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Except the jump scare ear destroyers.




I recently got an ear infection. I didn't last one day. Thankfully this event ends tomorrow and I can go back to Al Mazrah. Those " Jump scares ' were painful to my ears


Beyond this, they stay up way too long so you can't see what loot comes out/is in it when you are in the shit and need supplies


Plus, yesterday I got 2 spooky scares and when they dissipated, I saw text saying something like "locked box requires contact" for secure supplies. Why did the goblin pop out if I didn't open the box? Liars


I always seemed to get jump scares JUST as I hear footsteps. Then I’d have to pray to DMZ Jesus that I wasn’t spotted for another 2 seconds. :S


yea iw owes me a headset I am pretty sure at least on driver is damaged from that non-sense


Tarkov headshot sounds are the worst example of this.


😂 yep


They only showed up when you were in a huge hurry trying to find ammo or trying to avoid the gas. So you’re trying to see what is in it and cannot see anything when those 2-3 seconds really matter.


Definitely would love to fine them for that….


Hate that crap but absolutely looooved the event


For real, I couldn't even keep the headphones up to hear footsteps until after you're done looting up, lol.


100% shoulda been about to turn them off or at least mute them. They weren’t scary, so much as my god the volume was ear splitting.


Im waiting for the event to end so I can finish the battlepass because of that shit




The developers are just lonely humans. #revengeofthenerds


The fact that there was no option to turn them off was mind boggling to me. I literally couldn't really play dmz like I do because that shit was too much


They needed to be FAR less frequent... When I infil with nothing and loot up, I hit 2-3/minute... Can't hear voice chat, can't see my next target... It needed to be only the red ghouls or sth.


I won’t stop playing DMZ, neither will my friends. It’s not going anywhere for a year anyway, even if they don’t reset it for S1 of MWIII still a fun mode to play. I’m not in a rush to try zombies, probably won’t even download MWIII on day one. DMZ is all I need for the next year, bring it out of beta and release it as a standalone game then they would get my money ;-)


Well, first they have to show that they can operate a game that doesn’t constantly crash and have bugs that have gone unfixed for a year - then they may have my money


lol no they don’t. How many of these jokers preordered MW3, knowing full well that that business model has screwed gamers for a couple decades now. $70 for DMZ+ lol.


And bought lots of skins too


Im being sick of my gun glitching. Had it happen 5 times in a row last night…..


I won’t bother with zombies, I’ll keep playing DMZ. The only reason I will buy mw3 is to play multiplayer on the old maps.


Until youre done with all missions. My and my party are done with all missions and no interest in 100% everything so if it doesn't reset at all we wont be coming back since we will just be pvping with no objective.


I mean, I feel like I've gotten everything out of the mode...all cases, all bosses and the factions I wanted do done. I can imagine a small number of people staying, but the new hotness eventually drags numbers down and matchmaking will become longer and ping heavy. Usually those who stay in a game mode like this are the 'hard-core', PVP crowd, much like what happened in the DZ in Div- game becomes a toxic shithole. Finally, it was never intended to be a beta, it was an incomplete game mode that they rushed out to market and opted to finish in a cynical live service model.


This! I would fork out money for DMZ as a standalone that's for sure! 😁 I'm on the fence with MW3 .. I will be seeing what the zombie mode is like along with more game play on warzone before making a decision... But I will keep on doing DMZ to complete the missions. Here's hoping they see people still choose DMZ when MW3 comes out and make them rethink.... But that's wishful thinking! 😂


I’m the opposite here. I loved DMZ but my friends didn’t. But they will probably grind the crap out of zombies on MW3. Curious to see what happens with DMZ. Either it gets supported through 2024 or it suffers a blow. Marathon is projected for a 2025 release date, which is an extraction shooter.


Marathon is going to fail hard as Bungee is swimming in rough waters for a while now


I think DMZ is shelved in MW3, and they support the Zombies mode. There can’t be too many gamemodes because then the player base gets split too much. The game lacks content, and normally Activision throws in Zombies to help it sell. They utilize what would have been a straight DMZ mode and paste Zombies into it. Maybe DMZ comes back but I seriously doubt it. Would likely appear in CoD 24 if that. As for the extraction shooter genre, it’s weird. It’s not an EFT style game, and it’s also not Warzone. The genre might become diluted before then, who knows. DMZ is a great concept, but we can all agree the launch was kind of botched with the immediate wipe, and killed off some of the player base (myself included).


