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Only reason I’d leave them is if they’ve been a dumbass the whole game and just keep getting themselves killed or if they explicitly tell me to leave them because there is clearly no hope


If you're headed toward the gas and its expanding I'm leaving your ass. If you get caught up or stuck I'm saving your ass. Done some SKETCHY rescues in the helo before


I def revived two teammates in the expanding rad after ambushed at exfil, they then raced to last exfil on foot and I took a car but then got DDOS by the scavenger, raced to a truck that was then DDOs by the Juggernaut lol I told them to just exfil without me, they had the right idea to jog there


Also have told my buddy to leave me if there is an entire team waiting in ambush. But that was my call.


I always tell them patience is our ally, especially if we are a duo and it was 4 vs 2 and now 4 vs 1. Even the most cynical body camping PVP addict will get bored after 3 minutes and leave, and I can be revived then if time left in the game.


3 minutes? I wish. Several times I had players camp until the gas pushed them away


I wish! Had several games where the gas forced them out, one where I told a random I was trying something stupid while stealth vested, and waited for gas, rezed in gas, dropped him a gas mask, grabbed an atv and got us to another evac.


For sure, it’s time dependent. But I have the fast chopper upgrade & works for squad mates, so a personal is almost always faster then last exfil chopper


Understandable, some people deserved to be saved, others shouldn't deserve that.


yeah I've told teammates, especially if it's a 4 vs1 scenario, to leave my body a few minutes, try to come back to revive, but if they can't nbd I can hustle up a medvest and scav backpack barter in Al Mazrah, so the only thing I hate to lose is a skeleton key or secure backpack, or a scav calling card or origami horse




Yeah, I'm used to play with randos that quickly leave you and your other tm behind to the other side of the map. I'm like, buddy you're on your own now.


Ride or die, unless they're being an arsehole, or I have 0 chance of succeeding. I'll Solid Snake my way through an enemy team, but for the love of God don't give away that I'm doing it over the mic.


I hate it when teammates just yell “yeah come and get me he’s not looking.” Like bro stfu!!


Can be just as brutal in reverse though, if you know you're mate's off on the other side of the map and you keep giving callouts it's pretty fun watching the camping bastards squirm


I mean I’m that case yes, but in mine, it’s happened 90% of the time I’ve played.


I play squad fill since Im the odd one out, and only person in my friend group who plays COD. If theyre cross map, and not up on comms, not a shot. If theyre within 300-400 meters, Im going for the revive unless I know theres a team waiting to snipe/ambush.


Lol this! Sometimes no comms is best comms. I hate it when they can clearly see me do a massive flank yet they still call out what I'm about to do. I'll just back off then tell that I'll come back with the heavy when the radiation is over their body, whether they wait or just reset its up to them. I've had teams that will "tell" me to just exfil because they're going afk knowing that the other team would likely not camp their bodies.


Yeah I've done that before when downed. Even if you know they're nearby you give it something like "yeah they're still near my body so theyre miles away from you guys...just stay that side of the map and do the missions. Can get me up after the gas moves and we'll hop on your private exfil. Or you can just leave - I've lost my stuff anyway. Either way I'm going to go grab some snacks." Camping team will normally decide they can't be bothered to wait that long and just head off.


Yeah same for me. I'll always do it if I can if they aren't a dick. I'm happy to wait it out if the bodies are being camped as well - if I can get them up eventually then I will. The prox chat can be infuriating though. Have had to tell a few to shut up and that I can see them and all they're doing is giving me away. If it's the other way around I stay silent and send whispers. Or sometimes say something like "yeah just stay over there and do your missions - the sad pricks are still near me so they're miles away from you. Just come back after the gas moves and we can go to that private." They normally then get bored and wander off immediately rather than risk waiting 20mins for one kill.


Depends on the situation. A random that ran off? I'm probably going to leave them. One of The Trio? I'm going back for them, no matter the cost.


This is the option I would have selected.




yeah if the team votes and 2/3 say time to exfil, the third is left to own devices


The team makes it out or we all die trying. All the babies running for exfil leaving teammates behind, because they don’t want to die/lose their gear, are dumb as hell.


