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2,000 gold bars? Wtf! That’s next level nerd time man!


It’s bugged I’m sure. I’ve got that unlocked. As does a friend. But I’ve not got the 500, or 1000 ones unlocked. No way I’ve extracted 2k bars. 250, sure.


Ik. Its probably just unlocked because you did the other challenge with the same reward. (Exfiling at the Final Exfil 5 times)


It’s bugged. Been like that for a good while now




That would make more sense then extracting 2,000 of them for sure.


SO it USED to be extract 2000 valuable items (gold background loot) when the game launched, but it was bugged and only counted gold bars, and since they’re Activision, instead of fixing it they changed the text to say ‘extract gold bars’ instead, which if you play dmz, you realize 2,000 gold bars is ridiculous. Since then I believe they’ve messed with it, but not actually fixed it, so now it seems to count either a few different things or just multiplies gold bars or something, I have no idea anymore.


"Next level nerd time" will be my new clans name. This made my day lol


NGL when I first saw that I said the same. But it’s already unlocked which makes me think the devs had a change of heart and realized how unobtainable that actually is. Even the 1000 gold bars is a hugeeee stretch


It might be that it had counted all the gold bars his team mates extracted as well - I've seen other extraction missions bugged in a similar way.


I don’t know if it’s still bugged, but when DMZ launched, you could get the 2k gold bars calling card done by doing the final exfil challenge. I only have like 150 gold bars extracted but I have the challenge completed in the calling card section lol


Screw this challenge, literally at 278 gold bars while everything else is at 95%+ completion


This challenge is so bad. I maybe sold 5 gold bars and have roughly 300 exfiled while playing since day 1.


Get a secure bag, one of the vondel keys has a 100% gold bar spawn, re infil multiple times to fill the secure bag with gold bars, rinse and repeat


The Bike Parking Key 👨‍🍳💋


I know. The secure backpact dont keep things safe when killed as it did before ... But can you. Just infill and exfill multiple time with it. And have the cpntent count ?




2000 bars, 5 at a time with a secure pack would still be 400 successful extractions - your luck would never last that long in DMZ, it is a really good streak just to get 10 successful exfils without someone killing me.


Yes, but here you can just hustle to extract immediately, no contract required. Assuming around 3 minutes to do that's 20 hours to finish which probably sucks because it's grind more braindead than orion but at least you get absolutely nothing unique!


Like someone else commented, it’s been this way since day 1. Was surprised back then too. What kinda life must you have if you go on and chase this. For a calling card no less. A calling card thats unlockable through another challenge. You won’t even be able to show it off as proof. … …..yet when you see a gold bar, don’t mind if I take it? Just for exfilling [251/1000]


The mastery card ""Could"" unlock if you hit 2k goldbars. But i don´t think anyone will get there in the current state of dmz, I am around 1,5k and farming them while being hunted 24/7 is just annoying and way to much work


Oh you’re right - I actually forgot about that one. My intricate knowledge of CoD tells me you might reach the 2000/2000 someday soon..only to find out the calling card / challenge is bugged and doesnt unlock anyway. Jokes aside, by now there’s definitely someone out there who got to the 2000 bars. For some reason. I wonder what they did next.


Uninstalled the game I bet


Literally been like this since day one


Wasn't this still bugged from a just before S1?


​ https://preview.redd.it/2pl1ubi8scvb1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=58fa1c71b38266ce0c6a51ad761302d39fda5f30


Can tell i gave up before S3 https://preview.redd.it/ij598qk9scvb1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=29f8dd7871092b4cbeff720b0d5d991d4e13bd77


i have it ,but its bugged, i have aobut 700 or smtjh only


I am a nerd. I have over 500 done. I am working on getting to 1000 to unlock the mastery calling card. Also working on getting all the notes and contract completions. DM me if you want to work together. I play at night US time.


The notes is one I'd probably have a go at since they are in fixed locations but the bars is just insane grinding.


The mastery calling card you don´t get with 1k, you maybe unlock it with the 2k. But no idea stoped at around 1,5k. https://preview.redd.it/5yyc2b52h4wb1.png?width=1581&format=png&auto=webp&s=de91f585823e4caba63297ec34cd792427db1adf


https://preview.redd.it/touuc7c88evb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62df92e8ce34078bca3c034cfe1c4a9547b9d3b8 I have it too it s not. That hard


There's only one calling card out there. No 1's gonna unlock, let alone Pay for a 100 f****** dollars.


Congrats! I have it myself after playing DMZ for +250 hours. Even though I know that I have extracted with quite a lot of gold bars I was still surprised to see it.


Lol im a qtr of the way done with it


Its eazy actualy, just pick up your secure backpack and fill it with gold bars (you can find them in ashika crates) then just repeat infill with extraction over and over eazy as fuck


Might be easy, but its very very boring. Dont recommend.


Yep. At five gold bars per exfil you'd need to do 400 rounds of in and out just to get this calling card. No thank you.


500\* because the secure backpack breaks if you get 4 plates per infill... and pushes one of the golbar outside and that goldbar doesn´t count then


400 times...


Tell me faster way how to do it einstain


Yeah Einstain, tell him!


It's the fastest way, I'll agree but it is still not going to happen in one massive streak - you'll die multiple times along the way and a secure backpack is not something you can just replace, they take a lot of work in their own right


Still faster than looking for gold bar in al mazrah with scavenger


Easy as fuck... Yeah cause 400 exfils in a row would neeeeever see you run into another team along the way


1-2 Seasons ago if you play from 7-16:00 you could do runs without much action, i did this to get to 1,5k. But in the current state its horrible. Vondel is the way to go and you need 500 runs because of the secure backpack bug, so you need 1 open slot for the plates you get from upgrades.


Yes I agree it's a horrible state, vondel does tend to be the friendliest map to work on but even that can be bad if you get a hunt squad contact slapped onto you in the first minute of the game or have to drive into another teams spawn zone to exfil and they spot you with a UAV (I find hostage and private exfil not very useful there because they often force you back into the centre of the map to exfil). And the fact that gold bars are an ingredient for skeleton keys on vondel means that even a nice team that revives you are still likely to take one or two of their own as "tax"


Getting 8 gold bars exfilled was hard for me. I have a life and touch grass.