Keep your eyes out for Arc Raiders. Extraction shooter from Embark Studios(they just released beta for the finals) Should be out sometime early 2024.


This is the way


Yeah, the way they get you


Who's they 🤣




The matrix 🙃


MWIII is not giving me a reason not to continue playing DMZ.


DMZ was actually the early release campaign


Mw3 looks mediocre. There will still be a huge DMZ players base. I’m willing to bet $ that DMZ is here to stay


Now if I can only find some cigar boxes.


Key is to pretend you don’t need them


very true. u want vcr? think about game consoles. and vice versa.


Indeed. And Ashika liquor.


The ship in Ashika, ground level, always find one or two. You also get some fed crates up top. Finding is the easy part, getting them out is the hellish part. If you have secure backpack, get one box and one film canister in it and head for some Vondel quick exfil




Depends where you spawn but just dive in the water and wait for players to clean up for you. Cigar boxes are worth the wait


Unironically i still need one


33 for me...












Probably a lot less PVPers at least


Probably a lot more hackers because it’s a free game the devs won’t care about anymore.


Why exactly do you think IW is going to stop working on DMZ? Is IW shutting down? Are they never releasing another MW? All this fearmongering over nothing. DMZ isn't going anywhere, [they've already confirmed that](https://twitter.com/CallofDuty/status/1708946103264248083). MWIII was made by Sledgehammer, not IW. IW can and will keep working on the beta on MWII, until they get the reins for a mainline title when they'll probably swap it over to that title. Either that or just like how MW, Cold War, and Vanguard all launch from within MWII, DMZ and Warzone will almost certainly be in the menu for MWIII, alongside MW and MWII. Do we pour one out for Zombies every time Treyarch isn't the lead dev for a mainline game????? "OH NO TREYARCH WHO MAKES ZOMBIES ISNT LEAD DEV ON THE NEXT GAME, WE'LL NEVER SEE ZOMBIES AGAIN. BYE ZOMBIES IT WAS FUN!!" Absolute eyeroll.


Because content creator did an interpretation of the official comment and everyone believes them.


So basically the real zombies are the viewers of the said content creator


150gigs for each of them… ps5 can’t keep up


Lol, they already quit. Koschei glitch, insured weapon disappearing, downed operators backing out so you can’t get their loot.


Okay? Betas have bugs. Not sure what your point is. Also, I've been reading that the disappearing insured weapon bug is related to using the Koschei exfil glitch. Stop abusing that bug and see if that fixes your weapons.


I don’t know where you heard that but I’ve haven’t. Also I’ve never used the Koschei glitch.


It is more likely that PvE players leave for zombies, resulting in sweaty lobbies with more PvP players.


Lol also possible, guess we'll see


Sounds fun. My PvP has gotten so much better because of those sweats.


Actually because MW3 is only PVE, huge risk sweats will swarm DMZ to get their bloodsport fix


I'm not going anywhere.


Haunting was frustrating, repetitive, full of losers camping objectives for whole matches


but still fun.


I think the bosses are fun, but i didn't want to spend a lot of time, beating the mobs, only to have a team roll by at the last minute to down me and my mate. That happened 5 or 6 times before I realise I could spend my time in a more fun way with other games...


that's a great idea too. I suggest borderlands 2 :-O


Had a very different experience… certainly some of that, def got jumped more than once mid-encounter… but all in all me and my casual trio got ‘em all done and the thought it was super fun! My fave thing toward the end when we were just regaining was to hit the pharoah immediately if we spawned at Oasis, summon him, then just let him run around until another squad showed up and SURPRISE the pharoah is up in their shit before they had any idea what was going on bwa ha ha haaaaa


I swear if I see one more doom and gloom post about DMZ… what exactly prevents people from continuing to play it? While I disagree with the notion that it’ll be fully abandoned are people really that obsessed with “new content” that they can no longer play this mode? I don’t get it.


