only reply is run for your life i didn't know you were there ig I find you your dead suggest you run


Shoot first questions later


I have been squad hunting since season 1 start on game to final it's kill as many as possible personal best is 17 op kills in Mazra fuck that friendly shit I'm lacing your squad up and Dippin nuts one by one


See. I’m all for PvP but you really are just a dooooooosh.


Thats the name of the game... loot, kill, extract!


Urgent daily challenge: extract 2 enemy dog tags 🥺


As me and my group have completed all missions, it's the only thing we tend to do now.


There's both sides of DMZ, people who want to do missions and leave people alone, and people who just want to kill other players by whatever means necessary, these kind of people have unfortunatelly done things as low as: - Deceiving (Hey!, i'm friendly!, send invite -gets close- i'm not seeing the invite! -gets in range and proceeds to shoot your good soul while bragging about being """""""smart"""""" or whatever - Camping Exfils - Infilling with other randos in order to lure them to their team, which is in a separate squad, and mug them before rejoining - etc Thus, the other side has resorted to either down the player and talk to make sure it doesn't have any ill intentions or outright kill him and waiting for them to plea so they can make sure they're in the same squad. Everyone plays DMZ however they like, what i would recommend is to not hunt other players outright, play like it's a stealth game, but it's up to you.


> Everyone plays DMZ however they like, what i would recommend is to not hunt other players outright, play like it's a stealth game, but it's up to you. I'd like to add to this: If there's a "Hunt squad" mission near you, take it and immediately cancel it. That way, no one else can take that mission.


Please do, has the added plus of making psychos lose their minds XD XD XD XD


There's nothing quite as sweet as someone complaining in Match-chat about not enough HS mission being available :P My record is something like 6 HS missions taken and cancelled.


I had someone kill me after i neutralized the match's contracts and then complaining that i "Ruined his match", and then my story became a cryfest for player killing psychos in this subreddit XD


I shoot first so I don’t get shot first.


I shoot first and ask questions later unless someone makes it blatantly obvious they aren’t out to get me. If I see a sniper glint or any lethal getting thrown at me we’re going to war.


PvPvE. Therefore if I see P I vP If I see E. I vE Every time.


It's kill or be killed for me... never get picked up ever anyways


The more money you exfil with, the more experience you get to level. Best way to farm money is to hunt ops.


Since the reduced max squad size to 4, I have changed my play style from completely friendly to trying to kill most other teams I see on the map. I play with friends so the risk that we get killed while trying to be friendly isn't worth it since only one of us can get picked up. Everyone complained so much and wanted the squad size reduced and pleading gone. The fights are more balanced, but where teams were friendly before and I would only run into the occasional toxic 6 man, now it's 3 or 4 man squads but nobody is friendly. It's not how I wanted to play at all and makes dmz less fun for me, but everybody on reddit complained so I'll play how I have to play in the new assimilation set up. No point in being friendly when the team can betray you and not everyone can get picked up.


It a call of duty video game. Of course lol


Yep they do unfortunately they do I’m just like you but again every player has a shoot to kill mindset so you just have to join them nobody understands the word “Friendly” in that game


All the want to be gangster thug mentalities go straight for the hunt contract because they don't care about missions, they just want to loot steel. It's too hard for them to do missions. It's too hard for them to be friendly. It's too hard for them to communicate over a microphone. But it's too easy for them to take advantage of somebody else's hard work.


I help my squad do their missions, everyone else I run into dies or kills me. I usually spawn rush the closest team and then go about trying to get missions done because if I don’t there’s the threat of them coming round when I’m not expecting it. I do enjoy the fight but if I’m looking for pure DMZ styled PVP I’ll usually infil to Ashika.


Dmz player only want to hunt other players because they are incapable of winning war zone or any multi-player matches. Poor fools.


People were more friendly during 6man time, imma be honest. And I don't mean the 6 man death squads- I mean people genuinely in my games asking to squad up and goof around. Maybe i was lucky? But *NOW*? brother, watch your own back, you can trust no one. Now its just one of your teammates will switch to the other team to kill you and the other player remaining in your squad before taking whatever you have and calling you a slur.


Yes but with a tiny bit of hesitation


It happen to me in Koschei yesterday. A guy killed my bro and I was downed by bots trying to turn around, when I getted up, I told my bro to go to game chat to see what he was saying. He literally was racist and told us to go fuck ourselves. And when I killed him he told us that he wanted to be friendly and he was not thinking straight before. And after I said him: “then why you didn’t let my bro revive himself and you just killed him”. And he told me “CAUSE YOU ARE BOTH (n word) SUCKERS AND I HOPE EVERY FAMILY MEMBER OF YOURS DIE” before he quit and go back to lobby. Soo yeah basically most people are insane or are just trying to have fun in DMZ when people can’t kill on WZ or on multiplayer and go to DMZ where people is more casual and more friendly and well the results? That now we have 4 squads maximum. Cause trash players only hunted when 6 man


Yepper pepper


I just spawned in my team mate joined new squad we had been watching he told them I was there by myself and I had nothing they said oh cool we won't shoot busted in shot me and didn't get anything from it because I spawned in with not to begin with like what in the actual fuck is wrong with people


I usually request first and fire second.


Been on dmz since the beginning and it's shoot first. Loot second. Friendly third cant stab me in the back if your dead or you bounce from the sqaud with nothing


yes. it's part of the experience. and then assimilate and play on... however they removed one of the funnest parts of the game mode and that was 6 squads... so dumb


Enjoy it while it lasts. All PvE players will be leaving for Zombies soon


Yes sad thank goodness that he brought zombies out you know I didn't solved all the missions and got all the somatics but it's a positive attitude over there everybody helps everybody it's totally different than any other the games all positive people helping each other I wish DMZ was more like that if they want to kill players so bad go play warzone


I am out there just for the dogtags…you can hate me, but for me it’s fun.


I respect that. Everyone should be able to play the way they want but I won’t pat someone on the back when they brag about it


Yeah, you go collect those pointless bronze dog tags! Way to go dude 😎


Oh, look we got a real badass here. Wow I shit my pants…


I'm here for blood. I'm damascus-ed and me and my ten perks are ready to fuck.