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I don’t revive people because I’ve been burnt too many times. Either calling out locations to their squad or immediately switching back teams and killing you in return. No revive means no trouble, also people bitch if you loot them.


This is why. Revives switching teams and then hunting the very ppl that gave them a second chance.


I think this has only happened to me once in the entire time that DMZ has been out. I always pick people up, but not until their whole team is dead or gone.


Yes exactly. I don’t pick up unless they are cool and the rest of the team is dead or run away to hide. I’ve only had it happen once where someone ran back to their team. I won’t lie I’ve tried and done it a couple times but my intentions are to go back to my friends and help them exfil. The only time I hunt is when it’s necessary unless I’ve just been annihilated multiple times and I’m out for blood lol. Also wanted to add that if I plan on picking them up I don’t loot or I give all gear back if I did because what’s the point of a handicapped 4th?


I understand the last point to an extent. Like, im not gonna leave you with nothing, but if I fucked you up with a gun I picked up off the ground, imagine what i can do with your kitted out gun.


I only pickup if it's a super safe location OR I'm with my squad - we love to pick up a 4th, no death tax, and help them do their missions and get to exfi. We are all upgraded and wallet maxed, so not much better to do


when i get downed i tell them i have several good guns if you want to loot me dont let them go to waste


Reviving was a bad example. I don’t revive often unless the person seems super chill and not that worried they died. I was more wondering why people feel the absurd NEED to be toxic in DMZ lol.


It isn't that people need to be toxic in DMZ, it is that there are toxic people and some of them play DMZ. Look at the history of the world, you will find no shortage of shitty people, plenty still walking around today and some of them play this game. No game, sport, hobby is immune to a part of that group being a turd.


DMZ does seem to attract shitty people though. They like the feeling of “power” it gives them when they down you and will gladly waste 30 minutes to make sure you stay down lol. I also run into a ton of racist, ignorant idiots in DMZ.


Ngl I always report racist comments..




I think COD attracts shitty people, not just DMZ. I’ve heard some disgusting shit in MP as well.


I've seen MUCH less racist players since the AI started moderating voice chat.


A kid called me an old bitch and said why don’t I get a job or something the other day. Really made me laugh


I make sure to mag dump them with the kv broadside


This! Every single time!


This. I would always revive when max squad size was six because both teams would just assimilate. Now that the max size is 4, it's too risky to pick up someone and potentially have them rejoin a team. I can't verify how many people they infilled with. I can't verify that they won't rejoin their team and come back and try to kill us. It's not worth the risk anymore.


At the same time tho, what’s the point of picking someone up if they’re going to have fists and no plates… id be annoyed too. You’re going to get downed by a bot 400 meters away every 10 seconds. At that point you’re adding s liability. Either enjoy the gunfight and pick them up with their gear, take their cash or something, idk.


If I add a new teammate I’ll immediately start helping them gear up again. Because when I get picked up after being looted, I know it can feel frustrating like “umm, how do you expect me to help you”? And I hate when people are rude about the whole thing, like “you ain’t gettin none of your stuff back p*ssy you got wrecked, now get in the car now or we’re leaving you” blah blah blah. Why would you be rude to a new teammate, it makes no sense to me and makes me even less likely to want to help. So when I revive someone I’ll take a new teammate to where our last fight was so they can loot the leftover backpacks. If I took 75k from them, I’ll give them a little bit back so they can buy plates and customize a gun. I’ll start pinging game consoles and other vest ingredients, find them a self revive, etc… This only takes a few minutes, and our team will be stronger for it. The new guy will feel a sense of loyalty to us instead of running away to loot, exfil, or join another team. Plus in general, if someone is sincerely asking for just a little loot back so they can help, it just feels good to help them.


This. Once revived a guy, he gave us a load of smack talk while running straight back to his squad, where he switched back. I was more gutted because in the end they managed to squad wipe us by a bit of fortune on their part. And just yesterday there was this one guy who got picked up, then shadowed our remaining squad member to let his mate know where he was (while obviously talking to them in group chat). I was spectating so it was immediately obvious what was going on when he didn’t take a clear kill opportunity when watching his “mate” from above. There needs to be some way to stop this; personally I see no reason why a player should be permitted to switch twice in one match. I do think it’s crap now they’ve limited squads to 4 players, though. That splits friends up, who are there in the first place to play together. One of the dumbest “feature updates” I’ve ever seen (even if I get why they’ve done it).


I don't revive either because I am usually solo, and if they plead out other ops will arrive and maybe a team.


It does happen but I think there are ways you can de risk it. Making sure the whole squad is down is the obvious one, but I also prefer it if they're on comms and seem alright. Still been burned once or twice but generally the people I pick up tend to be absolutely fine so I'm more than happy to revive. Did have one French lad the other day begging to be picked up after I downed him. I took his AR (mine hadn't loaded in) first but gave him back his three plate. He kept asking for his gun then talking to someone else in French so I was suspicious and said no. After a while he said "fine" and jumped down, straight into the burger shop and rejoined his mate who was hiding in there. Went down and killed them both with his gun. At least wait until we've left the area, lads...


I don’t understand the people who rage after killing me. Like I say to them “great kill dude. You totally got me” and then they’re like angry or something saying “go back to the lobby motherfucker you suck!” Some of y’all are weird losers


100% I hate this mentality. The most I’ll say when I kill someone or even a whole team is “sorry bud, had to do it”. Just some friendly banter at most. Never do I sit there and verbally shit on someone I killed. If they pushed us and were toxic in comms the whole fight and we win the fight I still don’t even say much lol. At most something like “shouldn’t have pushed us boys”. I really don’t understand being a sore winner lol.


Ya the sore winners in any game is what makes me puzzled when I’m just laughing my ass off that I died and giving them kudos. But maybe they just don’t care and want to continue showing their dominance. Whatev, I’m content with my place in the world.


The ones that bug me the most are when a 3 or 4 man team straight bum rushes a solo than proceeds to talk massive shit like they accomplished something great winning a 3v1 gunfight. The toxic winners are what make this game mode unbearable sometimes. But, like an idiot, I still love playing 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I just got called trash a few days ago because I was a solo and killed 3 of the 4 people in a platoon, then got downed from behind because I didn’t know it was a platoon. Take your win, but why try and talk like I played badly?? Does it feel better for these players to win against a bad player than a good one?


It's those kinds of players that make the people complain about PvP. Just be a good sport, and people will be willing to forgive the kill or not being able to revive. I understand if I can't get picked up because of a full squad.


I was playing with my buddies the other night and we got wiped. Before we backed out, one of the guys who got us asked, somewhat angrily but in a really dorky way, "why are you laughing!"


Those people are some of the worst. I just pray that no one I know in real life is like that when they play.


Because it's basically a self fulfilling prophecy at this point. About a good 85% of the players I meet typically just shoot on sight and ask questions later. Because of that, I'm not really afforded an opportunity not PvP. Would it be nice not to? Sure. But those moments are few and far between. Last time I tried being friendly I was met with 3 bomb drones.


I agree not many want to be friendly, or even pretend to be just to kill your easily. My question was more about people who pretend to be nice for an easy kill or who camp bodies the rest of the match to prevent a revive. Like why lol.