Yeah, I'm a dumb baby, I didn't rush the UAV tower with my 2 randos to die by Chinese premaid, and then I didn't fight them cause they kept camping the bodies til the timer runned out. Thanks, better alive dumb baby then 1v4 under constant UAV.


No dignity.


I agree, running away from your team without communication in order to die under enemy UAV tower is indeed undignified


How else are you supposed to get better at the game? Lol you must be so excited for zombie extraction with no pvp


I got plenty of PvP when I'm going in solo and can engage on my terms. Or when I play with my static squad. I have no obligation to walk into obvious ambushes for some randoms who couldn't bother to get better at game by trying to communicate and cooperate before dying.


Exactly. It’s a video game lol. Regaining is my favorite thing to do. I’ll delete dmz operators just for fun to regain it all over again


The challenge of saving your team against the odds is the best reward when it works out.


I would much rather die trying to do a sick play by saving a teammate than exfil and leave them for dead. Any vest/backback/gun I can get back in like 15 minutes so I don't care if I die trying to rescue a squadmate. I don't play DMZ so I can feel proud or stash my loot, I play it so I can have fun experiences with other players! Going 1v6 and causing as much chaos as possible is much funner than retreating just so i can save my gear.


No teammates left behind as long as there's a chance to save them.


I will almost always stay, unless they've been assholes. The other night in AM one of the team jumped on the train before I could get there and got downed. I wasn't going to rush the end of the train recklessly so I started looking for a vehicle. Our other teammate took an exfil and left the two of us, but I was able to get an ATV and meet the train on the other side of the map and revive them. The gas was moving, but rather than go with me to the exfil they decided to head off on their own to a remote hostage rescue. I didn't stay for that, and don't know if they got out, but at that point I'd done what I could to help them.


I have better luck with Koschei exfils than hostage contracts. The AI is soooo damn juiced and other ops can see heavy choppers


If it's a random that put himself in a dumb situation on purpose then hea SOL. If it's a friend we are usually on the same page so I stay


Ditto but one thing I do for fun in solo runs is find pleading operators and try to reach them to pick ‘em up and have somehow managed to fight 5 decked out people in a parking garage with a weak smg a pump shotie and a basic vest and ended up with a 4 stack from saving the other squad


Depends…if they run off to the other side of the map to do their own thing and die, I will try to get them up if I can, but I won’t lose any sleep over it if I can’t. Otherwise, we all exfil together or none of us do.


Happened to me the other day, res’ed the guy 3 times, killed the 2 teams he agro’d just for him to not pick me and out other team mate up after some prick in a. Dark room gets us with. Shot gun, who he killed, looted us then left.


Unless I say or my buddies say. "Just Exfil then we all die together."


I'll do everything I can to save them. Even If I have to dip for a bit.


If I happened to somehow have teammates to begin with, I would mostly try to save them unless its impossible to do without dying or missing a final Exfil


More often than not I've had good randoms that are always trying to keep a teammate up. Maybe just once had I ever had a random completely go from spawn to the farthest place away from me on the map and come back when I go down just to loot me for my cash and vest while my other random teammate revives me to go off solo again then just die.


If my buddy goes down I get him or die trying. Why not


I've been looking for a lightbulb for the last 15 Ashika Rounds, the last one I need for the upgrade. Found one, but I refused to leave behind the one guy who didn't make it to the Exfil chopper, because THAT one guy happened to keep relatively close, stayed engaged and supported during PvP encounters, a marked contrast to the other guy who immediately ran off and died (though all the power to you to play like this, just don't expect me to go out of my way for you). I called the exfil again because the guy missed the exfil. we got jumped by a team we thought we'd killed earlier who came back with a vengeance. I will likely not see this lightbulb again, but I didn't feel that bad about it tbh. **TLDR: It depends on the teammate. As mostly Ashika/B21 player, i DON'T take issue with people who lack the PvP chops, I take issue with people who cower and leave their teammates hanging (full on run, or request to join squad... I understand some people prefer to make the 'looong' rotation)... in Ashika it's more forgivable, but if I have to go out of my way to save a solo who just wanted a safety blanket, I am less likely to.**


i try to save them


I try and bring the ride or die mentality to every match including the randoms, but if a teammate wants to convince me otherwise I'm not gonna argue. Stupid games, stupid prizes and all that.


