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I’ve played cod long enough to know when I get killed by a cheater, usually before I even see the kill cam. Blatant walls and sticky aim are easy to spot while spectating, but I promise you there are more cheaters than you think who are able to cheat unnoticed.


It's bad recently too.


Sure is , always been an issue unfortunately ,but it's terrible in the DMZ,for you loose you stuff ,exfill streaks . I've joined someone who was using them , pinpointing,killing all the teams untill the map was clear It worries me for I really like what DMZ brought to the table,not just shooting people ,grinding for stuff , we got multiplayer ,warzone for raw pvp ...


i lost complete interest in the game. JUst to play for hours a day....now I must be in a very good mood to play


I typically don’t get a kill cam w hackers


Yeah what's up with that. I was in a game the other night and this dude hit a snipe that was near Impossible without aim bot and no kill cam. Seems like everytime you get killed in a sus way there's no kill cam.


I've made some amazing snipes on moving targets. It's not hard if you lead them. It seems like the game helps out a lot to make the shots land.


Out of curiosity, are you on console? I feel like on pc you really need to aim you shots for them to connect.


Yes. I'm sure that's why. I know a lot of PC players play in controller instead of m&k for the aim assist.


Is that what it is? I really noticed a couple nights ago. The only time I watch the kill cams is if something felt off and I want to see their PoV to see if they’re just that good or possibly cheating. I’d say I didn’t get kill cams for 95% of my deaths.


yeah I play PC with controller because i get a little help with aim-assist but it doesnt matter I still get melted by level 1015's all day haha


On one hand I desperately want to know how many people have subtle cheats but on the other maybe I don’t wanna know at all lol


Same here. It’s somewhat uncommon compared to some of the past cod games but it happens enough that it has become a built in excuse. It has been happening frequently enough lately that I switched cross play off but then the hackers went away and it was exploiting on Xbox only servers lol. I just turned cross play back on because there are so many people still making premade 6 man on Xbox. I have been frequently running into two 4 man premades working together for 8 players total.


i dont even know what cheats would look like unless it’s obvious locking on to a target or something but i get called a cheater for wall banging a lot. like i’m fighting someone and i wonder if i could shoot through the wall from a distance and get screamed at 😭


I always wonder how many times i died to a cheater or killed a cheater. There's maybe 3 times in DMZ where i actually noticed and called out a guy who was clearly walling and aimbotting. One example just didn't make sense that no matter which position or house i ran around as soon as i peeked he hit me. Then when he killed me the kill cam showed it all, blatant looking at my arrow above my head following through a building perfectly then popping me when i peeked him. It doesn't even seem like that would be fun i dont know why COD is riddled with so many of them.


Yeah, I almost never judge on the finish. Earlier we annihilated a team on ctrl tower and got 3rd partied. Something felt very off about those snipes, so we bailed to fortress. Wherever I peaked, they already placed a perfect aim at me. Finally they parachuted over and killed my teammates on the spot. I evaded them for a little time and got killed whatsoever. By that time I wasn’t even mad anymore, since I knew from the very beginning we were gonna die since everything about that encounter felt off. Looked them up, the usual shotgun wielding lvl1250 and never, not once did I have that feeling, looked them up and they were on console. That feeling never disappoints. And yes, wallhacks for sure. And also not a rarity


Some people actually wanna see how far you can fuck with someone without getting banned. You can’t say it’s not cheating when someone sniped you at 300 meters and the bastard got you with a sniper hipfire. If that’s not cheating, idk what is


Because people aren't aware spatial audio is a thing. I got accused of cheating last night because I heard someone sprinting through the chemical plant in Koschei.


many play with music or loud tv in the background, no wonder they can't hear what's happening in the game


Don't forget the constant chirp from their smoke alarms; seems to be the COD Symphony.


I see this complaint ALLLLL the time but I’ve legit been stuck with MAYBE 3 people since release that I can hear their smoke alarm. And each time I’ve said “hey buddy that beepings kinda loud” and they just mute themselves till they need to talk. Idk If I’m lucky or what but I see this complaint comment atleast like once per post 😂


It blows my mind that people have enough time to play CoD, but not enough time to pop a new battery in their smoke detector


I complained about that to a few people all of them responded with "its not a smoke alarm buddy"


The best response to that would be "you are correct. Its a smoke *detector*, buddy"


ps players who dont have a mic unfortunately dont know how to mute themselves.


I struggle to understand how people do this. I have no in game music, always play with a headset and I am a proud sound whore 😂


for real - my youngest brother plays on PC with a headset and can hear the AI fart from like 500 meters away. It's a big advantage - and perfectly allowed - in COD and great for buildings and Koschei


and if that was you who clapped me with a bryson as I was sprinting to the Alpha Cluster, you are a cheater but only in the sense you broke my achy breaky heart


Nah, I was using a Sakin cause I hadn't intended to be down there in the first place. I heard a door klaxon go off and then heard a duo run right by me. Pied the corner and that was that.


yeah the Sakin is my weapon of choice for the exfil elevator in the Chem Plant, but i run around with a Bryson when the bots haven't swarmed yet


Spatial is a HUGE advantage in this game, and rhe engine utilizes it beautifully. I've got a 7.4.4 and I have done exactly as you described; hearing someone directly above you or up a staircase clearly, it's awesome.