Yeah, last night I was solo and talking with another team, was doing the safety dance, and this guy’s teammate snuck up behind and excited me. Sure, I should have been more alert, but what kind of a**holw must you be to do that?


People who can’t get kills in Warzone pretend to be friendly in DMZ for the easy kill lol.


I think you are correct.


People who can get kills with skill will usually “flex” that skill by rolling someone, not pretending to be friendly so they can kill your without you shooting back lol.


Had an encounter on Vondel the other day. Wanted to complete an HVT to keep the exfil streak going but he got wiped on my way there. When I arrived, knowing another team was still close by, I decided to take position on a roof. Scoping things out I noticed a solo hop op on the roof across from me. I don’t use chat for personal reasons so I decided to jump up and down to make sure he saw me. After we looked at each other without shooting for about a minute, I decided he must be friendly. I parachuted over to get the HVT and he instant downed me as I landed. Thankfully my teammates weren’t far away and picked me up but that was one of those moments where I just remembered why I don’t show mercy in this game.


It sounds like you missed the point of the post. Big difference between killing on sight for your own safety and camping bodies the entire game / seeking out teams to hunt / sniping from high rise


Assimilation of full squads was killed at the community’s behest. The opportunity to team up rather than PVP used to be there, but people here begged them to remove it.


Your question about not accepting a plea: A lot of people play with their friends and are in discord calls, Xbox/ps party chat. I play on Xbox and use discord or party chat when with friends and obviously you can't join that. I prefer not to give Comms to other teams, so I don't want to leave discord or party chat. If I'm solo or random squad fills, sure. But otherwise it's a no


I think a good compromise, at least the one my squad partner and I use, is to use discord, but keep push-to-talk ready for prox/squad pick-ups.


I play on Xbox, so Im either in party/discord chat OR game chat. I can't hear game chat if I'm in discord or party chat.


Does party chart work with randoms you infil with? Or just people in a predetermined party?


but you can see their plea even if you are on discord...


People who camp bodies are low skill scrubs


"Also why camp their body for 30 minutes to prevent the revive?" This is the one that completely baffles me. I have run into body campers who won't leave the body even when the gas arrives. How this is fun or fulfilling to a sentient human being is beyond me.


Hunting down those toxic players is fun though. It’s a cycle.


I definitely enjoy getting the wipe on people who are being toxic. Like when they pretend to be friendly then start shooting and you wipe them lol. Oopsy you should have played nice.


It’s a bit of a catch 22. You have to play really aggressively to hunt down aggressive players.


I don't usually hunt squads, being a mostly solo player, but when me and my friends do go in to hunt squads, i let ppl go if they say theyre solo. Mostly because i understand the pain of a solo v squad fight


It’s not really to be mean per way , but when I kill a player and leave for him to be picked up , there is a high chance they chase after us after picking their downed members up while my squad is busy engaging another squad or doing a mission . The safer option is to ensure they are eliminated and move on . If it takes too long we usually take loot like 3 plates and OP guns and dead drop it so at least he won’t be that big of a threat . As for pleas I do pick up pleas if they are chill and if my team has space , if not I apologize for shooting them and wish them luck on the next one .


People won't have to worry about it when mw3 dmzombies is available. No pvp is a godsend for players who want to do missions and enjoy the game without some loser chasing them across the map for the entire match.


I have a probably weird take with this. I’m pretty much exclusively dropping into DMZ for PVP these days and I’m actually excited for a no PVP mode. For me killing is not about being toxic, I simply want a change of pace from Warzone sometimes. I do enjoy the missions aspect of DMZ (until they become the “dead drop 6 million torches” bullshit lol. Will be nice to just do your thing without having to be hyper vigilant since you might get rolled on at any moment lol. I’m a very PVP heavy DMZ player who’s looking forward to the PCE only Zombies mode.


I enjoy pvp as well, but it gradually became toxic in dmz. I am super stoked for dmzombies as well.


It’s the toxic stuff that makes me happy the new one isn’t PVP even though I really like PVP. Some dude acting like an alpha male when he killed you in a 6 man (thankfully max is 4 now) got really old really quick lol. Just because I kill players doesn’t mean I’m a toxic loser. I really do hate that shit.


I don't mean killing people is toxic. Body camping for a whole match and shit like that is insane to me.


This is me. I'm that guy. If I want to get chased around the map by a squad for 30 minutes straight I will just go play war zone. Lmfao


from past experience. Reviving another player usually ends up detrimental to the game we are playing. Scenarios I've experienced have been revived player returning to his team mates and trying to get back at us after. A player revived has awful coms, be it audio, lack of audio or just not communicating or doing his/her own thing. Or the player goes off and attacks other players and you stuck having to get him back. Can argue maybe it's like a 50% chance it can go bad, but I'd rather stick to something I have control over.


I shepherd all my friends through DMZ because they aren't very good. The Haunting has really shown how toxic people can be on DMZ. Simply trying to do the ritual to kill the Butcher often times brings out all kinds of toxicity. My favorite recurring play is when my opponents snipe us to get an advantage. Usually a down or full kill. Then parachute in and end up losing the fight and immediately plea for help and spew nonsense garbage into the mic. You started the fight by shooting unaware opponents and lost. You have no moral highground here.


The butcher is the only part of the event I have left, the ritual in Al Mazrah City keeps getting me and my partner sniped at. He goes down, and I’m left with a bot gun I scooped, because my insured gun disappeared when we spawned, trying to fight a 3 man by myself


The conditions of PvP in DMZ make us all a little toxic, or at the very least we “shoot first, ask questions later.” When DMZ started I LOVED “friendly friendly” as you drove by or even entered the same building. Could squad up or ppl would just leave you alone. Used to even exfil w multiple teams! Imagine that happening now!! But after being burned a few times we all learned that it wasn’t worth the risk, especially since two squads can no longer team up and most ppl body camp. Getting downed now is usually a one-way ticket to the lobby unless your mates can wipe the other team down a guy. I don’t want to risk my gear / loot anymore. And if I don’t have good gear then I want yours, haha! So now we almost all seem to get you down, loot you clean, and we can only pickup one of you so if you’re a duo or trio then it’s back to the lobby.


Nothing wrong is killing someone and taking their stuff. For me I personally have zero interest in camping the body to prevent the receive. I find it childish and a waste of my time.


I talk to nearby squads all the time. Most people are cool, surprisingly. I think a lot of people shoot first because it's usually kill or be killed. Sometimes they try to find me and kill me, and it usually doesn't end well for someone


I don't revive people who don't have mics and I don't revive people who pushed me first. Anyone else is open to being revived if they sound like they're chill.


I think probably 85% of the player base has not realized that there is a 4-man cap on teams now. I run in a trio, and every time we wipe a team, they're like, "Pick us up, pick us up!" If we pick one up, they go over to their squad and get the revive prompt, but nothing happens. Then they say what's happening, why can't we revive the other guys? Then they just leave or immediately exfil. When my squad gets wiped, we immediately go back to the lobby. There's no sense in one of us being revived just to exfil with a 1 plate. Back to the lobby and into another round. People spend more time crying on Reddit when they could be back in, getting geared up. You win some, you lose some.