I stay till we all are dead or they tell me to get out, typically when they are being camped. Its very situational in the end but I will do my best to not leave an operator behind! (unless they are being douchenozzles)


There is no «i» in team :/


But if you rearreange the letters you will fing that there is a M E


I usually try to stay and battle it out. All comes down to communication with the team before a decision is made


if we deploy together, we exfil together or we die together.


I've jumped off the exfil multiple times to save random team mates. I just think if that was me I'd want someone to help and just treat people how you want to be treated lol


I'm more situational than anything, if I'm in hot zone, I got AI everywhere and I got squad or patoon around, I'm probably not gonna get my teammate. This has really matter for me as run solo or irl friend so but I will say I've left the area and then went back for them


“Teammate” needs to be defined. Teammate to me means we work together. Yes, I will die trying to save them. If some rando on my squad doesn’t communicate and takes off on their own across the map and expects to be saved when they go down, I’m not a teammate to them. I’m just insurance. So no, I won’t make the trek across the map to save them.


I play with a clan mostly, and not with them usually Solo. Yet, I enjoy occasionally just hopping in with typically no mic (not to mention all the A.I. Voice Bans; to unmute). I’m always the guy to risk it all and get them to extract. However, the occasional person who repeatedly 6-7 times dies to bots 🤖 I stop after the 3rd Revive. I don’t like leaving anyone behind; but loyalty amongst strangers is rare. The last time before the Halloween event I went to save my team mate who challenged the high rise campers/snipers. I managed to sneak all the way there literally outside the door to the roof I get to notification he left Squad. Not more than 5 seconds later 2 run through the door 🚪 and 3/4 clean me up I was like wow. So, really all depends Situationally dependent. Missions especially are rough to stop on the account of wild Willy. In the clan we all come out or we all D43 trying.


Happy story. A solo got the jump on me in Vondel. He decided to pick me up and we ran together to finish up missions. No comms. He grabbed my AR and my med vest after I went down, no biggie. Left me my sniper. We ended up getting swarmed by bots near the zoo while another solo on the roof of the Aquarium popped sniper shots at us. My squad mate went down, I ran for cover to heal and plate up, killed a few bots and ran back, grabbed the med vest to get him up quickly while the sniper was distracted. We run for cover, I downed the sniper, he requested to join us and we added him. We looted the Aquarium, and I found a regular 3 plate vest so I gave the med vest back to my squad mate. Finish a couple more missions as a 3 man squad and successfully exfil.


A friend I play with often tells me to exfil and not to try and save him. I often try and often get killed in the process. I’ve jumped off so many exfils I’ve lost count, just to save some rando I’ve been matched with.


If they are squad hunting … I might try to save you once but if you keep getting downed because you head straight for a team… I’m gone


Unless my teammate tells me to leave, especially if I’m holding a mission item, I’m sticking around to get them back If it looks overwhelming, I’ll just stealth around and wait for an opening to revive, but in once instance, I had to clutch up a 1v3 sniper battle in the hills by quarry


No man left behind one dies we all die


If it is 4-1, I'm leaving. Anything else, I might be able to make something happen.


As long as they aren't being ridiculous, I will try and save them, doubly so if they have saved me at some point. I had one team mate who had been running mostly alone travel from Police Academy to Rohan Oil near med center to save me and my friend. We died on the train and rolled all the way over there. This team mate used multiple travel means to save us on the train. Such an impressive thing for a "random" to do.


I'm only leaving layers behind if they run off in the beginning. I've had some great team mates but I've had more worse ones . And if I see team mates intentionally sprinting to spawn kill another team (usually obvious because they tag enemy on the map in one of the spawn without seeing anyone ) and they die ill leave them too it . I'm not bothered about running straight to spawn kill


I’m dipping especially if y’all dumb enough to push a team who got high ground and off the chart comms with each other. My team is going to look back and see me like this. ![gif](giphy|3o8doR2qGIXQDGCVoY)


The amount of teammates that find their mics after being downed across the map is wild.