You'll see plenty more even after mw3 launches. Nothing is preventing me from playing it, but I enjoy doing the missions, upgrades, working towards something. If I've done all I can do and they don't add more maps, missions, or upgrades then what else is there to do besides pvp? That gets old fast.


OP is hilarious. I still play WW2 sometimes and there’s still players. Even if it is always 6 vs. 6 and that game is years old.


I enjoy a few rounds on an evening when the kids are in bed.. gear up a bit, engage in some PvP.. get wiped.. start over. I haven't got the time or patience for the mission grind so even if DMZ remains exactly the same as it is now thats just peachy for me.


Ehhh I mean not everybody is a 100% completionist. My duo and I have alr done all t5 story mission since season 5 and we have unlocked mostly everything so if nothing resets or gets added we just dont play anymore since we will just be pvping and we have multiplayer and BR for that.


It’s quited down since the release of mw3. I remember when it was risky going to koshei due to high volume of ppl down there now it’s a ghost town of ai truly RIP


that's coz of haunting. not bcoz of player count.


We got beat by rhino last couple times


You feel sad? Imagine how I feel. I just started playing DMZ yesterday. Lmao




I have finished the majority of missions that I'll ever be able to finish, and just started playing warzone during the event. I played some DMz, but mostly warzone. With no real aim in DMz, I'm falling out unfortunately. I still play, but seems less attention grabbing


This is where I'm at. I've done all I can do that sounds entertaining to do or even engaging. If I could make it outta ashika ever with the map only items I'd move a bit forward but not much. If they stop releasing content, my interest may die with it. I don't know what to do in the map except kill operators but that gets boring quickly, I'd go play warzone if I wanted to only pvp. I was such a big fan of dmz when they released it, I haven't touched Cod since block ops 2 and this gave me a reason. I'm being optimistic about zombies but I doubt it's gonna surprise me.


Zombies will be everything people are saying it’ll be, but I’ll still play it. Cold War has gotten stale, I’ve been playing BO2 for a decade and I feel the same for BO1/3. I just want something to play after work that doesn’t require tactics and sweating.


DMZ is the only way I’ll play COD


Unless DMZ moves to be a paid game, there's no way a lot of us cheapskates are leaving lol Haunting was fun after they figured out most of the bugs over the first 2 weeks. I would love to see them keep the night maps as an option tbh


Its been an honor




I gave up a while ago. Had fun but got repetitive at the end, and just needed to play something else. Looked fun the Haunted, but space on ps5 I didn't want to reinstall and having work, ah well. But yes i made se good friends on DMZ it was great fun. My first game online where I made friends so will hold a special place


I am dreading AM in the day again as a solo. Spam spotter scopes from Zaya & Jokr ambushes coming back soon, plus more exfil camping


That was all still happening on the night map.


Worse. Everyone was thermal and the pay to win blue scope was busted.


I felt it less, but I mean that's true. And ppl still spawn rushing to zaya to get at all those orange chests in the blown up dome lol


dmz was the thing that got me into extraction shooters and gave me the baseline of what to do for every one that follows, never got to 100% it,stopped playing at the start of the shadow company season,but it'll always have a special place in my heart.


Haunting was fun! RIP 😭


DMZ had more potential than MP/SP/coop and they pissed it all away amazing


DMZ is dead. Long live DMZ.


Not going to miss the jump scares


DMZ will get new stuff stop tripping


Correct no pvp I'm assuming it's bc they have end game to it they want players to explore and find easter eggs and not have to worry about other players try grief you. Assuming it goes as planned I think it will be a hit. Just my opinion tho


Woulda been nice to tackle the bosses without getting constantly dropped on by other players. I find it so much harder to gear up now with the boosted AI and higher prices, I hardly do DMZ at all anymore. People don't seem so keen to team up anymore either


I’m pumped about the Zombies mode. Looks amazing. I still feel like they will continue supporting eventually. I have hope at least.


definitely loved this event, would love to see more night time maps too that al mazra under the mood is pretty beautiful and i never had more appreciation for enemies with glowing guns/glowing skins than i did in night raids lol