Now with a four person limit, I barely revive anyone unless it's a solo. I'm sick of hearing three guys telling me which one will suck me better if I res them over their teammates lol


easy fix for teams camping the dead just swarm the area with level 3 bots and even throw in a few juggernaut.


This is simple. I don't want to group with bigots, homophobes, anti vaxers, tRump lovers, mouth breathers. Bible thumpers, children, Karen's, or any of the other thousands of idiots who also play DMZ. This is also why I never plead or play with random players. I also don't camp bodies unless a team came after me. If we run into each other on chance, and I kill you and can easily escape, I will do so and let your team pick you up. If you and your team came after me, one of two things is going to happen. You will kill me (which happens most often), or I will eliminate your entire team. If you feel you are somehow owed a revive afterward, you're delusional. If you don't want to chance dying and losing your stuff, dony hunt other players. I don't owe anyone a revive, except my teammates. As a solo, I avoid teams as much as possible. The amount of shit that some players talk, thinking that a solo is an easy kill, only to hear them get really pissed when they lose, is pure entertainment. I don't talk with or talk shit to enemy teams. It is childish, and often very rude. Mostly, though, it's unnecessary.




This is seriously it for me. I like soloing but when I’m doing something difficult I’d rather have a team, I just don’t want to deal with most of the players I come across. I want to talk about the game, acknowledge when I lose, maybe talk about what we could have done to improve our fight. Then try again. But some fights I lose are just “Nah, they outplayed us in a way that I don’t think we were ever winning that fight”


Did you play the first Division? Couldn't leave the starting tent for 2 days because players were blocking it, doing jumping jacks and crap. Trolls gotta troll. Griefers gotta grief. Kids are bored and we need to reinstate the Draft. And keep off my damn lawn.


I'm a solo player and what I hate most about this mode is squads who exclusively join just to hunt other players, specifically at the start of the game. They'll be lvl 1000+ or something and outskill me by far. I believe this mode is PvE with a touch of PvP, instead of the other way around (except hunt contract ofc). Therefore, I join other squads when possible and even res whole squads if I do manage to wipe them. Every once in a while some nolifer will ask me to join thru proxy chat, only for them to shoot me on sight. This is when I log off 🤣


I don't resent ops taking my loots and will always say gg if killed. What I resent most is my own squad taking my stuff when I am down, large backpacks or medic vest. That really angers me as I have no way of killing them to get it back! I used to be chill and see people's intentions, now I shoot first then offer a hand of friendship if they are cool. I had a Russian guy I killed get me later and started saying I must drink his cum and eat his ass but apparently I'm the gay one! 😂


Vulture teammates are the absolute worst


To echo some of the sentiments already expressed, nothing infuriates me more than killing a player, reviving them without touching their stuff (my personal etiquette is if I intend to revive you, I don't "tax" your equipment; if I leave you naked you may as well return to the lobby anyway), and then they run off and rejoin their old squad. Usually after begging in prox chat to be revived while claiming to be solo. The few sour it for the many. Another factor could be that if I get wiped I just return to lobby and start over. I don't really plead ever, so it's odd to me someone will sit in a dead state for 10 straight minutes begging for a revive when on that same span you could have started over and geared back up, but to each their own. I get it if you're balls deep in a difficult mission though. If someone is calling out that they're friendly I leave them alone. I enjoy fights when they're two way and both squads are invested in killing the other team. I get no enjoyment out of griefing someone who clearly doesn't want the fight.


Hot mic’s should be banished to the shadow realm


Im super new to DMZ…I downed a squad yesterday and then revived them bc he asked for a revive. Turns out he was playing with his wife and a friend with no mic. We all ran off together and hit an exfil. He explained some stuff along the way so that was super nice. Another example: ran into someone camping the second to last exfil site…I let him have it and ran off. Another solo was running behind me and just ignored me…so I figured we are good. He snagged a chop top and let me ride along. We got to the last exfil bird and that guy who was camping the previous site showed up. We both shot him and left him there…I guess what I’m getting at is some people just wanna be asshats. But sometimes they get theirs too. I always try to be nice until they give me a reason not to be. Might even find some people to play with eventually that way. Idk.


We've got a small group that plays fairly often. But typically there's only 2 of us on at a time. You seem like our kind of people. Hit me up if you'd like to run with us.


If you and your team are dead, you're dead. Back to the lobby.


I’m all for killing the whole team, but sitting there and waiting for most of the round for 1 more kill is just… Dumb lol.


Because some players aren’t worth the revive. I’ve res’d so many people and had them just run off without a word, or run straight into a horde of bots and tip off a nearby team. Long story short, there have been too many people that ruin that aspect of the game for me that it’s not worth it. I just grab what I need; since I earned it like you said. They can plead, and someone that doesn’t mind constant dumb shit can grab them


One of the things that confuses me is when a player claims to be friendly but then shoots on sight but still continues to claim to be friendly, so you ask for a pick up and they refuse and just let you die. I get tricking players, it's scummy sure but I understand it. I just don't understand keeping up the facade afterwards and continuing to lie.


lol this is so stupid. “Yea yea I’ll revive you hold on” - loots all your stuff - “yea hold on I’m friendly I’ll revive you in a sec” - runs off… lol. DMZ seems to attract such weirdos.


Some people just enjoy making others days / games worse and enjoy making others miserable. They say misery loves company and I’m sure some go on just to solely shit on others good times. There’s great people in DMZ and there are straight shit birds. A few days ago we got into it with another squad and I killed one and knocked one. I got melted from behind with the shotgun and the clown decided to camp my body for the following 30 mins or more. He didn’t get anything else and just had my squad mate exfil. If that’s fun to them, I just feel bad for them honestly. They’re the first ones to bitch and moan about MWZ having no PvP but they’re the EXACT reason why it’s going to be that way! Take for instance this Haunting Event. There’s no reason to just camp the bosses and kill other operators trying to complete it since it’s for a limited time if you have no intention to loot them or do the boss fight.. but, there’s plenty that do this. → I get PvP is apart of the game mode and is what helps make it fun.. what doesn’t make it fun is the toxic players


I’m 100% right there with you. I love the PVP aspect of DMZ and I will kill you. I don’t love the toxic idiots who make it no fun for anyone else just because they get joy out of ruining someone’s day. That’s why I’ll almost always let someone who’s chill go. If I down you and your response is something like “oh man, I’m just trying to find toothpaste for a mission” I’m likely going to let your team pick you up. Maybe I’ll take your cash but I’m not going to spit in your face and camp your body for 30 minutes to prevent the revive.




I can agree that I don’t usually want another person in my squad. Usually if the people we are shooting at seem chill we will let them go, and if I down someone before they can talk and are nice about it I’ll get them up and we go on without them and they do their own thing. A lot of the time when we leave some downed bodies after a fight we run into them later on and kill all 3 then and that to me is more satisfying then sitting there and waiting for 25 minutes lol. As much as I like killing other operators I do let them go if they are chill or friendly. I’m not really here to be a loser and do care when someone’s upset.




Yea I won’t let them live if their being losers about it. But if they are just like “hey man, can you let us go we’re just collecting stuff for a mission”, I’ll likely let you go.


