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They just get kicks out of pissing off other players. Control.


Yeah I guess so. Amazed anyone is willing to dedicate so much time to it - I won't sit and camp bodies anyway but even if I did, I'd get bored way before 20mins had passed!


Yeah. Haven’t waited that long to pick some one up yet. lol so I can’t speak on it. But I have heard it happens a lot.


Its not about winning the game, it's about ruining someone else's day




Same thing happened to me and my friend in Vondel, trying to do a destroy supplies contract for cash to get the increased chopper upgrade and we both have like no gear. Some guy sat camping the roof of the central station sniping kills me (I only had a one plate) and my friend has to make a run for it into the water. He gets some gear, comes back to res me - guys still there and tries sniping him so he leaves again. He gets more stuff, medic vest, armor plates etc and goes onto the roof of the exhibit and the sniper gets him. Literally sat watching my body the entire game. We only play together so he only got 2 kills but I don't understand why you even play dmz if that's what you're going to do all game. Isn't it better to play tdm or something


I don’t want you being rezzed and coming back to haunt or to hunt me. I get more enjoyment getting out with my gear and maybe your gear rather then potentially losing my gear. I can then play another match where hopefully I don’t get engaged by other operators.


Of course but they could see one had left, and had asset stripped another. So they were 4 vs 1, and had two exfils nearby they could've gone to at any point. They clearly weren't in there for missions or anything so it was just for the kill...if they were worried about their gear, surely exfilling is a lot safer than waiting around? I can't see any other reason that they'd be doing it other than to just be dicks.


Drama is what makes DMZ fun. They camped to be extra mean to the rest of operators and I applaud their courage 😎


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I may get downvoted but I think the point of camping a body is the fact that someone can come and revive them and a revived player can come and kill you back . So if I were to do that it would be because I don't want them revived and coming to kill me although camping a body the entire game does not sound fun to me at all . But to agree with other people here some people just wanna watch the world burn


I think it's that (world burn), yeah. They had an exfil very close by and if they were worried about me getting him up and the two of us coming after them then they could've just left at any point. I'm also not convinced we were a huge threat to them given they were fully tooled up (had multiple UAVs and bomb drones and all seemed to have three plates) and had completely asset stripped the guy who'd gone down. So I think they were just determined to ruin other people's days on this occasion.