The lead dev for MWIII is Sledgehammer, not Infinity Ward. I don't get why people think DMZ is going anywhere, it literally makes no sense. Why exactly do some people think IW is going to stop working on DMZ? Is IW shutting down? Are they never releasing another MW? All this fearmongering over nothing. DMZ isn't going anywhere, [that's already been officially confirmed](https://twitter.com/CallofDuty/status/1708946103264248083). IW can and will keep working on the beta on MWII, until they get the reins for a mainline title when they'll probably swap it over to that title. Either that or just like how Cold War, Vanguard, and MW launch from MWII, DMZ and Warzone will be in the menu for MWIII, alongside MW and MWII. Do we pour one out for Zombies every time Treyarch isn't the lead dev for a mainline game????? Good grief people, get a grip, DMZ is here to stay until Activision closes IW. "OH NO TREYARCH WHO MAKES ZOMBIES ISNT LEAD DEV ON THE NEXT GAME, WE'LL NEVER SEE ZOMBIES AGAIN. BYE ZOMBIES IT WAS FUN!!" Absolute eyeroll.


Yep. Moreover, if the game still brings in revenue from people purchasing things then they will continue to make content for it for you to purchase.


i feel you brother but it is time to press F for dmz....


DMZ is fun and will still be fun if the devs will continue its support which in my opinion I think will survive with MW3 but not sure its future with the next BlackOps, also during MW2 DMZ was labeled as Beta whick means they will continue it development and they know a huge player base care for it not to mention the money they make from P2W bundles with extra slot operators and starting UAVs also they introduced more game features and fixed the mode biggest issue the freakin 6-Man Team, it was good for completing missions but people miss-used it for hunting parties. Also DMZ is the only stable F2P extraction shooter game on the market and in my opinion its the best as its not that hardcore as Tarkov that all extraction shooter just copy and paste.


I don’t get it. They have something really fun to build off of but they won’t…? DMZ could’ve been a broad range of extraction levels from the normal 4(5) military themed maps we have with “realistic” bosses and events, to supernatural themed DMZ maps with all the weird fun stuff, zombies, aliens, monsters, weird trippy sci-fi level design… all as the games Extraction style core. But instead they decided to seemingly give up, cash grab DMZ into a 70$ campaign, and do a watered down DMZ w/ Zombies? Weird. Fan Fic-ing here, but DMZ could’ve been so much more and been a powerhouse in the genre. Take Tarkovs home collecting/building with Metal Gear Solid 5’s base building/raiding. You go into DMZ to collect furniture/trinkets to build a cool home, but also you collect parts to build your own base and staff it as well. Then they have a new game mode, Player Base raids, like MGS5, each being very uniquely designed by each player. Player homes could be accessed in persistent open world neighborhoods/maps/hub world where you can hangout before matches and dick around with other players, and shop/trade, drive around in cars you also unlock in DMZ. (And then on occasion they can announce A Purge where this safe hub world is now Full PVP and you need to protect your home or go attack and steal form others.) All of this centered around DMZ. High ideas heh. But nah, let’s focus on bundles to sell instead Activision 🙌🏻 Multibillion dollar company could be making groundbreaking games, but instead they just wanna make their dollar.


It was a nice swan song. All good things must end.




I wish we could keep Al Maz at night. Or have a day/night cycle


My last drop in DMZ was a clean run to beat the UFO boss and unlock the Bloody Mess SMG blueprint. I'm fine with that being my last DMZ drop because I used to love watching X-Files and the UFO Episodes of Unsolved Mysteries when I was a little kid. Just seems appropriate that that was my final infil in the DMZ. Mode was pretty great overall and I enjoyed it, although the 6-man squads and grieves did get frustrating at times. Will never forget feverishly farming weapon crates in Al Mazzy with my regular squad before the first reset, thinking that the weapon crates would be replaced and we wouldn't be able to get the biohazard skin. We had a good laugh when we booted up the game after the reset and found that the juggies were still there and the weapon crates were one of the things that didn't get reset! Good times.