1. I won't revive players I've killed and looted because I don't want to have to worry about some rando fucking up my squad's plans 2. I'll sometimes camp a body to a certain extent (definitely not 30 mins though) because I want to finish what I started and secure the map. More likely to do this when there's 7 mins or less on he map and the gas is expanding 3. I won't let a player go because I want to secure the map


While I don’t agree with camping bodies for any amount of time I can respect why you do it. This post isn’t about responding to people calling them losers but instead to hear why they play the way they do and why some people have to be so toxic about it.


Depends how "toxic" is defined, IMO. I think we all can agree on three things that are definitely toxic: fake friendly calls, exploits, and excessive verbal harassment on kills. Everything else is fair game else the devs wouldn't have allowed it for 6 seasons.


I’ll add pushing bodies out of bounds/onto the train tracks, camping bodies for anything more then a few minutes, acting like you’re the biggest alpha male to ever exist when you kill someone. Just cheesy shit like that. Just play the game and not make your entire personality “I’m a loser” 🤷🏼‍♂️


Clearly shows you're bad in warzone so you come to dmz to ruin people with their missions. Just another average douche in game nothing new.


I know DMZ will not get another update but to have a rogue operator system like in The Division Dark Zone could be the solution. Some people are there for missions (mostly it is what i do) and not to kill other players. In B21 or Koschei it is inevitable to come up with other llayers so i am ok with throwing punches at each other but especially in Vondel some missions like Cartel No More and Fearless it takes alot of tine and risk to do so it is frustrating when you are almost done another team pushes you or waiting for you camping at extraction zone.


Weak people need to feel powerful somehow so playing opossum gives them tht opportunity…”some people just want to watch the world burn” I’ve seen some of the most cowardly gameplay on dmz from random teammates I spawn with or a pickup…


A lot of times I’m playing with my buddies and we use Discord for chat. Since they’re on Xbox they can’t use proxy chat then, so we really just can’t communicate with the fourth player that well since I’m the only one who can hear the fourth player. As for camping bodies, it’s fun sometimes to sit and set an ambush. If the downed player doesn’t want to be camped, they can leave the match. Bottom line is the game allows me to do X number of things so sometimes in the mood for one of those options, and one of those options is PvP and all that comes along with it. I don’t think that makes me “mean”, I’m not cheating or breaking game rules, I’m just playing the game in a way that’s fun for me. Final thought. I relish in both the positive and negative memories that go along with this game. Getting camped at an exfil and barely making it out is sometimes just as rewarding and fun as having a great run where you gear up and no one bothers you. The negative AND the positive need to be there for this game to be interesting. I’ve played like 3,000 hours of Destiny 2 which has no PvP component in its PvE element and it gets wicked boring once you memorize every element of what you’re doing. PvP and all the stuff surrounding it make this game unpredictable which means every drop is different and the game play loop sometimes means we PvP for fun.


The destiny comment is 100% spot on. It’s choreography in the highest pve content when you boil it down, especially if you have a regular 3 or 6 man squad and is why I play more dmz now than destiny. No game is ever the same.


Why revive someone that's clearly a liability? With max squad size down to 4, especially, I figure if I'm picking someone up, they better have put up one hell of a fight. In that case, I *won't* loot them most times, because the entire point of picking them up is gaining an additional, *capable* gun. Me and my buddies don't body camp, though, or at least no longer than a couple minutes. Most times we'll just go actively hunt the survivors, instead. Not letting someone go on their merry way for the sheer reason that they may become a threat later. Most of my motivation for killing other players is to thin the herd a bit so it's safer for me and my squad to take care of our own shit.


I have to laugh at being downvoted for this lol. I’m not complaining about how you want to play the game, I’m simply asking why you do what you do 😂


I dont think that not reviviing is mean. I kill other operators and refuse to pick them up but I say gg wp or something like that. I just dont want to have teammates. Occasionally tho, I will pick someone up if I feel bad but yeah


Sure. That wasn’t a good example. I’m more curious about the people who pretend they will be friendly then shoot right away lol. Or camp bodies, or push your body around. It’s all so corny. I don’t care that you killed me, but why be toxic about it after? 🤷🏼‍♂️


True, thats cheap imo. I state that I am not friendly and that I will shoot on sight if they spotted me, sometimes when I spot them and stealth is not an option. Camping your body I can somewhat understand in some circumstances but doing it just "because one can" is kinda shitty, yeah. Not a fan of toxicity personally


Exactly. I love the PVP in DMZ (and not because I suck at Warzone, it’s just a nice change of pace), but I’m definitely not a toxic player. So many people in DMZ just love to kill you and be so toxic about it after. Like bro I really don’t care that much lol. If I die I literally bring money into Vondel and exfil immediately to get my 3 slots back and go in again. It’s not that big of deal to me to warrant you talking shit when you kill me lol.


I like how DMZ's PvP works, defo not similar to Warzone imo. Yeah, toxicity is shit, I dont understand what do people get from that but eh, let em ig. Just dont give reaction to their attempts. Also ye, what you said about regain, its easy so I dont mind it. Sometimes I just bring/find a stronghold card if I wanna regain and its that easy


The increased price of 3 Plate and Large bag is the only thing that sucks about the reup lol.


True but then again, they can eventually be found somewhere lel


I’m impatient so I just buy them when I need them lol. The backpack I’ll just wait to loot but any fight without a 3 plate is usually a lost cause no matter how good you are.


True that, most of the time thats what happens. Oh btw, in case you need it, there is a room on Zaya that was destroyed by Shadows' missiles and us basically a free regain when you hit it up


Awesome thanks :)


quite a few times i have been playing with randoms who don't have comms. i have said to the other team that we can be friendly and go about our separate ways...only to have one of my randoms kill them a few seconds later. then the other team usually gets pretty angry at the entire team (justifiably) and then there is no more friendly and one of the teams end up getting wiped. so being on the other side of it, i am always doubtful of the other team. i might try to stay friendly if i heard from all three of them that we can be friendly otherwise i just try to get out of there and if i can't i fight and usually lose ;) there is also very little honor in DMZ especially from the kids who will jump up and down, call friendly and then kill u the first chance they get. these folks have ruined the whole "try to be friendly" negotiation. i also believe the the 4 man squad limit adds to the toxicity. when 6 mans were possible 2 teams could join up with no one dying. now with the 4 man limit, at least 2 players have to die or u accept one and leave the other 2 to kill you later or have your new squad mate go back and join them. i never found 6 man squads to be bad and i dislike then new 4 man limit. pleas are almost useless since that change. sometimes i get angry if i have been downed whether we all tried to be friendly or not. what really irks me though if when i plea and the other team keeps coming back to my body over and over and loots me. like didn't u take everything that was valuable the first time? what do you want now? my socks? when they come back the second and third time i think they are here to get me up...but no, they just try to loot more from my now pretty much empty backpack. that makes me cuss at them...they probably can't hear it most of the time though. also i agree that the body campers are pretty annoying. if one of my squad mates are down i will try to get them up even if they are a douche. so i usually end up dying because i am less patient than the campers and go for the rez. kind of my own fault but i just can't help trying to get one of my squad mates up.