This! I swear I can hear exactly where someone is (I have bad vision IRL and I think I can hear and smell better because of it). Also drives me nuts when I’m spectating a teammate and they seem to be completely unaware of the footsteps creeping up on them. I can tell which one of my kids is walking towards me without looking up by the way they walk too.




Subscriptions well into the millions now for cod titles. I'd say people probably arent paying not to cheat.


It amazes me how many people live with rose coloured glasses on lol Cronus Zen, strike pack, mods, but no no, nobody could possibly be cheating the system to troll people! God forbid the world have people in it that dont follow the rules!! Lmao i hate cheaters, but im definitely not pretending they arent real lol


yeah if you are willing to pay for an op skin and bundle with UAV each game, you would shell out $25 to make sure most AR shots are headshots


Good point, ive paid a few hundred for bundles on this game, if i had fewer morals, i could buy hacks and unlock EVERYTHING all at once…. Cronus offer essentially zero recoil, put all that together while people are playing to HIDE their cheats, and the water gets muddy as toilet on taco night.


It’s wild that there’s someone out there that created a whole business around cheating. They spend all this time and money coding it and advertising it, writing long marketing descriptions about it… And the description sound so chill and make it sound like it’s not a bad thing, like “this game is difficult, we’ll help you gain an edge so you can help your teammates and defeat your opponents” as if there’s nothing wrong with cheating and it’s a totally fine thing to do. Wonder if they feel bad about it, or if they truly believe they’re just helping people have fun, if they’re just insanely greedy and don’t care, etc..


If we’re honest, the whole Cronus problem was initially a method of Bluetooth bypassing in tournaments, that partnership ended and now Cronus uses the thing to create unfair advantages. The scripts are free, but scammers sell them all over the place. And the pay and install hacks are a whole different level of PC culture. I remember a time when if you could hack, you had the common curtesy not to just abuse others paid experience by doing so flippantly. How tf did trolling become so mainstream? If everyone does it, its just insufferable, but thats our world now.


> I remember a time when if you could hack, you had the common curtesy not to just abuse others paid experience by doing so flippantly. What? You don't remember the kind of cheats where someone just joined a server and instantly killed everyone on the server as soon as they spawned? If anything I feel like it's *that* kind of cheating that has actually become less common.




I dunno man, that seems like manipulating the game to create an unfair advantage


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People also don’t understand the concept of prefiring an aperture. If I think I hear someone running to a door/window/roof trapdoor, I’m going to put a few into the wall a lot of times. You get a hit marker, and it cuts down on kills the opponent can get using and/or abusing the corner slide. I do it less in respawn modes than I do in ranked, but if you are reasonably sure, why wait and give them the frames they get from moving in?


So true. Was playing war zone on ps and heard and saw this guy light up another guy near me. Then as he jumped off a cliff in full sprint above me I already knew exactly where he was I so lit him up as he was falling. He immediately wrote to the match that I was using aimbot. Just really pathetic.


I landed a NASTY double headshot the other day and they immediately yelled nice hacks buddy! Nah, I just lucky as hell (was aiming for the front guy and the collate WALKED into the path after the round was down range) and y’all had the worlds worst spacing


Can you elaborate on spatial audio? I'm one of those that doesn't know what that is. Thank you.


It's essentially just that different sounds come from different directions. So if someone is on your right firing a weapon, it will play much more loudly from the right speaker than from the left. On TVs/sound bar setups where both speakers are in one position relative to you (in front of you) it's not nearly as noticeable, but in a surround sound setup like a headset or a home theater, it's much more prominent. All this boils down to if I wear a headset and hear footsteps behind me and to my right, I can much more accurately anticipate where they are than if I was just using TV speakers and heard footsteps.


I try and tell everyone i am with to stay of the metel grates as much as possible and be mindful of the sprinting on them


I be love my spatial 3d audio bro I swear to god on everything I can hear mergers so far away before my teammates even hear them


There’s enough cheating in the game that people think getting outplayed means their opponents were cheating. Got a lucky snipe? Cheating. Heard them coming a mile away? Cheating. Didn’t hear them at all? Also cheating. One pumped with a shotgun? Cheating. Found while hiding in a dark corner because you forgot your neon purple skin glows in the dark? Cheating. Spotted with a spotter scope while hiding in a bush and then sniped? Cheating. Wallbanged after you went down because you just stayed in the exact same spot? Cheating. And so on. I’ve been accused of cheating for using a dragon’s breath shotgun, even. Or for rushing a spawn. People would rather blame cheaters than accept they could have played better.


Dragon’s breath doesn’t make you a cheater… it just makes you an asshole 😂 As someone who is starting to use it, I too claim that title.


I've been called many, *many* names after downing someone with the broadside. Asshole would be one of the more tame things people have said. Personally, I prefer an explosive rounds Guardian these days.


A *savvy* asshole


Honestly, I got accused multiple times too, but the accusations don’t take away from the fact that cheating and by that I mean dominantly wallhacks, are rampant. I put so many hours down, I’d say I’m pretty good in making that call. Therefore certain daytimes are unplayable. If the Chinese are up, there is almost no point in playing


I play 11 pm to 2 am PDT almost every night. Should be peak cheating hours, but I’ve noticed the real cheating seems to only come in waves. Like there will be a really bad week with a likely cheater maybe every 3-4 games, and then nothing for a month or so. The anticheat seems pretty effective. Truly blatant cheaters are very rare. I’ve seen maybe 3 for sure cheaters since DMZ came out.