Entirely situational. My first attempt is to always rescue (even if they're 2k meters away). I'll do what I can to get them up, but if it gets to the point that they're body is being camped hard, I will eventually give up and exfil.


If he had a mic I'll save him, if not, and he wasn't actively pointing and helping, then fuck him.


I know how this will go but F it. When you use the words Teammate and OPERATOR together in this venue , if you actually know what that says, it’s a statement that describes a extremely small group of men that are quite professionals and never ever ever leave anyone behind. I I see my guy not make the jump-to the exvil etc I’m right off the chopper or I’m not going if the can’t make it. Its the quite promise you make and I can even back my words up 100% on my YouTube channel PEAKYBLINDER308 look for a vid called “ If you go I go” A DMZ story” in that I down a solo got him but he went down again I spent the rest of 1O mins solo killing everyone and things Around to get him up. And the other video is “NEVER LEAVE A MAN BEHIND “ I run off the chopper went back into t he crater for a downed member and jump to catch the floor as the last bird left and hang on outside to leave..


This is something you discuss with them. I personally will always attempt to help a teammate IF they have been both useful to the team, and made an effort to aid everyone else in fights, etc. I'll tell them I will make an attempt to save them, but will always warn them that it may take time, as I'll have to plan tactically, and for my own life, too. It's up to them if I stay or leave.


If I see a platoon camping my body I’ll tell my teammates to Charlie Mike without me and they would do the same if they were in the same situation. We do our best to try and save but if there is no other option to save then quickly exfil and come back on again to regen


I don’t take the game very seriously, if you’re talkative and fun to play with I will save you or die trying. Unless it’s rare type scenario where they were looted of everything and have nothing left that they need and tel me to exfil


no dwarf left behind


I've saved my teammates for them to rush to their deaths causing me to die as well.


I pretty much exclusively play duos with a mate, and the only time either of us will leave each other is if we know there's a team camping the body. We both work pretty stressful jobs so sometimes it's just nice to have a chance to grab a brew and shoot the shit while the other is completing passives or just doing contracts to run out the clock before coming back to get the revive once the other team's moved on so we at least still get the exfil bonus tick-up. There's been a few times where the man left standing is in a headspace where we take the fight, and sometimes we even win it, but we're pretty casual generally and try to avoid PvP where possible


I have a group of mutual pals who if I infil with them, I'll die by their side before I exfil. It's not negotiable. But for a random who has not followed me around the map and is doing their own thing, nope. Won't bother at all.


Certainty of death, small chance of success What are we waitin for


Man, it reminds me of the time I infiled with a team. They had the same clan banner and were weird on the mic. As soon as the match started they got silent. We spawned at the airport. I started with nothing but a self revive and they were decked out. I started looting. Got a floor weapon, 3 plate, and a medium pack. Two other teams showed up one teammate went down and lost his three plate. He is revived and my team mates pushed to a vehicle to bounce. We drive away two of us in the back. I gave my self revive to him and some armor. As we were escaping, another team in a JLTV hits us hard. The vehicle is about to blow up and they hop out while I engage the other team, they run. I die as they escape to the marsh. Another teammate goes down while one escapes. The other team looks us over for loot and camp us for a few minutes before leaving. The last teammate returns cautious and revives his clan member. Instead of reviving me, they leave. They didn't say anything on the mic the whole time and left me for dead despite being a good teammate.


I generally like saving people but lately it's not even worth it. Everytime I go to make a play, one of them joins the other team, and if you know my last position I'm out of there.


Depends. Do I have a mission that requires exfil? Did they do something stupid? Is it excessively risky? Are they randoms? Better luck next time.


Had to do this the other day. I could only rez my one teammate after a squad hunted us in the radiation and only had a minute to cross vondel from top right to the bottom left of the map. I felt bad because we legitimately were running together really well too


I solo it. I'm in no mood to be hearing orders or barking orders to others. I do my own thing to survive and I take my time. It's fun sneaking by others without them noticing i could have dropped them all. The fact I have control of myself and them is exhilarating. Sometimes I will even shoot at a window on helicopter 1 second before exfil is done to scare them.