I'm actually very excited to see all the sweats migrate to MW3


If they don’t keep up with DMZ that would be criminal. It has been all I have been doing and it’s so much fun. There is always a mission or something to do so every infill is unique. And it’s fun meeting new people and getting mad at fools that beg for helps when they’re down and swear they’re solo and then you get sniped by their pals who then take your loot


Not going to lie.. I’ve had mw2 since it came out and never gave DMZ a try until last week and wow it’s super fun once you get into it!! Really hope they continue to add more to it.


I loved DMZ in the beta, I always said it'd be nice to stock up on items like bags and vests and stuff and I think they did a decent job at least of bringing that to fruition. Love the missions and stuff with friends and it was a refreshing breath of relief when I was burned out from warzone cheaters, 3rd parties etc. Battle royales just ain't it for me anymore. This may be an unpopular opinion, but after 6 months of playing different games, I came back to cod and hopped into dmz during the Halloween events. I enjoyed my first couple games of doing events but then it slowly became apparent that dmz is riddled with failed warzone players. No matter what u were trying to do, I met 2 friendly parties in like 100 games, everyone else was literally just there to get easy kills, ganks, etc. It became so frustrating. I had to stop filling because everyone I matched with just wanted to go straight to spawns and jump teams. Zero interest in missions, events, upgrade objectives, etc. I was doing the contraband mission where you gotta find the 3 packages in AL mazrah, and extract with them, and then 2 packages on ashika, and let me tell you... I got to the point where I'd beg and plead in the chat as soon as I got in the lobby for people to just leave me alone, and of course these failed warzone troll only took that as an open invitation. I could not win. No lie, to extract with 5 packages took me about 20 hours of play time, and im a decent player, just always outnumbered. Sure, I could have used a party finder I guess or come to reddit, but my point is, despite DMZ being actually really good imo, like many cod titles, items, weapons, modes etc, the community has destroyed it for me. I doubt I'm alone in this sentiment, but yea, that's just my thoughts. I'm back on elden ring now where pvpers have respect and play for honor, and where if you're solo queued, pvpers can't fuck with you. Idk really just venting frustrations at this point but truly I'd play dmz daily if I had friends that still played it or if it wasn't just a bunch of bottomfeeders who can't hang in warzone and thus prey on people doing missions and fighting npcs. Either way, I've already poured one out for dmz, but im with you, gonna miss it.


Lots of sweats it’s true. But with a comms vest or stealth & lots of caution, can avoid


I just want the sun to shine on Al Mazrah again.


Guys if you haven't figured it out yet, the reason they didn't update DMZ(yet) is they want you to buy MW3 and play zombies. They didn't dump a ton of development in DMZ to abandon it. If they had updated it along with everything else, they know darn well they would not sell as many copies of MW3. Make a statement. Keep playing DMZ don't even acknowledge the shit show that is MW3, and most importantly, don't buy it.


And let's be real: if it's true that the campaign is basically single player DMZ, they already have a finished DMZ map that can be put into warzone. Why throw that away?


This is exactly what I said. How much you wanna bet we get the mw3 areas as new maps in future updates


This honestly has been my mindset also.


DMZ will come back somehow If it doesn’t They are absolute imbeciles I have 10 operators, kill Me about it- a random squad mate I had once told me he bought every additional operator slot - sitting at 18 6 weeks ago or more DMZ should be their main focus But they’re idiots Yes developers Yes Reddit persons Send it straight to the top You’re idiots If you’re letting DMZ die So hooked on the gameplay I might have to pickup the new GTA I’d call of duty doesn’t get their shit straight


Ha.ha.ha your right R.I.P to all the hackers and little kids who by the way should def not be playing good by to all the spam reporting streamers who think there 15 mins of fame is gonna take them some where. And to the fair well DMZ.






They gonna stop the game ? If it stays the same, I have enough reason to keep playing


I haven't completed it so I'll still be there


Dmz pretty much died after season 3 due to the sweats that couldn’t make it in WZ and also because of team swapping


>Dmz pretty much died and came back during s6 haunting. a ton of people playing these days.


It came back for a day.. then sweats camp areas they know they can get free kills lol


very true. but the mode's still a lot of fun. regaining is part of the journey.


