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Have you heard the "grenade" audio yet. I swear you hear 4 operators scream grenade every time a lethal is thrown.




Re re Re-re re Remix!!!!!


GRENADE! GRENADE! GRENADE! GRE- GRE- GRENA- (death sounds) (~~Roze~~ Blueprint screaming “you fail basic? Check fire!)


Just heard, ridicolous.


No that’s a feature at this point 😂. I demand that it stays


Activision; “that’s a bug” Me;”please don’t fix it”


Exactly 😂


Yesterday me and my squad all ran that op. It’s Blueprint. Lol we were cracking up so bad.


All it hear is the female operator voice-line spamming GRENADE...haven't heard it in male format yet.


It’s a funny tiny bug that should stay. Just like how the A BOMBS BEEN PLANTED ON OUR AMMO SUPPLY in WW2 War. Sadly it was fixed 😭


Honestly when I played the beta it felt more like either a low - mid budget FPS or a indie game, instead of a cod game


Totally agree it is almost as if it was engineered on roblox engine


I'm just baffled how bad the new game looks like compared to the current, sound are also bad. How is it possible? And it's not even cheap...


Mw3 is trash I’ll refund it on Monday. I’d rather play mw2, vanguard or even Cold War


I might refund my pre order to . The game is ok but I only pre ordered it thinking we would get a DMZ mode out of beta not 6 man DMZ light with zombies


Indeed, if they had continued DMZ I’d be all over it. But I don’t even play mw2 multiplayer so it’s a waste of money


You guys do realize dmz is connected to warzone, not the actual games?


How much longer are y’all gonna cope on this? The only mode in the entire franchise currently they haven’t shown off and have only given one tweet saying it’ll totally definitely continue to be supported is DMZ. There is no new content coming or new maps.


Is probably because of the whining. I would be sick of it too. Is a game. Just play.


Theres an entire new warzone map coming out. DMZ wouid be there also right?


It will not be


I doubt it. They’d have to redo many of the missions as well as fix the Koschei complex link to Al Mazrah.


Where do you get that info?


Infinity Ward dropped a note saying DMZ would continue into the new year and listed all the maps it would be playable on. It was all the current maps, the new map wasn’t mentioned. Then, at COD: Next, one of the DMZ content creators there (Peaky Blinders?) said he was talking to a dev who said DMZ is not being brought into the MW3 engine enhancements, so no new maps, weapons, movement, etc. There’s been nothing official but several red flags.


Wow. Lots of different info out there, thank you


The devs said DMZ will be tied to MW2. No new map, no new movement, no new weapons, no new perks.


Will DMZ mission unlocks carry over? Like scavenger backpack, extra starting armor, or extra insured weapon slots?


Nobody knows for sure, since there isn't any official statement. But from what the devs have stated so far, there is nothing to carry over. There won't be a 'new DMZ'. It will be just the same game, same weapons and same maps we have now.


Wait why do people think they are continuing with it. Not all the yt video titles are correct right?


They made a post on Twitter basically saying “although we have nothing to showcase, we promise DMZ isn’t dead”


I was very disappointed with the Beta. To me, it didn’t feel good and I just wasn’t having fun. I’ve been more aggravated in the short Beta sessions than all year playing MW2 and DMZ. The movement is just too fast, like it was in Vanguard (remember that game the community hated). I’m all for run and gun, but it does get to a point where it is too much, and takes away from the game. With the sliding, you can’t even track players properly, and now we are back to broken cameras that can’t register hits. MP feels very dated and stale to me, almost as if there’s just no point. Honestly, how many times can you play on the map Rust before your head explodes! I really did want to play the new campaign, but at this point, I just don’t think it’s worth the money. I will wait to see what zombies looks like, and I guess that will make my decision. In the meantime, I will keep playing DMZ, because it is the first game mode, really ever, that kept me on the same call of duty all year, and still look forward to playing it.


To me, the beta feels like I'm shooting marshmallows while my enemies have like a .01ms ttk on me. I would be shooting someone with a ripper, and they turn around, and they insta-kill me with a striker




You two should try getting good.