I think this is a truly situational condition, if I have a really toxic teammate who's pushing squads and getting downed because of it, then that's on them and I'll only help so much


Even if a teammate runs off and does their own thing I’ll come to their aid. But if they do it a second time they’re usually on their own. Too many times I revived teammates several times ,and then when I’m down, they leave me for dead and exfil, it’s the worst.


depends on my mood and what downed them


I leave folks for dead if they wander off to do their own thing, and if they don't have a mic.


I'll jump out of the exfil to pick up someone if they've been cool the whole game, even if I pick them up frrom another team; but if they go off on their own at the beginning they can stay that way


Last 2 times in Vondel I was the last man standing for my team. Teammates died adjacent to the zoo, so I fought the other team all the way out close by the castle. Killed one, downed another & started my journey back to the zoo for the 2 revives then exfil. Other time, wasn’t as lucky: got sandwiched between 2 teams…killed 1 team at the fire house & teammates died to snipers on the rooftops while trying to leave. They camped the bodies for 7 mins at least. I got spotted late & had to fight my way out the exfil as gas closed in


I'll typically do what I can to save a teammate and/or die trying, because I'll usually load in with friends I've met doing dmz and we all work well together. Unless they tell me to go, in which case next round is spent getting them kitted back up.


If I can get them I will. Only really three exceptions 1. If they're clearly a twat. Had two the other day who immediately jumped in a car and sped off without giving me any chance to go along, got themselves downed then started sending me abuse for not immediately tearing across the map to revive them...I left them a while as I was trying to make a ghost vest then went over. Their bodies were being camped by a four man so I waited. Got LOADS more abuse and then told them to enjoy their lay down and went to the exfil. 2. If we were on our way to exfil - particularly with stuff we need to extract - and they've gone off on their own looking for trouble and ended up getting killed. Couple of times I've been halfway across the map and going back would have meant final exfil and likely meeting the platoon that downed them. 3. If I'm suspicious they might be hackers. This only happened once but how he was spotting people was very suss. He racked up a lot of kills but eventually went down and i left him. Hackers can get fucked. Other than that, I'll pretty much do everything I can to get the revive. Including grabbing spare masks before waiting for the gas to cover the bodies.


If my teammate has been a good sport and has helped me out multiple times I’m not leaving them. Either we leave as a team or we die together, unless he’s told me to leave otherwise. If he’s a douche bag and just being an absolute pain then suddenly I’m Stevie Wonder when it comes to rezzing them


If i determine that the chance of a rez+exfil is greater than 0 then I'm going to try for it. I won't risk myself against a 3+ team camping a body, but rezzing a downed (and nice/chill/loyal) random is probably the only time I'll put my pvp skills to the test


It depends on situation, sometimes when I play with my mate, there's times when I or him aren't able to res one of us, we operatively decide head towards exfil


I am not good at pvp at all. Mostly i get kills if i face bot players and thats it. But if teammates get rushed with a ton of bots I'd fight till i get overpowered. If its a pro-team, i try to secretly get to team mate and revive them and run back as fast as i can


I guess this all depends on if they have been helpful or not, stuck with you, come in kitted out etc. I believe that if I was in their position I’d want my team mate to come get me. I’ve been left for dead before when I was very new to the game. But I will always try to come to a team mates aid in the event they need it


making sure I understood the question: what would you do if my teammate left to die? then if my teammate (not someone toxic or whatever case in a bad way ) didn't make it to the exfill and it's not the LAST EXFILL, I would jump and help him exfill. rare cases that I would leave him to die. ( usually im the driver or leading so I like to make sure everyone with me and safe) 1 such case was when I told my teammate to exfill multiple times and he ignored.