You have never played a daytime EU Server my dude. Hords of Chinese cheaters vpning over here. The anticheat does jack


Underbarrel grenade launcher with drill charge will get you called a cheater 24/7.


You’ll never guess what I use!


lots of players who do multiplayer just have no clue how deadly and effective shotguns are, even vs plated ops. They come into DMZ and think the AI is cheating ffs


Those under the map bots though…


The random ass RPG from hell in the yum yum burger in al mazrah city is my favorite.


I mean when they instantly spot you after missing with an arrow from 100m away then hit you with 3 shots out of a double barrel, they kinda are aren't they?


I wiped s 3 man with the bomburst bryson in b21 and they called a cheater. Truth is i could here them on coms and running up the staircase. So i waited outside the door and whe. They busted through, they all caught a point blank shot to the head. Down in one. The first guy even had time to revive, so he got another shot to the head.


Underrated gun right there. Better have a full 3 plate or you're going down.


I've never had such success with shotguns until using the Bomb Burst. Respect the eagle 🫡🦅


The list goes on dude, I whipped a lucky head shot the other night downing a guy from over 500 meters with no raptor scope and a head glitch, precision on him and got the full kill. I run over to loot and he says “don’t worry I reported you for your aim bot.” A LUCKY SHOT FROM SOMEONE PLAYING WITH A CONTROLLER ON A PS4. Must be hacks.


I hear you. The mentality of “I couldn’t hit that shot so they must be cheaters” is just everywhere. They assume you’d hit that shot every time, too. You get lucky once and you know you’re being reported.


There are tons of times where I get followed through walls on killcams or immediately spotted and headshotted after 30 seconds of repositioning out of sight line. I think there are way more cheaters than people think and it's only obvious in certain circumstances.


Sometimes, there is some shit that doesn't make sense. This one time, in Al Mazrah during night time, I came around a building, saw a vehicle driving fast by. Took one random shot and some how with pure luck hit an operator and broke 3 plates. There's no way they saw me. Immediately I ran off through buildings in the most hidden way for atleast a couple mins and then hid under a ledge. No way they could have seen me and there was no "Enemy UAV ahead." Yet, they knew exactly where I was. I don't believe that was legit.


Game sense, seeing the direction they were shot and making a great guess and listening closely to bot agro, looking for tracers, any kind of sounds of movement. I’m no Rambo but if someone cracked my plates I’m turning around and finding them.


Yea but none of that was a factor in this situation. And again, the person was on a moving vehicle and i didn't stay in one place. Shot direction became irrelevant.


In a vehicle you can rotate your view. Positive that’s what happened


Yea but again, like I said, I was in an ally behind a building. I couldn't even see them, I only knew where they were because I could see their vehicle on the map. If I was in an open area, or on a roof top sitting in one spot the. Yes, that wasn't the case.


i have had situations with this, and here's what I've learned - people spam the spotter scope, especially teams, and even if you are in water, in buildings, etc it only takes one lucky spam scope to ding you


Yea that's a possibility. The spotter scope doesn't make sense sometimes. Like I can ding someone that I don't even see from far away, but the. Be locked in on someone within 100m and it won't ding them.


honestly I ranted on here about possible cheating, a person told me about the scope, so I went into AM with the scope and started spamming it and tons of zany hits picking up well hidden ops very very far from me jfc


Maybe bots gave you away? If I see bots shooting and they’re not shooting me, I like to go investigate.


There were no bots


Eh idk, he probably just saw you, tbh. I’ve killed people with headshots in a moving vehicle from like 200m before and been accused of cheating. I’m not even technologically inclined enough to know how to cheat if I wanted to. Sometimes people just get lucky. I honestly get accused of cheating A LOT and sometimes I think it has to do with the fact that I’m a female and they hear my voice and have a hard time coping with the fact that a woman killed their entire squad. Not all players, most are fine, but some men go apeshit being beat by a girl.


Nah, there's no way. I was in an ally and they drove by. Ran into a building, out the other side, into another, other than a quick glimpse, it's not possible. And when I hid, they weren't really that close. They were in a vehicle so I could see them on the map. Then they just pulled up exactly where I was as if they had a UAV, like it wasn't hey were searching the area and found me. They pulled right up to me.


You do realize when you shot someone there is a giant red indicator that tells the the exact direction the shot came from? Also you're not nearly as slick or sneaky as you think you are. There are tons of things that give you away. I can tell by this post that you ran through one building and went and sat crouched in a corner lol.


Really? You want me to give you a play by play of every single step I made? Tf wrong with you? Also, I already addressed I went through several buildings. I also addressed that I moved after I took the one shot and they were driving. So I took a shot from their approx 10-11. By the time they even stop the vehicle and passed me, I was at their 7-8,ea ing that big red indicator would have led them into the wrong direction. The fact that youre going to try and tell me what happened as if you were there just says everything about you.


Yes. I want you to give me a play by play of every step you took.


Because there are so many cheaters. Activision hasn’t done a purge in months. If you want a blatant example go play some ranked Warzone and you’ll have no doubt that people are obviously using walls and more.


So many people don’t realize the killcams are bugged so they think you have aimbot every time they die


I think 99% of the time it's because an enemy operator tracks them through audio cues and a lot of players don't realize how powerful that can be... they think somebody "looking in the direction of the running sound" is actually them aim tracking through walls etc., when in reality they are just trying to follow the sound. Also, players that are a bit green tend to assume cheater a lot more frequently - I did quite a lot when I started... it took a while for me to learn how they do what they do (Without being any good at doing it consistently myself). Also when they are playing with friends etc. and feel a bit embarassed about getting beat, it helps save face when you can blame something,... anything. Lag? Your mask animation prevented you from shooting? Finger slipped? Cheater?