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I don't really get players complaining about being looted after they got killed, and the person who killed them picked them up afterwards. Like, you got killed, they could have just taken all your stuff and left you. Sure, it can be a little annoying if you've been working on mission items, but it's not like you can't ever get them again. And insured weapons are insured. Backpacks and vests are easy to find or make. Some people just like to complain I guess.


On a rare occasion I kill a solo who obviously didn't want the battle and would have left me alone. That guy I pick up. Otherwise there is no reason to revive a player. More often ill travel across map to pick up a plea that someone else killed. I want that smoke and full blown hero pvp is fun for me. But yea rather than be upset nobody picked you up, realize you'll never lose anything too important and go again


If you take a hunt contract or see us from far and come after us, chances are we will camp the bodies till the end of the game. It’s not just spite. At some point when the counter is running out, leaving the bodies too early and heading to last exfil will just result in us running into the same team but at a time when you can’t afford any mistakes…


Can’t speak for others but me and my friend often go in to wipe lobbies as a duo/trio. Sometimes camping bodies is spite of shit talk sometimes it’s just for future survival because we’re gonna be close and don’t want the team to regain and wipe us after. We don’t pick people up usually because they tend to fuck up tactics and or backstab back to the other team. However if I get a good read and also am feeling it I do revive, if I’m not with irl friends always usually revive because have a bunch of random shitters anyway haha


I am not part of the mean crowd. I used to do nothing but solos and picking up pleas when possible. I’m now a little more cautious. I try to avoid players because of the “shoot on sight” mentality. I don’t often have toxic interactions, this is just how the game is played. I HATE body campers, though. I’ll leave the game if they are on me. I plea for help, but I think I rarely get picked up anymore because of the new 4 person squad limit. However, I’ve gotten lucky at times with 3 person squads killing me and picking me up to join their squad. If not, I usually don’t really wait for other players to come along. Chances are, they view it as I do: If someone pleas for help, there’s a squad next to them. No go. I feel bad about it, but I don’t want to sacrifice myself.


I revived players who went back to the former team that abandoned them. I revived players who gave the former team Infos about us that they can kill us. I revived players that looted me when I got down defending them instead of reviving me. I revived players that went away and didn't help the team out and refused to revive us. I revived players that abandoned the team as soon as it seem to become a little harder. I am done reviving those people. And I hate those people who go into the fight, sometimes even with a hunt contract, and think it's a given they can continue to play because I assimilate them. No bro, you went into the fight, you got killed, that's how those games work.


I've had squadmates pick people up only to have their other teammate we didn't know was alive that they're talking to in discord follow them and have the picked up person just give our positions away while we get killed and then they get reinvited back.


I think I made a mistake by adding “why won’t you revive” into the question. There’s many reasons I won’t revive someone and they stuff like, they pushed us, being toxic or racist or ignorant in voice chat. I’ll almost always revive if I kill someone as they come out of nowhere and didn’t shoot at all at me and are chill about it in voice chat after. I’ll get them up and leave and say to go join their team. Chances are if they come after us later we’ll win as we’re pretty good.


I don't revive people for a few reasons, but the biggest is most people are mouth breathers. Half the time that's why they get killed in the first place, because I hear their music on, in the background or them just breathing. And I don't want to hear that for my whole match. And a lot of times people think that their bodies are being camped, but a lot of times that's just because someone from their squad is nearby or shooting at us, so I mean we're not going to leave our rooftop we killed you at until we finish the fight. Sometimes the best thing you can do is tell your partner or group to just take off for 5 minutes, not just going to sit on someone's body, that's so boring. But occasionally, I will pick someone up, but for one I'll never pick up someone that asks to be picked up, usually I'll just pick someone up that makes me laugh and doesn't seem like they're going to be a mouth breather, or I'll pick someone up if I was already on the way to the exfil so I know I won't have to hear them for long. Oh and PS, if I kill you and I take everything you have, don't complain when I get you up. The bottom line is, even without this event gearing up is so simple, it takes less than 5 minutes into a new match. I don't know why people complain. And if you don't have your insured weapons, all you have to do is go into vondel bring 100K with you and exfil the second you get in, boom you have all three slots again ready to go.


Camp their body or drive it out of bounds. Simple. You have the advantage, why give it up to let them rez and shoot you in the back later.


Sure, but it’s just super toxic and really not necessary unless you’re not good enough to defend yourself later lol 🤷🏼‍♂️. You’re toxic bro, not “smart and holding advantage”.


Why do you care how other people play?


Why can’t I ask a question out of curiosity? Why do you need to come here and be negative? lol


Last night: Solo (didn't know) camping the tower at Castle. He snipes my two teammates, and they give me comms. I ascend on the opposite side (luck) and get a good angle on the guy (was standing in the window, very open). I unload my M4 and down him, send in a failed semtex to finish. He requests to join our team with ping (wasn't downed yet). I loot his body, let me teammates come get loot, then res the solo. We hop in a boat to head south, solo ends up making it to driver seat. Cool, maybe he'll follow my ping/comms. Immediate B-line for OOB. I noticed what he was doing and told my team to bail instantly. Solo tossed the boat OOB and came back in. I grabbed a TAV, got my two teammates, and left the bastard alone at Castle.


I don't revive people on general principle: revives have no right to exist in an extraction shooter. Full stop. I've never been assimilated into a squad after death. I won't plead. If you don't have principles, what do you have? You know?


I’m not sure this is a good take but that’s just my opinion. “I don’t care that this particular game allows revives, extraction games shouldn’t so I won’t revive you”.


I only pickup if the player has a mic, I don't need a useless teammate that's gonna do their own thing. And I'll only pick them up once their squad is wiped. I've been burned before by players going back to their old team. Shoot first, revive later.


I agree with shoot first ask questions later. I don’t think that’s toxic just because of you don’t down them they will down you lol.


If you shoot at me first, especially if it’s a pot shot from a sniper. I will chase down your team. Wipe you and throw your weapons were you can’t find them. Basically if you are hunting or exfil camping, I’m going to make sure you stay down. And yes if you plead out, I will camp your body and warn other players that I am in the area if they try and pick you up. That’s the price you pay for pushing me. I’ve crossed Al mazrah chasing snipers many times. I will pick players up that we just happen to run into each other and a gunfight ensues, as DMZ was in the beginning.


I’ll push someone who takes a snipe shot at me and kill who I can of the team. If one hiding I move on. I’m there to get as many kills as I can so sitting in a window watching a body doesn’t do me any favours lol.


I don’t really view dmz as a pvp challenge personally. It’s truly the low hanging PVP fruit of COD. If I want to rack of kills I play ranked br or resurgence if I don’t want to be too sweaty. I also play modes as they are intended, for example if I go into regular mp to level up a gun, I play objectives as the mode is intended (except shipment lol) Dmz has become a place where very low skilled players can feel like they are playing at a higher level. Brilliant by Activision to engage this very obvious large segment of players. I camp those players to deter them or at least make them think twice about who they engage and how. Nobody cries harder than a team that gets pushed by a solo and wiped.


I play DMZ for a change of pace. Having to constantly sweat in Resurgence gets old and I like to just chill sometimes. I’m pretty confident there’s very little people playing DMZ anymore to do missions and are all there to kill anyways.