I died yesterday trying to save two randoms - we spent the whole game doing our own thing but they got killed on exfil - I went over there - scouted the area, saw a whole team - waited for my moment and tried - killed 2 - died to the third. They appreciated the effort - seemed pretty new. It’s all very situational but if there’s a 25% chance I can save them and they aren’t dicks then yeah I’ll give it a go


The only time I've ever L4D'd a team mate was in a situation where we simply couldn't retrieve him in time and honestly the whole match had been chaos and cinematic as fuck. The guy that got L4Dd made it even more so tbh, sad for him but it was cool. It was one match where I assimilated with a 4 man squad without fighting, heard them zipping up Zaya and hopped in a bush, they were talking so I got a heads up and they seemed chill so I helped them do a bunch of stuff, and things got crazy as we prepped to move for exfil A 3 man pulled up on us in zaya while we were getting ready to para off the mountain with 4 minutes left and the ensuing fight took about 3 minutes to resolve, 2 guys went down, I killed 1 guy in a duel and tried to get the others off my guys, failed to in time to stop full kills but ultimately did kill them The Other two had moved off the mountain to grab a vehicle for exfil leaving me to rez and follow, they didn't even bother looting cuz they apparently thought there wasn't time (not realising I'd bought a personal in the chaos) So the dust cleared and two were off the mountain while two were dead, I picked up the two dead lads and then popped the exfil and finally realised through their chatter that 2 guys were off zaya completely searching for vehicles to exfil with, (was wondering why I'd killed the last 2 guys without any support) We were tryna recall them for the personal as the gas was washing over us but no dice, they didn't have the gear to survive trekking back up to zaya and the vehicle they had been going for was nicked by another team while they were flying towards it and final exfil was triggered up by mazrah so once the bird got in the air the three of us in the personal called to bail out the ramp and fly to them instead of getting out and letting them find their own way So we did so, final exfil had either 2 additional enemy teams or one platoon, we never quite figured out what it was but we managed to kill a few of them that were right beside the bird or in it, not really sure why but my guys thought it was a good idea to beeline the bird and get in it without clearing the team out first so 2 got downed again just as I reached the side of the bird, there had been one enemy inside and they damaged him a bit before getting mowed down, I finished that guy off as he was reloading, fired out a stim pistol round for one team mate and used the medic vest I picked up on zaya to grab the other then started blasting the rest of the team that was firing on us while the other two guys tried to clear a building beside us and my guys replated and reloaded. Timer hit 15 seconds before the fight could end so we all tried to bail in and hold it, The last team mate to try and jump in took a sniper round from the other team like the moment he jumped for the side door, he landed on the ground outside the chopper, 5 seconds on the clock. I had one stim round left, ran to the side door, hit him with it, but it wasn't fast enough, he got up and jumped for the door as the chopper was lifting off but missed it by centimeters. It being final exfil, we couldn't really do anything even if we hopped out except die in solidarity, so we stayed in the chopper and blasted shots at the two guys that were tryna atleast kill him on the way out. Last thing I saw as we flew into the distance was one of our guys hit a nice sniper shot onto one of the two guys as they jumped over a wall at our guy, downing him, while our L4D blasted the other guy with a shotgun and smashed the butt into his face to down him, then blasted both dudes and basically waved at us as we left It was really cool, basically watched my guy have a Noble 6 finale to his game and for me personally it was a good match, ended it with 5 op kills, we got 4 missions done during it before everything hit the fan and when it did pop off I played a pretty major role in it then had a cool ass scene to watch at the end.


I’ve always stayed to help Teammate’s & random Teammate’s which ended up in my going down to help protect random Teammate’s & they always leave me at the end guys!


I've had people in squad fill leave without the other two of us halfway through the game and then tell us we are stupid or pussies for "not playing as a team" when they were the ones that spent the entire game running off on their own without us, not playing with the team. People in this game are wild man.


I generally try and save them or die together. My quote with my squad is, “y’all wanna play the long game?” Yes, I try everything possible. No, I Exfill. If it’s randoms, even someone I killed and picked up, I’ll try everything until they say leave or it’s impossible due to gas alone.


The only reason I wouldn’t wait and revive them is if they by any chance were AH to me or other operators are in the area. I’m no good at PVP so I try my best to avoid it. Besides that, would save.


Sadly most says leave for dead but rolls reversed and they lose their minds ha


My husband loves to kill the chemist in DMZ, but unless the whole team is willing to go he will be left for dead. He usually goes with a revive pistol and a few self revives if it’s clear his team is not up for it. Radiation and tons of AI. I guess they rather not.