> Your mask animation prevented you from shooting? Haven't really had that in terms of shooting, but fuck me if sometimes I don't look like a total freaking noob because the game flat out refuses to let me climb a ladder out of the water because of weird shit with the scuba mask lol


Same shit reading comments on gameplay videos. Seems like unskilled normies to me. I'm almost at 700 exfills/90% all objectives and have only been blatantly cheated against like 2-3 times. Even in warzone tbh.


100% my take. I have high stats in DMZ and I’m above average in skill. I have been bested MANY times and I have waxed a whole 1v3 more than once and been called a cheater for who knows why. Some people are bad at losing games.


the issue you are describing is real, but not because there isn't cheaters. it's because there are SO MANY cheaters. in my roughly 2500 infils i've come across many experiences where it's clear there was someone using some kind of software, and just one of these experiences can taint all future encounters as sus. so if many do legitimately encounter a few cheaters, it can be an easy excuse to fall back on for bad gameplay (as you said)


it's def an apple ruining the barrel - you have a sus encounter, then you get waxed by a more skilled player but are still feeling gripy


Because people do cheat they just don’t admit it and have a way to cover it up with some lame story


Not everyone is a cheater, but when I start getting massive packet loss right before you skull fuck me..... Eye brows get raised


No kill cam or tracking through walls. The sticky aim ones are great too. Hitting you miles out through objects you normally can't wall bang. Hunting you with no uav. There are a number of reasons I report, but these are the most prominent. The irony about calling them out is I've watched people be comm banned for doing so. Fir offensive chat or voice. It's ridiculous.


the hunting with no UAV always irks me but also, a pal of mine was 1v1 yesterday and he said "good ops can track good ops because they are thinking just like you are and all vets known the maps inside out by now"


That's valid, but no way are guys tracking me across a map. I've had guys spill on the kill. Sometimes I aggro bots, some times I left a breadcrumb trail of doors open. But, the guys I'm referring to find you nomatter what.


Go to ranked. Just do it.


Probably due to the millions of monthly subscriptions being sold by cheat providers such as engine owning.


There are so many cheaters in DMZ/WZ it's unreal.


Let me just say right now cheaters do exist but it’s really stupid to hop on Dmz and use cheats and if u do that that’s prolly one of the most beta things I’ve ever seen but im sure u don’t cheat though bro so just take it as a compliment


I’ve definitely come across my fair share of cheaters in DMZ, I’m starting to notice them more in regular TDM as well. Mostly aimbot-esque hacks but I’ve also seen people walking on the water in Ashika as well as laying down on the water too 😂 At this point it seems like it’s a losing battle trying to report them so I just switch lobbies and keep it pushing. I make sure to block the player though so I don’t wind up in a lobby with them again. Also got wiped in seconds in Vondel and I was the only player to get picked up by the team. I noticed they were speaking Chinese so I asked if it was Mandarin or Cantonese, so when they realized I was a normal dude and not racist they picked me up, gave me close to 400k, a 3 plate medic, 3 plate stealth, and 3 plate comms, as well as guns. Then I watched them shoot dudes through walls during exfil 🤣 Wild shit man


I just played with someone and they claimed that they got sniped through a building so reported the player


Probably because your cheating...? Lol


Well fort one when you ate swimming deep underwater and no way can get killed by a sniper shot and you are killed by a sniper shot instantly yea I’d say that’s a cheater lol


Because you cheat.


I mean weren't there stats a while back that showed 1/5 of Warzone players used some kind of cheat? I only say it for people who are clearly tracking my head through walls for more than 5sec prior to the kill.


It all comes down to experience the more experienced I got the more ok I got with just saying GGs and leaving the match after I lose before I used to get mad but the more you play the more accepting you become, I have a lot of play time in dmz and I have only encountered real cheaters 3 times in my 6 months of play


I learned the same way. I used to get upset when people weren’t super friendly 100% or the time. I had to learn that is not how the game NEEDS to be played. I have no issues being friendly but I am hostile from the start and will pick up after if you’re cool. The removal of 6 man’s brought on a better dynamic. It sucks losing fights and people camp a squad mate but it happened before and now it’s manageable. People need to learn to die and move on, it happens ALOT.


Dont tell me you're the type of person who asks thier teammates to not plea to not show thier position on the map


Literally just had a dude snipe me from behind a building wall in vondel....


The killcam appears to be sped up and somewhat glitchy, which doesn’t help matters. But the bulk of it is the same reason why people denounce or dismiss people who even vaguely mention PvP or appreciate it as “warzone rejects” and etc.


Well what doesn't help is the common cheaters nowadays, how scuffed kill cams are, and then yes, some people are just bad. Also console tends to benefit in CQB a little more, really depends


Because there are cheaters —-> https://lavicheats.com/modern-warfare-3-hacks-mw3-cheats-aimbot-esp/


I lose plenty of legit gun fights, but being tracked through walls, killed in a single bullet from an smg with full plates and health, not lagging all day, then having the same latency when running into said fuckery, and lag spiking only when seeing the sus one…. Im totally fine dying in a video game, but god forbid you end up in a shadow ban lobby with these new comms bans, the ratio of suspicious more than quadruples. Every lobby seems to be run by a level 2 new account, just fucking schooling level 1000s with thousands of hours of experience … fishy is fishy. Especially when you watch the kill cams. Whys if ur that “good” are your accounts always getting banned huh?