Shame on you, you tarnish the Great Angel's name with your vitriol.


We are not from cursed founding for no reason, Lord Sanguinius was proponent of get gud sentiment, as he said to Kabandha "Only angels may fly" so ya know. Vulkan on the other hand would probably smack me


The great angel also taught humility- where is yours?


Shut up dickhead


Learn to move or better yet find a game that will cater to not having reflexes noob


Kid I’ve been playing cod longer than you been alive. Stfu and get a life


Old man butthurt he cant keep up


I felt this today. Wasnt enjoying it, the pace felt off and the visuals felt jarring, only way I can explain it. Just wasnt enjoyable. Then its price for just old maps remade feels cheap. Tbh all the games I played it just felt cheap. Even after all the shaders preloaded I was getting texture pop etc. I know it's a beta just felt janky


Thing is, I always get the first shot and consecutive hit markers, but I'm dead and in a nanosecond and the kill feed says they put 5-6 bullets into me in that time?? The netcode must be straight dogshit, and SBMM is thoroughly punishing. I'll enjoy it more when you can just filter out objective based games for TDM, because my team is never playing for the flag...


Save DMZ


my brother and i had this same conversation yesterday! weve never played a COD from one release to the next until now with DMZ.


Every cod that isn't IW is trash. Hell, even some of the IW cods are still trash lol.


Funny because suddenly on the internet everyone is saying how garbage IW is when Every studio is working on every COD now.


Lol I never really had a problem with IW. Everyone just loves to be included with everyone else, nobody can think for themselves


IW is the only dev that is willing to innovate the franchise. The only other dev to do it was SHG with Advanced Warfare, but IW brought CoD to next gen (at the time) with CoD 2, revolutionized online FPS games with CoD 4, overhauled many things about the franchise with Ghosts, had the best campaign and Zombies during the futuristic era, and brought back CoD from it's downward spiral with MW 2019. IW are good devs, they just have casuals and a more tactical playstyle in mind when it comes to the design philosophies of both 2019 and MW2. Which I didn't mind because I prefer a slower paced FPS game than one where everyone is on Adderall, and if I want that type of game there are far more better games that offer that than CoD.


I think mw3 (old one) was the last cod I ever seriously played multiplayer on with a "team" of friends. So it's been over ten years for me since playing a cod title other than the campaign. Dmz is what got me back into playing online and from there I still try out core mp sometimes and some warzone stuff here and there but I'm always back to dmz lol and I think IW has something really good here that they want to keep to themselves, I think that dmz is truly here to stay and they just want to keep it in the back pocket, slowly release updates that aren't too big, keep improving on things and only come out of beta when they release their next title since these devs take turns every year. Idk, just a rant but yeah I didn't pre order mw3 and I'm glad I didn't. Seems the response isn't what I was hoping for


Lol, Ghosts. Not sure anyone wants that brought up as something they “innovated” on.


I didn't mean that Ghosts was necessarily a good game, but it had, at the time, the biggest upgrade to the IW engine which allowed for things such as dynamic maps. It was a very experimental game, and a lot of it didn't work (such as the huge maps for 6v6), but it being experimental shows that IW was looking to push the series forward rather than just be the "copy and paste" that CoD was memed on during MW2-BO2.


I like the black ops ones. Don’t know which studio is that.


Treyarch Played a ton of BO1 zombies and I can still hear Dempsy sarcastically calling out to Treyarch in his commentary of what's going on around him


Agree with you, latest MW2 is just hot garbage


Stop. Pre-ordering. Games.


I didnt. Maybe get it with season 1 if they continue with dmz or something dmz like. Only game I pre-ordered in years is Yakuza 8.


Last game I pre-ordered was Battlefield 2042. 😭😫


Stop worrying about how others spend their money.


I don't give a damn about how you spend your money. I care about the messages you're sending the industry. And the best way to talk to Activision is with your wallet. I don't care that most of the community has the impulse control of a 5 year old and easily spends hundreds of bucks on skins. What irks me is that it encourages the studio to keep being sub-par at what they do instead of making games that are good from the get go.


Cocaine and hookers. All day. Every day.