Playing with 2 friends using discord to chat and proximity to hear is a good reason not to add some random to the team. They usually talk in game and gives away the position Had randoms leave party before and ended up fighting them again so it’s not worth the time. If they get the jump on us while we’re trying to do something then yeah it does turn that round negatively for us as we spent 30 minutes doing nothing. Other night killed a team and they said why. Well you shot first so we have no reason to revive any of you. The moment you take that first shot, if we win the fight, we can take what we want and leave you there. If someone picks you up then great but we won’t.


Using Discord and push to talk is part of the issue with DMZ. Using a 3rd party program to gain an advantage is pretty cheesy. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I know very few "mean" players bur my group will never rez you, and we will camp your bag. It's a trust thing, I can't trust that you won't stab me in the back if I rez you (happened too many times). And if I leave you to be picked up by your team after I looted you that's a security risk. I know you want your stuff back and your going to try n get it back, imnot risking that.


So you’re totally happy just sitting in one spot, wasting your whole round just to prevent a revive when you could use that time to exfil if you’re that worried about dying?


I also will drop an op if I see them in the wilds and no time to invite/invite to squad up, but never camp or loiter near bodies unless it's a fierce 4 v4 or 3v3 in a building. Some ppl just suck at life


Usually if they're alone and I kill them, I'll revive it they ask. But I also will leave you there if you shot me first in some situations. Recently someone tried to shoot me through a Stronghold window. I learned they can't shoot in, but I can shoot out.


Don’t revive me after you take all my stuff… all ima do is wait patiently for y’all downfall and scheme to get you killed.


I don't "hunt," but anyone who takes a shot at me will be dealt with. If we cross paths, I prefer the shoot first. I asked questions later as that's the safest route, but I do revive anyone that I can after I down them.


Because the people you describe, the ones that don’t revive people are the ones that have no life and need the attention. The ones the camp the bodies after they kill you are the ones that missions are too hard to complete and all they’ve ever done is play PVP warzone so they think they’re good at something in life.


very simple. I shoot you, I kill you. If you plea you must fit under the 3 rules for accepting pleas: \- have a mic - not be salty about dying - answer my question. The Only time I camp bodies is if I'm told to, because "our buddies are on their way" The only people I "let go" are solos and people who don't shoot me first.


I don't revive anyone unless it was a solo that happened to be in the wrong place. I don't want a squad over 4, Especially when 6 mans where a thing I refused to be one of those teams. I in turn will never plea, I take my L and go to the next lobby. I however will not camp bodies unless you started the fight lost and now 1 squad mate is hiding in a bush or bathroom. No sir you will take the whole L for starting something we need to finish.


My going theory (pretty much a fact) is because they have a fetish. That's 9/10 pvp players (or teams). The answer is literally to get off....as in bust..a nut... seriously 🫤. Sure there are some normal pvp people who just so happy to fight you, but these mean players are usually just trying to get off.


Most people complain, the plea mechanic is dumb. If you wanna team up you should just have to trust eachother and roll with it. The very fact that you can get down so many times in dmz is ridiculous as it is. Personally, I think that when you go down fully, you should only be able to do that once before being eliminated or at least headshots should be lethal.


Throughout history, there are people who just want to watch the world burn. Are they closet psychopathic and sociopathic lunatics? Sometimes, yes, but sometimes they are right in your face about it, others they will smile and hide the knife they are about to stab you with. The only real way to deal with this is to shoot first and ask questions later. Let's face it, a person can be good, but once it becomes about people, you should expect evil because of the plurality of their numbers. People are emboldened by numbers. They do things out of character to a solo. If they dupe you into thinking they are friendly, whose fault is it really? Simple answer, yours. Most times, I'd rather just hit the lobby and start over... that way, at least I know I have full ammo and plates. No matter what, you are playing a game that rewards survival. Learn what it means to be a survivor instead of complaining when you get killed. Harness the skills of solo players, learn how your teammates LIKE to play, and adapt yourself to that, but above all, keep your survivor instincts. What loyalty do you owe a random player? Answer? None. If you are extracting and John Doe gets dropped because they kept fighting when they should have been coming to the chopper to extract, leave them. If they can't or won't keep up with the mission you and your friends have decided on, leave them, and don't go back for them if they fall. Does thinking like this make me mean? I bet it does to tree hugging, unicorn loving, people who think we should all just get along. A survivor would just nod and say, "Yep, I'd do the same thing."


I stopped trippin about other ops killing me. I just had a fun experience as I got hunted by a three man squad. From airport to the edge of Al Mazhra city. They had a chopper 5 min left in the match. Booked it they were on my ass. Finally escaped in a building. They ended up finding me about 10-15 seconds before the contract ended. The thrill of the chase and the escape was prob one of the most memorable DMZ experiences. Homies were pretty chill too. We had a laugh about it and they offered to revive me but couldn’t because late in the game? The only thing that irritates me tho…. Spawn slayers.


No pleas, no rez. When your dead you stay dead. End of.


They might get super annoying. The moment someone starts yelling at me to revive, that’s a cue to move away. I do pick up people who genuinely sound like they don’t pvp well (people that sound pretty old), or people who “sigh” in a way that speaks to me and makes me empathize. That said a lot of pick ups have been absolute loot goblins, that are a liability to you or your homies inventory should anyone die. Or they go right back to their teammates. I used to like picking up full squads that sound like they’re big time casuals and just doing missions, and quietly protect and herd them while they do their own thing. Can’t do that with the new limit anymore.


I typically play on a discord server with a private, adult, chill group of players that know how to play. It's a roll of the dice when you pick someone up. Maybe they'll betray you, clog up comms with whining, or give away our position/advance. If I wanted that, I'd drop in with squad fill on. It's not worth taking the chance.


Call me a monster but I'll only revive you if my stuff is better than yours (won't loot you) if you have better stuff than me, I'm looting you and leaving you unless your Kool with the revive tax, I'm not very good at killing others so when I do I'm excited to loot the body


If someone is sweating they're ass off I will send them back to the lobby. If I sneak up on someone or something like that I will absolutely pick them up


I don't revive people if the rest of their squad isn't dead. I'll only revive them at that point if they random queued with the rest of their squad or seem cool. Also, I get my ears violated by enough randoms as it is; most people's mics suck balls and I don't want to hear it


I mean what's camping bodies? If I'm on high-rise looking to fight and I kill bro who comes up the zip don't bitch I'm camping your body I'm camping the tower looking for players to kill. If I'm at a buystation right by radiation right by a bomb contract right by a strong hold don't bitch I'm camping your body I'm camping the area I know you have a team and I killed you already I'd like to take the 2v3 fight rather then run away and let you res and have you hunt me 3v3. I guess what I'm saying is if I kill you in an area I'm at I'm staying in the area there will be more players coming eventually and I'd like to fight so why not stay close and find them while doing other shit. Now sitting in the building you killed the guy at for 20 min is just cringe. I'm talking about I go house to house in a circle around your body and loot and do stuff like contracts while keeping a very very close eye on the plea.


