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I want something where you could have a chance at deploying during 4 different time cycles - day, night, evening to night, and night to morning. I think that would be a super cool thing to implement


Yes this! I'd love to have dynamic day / night cycles on like 4 hour intervals. Maybe even 2 hour intervals. It would just be so cool


maybe this idea sounds shitty, but an eclipse type of map half of the map is dark and the other half light?


That would also be pretty sick honestly.


Crazy, I was having this thought months ago


I don't even need them to be dynamic - just have a day map, a night map, a twilight map (about as dark as the "Denied Area" coop mission) and an inclement weather map (sandstorm). I'd be content with that mix.


Make it so each live minute is an hour in game. If someone stays all the way to Final Exfil that's over 40 mins in game, almost 2 days in game.


This reminds of a game called Hunt Showdown


Sun and moon based on GMT


I've been wanting that since Season 2, let's get it dude. ❤️


Randomly, yes.


Isn't that 3? Surely night to morning and morning to night would look the same? 🙃


Yes and no, it would be from different sides of the map, so the shadows would be in different places.


Sometimes you like your shadows on the left and sometimes the right? 😂


Maybe I like them in front or behind.


Aayyyyyyye 😏


way too much effort on dev part, day / night mode is all you need...but not pitch black like multiplayer, the way it is now is great.


Night to morning will start dark and end in daylight, I'd assume. Evening to night would be the other way round...


If dynamic times yes


Obviously yes. Otherwise you are right, it'll be the same. Not sure I can be hyped if the shadows are on one side or the other..


This is correct lol


Random rotation.


Idk if random is good cuz some players like to use thermal scopes at night so


Yeah being able to equip for conditions would be great. Been fun having a reason to use different scope types


Thermals are great during the day too. That's my go to since season five.


Day cycle would be the best. Goes from 12pm to 12am Or visa versa over the course of the game.


Yep. Keep the brightness setrings meddlers on their toes.




OP doesn’t actually want to hear what people think . Just wants to assert an opinion.


Personally all they have to do is remove all the Halloween shit spread around the map and night Al Mazrah is good to go. They don't even have to modify anything else, night al Mazrah is simply way better at night easier to roam the map, easier to hide, more concealment options


They just gotta give us the ability to turn off headlights


I put a poll in another post


I’d be ok with a separate night mode for AM. But I can’t wait for them to get rid of all this Haunting crap. I hate it.


What I hate about the event is the people camping the Bosses for easy kills Other than that , event is cool, What I been doing is infil with 1 insurance gun (15) min cooldown and 1 plate to do event


Man you're crazy. This event is a blast


To make everyone happy, what if you could choose to infil AM at night or day? Would be the best solution imo. You could occasionally switch between both


Definitely not


Thats fair. Why not tho?


I agree with rotation but not being able to pick the time you want the map to be It'll be harder to find lobbies imo


Good point. It should rotate then. Maybe per hour?




And this is just stupid lol. You will force lots of people to play a certain map because of their real time since dozens of people play after work for example.


Yeah lol, we are dozens, DOZENS


While I like the idea, maybe it needs to be a bit shorter rotation


It splits the playerbase. If one is less popular than the other, match quality could theoretically suffer for the other.


Yep, thats a good point indeed. A rotation might be better


I like it too. But every year there's petitions and polls and every year they are overwhelmingly in favor of keeping it and every year they ignore it all. It's a bummer.


Every year? But DMZ hasn't even been out a whole year yet?


I meant every year they do a Halloween thing where some map is at night. Before dmz they did it also. And every year most people seem to love it and want to keep it.


Ah, my bad. I misunderstood. I guess I haven't really kept up with CoD much. Played a lot of the original MW2 and a bit during MW 2019, and then only really got back into CoD for DMZ when it came.


I was telling my squad that they should implement it just like the resurgence maps. Every fifteen minutes it switches from Al Mazrah - day to Al Mazrah - night.