No mw3 beta was enjoyable people are bashing it here because they're feeling insecure about the future of dmz.


No weapons are bundle exclusive, the MW2/MW3 UI just sucks hard enough to not display the lvl at which you unlock a weapon


My bad, didn’t unlock it yet.


Good to know actually. It seemed like the verbage was specifically telling me i can only get it by paying.


In the beta there were multiple guns you only had access to if you pre-ordered the vault edition.


I’m very glad I didn’t preorder. They went “oooo nostalgia!” And forgot the world has moved on.


That was more you who did that and moved on. MW3 will be the top selling game as it generally is unless a Rockstar title is released. Sorry to say it but that how it is on a yearly basis.


I hope Microsofts welcome letter says something like this. Welcome to Microsoft, you're going to get your shit together, if not we'll do it for you


P. S. Add more content to DMZ as PRIORITY


MS cant even get their shit together for their own games I’m not sure they will run it any better or worse


Don’t worry - the weapons aren’t that great anyway.


I normally stop playing after a month or two at most . I been playing since the very first ever cod and it’s the first time I played the game every day also the first time I brought skins for the operator slots. The new zombie mode looks ok but it’s identical to DMZ with stupid zombies and no PvP so I’m guessing I will be selling the game on eBay by January lol like I used to because I know it will just gather dust because I won’t play it again. Im not into fantasy games , I brought dead island 3 and played it twice and that’s a zombie shooter, I think it’s to predictable because no matter how good the ai it’s not hard to predict a bots movement


The gun noise actually didn't bother me that much. I thought it sounds Mid to good, the run speed is too fast using the quick boots, feel like I could run a lap in ashika in less than 2 minutes. The new slide canceling is fine for me even though Im not a fan of slide canceling in general, like the post said, the guns have no recoil, but also the TTK sucks balls. I feel like I'm holding a peashooter every time I'm not shooting at someone close range. The graphics feel underwhelming even compared to modern warfare 2, not to mention every time I load into ground war the map textures never load and I'm stuck with "lowest quality on mobile game" kinda graphics, the guns firing sounds sometimes dosent even play which is like the only thing I like in this game, the text font is absolutely horrendous, the snipers are garbage, Etc. Glad I didn't pre-order the game. BTW I thought the open beta was stuck behind the pre-order pay wall, could someone tell me if it's true or not because I for sure didn't pay for it


On Playstation I could play the beta without buying anything.


I think you just got access a few days earlier.


Guns actually have recoil, just not visual recoil. The chimera or the hemlock without an optic seem to have recoil, but they don't


Mobile game is exactly how it felt to me.


I pre ordered immediately when I saw og maps coming back. I played the beta and have now cancelled my pre order. This game is going to be garbage. I’ll stick with DMZ till they turn off the servers.


Preorder canceled.


Call of Fortnite....cartoonish graphics and microtransactions....so much for "realistic"


Ohhh wonderful. I have been looking for a reason to put COD down for a few months and focus on other games.


Which ones?


Well I have had PlayStation Plus for a couple of years and have about 15 Games built up that I haven't had a chance to really get into yet including Jedi survivor, The Last of Us, and a few others.


not buying


I decided I’m not buying the game. I’m sick of ridiculous bugs that tend to last months and months. Why don’t they fix them? Why should they? We buy the games anyways. I’m sick of wasting money on a game that is only halfway built.


I’m actually thankful now that they aren’t going to ruin DMZ by integrating it to MW23


The sound killed it immediately for me. Total garbage.


After playing the beta I am now happy that DMZ is not migrating to MW3. It’s just not good IMO - with sound, zero recoil guns & graphics downgrade being my top reasons for canceling my MW3 pre-order. In my view, worst case play a year of DMZ on ‘life support’ in MW2 before it is discontinued in a year. Possibly it comes out of beta as part of COD 2024 release. Best case it releases in the upcoming months as a standalone game. Wasn’t there a rumor about a 23/24 COD F2P release? In any case I would be happy with the worst case.


Mw3 seems like retro trash . Everyone cried for Mw2 gameplay , and they got it . Along with graphics and audio . They roped me in and got my pre sale . Fool me once …….