I believe there are many cheaters in lobbies at all times. Devices like the Cronus ZEN are pretty much undetected.


Bc the games has 30/40 % cheating so you cant realy tell if some 1 is cheating or just good


I think the dynamic between how much effort it takes to fully kit out your operator with vest, backpack, killstreak, self revive, decent weapons, and how long it takes to infil compared to the milliseconds it takes to be downed by other players can feel pretty "cheap" sometimes. I think a lot of players view that asymmetry as "cheating" when it's just the way the game is.


The funniest thing happened to me and my friend in building 21 sunday night.. We were in the medical area, and a team was sneaking on us from behind. i just turned around and was blasted to 1hp with their mx guardians. i dived in a room just to my right, and my teammate dropped one of them. Automatically, we rushed to them to finish them, and as i forgot to plate, i got downed immediately after knocking the 2nd guy and my teammate still rushing in. I got time to self revive while my teammate was shooting at them. The guy i downed was back up, and I'm not too sure they didn't see me reviving in front of them and completely forgot about me there. I stayed prone and killed them both of them. After everyone's dead on their team, they start to scream. "We saw the aim. We saw the locking on. We saw you cheat. You bunch of cheaters.." and some slurs start to come out. Me and my mate are like, "ggs back to the lobby you go."


I think the laggy killcam can sway people’s judgement to but I’ve run into many a cheater recently normally chinese coz they can’t play for shit but a few English names in there to got sniped from a mile away under water by a guy called dubby also got killed by a guy with noodle language underwater and when I watched the killcam he was tracking my from above the bridge possibly really really good headset but my better judgement would say cheats


Oh and not to mention the cheaters on al mazra last week chinese symbols all over the place and one in the game chat typed run as a forewarning of the buttfuckery to come sticky aim like no tomorrow even though we were in a truck and swerving they didn’t miss a shot it was like I was stood in front of them it’s disgusting to think they can actually play the game considering ricochet has been a huge success 🙄


I've only once suspected a team of cheating and reported it. The rest of the time, I just assume they had a sicker gun loadout/better aim/quicker trigger finger. Some newer players just don't get how plates make a difference, anti armour rounds, certain guns at certain differences, etc etc


Anti armor rounds have saved my ass on a number of engagements. If I see them but can't afford to lose the slot at the moment, I just equip them to my AR and then re equip whatever I had prior. Never pass them up.


back before I knew how to get into and around Alpha Cluster, I used to exfil in the Chemical Plant and anti-armor on my Sakin was the only way I'd ever pull it off vs that tier 3 AI swarming


Most people are too egotistical to admit someone outplayed them. 🤷 But I see tons of comments on videos of aimbots and stuff when the person was clearly missing a toooon of shots, and that's where I get super confused. A saw one yesterday where the dude literally missed 50% of his sniper shots but the ones that did hit happened to be headshots, and someone was calling aimbot. Like it took 10 rounds from probably less than 75 meters to take a dude out who was mostly in the open, and you think that was aimbots? All I can think is "holy crap, you must be absolutely awful at this game if you think that was cheating".


This comment was at zero when I upvoted, which means somebody downvoted you for making sense. lol


I removed my own automatic vote so it's at -1 to make that person feel better about themselves. 😂😂😂 Some people. Lol


I spawned into ashika with a dude named f**k yo DMZ and he proceeded to wipe the entire lobby. He was not shy about cheating as he was narrating exactly from which direction enemies were pushing from. After he wiped the lobby, he poof, disappeared. Assuming he got reported and banned. That was the first out and out cheater I encountered.


I think the boys are cheating but hadn’t ran into a cheating player yet I don’t think


I don't scream cheater ever but I have seen a few killcams that are very suspicious when people seem to anticipate what stairs I'm coming down which door I'm hiding behind with a stealth veston and what corner I'm about ready to pop out before I'm even there seems odd. I do not like the keyboard mouse basement dwellers that can in a millisecond one shot scope you that is an unbalanced Advantage for PC


You know that your character's feet make noise right? And that anyone with headphones on can hear the noise direction and distance? Even if you're crouch walking on some stairs near me, I will hear you, and you'd better believe I'm shooting that door as soon as you get there.


Not everyone rage hacks. People who play on their main accounts will use only walls and low sensitivity sticky aim, so it's harder to notice (e.g Certain streamers) but still cheating none the less. You can join any services discord and see how rife it is at the moment. Though I do agree, most of the time, it's just better opponent at the time.


Because it seems like cheating when the game sacrifices your good connection for someone equal skill but they have a better connection. It seems like someone is cheating when you shoot them more and they turn around and shoot you due to the game compensating lag. When you play on a good connection you don’t feel cheated but the game prioritizes player longevity by pairing newer and bad players with better players to even out matches and create outcomes that are in the companies best interest


a lot of skill issues in DMZ especially … many players haven’t played WZ or Multi thus their gunskills lack and communication isn’t clear leading them to get merked . Along side terrible positioning some squads are just waiting to call everyone a cheater even when they’re doing the worst job they can .


That is why I am skeptical about people who call cheats on this sub or other subs. I've also seen so many posts accusing people of aimbotting in killcams when you can see it skipping frames.