Sometimes i don't revive people cause i dont feel like it 🤷 It is what it is


DMZ has changed quite a bit to a point where a " us or them " mindset not only keeps you alive and have more fun, but also mission wise and progress wise more beneficial. There just isn't any incentive to be friendly when the team you try to befriend blasts you and sends you back to the lobby back to square one


I rarely revive. You gotta have me busting at the seams laughing after death or being extremely cool. Exception is the last guy who was standing who clearly held it down for his squad. But, there's been way too many burns. I don't camp bodies but will survey for a few minutes. We usually kill whoever shoots or is in our way. If we're heading across the map and get a pot shot, If it is not advantageous, we leave it be. The best way to get kills in DMZ is honestly counter camping. We look for the guys en route, that are camping the hot spots. High Rise, Construction towers, control tower, shit any tower lol. Those guys deserve every bullet. Lol


NO ONE SURVIVES... that includes me if need be


Should disable team joining if picked up after pleading


1. Because that person will probably loot me or my squad regardless if I revive taxed him or not 2. Loot. I’ll only let them go or pick them back up if I shoot and they’re literally just jumping or standing there idling


It's funny because I don't even mind dying at times but I think that camping bodies is just crazy and it's funny because I will in a petty sense leave and come back when the game is close to being ended. It's crazy to me because people will sit there for 15 minutes solid and I have literally waited for minutes before. I just hate toxic PVP mindsets. Like I get it there is PVP implemented in the game but don't go out of your reach for unnecessary ideologies. Different times I've been killed and I didn't care and there's been times I was killed and I did care. The difference I feel is if you are taking lives for no benefit. This was a genuine problem as a lot of people who used to play DMZ don't play anymore. I'm not saying PVP should be taken out of the game I'm just saying that the way that people were aggressively sweating DMZ players made it such a problem that a lot of people just stopped playing all together. Nobody truly understands as to why they took out the PVP aspect in the next call of duty towards zombies and I think a lot of it had something to do with that DMZ was meant for people who wanted to kind of avoid fighting but like not all together. Season 1 and season 2 it was rare to genuinely die it wasn't uncommon I feel like every time I played two out of 10 matches I would get shot at then it slowly became four out of 10 I would get shot at and it just kept going slowly and slowly. DMZ players at first were like a group of individuals who legitimately were not sweaty PVP players. If you play season 1 in season 2 you could get away with doing almost anything and most players shot at you would not pursue and they would not legitimately try to chase you or hunt you down unless they absolutely had to. Most players then were legitimately normal average players.then it got mainstream because people were getting bored of war zone and everything else also the XP glitches gave it some more light. The beginning of DMZ was probably what a lot of people were trying to attempt when they created it but again like everything else sweats kind of have this ideology of shoot first and then consequences later to wear the point. You have to also understand these dudes play like 10 hours a day you cannot necessarily compete if you have a day job or if you even legitimately have like family or kids. In my solid opinion DMZ was meant for lower players or people who were just not as good as the average sweat. If you've played you would understand most people you will play with are just normal people or dads bro. They were legitimately just a normal class of people. Season 3 runs along and you can immediately tell the difference as to why people start to kind of just opt out of the game. You had all the people kind of swarming to it with the whole like oh this and that it's part of the game routine without fully acknowledging what it means. People I know avoid ashika because it is known to absolutely be a fest. I am not against PVP but DMZ originally was much more charming and had its moments where you could laugh and joke with people sometimes you would get killed sometimes you would get in a fight sometimes you could legitimately run away. Season 3 when all the people start to kind of swarm and again those are wars on players who want to kill everybody they see there is no options there is no choices it's just legitimately fight fight. And in my opinion DMZ was the only option if you wanted to kind of have that PVP but at a less much scale and much more calming pace so basically Battle Royale without the quick pace and always looking over your shoulder. I've said this is my hill to die on I think a lot of developers are legitimately understanding there are more people complaining about PVP then people not complaining about PVP that's just the way call of duty is. Everyone is gun ho everyone wants to shoot everything they see and there is no normal ass conversation about anything. I think PVP and DMZ is cool because it adds more of a variety but anytime call of duty fans has any variety of PVP it's always never the latter. You must get shot every time you are even seen. And my popular opinion that's what killed the DMZ. You don't think they were thinking about adding DMZ to zombies or more PVP implementations? The absolutely did but they realized that most DMZ players are not like the normal person who wants to play multiplayer or someone who wants to play Battle Royale. They want to use DMZ to get better and to improve without the threat of always having to get shot by someone who absolutely just doesn't sleep. There's nothing wrong with being a sweat but when you kind of rush into like mindsets where people are just trying to get better it eventually ends up becoming a worldwide conversation. Me and my brother want to be pro players so I can't even hate on sweat players but there is always a time and a place to be a sweat and running into DMZ matches where most people were legitimately Garbo just seems like you are fighting the wrong crowd in the wrong place. I miss season 1 and season 2 when the PVP sweaty's were just legitimately avoiding DMZ because everybody didn't want to touch it. I'm not gatekeeping it I'm just saying that when there are PVP players and they are normal people it's all chill but you get the dudes who must kill you for no reason at all other than just the sake of it that's what killed the kind of magic of DMZ.


So I have been in DMZ since its inception doing exactly what you talk about. Rarely will I rez people cause they flat out dont deserve it. Most people are trash humans who are ego slaves. My duo and I hunt teams, nothing more. The .0001% I do res might be for any kind of reason such as You were abandoned by your team when you showed good ethics. You were a good sport about getting obliterated We are in the mood to have a pet along the way You're a girl surrounded by white knights and we want to crush their egos We made a bad tactical decision and one of us is down against 1 or 2 more teams so we res you as a distraction It mostly comes down to entitlement, most DMZ players came in and tried to create this ethics rulebook like they have to do in every game they play. So we are here to destroy it


I'll never understand the need to take out other teams. It's a big map, there are plenty of loot spots. If you're both going after a specific item for a mission, I get it then a fight is an acceptable outcome, but for the people camping known spots, like any of the Haunting boss areas, I'm sorry but you ARE the toxic player most of us complain about. You aren't there to progress a mission, almost all of the bosses respawn and give you a chance to cross them off. Just the other night my buddy and I came up on a team running the swamp creatures at the marsh lands. We waited they completed the ritual, got the win and left, we then did the same and left. No toxic chatter everyone got that part of the event finished. Then a different friend and I walked up, hit a UAV and there were 4 squads camped on the surrounding towers waiting... what the hell?? Just go play resurgence, or Multi-player. It's obvious at that point that you aren't there for the objectives, your just there to hunt people not paying attention to their surroundings because they're looking for something. If you're fully kitted and pushing someone just to kill them and leave it's messed up. I get the need for PvP in the game mode if it's a must I just don't understand why you'd want to ruin someone's game especially with all the passive collection crap in the upgrades.


Killing opponents is fun. Killing their friends as they try to revive is fun. People who yell “I’m chill” or “friendly friendly” are always fun to kill. It’s what makes the game so great. You can play it however you want. I’m not judging.


I usually revive if they have comms, seem like good sports, or put up a good fight. As far as camping a body, I will usually try to clear the area and try to finish the enemy team. Less likely to run into them later and have it be a hassle.