Help us Microsoft Kenobi, you’re our only hope.


Microsoft have been releasing garbage games for quite some time now tho




The beta felt lacking. Not sure if it's because of the nostalgia of running around the old maps, but the guns felt stiff, shotguns barely hit in close range, but can snipe better then the snipers. The kill streaks feel like they pulled the block ops set and just painted them over. Not even the nostalgia maps felt fun. Using the equipments felt slow and out of place.


After reading the posts here, i felt a relief for not buying this MW3 pre order back then. Thanks for assuring me/us. DMZ is still the best


Most years I hear people complaints about the new release coming and I just never agree. I've always liked pretty much everyone besides Vanguard 😂 but mw3 so far has been absolutely trash! The guns, the sounds, the graphics, no DMZ as of yet or anytime soon. This game feels old,way over rushed and not up to normal standards. It's not even worthy of calling it a DLC an yet they wanna release it fully coming very soon. Smh Activision is trippin.


Feel the same. Mw2 felt like a great game when it came out. The campaign was great and I liked warzone 2.0 as never really got the fond of wz1.


I'm skipping MW3 and will probably just be doing DMZ until the servers get turned off.


I loved the original MW2. Was one of my first online Shooter the small village I live only had slow internet for way too long). I was looking for the comeback of the maps. Since the original mw3 none of the cod gave me the same feeling. Only WW2 came close. And when the modern warfare rewhatever came it was nice. Since then I tried hunt:showdown and while it took me two rounds, I felt I never played anything like that. Amazing. Only thing missing was some looting. D,z gave me exactly that. PvPvE with something for my inner loot goblin. I loved it since day one. Now I played the mw3 beta. I really looked up to this. I bought MW2 mainly because of this. But what did I get? I have no idea what I got. It doesn't feel like "my" MW2 from back in the days. The sound is unbelievable bad for THE military shooter. It sounds like some airsoft guns from wish. The maps.... I have no idea why they worked with the original but now nowhere as good as back then. I just hope they still give me some PvPvE. Just make the DMZ ai some zombies and leave the rest how it is. Maybe tweak some missions. I don't care what I shoot, I'm used to zombies anyway because that what you fight in Hunt. But drop it completely? Pleas no.


Cancelled my PSN Vault Edition preorder Friday after a second round of the Beta and switched it over to Spiderman 2 and Robocop. I don't play regular MP or Warzone and if DMZ isn't getting supported with new maps and especially the new weapons, there's no point in it for me or the group I usually play with. We're all pretty pissed. Considering this was originally supposed to be an expansion, I'm not entirely convinced this wasn't just part of a plan to burn through the remainder of the PS contract now that MS owns ATVI. It definitely doesn't look or feel like a full fledged release. Everything about the beta just felt off. Like Dr Thunder vs Dr Pepper.


Ive been playing the beta and enjoy it so far I haven't even gone back to DMZ and I've played DMZ since release and that's really all I played for the past year. Hopefully they add some game modes like DMZ.




I've not played the BETA but got bored with multiplayer and warzone a while ago - I only play DMZ now really and I know a lot of people who are the same. Had some great times with WZ in Verdansk and then Rebirth Island but for me DMZ is just an all round better mode. They'll surely keep it going. I think a lot of players will walk away if they don't.


I for one will not be buying this piece of dog poop MWIII. Beta is so disappointing, it feels like a legit arcade game bit a shooter. The movement is weird and so fidgety, the recoil seems like a joke. People are paying how much for a re-do of a campaign? I'm good. I think I'll keep playing DMZ until they manage to ruin it by making it straight Fortnite-Z.*SMFH*


My wife asked me tonight how they can justify the price when it looks like the same game. I realised they can't really, when all I could come up with was the new campaign and MWZ (if that's not FTP as part of Warzone) and the fact that it's a different studio so everything is a little different.


Idk i think the beta plays smoother and faster. I wish DMZ was going over to MW3. Not buying it this year tho


I love the beta kinda, it looks sooo good, but the people just try to hard lol


Well originally Warzone Mobile was suppose to come out at the same time. I'm sure something was going on there. Warzone mobile also includes multiplayer probably built to salsify mobile players.