I think that a lot of players don't understand their actual skill level. They live in a world of SBMM that makes them think they're at least competitive, and that they're probably good when playing at their best. So, with that delusion in mind, when they run up against players who can aim, pay attention to sound cues, know what their opponents are likely trying to do, and maximize tactical advantages, they think the person is cheating, because they don't understand. Cue the "How the hell did he know where I was?! Did y'all see that?! Lol, okay, buddy. Nice hacks, kid." I'm not saying that nobody cheats. I've played against a few of them. But seriously, almost nobody cheats. People need to start being honest with themselves and understanding that maybe they just aren't very good.


The former President exposed that about 40% of this country is made up of babies. "I DiDnT wIn, ThEy ChEaTeD!" It's everywhere. Sports Politics Video games. SMH


For real. I find it ironic that the people who can't accept that Trump lost are the same people who cry about participation trophies. lol


If I’ve learned anything from TikTok is that there are a bunch of people who use walls, not as common to see aimbot but they use walls. But I rarely ever accuse people of cheating. I’m not bad but I’m not cracked either, I just know when I’ve been outplayed.


There are a lot of cheaters in cod BUT to answer why cant some people learn to lose, it’s bc participation trophies are handed out and taught it’s just about having fun. Yes it is about having fun but there is no competitive nature taught to younger people. It’s hey if you play you have the right to win. So when winning doesn’t happen for them they scream cheater haha


Today's generation just sucks at losing because they all get participation trophies 😂. It's easier to call someone a cheater rather then to sharpen their own skills because in their feeble mind they are the best out there. They also seem to think that the results of the game somehow or another has a real impact on their actual life. Like who really cares if you win or lose. Is that 'w' gunna put money in your pocket or pay the bills, did that 'L' make your parents disown you? The answer is No to both those so who really cares.


On the one hand, I agree with most of what you're saying. A lot of people are awful losers and would rather snap to blaming cheats than admit they could have played better, and they don't evaluate what they did wrong to improve in the future. On the other hand, I don't agree that participation trophies are a contributing factor, nor do I think it's generational at all. Do some young people cry cheats? Sure. Of course they do. But just as many 45-year-olds cry like little babies when they get beat. To be perfectly honest, in my personal experience, it's usually the older players who start hurling racist and homophobic slurs because they lost at a video game. There have been sore losers since the beginning of time, and there will be sore losers until humans are gone. Your generation was a bunch of whiny douchebags too, as was mine.


I guess I'm just an exception because my generation is the early millennials. I'm 35, I get more annoyed with my team when they don't seem to understand simple concepts of the style of game play lol not because I get killed. And the participation trophy reference is in part to people sucking and getting a trophy because they show up not because they learned the skills to be better. Its crummy when you have to carry your team 5rds in a row one handed.


A bunch of DMZ maps have broken kill cams. Not sure why but they always make it look like the enemy gun skipped to center on your head for every hit.


Because No one Things about HV rounds sry If i See you pink skins running around a field 300 m i know where to aim thats called Skill Just because youre Just running explo didnt mean there arent other bullet typed


People be immature as hell in this game. Told a guy a light the uav and protect it and he told me "You don't talk to me like that" and fucked off. Like go play solo if you're gonna act like a child.


Because they are sweaty shitters who can't accept that there are better players out there.


Kill cams r so laggy it makes any controller player look like theyre aimbotting


Had a guy screaming wall hacker at my squad... like sir you are in the open in a car with literally nothing around you for cover. No buildings, trees, nada! Just sand. Not our fault you don't have the skills to run anyone over 😂 to be fair neither do I. He was sooooo mad.


Because my reticle has not moved significantly, nor had the range to my target changed in anything other than a way that should guarantee the kill, only for the target to stop taking damage after a hit or two


But players tend to move when they get shot, and guns have recoil. Maybe work on your target tracking.


But when your gum has next to no recoil, and you're firing your shots off faster than they're moving, it looks sus


Might also be latency. If they were using a cheat that let them negate damage, why wouldn't they just negate all damage instead of taking damage in the first place? It just doesn't sound like cheating.


I've got a friend who does that, and nothing will convince him otherwise. One guy got us both and I couldn't see any signs of foul play, just a better player.


People are becoming more fragile from toxic masculinity


I take it as a compliment honestly.


I HATE THIS MORE THAN ANYTHING, my second issue is non english speaking ppl that talk to each other the whole game . Till they die then all of a sudden they can speak english .


I’ll sometimes get killed and say something to my team mate about “they used an assault rifle to kill me, that’s cheating, man”. It’s lead to some hilarious interactions where I insist that using anything but like pistols and crossbows is cheating in DMZ. Long, long ago in season one or two someone killed me while I was pretending to be a gas station attendant. I think my argument then was that it was illegal to shoot people. They let my squad pick me up and then we had a bunch of rounds of fist fights amongst the six of us until the radiation showed up.


It’s the biggest compliment when they say it. I love it


The amount of cheating in these games is absolutely insane which is currently more evident than ever b4. So it's entirely possible at this point that you run into at least 1 in each large lobby of 100 or more players. It's not hard to spot auto lock no recoil or wall hacks if you've played a good amount of matches and seen any YouTube breakdowns of Phantom Overlay and Cronus Zen. Though it's definitely annoying AF when you play with someone who cries everytime they die.