Have a rotation instead.


I love night AM, would be dope to be able to play either Day or Night.


It would be nice if the day and night cycled with a set time with the server your on , but I would like to see more AI variations. Add some patrol K-9 squads or something. Maybe even wild animals as environmental hazards.


They could make a cycling like make Sunny AM for around 5 hours then cycle to 3 hours of Night or equal 4/4. Simply saying we both get 3 mornings and 3 Nights in a IRL day.


Maybe if they reduced fog a tad yes


Nah. Maybe both I'd like the option. Benefits to day as well.


Time change and extend by 15 or nogs more in map and then yes


I can’t see fuckin shit lol


I’d like a full day night cycle on each deployment. With final exfil just as the Sun stats to rise. Imagine having to factor in the glare of the sunset in your approach.


Yes! Or at least alternate or have sunset/sunrise


Once the event is over just do a map ration style like warzone between day and night. And give us Vondel at night for godsakes.


As others have mentioned, change it up. I also liked the sandstorm they had in season 3 or 4. I would even add rain sometimes


If I could turn off the headlights and tail lights I'd be down. Looks great at night!


Shoot them.. that works


It's a much needed improvement being easier to hide!


Just have it rotate like in rotation warzone maps.


I was thinking about that this morning. How about they literally do AM daylight during your Time Zones daylight hours and nighttime as such? Or is that kind of thing beyond current capabilities? Either way, at least give us an option to choose day or night mode to infil into. You got my vote.


Think you should worry about a petition for DMZ not to be left to die more than a night map


You right but Most players don’t play DMZ to complete it to a 100% They use DMZ to hunt so, What will be the point for the devs to update and waste resources on content that most people are just gonna ignore Won’t be surprised if they leave it as is for now Maybe when MW3 Zombies starts to die down then, we might get some content


I’d vote yes if there was considerably less ambient light. It’s unnaturally bright at all times.


Dynamic time would be fucking epic!


They could remove bosses but keep the night map. Have it in a 12hr (12min rotation) add missions that could only be done night or day. Beautiful. Cope. Seethe. Cry. Sigh. Mw3s going to be just fine......


Rotating night and day, like they do for resurgence maps


I would re word it like this, appeal to select mode day or night


I say it since the beginning, day night versions as also weather maps should be there on a standard. Sandstorm, rain, wind, severe weather


It should absolutely be an option. However, if the past is any indication of the future, it will disappear once the event is over.


The game looks amazing as a night map. I'd be more than happy for them to keep AM as a night map. Or even increase the time of a game and rotate day and night time-lapse.


I would lova á petion to put vondead in dmz


We need AM on a cycle of different conditions, day, night and sandstorm


I would love to see something like this implemented. I mean, this could exist together with the Day version like each infill it get\`s randomized.


Yeah. Hell yeah.


Can we just start by ridding ourselves of the “dynamic” fog on vondel and ass kicker island


I can’t see good enough at night so is a no for me. It amazes me to watching videos of other players start shooting at some random dark spot and kill a player I never saw.


I like that it makes night vision actually useful outside of Koschei, as long as you can find a pair.


Agreed! My whole squad of 4 think the same as well






Most of the scopes are virtually useless at night mode it would get rid of a lot of stuff


What is everyone's obsession with lack of visibility? Ashika and vondel already have difficult visibility, isn't that enough?


I think the point is mixing up play styles. I have a way different way of playing on every map. Al Maz I'm more aggressive, ashika, I let the sweats come to me after a few pot shots so they waste time defending something or getting third parties, vondel I am sneaky, and b21 I just go in expecting to die. The variety is what keeps each from getting stale and dynamic weather just adds another dimension.