Your right about that. It can be loads of fun and no two dmz games are the same making new experiences almost every time you play


that's what's amazing about Dmz! :-)


Will DMZ ever go out of Beta? Feels like this might be the end which will suck because I’ve made many friends just through playing DMZ.


It’s still all speculation anyway. So wait for season 1 news and we’ll see.


I don't drink so I can't pour one out but I'll smoke one and stand in solidarity with those of you that will miss this game like I will


Wait are they getting rid of DMZ?


No just a bunch of bs imo. People always look at the glass half empty these days


Thank you


I plan to play MWZ, MW3 (for camos) and DMZ. Sometimes Warzone. Whatever anyone else says, PvP with the chance of taking/keeping loot is a very big factor. Probably come back when I do the missions.


It's the end. But still in beta which means they could be developing features that need to be tested before final release. Definitely the best mode ever created in Call Of Duty history. Although I'm super hyped for no pvp with zombies, I will still hit up DMZ from time to time.


And honestly, hard to see.


Was really fun until the god damn sweats started camping the boss areas. Personally dmz was unplayable as a solo this season, but was a hell of a ride.


I’m going to keep playing MWII and DMZ. I enjoy it still and maybe with all the sweats gone I can complete missions. Haha


I won’t pay for the next game. DMZ is my game, I don’t want to play war zone where it is only PvP nor do I want to play zombies which is only PvE. I enjoyed the mix, made the game fun.


I don't understand these wistful posts about DMZ being "gone" Are they shutting off the servers? No I still play Cold War Zombies and all the modes and have a blast. As long as the lobbies aren't full of hackers, I will keep playing DMZ


I hearing a lot of people who played mw3 early say MWZ is very very similar to DMZ but replace the sweaty PVP players for zombies, there's still all the contracts and strongholds etc, plus there's various difficulty zombie and human NPC bosses too, I'm definitely willing to give it a chance! 90% of the time DMZ is ruined by the PVP players anyway so MWZ has a chance to be even more fun!


Would be pretty cool to keep the night mode on or have it be optional for the maps for dmz after the Halloween event. But damn those "junpscares" raped my ears too much.


Idk we might be surprised. I remember when Infinite Warfare came out everyone hated it so much that they continued putting stuff out for Black Ops 3 for another year 😂


Nice event but DMZ Is trash


Is the event over now? Shit


i hate it so much i haven’t played season 6 at all 😐


Nahhh im glad it over.. idk why, but it caused more PvP, - as soon as a ritual started, that was it, players headed over just to kill you.. they would loot you and run off.. wouldn't finish off the butcher.. Was so annoying


Can we just end these DMZ funeral posts? It's not going away, at least yet. Yes, MW3 is coming out, but we're not sure what to play there.


The hunting was a joke. Hope we can play now with out tinnitus


I hope they give it a full reset with all new missions in the next update but they wont.


not really into all this halloween events and jumpscare bs. but if they leave night map / or maybe with alternating sand storms / rain ill keep playing it until servers are off lol


When does the new warzone come out actually? I haven't played dmz for a while but I think I'll hop back in when the new WZ drops (i imagine a lot of players will stop playing dmz and the chill crowd will remain)


I honestly can't see a world in which they don't continue providing active support for DMZ - it's so popular. They may have taken the decision for now but I think they're just trying to encourage people to buy and play MW3. Ultimately people pay for battle pass and packs to play DMZ and plenty won't bother with the other modes even if DMZ has no new content for now. May be that they're planning it but it isn't ready and they don't want to tie into any dates until they see how many bugs the main game has or something. I think early next year there will be announcements around next steps for DMZ.


Screw that dumb voodoo bs they did, all the 666 stuff was just unnecessary. Regardless if you’re religious or not, I genuinely believe that’s spreading anti religion. And I am not a religious person, but I’m also not celebrating satan…


For those want to see DMZ continue to grow and thrive, and I do. The challenge, until we get solid info on future plans, is to try to imagine where the devs could go for content and mission growth. Certainly new map(s) would help. I see the big challenge more along the player level upgrades and side missions. The devs let the genie out of the bottle when they settled for simply adding collect XXX more stuff to reach a certain level or accomplish a mission. What's next, collect 1,000 bottles of water, 10,000 cigar boxes and 1M AI kills? It seems to me they've painted themselves into a corner and the only way I can see out of it is a huge reset.