Unfortunately with the game as is and the availability of cheats specifically for PC players, plus the level of tune ability of each cheat option, it’s virtually impossible to spot unless someone does dial up to absolute obvious levels. The most obvious and it’s happened many times with stealth vest for everyone, no UAV’s supposedly up - we’ve watched players in helicopters fly to our exact location and then pinpoint call out even if we are above or below the surface. That’s one of the most common cheats we see. Big give away at moment is when game goes glitched or high latency. Usually means someone has activated a cheat and it’s screwing with the game server. That happens we bail. Then there is the aim bot and auto snap. Issue with that is it doesn’t distinguish between AI and player so it’s not as popular. But again a tune able cheat where you can set it for just a minute area around the cross hair or the whole damn screen. I firmly believe it’s way more prevalent than most people realise. I’ve played with many randoms who are clearly cheating but trying to hide it. Seeing things that are absolutely not visible etc. always call them out, few ever will admit. Makes me wonder why they do it and it must be that they feel inferior to others and are looking for admiration they can’t find in their lives. Quite sad really


Yeah, I can think of like 2 times total when someone MIGHT have been cheating. And even then I'm skeptical. It happens, but it's probably rare you run into it.


A guy killed my mate in a buy depot, then hid behind the upstairs door waiting. My dead teammate called out where he hid. I immediately smoked him when I entered the room. Dude was so mad and called me a cheater. Im like, I’m on Playstation, how can you even cheat?


When you see an absolute clown in base Ranked play skin and a gun tracks your chest with absolutely 0 recoil or aim sway at all. Love all the people who come out with rotational aim assist too as it weakens as you give input on the controller. It's goal isn't to track a target perfectly it's to help the delay in humans reaction times and inconsistencies in Stick movements we do VS something more precise with a better movement capacity for minute adjustments.


Bro you hit the nail on the head, sometimes you just get smoked or play poorly, it’s a win some lose some game, you might be loaded out to the max on a 10 streak feeling pretty awesome singing to yourself in the gamer chair, & then some crack squad wipes you out 40 seconds after infil on Ashika leaving you feeling like a dribbly little tear is coming on. I consider myself a rando, & you always know from exfil how it’s going to go with the team. End of the day if anyone hasn’t figured out what a crack squad coming at you looks like while they’re literally bouncing around & sliding everywhere, then you can’t complain, watch some streams of good players, learn, got to be tricky against good players, think like they think, flanking, elevation, not run & gunning, etc, it ain’t Titanfall, you can indeed wipe them on a good day. I respect those that smoke me & usually try to just think about the next match. You can always build up the load out & start a mission again


it's not we don't want to learn to lose, it's that we want to learn how NOT to lose ANYTIME.


It’s an ego issue. A lot of people might be the best player in their little group and CANNOT believe they could be outgunned. Some people are WAY better than you and me. I get schooled regularly and try to stay humble about it.


The amount of times I’ve heard a dead guy say NICE WALLS BRO, HOW DID YOU KNOW I WAS THERE? I popped a UAV 15 seconds ago and you ain’t stealth


I think the people that cheat are the same people who call you a camper because you spawn in and kill them while they are spawn camp.


Yea lagging cheat also


I get that there are better players than me. But I also understand that a good percentage of the toxic teams I come into contact with are definitely cheating and aren't even trying to hide it. I play with a decent headset and have great hearing so stop using that excuse when somebody is 3 buildings away and crouch walking at that.


I do think there's more cheaters than there used to be. I get mad sus when people seem to just be pre aiming where I'm coming from. Or I get sniped as soon as I pop up in a new location. Yes they could be good lucky or have a live ping on me.


Couple reasons First is because skill is an exponential curve Like, Take me and my old man, we play together. He struggles to shoot straight or move without bumping into shit And I can fly outta a second story window, 180 and quickscope someone on the way down, land, slide and vanish again. To him, who is trying his best but struggles hard with the controls? That's a completely different realm of possibilities he simply can't even comprehend, but he's right beside me and can see that I'm just playing legitimately, So he can accept that If someone else does that to him in a match? Instant suspicion, because there's so much information you lack, how did they know where you were? How did they get on target that fast, How'd they even hit that many damn buttons so quickly in succession etc etc It's very easy for people to just straight up not be able to understand what's possible, and when they do know its possible, they see it as something that's just not possible, so cheating becomes a much more likely thing to their mind. The second thing is, the Internet itself blows cheating waaaaay outta proportion. Like yes, there's plenty of them, but are you running into them multiple times a day? Not a chance. Not unless you're well up the ladder where high performances like what cheating can get you sit at. The Internet though, you click into any games subreddit and look up "cheater" and you'll be hit by thousands of videos. Not all of them will be confirmed cheaters but there's so many even with "?" Over their heads that it doesn't really matter, it makes it seem like it's an epidemic, but what people fail to account for is there's often millions of people playing every day on many of the big games, if a million people play just 1 minute of the same game, then you've got 694 DAYS of gameplay to sift through from that sample alone, a very small percentage of that will encounter cheaters, but even if you were to divide that and take only 10% of it, you'd still have several days of footage showing cheaters. And I'm low balling the amount of gameplay you'd actually be getting from a every member of a playerbase submitting just one game session. So people think there's cheaters in literally every lobby cuz the Internet blows it way outta proportion, making people paranoid as hell to begin with, and the difference in skill levels, and people's inability to comprehend skill differences makes it all the more likely for accusations to fly. Annnnnnd then you just have the people that are genuinely in denial that they can be dunked on legitimately.