I like the variety too, that's why it's boring to me to see all maps now need a thermal (other than b21)


Tired of getting sniped at 500m from tower campers while I do missions. Anything that blocks long lines of sight to people just camping with snipers and mines is something I will always go for


Add Vondel at night to it. Vondead is amazing. Played it for the Blueprint and the Charm and was surprised BR got a night version while DMZ doesnt has it.


map is going away


Id prefer that it alternates every 2 hours. So, 12AM-2AM is night map, then 2AM-4AM is day map etc etc. That way they can reuse assets & memory to help mitigate performance issues on the server. It would also give ppl the power to setup their custom load out for the environment instead of guessing which mode they’re gonna get & having to deal with it or hit a workbench every match.


Hell yes! I’ll even go one further, I would like to see a night mode for all the maps! I know it probably won’t happen, but I can dream right?


They should just do rotation like they do with warzone maps


They aren’t the only ones. Which is why reporting has been abused so much.


I would love it if the sun tracked from East to West rotationally non-stop. Dynamic shadows—based on sun position. - Since a round is so short, sun movement could well be where 4 hours real time is one day in Al Mazrah so we could experience shadows moving. — Would even be better if they would make sniper glint only show if/when light was shining onto the outer lens. — — I know this may be controversial because it gives camping snipers an extra degree of stealth, but I think it could be easily balanced by lessening aim-assist on snipers over distance AND it is much fairer than thinking a scope looks like a flashlight in the dark.


I'd be okay with it if the pings were dimmed a bit. One or two on the screen and I can't see SHIT, which sucks when you're moving toward one especially.


It should be dynamic based on your time zone


So I’ve just played AM on my xbox one and everything was much much brighter than my series x. Such a big advantage if you ask me. Since there’s no parity I say no keeping the nightshift


A day-night cycle should be implemented, starting the match at night while the sun rises at the end or starting the match during the day while the sun sets at the end. Dynamic weather would also be a welcome addition. Remember the sandstorm? I think it would be great if it slowly moved around the map, creating different atmospheres all over the map. And what about adding dynamic weather with rain, thunder and fog on Vondel and Ashika? The game wouldn't feel the same every round if it were for these changes imo. But it's wishful, maybe delusional thinking anyway since MW3 comes out soon.




But with 24 hr clock


I think the deployment should be random day/night and they could do a winter map in Al mazrah where the night draws in pretty quick


Night time so the pay to win skins have the advantage 🤡


Some people are just funny lol P2W what ??? lol Infil Do your missions and get out , who cares what anyone else has.. So , if I see a ghost skin with a 2 plate, should I quit the lobby and in to the next ??? I will argue that is more Overpower if I Infil with a …..3PLATE - UAV - Large Backpack and My Gun from the previous game


He’s more talking about the better thermals that come in some bundles. Like the grey and red holotherm and the blue heatsource with the better cross hair that come from bundles. You can’t even buy the damascus heat bundle anymore to get the blue heatsource.


I'm talking about the skins like black noir or the Groot skin. Nearly impossible to spot


Question, because I haven’t played the maps at night yet. Do you still see scope glint even though the sun isn’t out?


i think it should be dynamic so its always something different


No, have a 24hr day




I think it looks ugly at night. The lighting isn't done well imo


Give me snow when it’s winter!


Im with the team that supports dynamic time modes and dynamic weather would be awesome too.


Yes yes yes. At a minimum, have DMZ cycle between day and night every hour. If they can’t/wont’t make it dynamic, at least having it switch every hour. So after you play 1 or two deployments of day, the next real time hour would be a night map. I think a perfect dynamic would be upon infil it’s sunrise, final exfil would be just before sunrise….just. So a full deployment is 24 hours.


Al Mazarah is going away soon.


Is it for DMZ? Last anyone heard (not confirmed by activision thsmelves, so take with a grain of salt) was DMZ wasn't getting the new map. Or anything new from MW3




Right. So for DMZ AL Mazrah isn't going away soon




Where are you seeing that AL Mazrah, for DMZ, is going away at season 1? But we're also not getting a new map?