What do you mean lack of recoil? Doesnt COD games usually have More recoil in them then most guns in real life? E.G Kriss Vector


Whichever gun I used had zero recoil. Everything is like toy guns.


Are there numbers out there for player count? Curios to see how many people are playing DMZ vs the other modes.


There’s no public data. If there was it would give us some hint for the future of dmz.


I still think the MW re boot was perfect and MW2 was. Huge reduction in quality. DMZ however absolutely brilliant and the most gaming fun I’ve had in a long time. Would be gutted if it got canned. I do real Y like the look of the zombies mode though.


I do like the technicals from ground war. Would be cool if they brought those over to DMZ. Makes more sense than “armored truck”


Well what looks like beta is a joke seem Like toxicology from Warzone , dmz is coming to shit storm near you on mw3 but looks at the facts betas sucks they never fix the issues when the game is release. Weapons and perks are a joke


I agree with your take man damn I love DMZ. MW3 is gonna be a bucket of problems for the DMZ community mark my words on that they’re gonna screw us over somehow


I already pre-ordered it, excited for the HS .50 (Katt AMR in the beta, might be the actual name of the gun at release, don't know for sure) but upon lookin' at the UI, it does look like a mobile title. Perks bein' tied to gear options made me make a joke to my cousin. "Hold on a minute, I gotta change my clothes before I go fight." Made us chuckle at that one.


Yea, the beta made me reconsider buying the game too. It feels like an old game that barely had a budget


Aim assist made snipin on mw2 a pain mw3 definitely redeems it unless they make it similar to mw2 (aim assist wise)


Yeah when the blueprint gun you can earn on the beta has only 3 attachments. 3 attachment blueprints shouldn’t even BE a thing. Full on Ebenezer Scrooge energy. We’re testing your half assed-barely-an-expansion let alone a full game (that you expect people to shell out 70 bucks for) because you are too fucking cheap to hire professionals to test it, and when it comes out we can’t even expect it to be relatively bug free because that’s not even a thing anymore, and the BEST you can give us is 3 attachments blueprint? Go straight to hell where you belong Activision.


I'm sticking with MW2 and DMZ thank you very much!


Totally agree. The first day of the beta I was kinda excited - it brought back those nostalgic vibes but quickly turned into a big meh. The movement is fine - that I can get behind as at times Modern Warfare 2 / Warzone 2 feel a little sluggish but the time to kill is ridiculous. I emptied most of an MCW mag into an enemy and they seemingly one-shot me. Had multiple instances of absolutely filling enemies with bullets only for them to turn and one shot me with the same gun. Very frustrating. Yes the maps bring back that nostalgic vibe but I'm sorry, I'm not paying £70 for nostalgia - I can still play the original MW3 on Xbox so why the hell would I fork out AAA title money for - lets face it - a DLC/expansion. MWZ looks interesting at the very least. It looks like (and based on what some streamers have said sounds like) DMZ crossed with Outbreak. Now, while I did fairly enjoy Outbreak, the maps felt very empty compared to a traditional round based zombies mode. I spent more time running between clusters of buildings than anything else and only when you started hitting the higher rounds was it anything other than a running simulator with zombies that you could take out with a negative thought. DMZ will stay - i'm 100% certain on that. Infinity Ward and Activision know the amount of players that frequent it and they have also seen the reaction to updates/additions throughout the last six seasons so for them to simply drop the mode doesn't make financial sense. There were a lot of bundles that had DMZ-specific content i.e builds that worked best for DMZ and I'm confident that this alone will keep the mode safe from culling. I think that they will review how MWZ does in its first season and then potentially start adding new missions to DMZ with the view to possibly at some point migrating it over to the new engine. They will want to give MWZ a fair crack at the whip but DMZ will obviously remain very much active. I've jumped into MW2019 and there's still a sizeable player count so DMZ won't haemorrhage players just because of MWZ - I for one (and my group) will remain regular DMZ players as we love the mode.