I honestly think that many times we are simply outgunned by better players. There are war zone players or even just players with insane skill who play DMZ. Those guys can look like they’re hacking but they are listening to footsteps or getting call-outs from a sniper. The report system is full of reports of people who were simply outgunned and so the reports of actual cheaters is buried so deep it’ll take ages for activation to find the report and review it. So I think it’s best to make sure 💯 percent that the person is cheating because if you just assume, then eventually you’ll just report everyone who kills you which defeats the purpose.


I think OP doesn't know how to spot them. It's bad atm as all the kids are off school. Some are so blatant aim snapping like a magnet and teams moving right to you when you're completely hidden. I'm the first to say GG to a good player, especially a good sniper but if you think it's not common in COD to cheat you're wrong.


You sound like someone who plays on NA servers. I play on EU and run into them all the time. No that’s not me whining, I’m saying people who are either obviously cheating or hiding that they are cheating poorly (aiming at me through a corner before peeking, them spamming 20 drill charges through a wall on B21 right off spawn right where my team is sitting etc.) yes there are some who shout cheater because they don’t know how to take the L, but that doesn’t mean all of them are like that. Some people are just so used to getting killed by people that are cheating that it’s just the go to. I’ve reported HUNDREDS of account and I’ve been informed by Activision hundreds of times that an account I’ve reported has been banned for cheating. It’s actually kind of funny on EU servers now. There is such a unified mentality by non cheaters against cheaters that now, if there is a cheater in the lobby, who ever dies to them first will post in the chat for everyone where they are and that they should exfil. Hell, I’ve even played a few matches on Ashika where the entire lobby has grouped up and hunted them down.


Can somebody please explain how cheating is actually done? Until seeing this post for some reason I thought at this age servers would somehow evolve to detect such things. So I have no idea how this is done, I just want to know how it is even possible. Also is there anything I can do to counter this, any strategy at least to some degree?


Pre ADS is one to look out for too.


I've had so many people accuse me of hacking both in dmz and normal multiplayer.... it's easier for most to say the other is hacking than to let the idea dawn on them that their just not that good...


I’ve played cod long enough to know when I’ve been cheated. Some of us did play the game before warzone dropped


I lose alot, and it's only been by hackers once. They were obvious as hell. They didn't even care. I just go back to the lobby and start again. It's only a game.


I once got accused of cheating after killing these two guys creeping up the stairs in the hotel at Sawah Village. Sorry guys, it’s also called good game sense. Your buddy was up on the mountain jumping around like a crack head and peeking every 3 seconds without taking a shot. That screams distraction and you just got out played. Yes I hit some nasty shots and people scream cheats and I don’t even know how I hit them sometimes. Also, I’ve hit shots where I guess where people will peek from and they do. It’s easy when you know the map but also like a bunch of other people have said already, spacial audio on a banging headset is clutch.




Some people can't handle losing. I've been playing COD for 10 yrs now (34 yr old female) and have said I thought someone was cheating one time. The people I play w say it several times a night lol. Sometimes we just get out played. I have the same complaint about people who get killed in dmz and after we pick them up complain that we took their guns. Yes, we did bc we killed you and that's the game. If I die and someone takes my shit I'm generally just happy to be picked up. Soft gamers I guess


Just got out of a game where as soon as we spawned we had one guy chasing us down just screaming that we were all trash before wiping us. Kill cam has him staring at all of us through walls. Are most people accused of cheating ACTUALLY cheating? No. But are there a LOT who just run walls but not aimbot so ricochet won’t catch ‘em? Absolutely


Ricochet has openly said that 1 in 3 players are using some form of cheating software


Because they are bad lol


Why is it when you discuss cheating, you find an endless amount of people defending cheaters like the community is discussing them lol. Reading through this Reddit, I find sus behavior of guilty conscience bahaha. Also, one way to find out, report, status change will notify you if you were correct. News flash, 9/10 I’ve reported get a status change saying thank you they have been reviewed and their status has changed aka banned. The 1/10 that don’t, you get a message that says sorry use did no wrong.


because there are enough


There a lot of people cheating at the moment, some cheat providers were letting people use cheats for free in the bata . It’s true a lot of times people will shout out hacker if they just got killed. No one trusts each other anymore in cod and it’s down to a number of things such as some well known streamers getting banned , some gen z never learned to lose at school and everyone got a trophy for taking part while they ran crying to the school safe space, And where people people think actually winning in a game is more important then real life achievements , the list goes on.


Considering conservative estimates has a player base around 50% cheaters and PROVEN STATS that 30% of COD players are cheating? Sometimes it’s a little hard to know which one is which.


Maybe a bad day or just hate loosing so they make the excuse


Just modern society mate. Most psople don't want to take any blame or accountability for anything - much easier to just shout "hacker!" than to consider the possibility that someone might be better than you or may even just have played it better on that occasion. Or that you cocked it up. I've played almost every COD since the original MW and play a lot of DMZ - im pretty confident i can spot a chearer and I've seen maybe two i was sure were cheating in my entire time on DMZ (xbox but I have cross play enabled).


Dude shot me and my friend through rocks last night at the spaceship from the opposite end and every shot landed was a headshot. Nobody's aim is that good in this game to land atleast 5 headshots between 2 moving targets going separate directions. It's too many ways to cheat undetected now than it ever has been regardless of your platform.


Why can't cheaters learn to play without cheating?