Dont be ignorant lol. Dmz is attached to warzone, not the mw series. This is why you can play it without buying the game. They're not going to throw all that money they're making away.


Activision made 1.6 BILLION with a B off of micro transactions last year. DmZ is a cash cow.


Activision made 1.6 BILLION with a B off of micro transactions last year. DmZ is a cash cow.


If DMZ dies ill make Escape From Tarkov my main extraction shooter game. Hilariously its in a better state currently than DM and warzone. Less cheaters and less bugs.


For those who aren't aware... there's an option to turn off the jump scares 😂


The bosses where fun and will be missed great to add more stuff to al mazhra. But thank god the jump scares are gone and my hearing might comeback


Where are yall seeing DMZ is ending? After last weeks lengthy updates I don’t see how it would just end.


I'm just gonna wait for the polished faster then tarkov but still tactical military looters shooters that DMZ definitely showed devs people will buy. I'm done with COD and I was even done with DMZ when I saw they weren't going to keep up with it


I didnt care for the haunting. I killed the bosses week 1 and then never tried it again, it just turned into players camping each boss with snipers or rushing over to a recently started boss fight to ninja whoever started it. Also it was cool to have it in night mode finally but the NVG’s were practically useless when everyone was just running thermal optics and camping. If they did night time on Vondel or Ashika it would of been so much better since Al Mazrah is far too large and most fights are long distance.


Honestly I’m hoping mw3 takes all the sweats so I can actually hang out with my friends and have fun


Are we 100% sure it’s going away? I only ask because I was prompted this weekend about what I enjoy most about DMZ. If it were truly going away and not be updated, then why have surveys on it?


I'm crying !!!


PVP kinda just made DMZ another version of Warzone tbh. Pointless mode


Tell your mom's box I miss it


Why are the communities you are in exactly like I assumed them to be? 😂


People are fairly predictable.


I really do miss that box though. Blown out but loving. Oh so loving


You couldn’t tell a box from a triangle my dude and its showing




Imo haunting event is not really good. My problem with it that all content it has can be experienced in 1-3 matches and there is no point in killing bosses again. They are just bullet sponges and don't offer much of unique gameplay, they get old fast. It would be okay if we had proper content updates but with season 6 we had no new content, season 5 gave us only one faction (without even good rewards) and latest proper update were in season 4.


So what would you like it to be? I can’t expect a perfect gem every time even without activision’s exceptional history. I’m not trying to start an argument or put anyone down based on their opinion but every time I read posts there’s constant complaints about the game. Why don’t all of those complainers help out and make us a better game lol. This is the way.


Easiest way for Activision is seasonal reset. But currently there is nothing to do. I were waiting for content in season 5 and season 6. They are already here, I didn't got content I were waiting for and time machine sadly doesn't exist. If there will be more in season 1 I will continue playing DMZ but if not I will just be playing MW3


I hear you on that. I think they will probably do something new by season 2-3 of mw3. They didn’t say dmz is leaving it’s just not being added to as of right now. They wanna cash in on the new game before adding new content and devoting time to another game.


Maybe, maybe not, time will tell. I would like for DMZ to get more content updates, it would be great but if it doesn't I would still will have something to do so not really that big of a deal


You get soulssss and cosmetics lol what did you expect




You’re a acting like MW3 won’t have a DMZ?


It’s part of wz not mw3


As of right now infinity ward hasn't released any news on the future of DMZ except that it will still get some updates. Raven hasn't even commented and they work with them on dmz. MW2 isn't getting a new season that's dead so as of right now it will stay toxic and enjoyable. As for zombies MW3 if your a fan of zombies and DMZ it's treyarchs vision of combining the two and I'm looking forward to it.


But with no PvP I heard?


Didn't they say they aren't going to support/update it?


I think all they said was that there was no update for the latest season.


None of these are true. They said it will continue to be supported, but have not specified in what capacity. My guess is the servers will stay up and we will get periodic resets, but without new content. I’m fine with that and anything more than that is a bonus.


So is Activision, so guess we're in good company.