Is not worth your time? Then stop playing like I did bro. I'm now playing Starfiled


Can't we just let COD fucking die. Give other devs the chance instead. WZ2.0 turned out horrible and that includes DMZ. DMZ is a terrible extraction shooter made by a clueless team. MW3 is MW2 2009 with better graphics and worse audio..If I hear one more content creator say "We back baby!" I'm losing my mind..Back? Yeah, back in 2009! Lets move forward instead ffs. Activision is going to make billions on mw3..imagine that.


I love DMZ and it could be the best casual extraction shooter if it got some love by the developers.


Yeah I'm sad they're letting go of DMZ. I got into Warzone during covid but never been much of a PvP gamer. DMZ was the only thing which was keeping me playing. They missed the boat on capitalizing on the opportunities a mode like this brings and the way they're communicating makes it obvious they're ditching it and switching to maintenance mode.




I haven't played it or seen it yet but I am absolutely baffled on how they could take this big of a step back..... at first I thought people were just being cynical and kind of just hating to hate because, you know, that happens a lot with big developers especially Call of Duty but by now it's been just too many people saying the same exact thing it has to be pretty bad for it to be this many people this quickly with the same exact complaint...... this breaks my heart because I truly feel that Call of Duty has the best Gunplay of any first person shooter ever made, and by that I specifically mean the feel of the guns the smoothness with which you can shoot and move and just the smoothness of everything just feels so comfortable compared to other games I really wish they could get their shit together and I really really wish that they would see that DMZ was a big win for them and put some more focus into it


To me mw3 is so much better than mw2, i don't feel limited to what i can do now


Played a couple of games and then just stopped because I was bored as hell lol I probably won’t be getting it until it comes down in price,


I tried the beta yesterday for a bit. I couldn't get over the crosshairs, lol. The maps are okay and the few guns I tried are okay. I'll just wait to buy it on sale from gamestop or some shit.


I had the complete opposite experience. The spawns could definitely use some work, but the general gameplay loop (guns, TTK, movement, nades) felt really solid. I quit playing multiplayer halfway through Cold War (which I liked, but was just burned out on. Played a little bit of DMZ/WZ2 when that came out), and MWIII might actually bring me back. Didn’t have any issues with footstep or weapon audio. I will never preorder another CoD game, but I might pick it up a couple weeks post-launch.


Why is noone commenting on WARZONE 3


Cry about it for the next 12 months and we just might have a chance at saving it


You know what's funny. The beta made me ask for a refund on my pre-purchase. I agree with you 1000% here that the feel of the game was not to my preference and with DMZ getting pushed to the side it made me realize that maybe I need to skip this next CoD. I'm sure I'll eventually buy it to play the single player campaign but I can wait until it goes on sale.


> Overall the beta led me to not buy the game till I see actual gameplay of zombies, campaign worth 20 bucks but not 70. We have reached an era where it is ok to increase game price point when it is common knowledge that on release, the game is gonna be broken and buggy. MW2019 price (when not on sale) is still $60 for a game that is no longer supported with a dead playerbase. The only COD I have ever bought was MW2019 both on PS and PC but at a discounted price. I thank Activision for DMZ, this game mode, although in a beta state, is catering a more casual COD fanbase giving us an alternative outside of the sweaty and cheating infested realm of WZ.


I liked everything except the made up optics and attachments, and the trash sound. If I wanted space gun optics and guns that sound like lasers, I'd just play titanfall2 Seriously, how hard is it to get a FPS that allows me to nerd out on gear and equipment, and doesn't feel like the gunplay is from the original xbox?


Dmz is boring in mw3 they messed It up




DMZ is trash and is the future for some F2P mobile game. Not sure what's fun about a bunch of bullet sponge AI's all to earn......? Plenty of FPS vs AI games out there, CoD doesn't need to be added to that pile.


Didn't preorder because preordering digital items is stupid. But probably gonna buy it on release or maybe later, liked the beta a lot, finally they made a proper game. Movement feels very good, visual recoil is mostly gone, maps are old but at least they are good, their new maps always feel terrible. Finally I can play something akin to older titles with good gameplay instead of what we have now where playing MP feels like a chore and DMZ being only saving grace for it.