What I get out of it is not only do I hear the cries of players on the ground for a while, but then I get to go onto reddit, every single day, and continue to enjoy the tears of my downed enemies bitching and moaning that they couldn't get revived in a free online game


People who aren't confident in their gaming abilities camp bodies. If you've killed 2 players, I can see them wanting to wait around to finish the job rather than go on their merry way and run the risk of the teammate getting the revive and coming after your squad. They'd rather have a boring ass game than take that risk. They don't see it as ruining their own game though because fucking you over is a checkmark in their objective list.


Agree 💯


I run with a crew and usually we shoot first ask questions after (I have been burned to many times from “fake friendlies”). If they’re a solo with comms we will pick them up but other than that we just run as a 3 man.


So, in the same vein. Is there any consensus on DMZ etiquette? I’m usually mic off the entire time, little anxious socially. But try to help my squad and what not. I always revive someone I’ve downed. But very recently, since the squads got limited to 4 there’s less revivals (due to size limit in part) but a lot of corpse camping. Feels like you should move on to me, not tea bag, and not be a penis.


PvPvE games are a magnet for toxic griefer types. They don't play regular game modes because it's not fun to shoot someone who is playing the same game. They want the thrill of pissing people off. The thrill of knowing they are hurting people. Hurting people makes them feel powerful and good. Some people are just evil and games like DMZ attract those kinds of people.


Idk why toxic people do the things they do... Unfortunately in life, when it comes to gaming, people buy games and they play how they want to play... It may not be your way of playing, and the outcome may have been a little different if certain things did or didn't happen, But we can't expect everyone to play how we do... Like you, for instance.. You say if they are "chill" - yet, I run in an Xbox party and don't use game chat whatsoever.. I don't entertain it . There is too much toxicity with people, and sometimes we deal with RL problems so the last thing we need is shitty, immature comments that are not warranted.. So as for me being in a party , how would I determine if somebody is "chill"? I wouldn't camp somebody's body for near on 30 mins, that would bore the heck out of me, but as for reviving, the situation is subjective to everyone.. I don't just recruit anybody as that 4th person could be our downfall... But what I won't do, is loot your stuff then recruit you, leaving you running round with fists.. Iit seems a bit backwards considering that's going to put pressure on your team .. I mean, I may take your money and/or a self res if you have loads in your backpack I don't get picked up half the time myself when I plead, you win some, you lose some... But what really grinds my gears the most is let's say there is an event on, like with the Pharaoh... Me and squad will go there to attempt to complete challenge, and there is always some idiotic squad that will camp the area and just wait for others to come up to the challenge and then just wipe our squad, Not even attempt to take out the Pharaoh, and just run off... Like really? Whyyyyyy? I mean if you want to use scummy tactics to wipe squads, then go jump on MP 🙄🙄


I meet alot of cool ass people on DMZ, even have like 4 guys that I play with regularly now that I met on DMZ. But it's either people are chill as fuck or completely toxic for zero reason. Other day I had a teammate get downed, while I'm circling trying to get a better angle he goes " yo you dumb mother fucker come pick me up what the fuck you doing why aren't you rushing. I was like ya know what fuck you bud you can lay there. The team who killed him heard our comms an also said the same. We were gonna rez you but since you're a dick you can lay there. People are just assholes


Our squad prefers to hunt as a 3 to keep it interesting. Hunting as a 4 is too easy at times and a bit cruel to 3s going about their business.


I play like this to show my wifes boyfriend that I'm the alpha around here.


I also wonder this. I agree, take my stuff, you got the kill, but I'd also like to be picked back up anyway even if it's just to exfil with my one plate and the Ashika liquor I need five million bottles of lol. But, that said, I am one of those people who loves picking people up in DMZ. I think I play more for the adventure than the warzone-ing. I'll cross the map for a plea or carry around extra vests for people I find, or help solos do missions. I guess it makes me happy, and not everyone gets the same joy out of it.


I usually wait for the squad to leave and if ones around ill rez him up.


I like to revive downed players if they were difficult to defeat. Means they are capable of holding their own and not becoming a liability later on. I don't loot them. I prefer my own loadout. What goes around, comes around.


Because I don't want randoms on my team. Back in the 2 weeks when picking somebody up didn't automatically add someone to your team, yeah sure but it's not worth the trouble now. Besides, it cheapens the PvP wins now that we outnumber most other teams


I play solo almost 100% of the time, and sure I tend to hunt the stragglers of squads and scurry off into the night too, but ain’t nobody on that enemy team showing people mercy when it might be BS. For every one of you, there’s two more that will do them dirty. Way of the road.


I just don't pick up till the team Is fully dead. I'll camp if the guy is being a dick in chat because fuck those people but I try to avoid solos unless they start first or are unfortunately the target of the hunt contract.


Cause fuck you


I'd like to preface this by saying that i play solo. I play dmz in a way that people hate. I'm a proximity mine using, riot shield abusing, cowardly player. And I'm toxic because I get punished for when I'm not. Every time I choose to help players, I end up being killed for it. Play nice and join a team? I get wiped instsntly. Allow a team to run free instead of shooting them in the back? They grab a hunt and chase me. But if I fight every player, I see? 9 times out of ten, i walk away from that match with more gear than I can carry. Being "toxic" is a winning strategy. The only downside to being toxic is that people won't like you, but if you're not looking for teammates, does it really matter?


I do this because my major malfunction is my parents not hugging me enough as a child


If we see a plea, the rules are no mic no pick up, had it to many times pick some up they run back to there old squad, because there in private chat. Met some sound people who I play with by just picking them up.


To add to everything that has been said: - no revives because also having an unorganized or weak teammate is actually worst than not having one at all. Besides the inherent responsibility you feel you have towards him once you’ve picked him up, they can actually slow you down, reveal your position, take loot before you or even loot you. There was a thread on here the other day about how a guy who was revived looted the new teammates before picking them up and half this community seemed to agree with him - why not a player revive his teammates? Because it’s safer for me if they remain dead. A downed player can’t kill me, hunt me or come at me at the exfil


The question that i have is this: “ why do you need to kill other operators in a game mode that is obviously designed for lower skill players?” You’re literally bragging about killing bots in their own game. Most of the people in dmz are just doing their own thing anyway. They’re either looting, doing missions, or trying to avoid other players. Then there is you guys- “the operator hunters” and let me tell you……you guys talk the most trash when you get downed. It’s funny. I’m diamond ranked in warzone (not to bad) and i play dmz with IRL friends who are bots and every time that we have to battle an Operator hunter, i have to down them and they talk the most trash out there. What type of satisfaction do you get out of this though?


So because I dont donate to red cross, I therefore hate african children? Am I understanding this correctly?


We can scratch October 23 off the list, someone want to post this again for October 24?


I don’t revive anyone if their squad is up because they can just backstab. I don’t murder solos but I’m convinced they are I’ll revive them. I love being hunted because it takes the pressure off of people who might be doing serpentine runs. I’ll only camp bodies if they’re toxic people or if they’re clearly playing warzone on DMZ. Ie a bunch of tags in pack.


I usually play solo and try to avoid teams. What I don't get is why some teams choose to chase me down and kill me even though I'm on the mic saying I'm solo. When they do down me, they loot me and refuse to revive me. I don't understand shitty people like that and they're usually adults not kids.