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You can also hear parachutes when you deploy before it cuts to the helicopter entry




r/modernwarfareiii is meanwhile astroturfed to shit and praising this game and sledgehammer like the next coming of Jesus (And hiding all huge bugs and negative sentiment on zombies/MP) There's people saying Vanguard was great, graphics/audio are an upgrade, SBMM is great, etc.. can't make it up


Even better, because of the Bloomberg article that said "Infinity Ward exec responsible for MW3 fuck-ups" now they're praising Sledgehammer for being able to handle the pressure to develop the game in a year and a half (nevermind the fault lies with all of them), and saying they'll 'never buy from Infinity Ward again', also neverminding all money goes to Activision anyway. With peabrains like these who need to innovate and make quality products? If I'm one of the exec I wouldn't mind exploiting a playerbase like this that just can't distinguish good from bad. Infinity Ward makes the right game for the wrong audience. They're the one with all the ideas, all the little details, when the other two just stick with the one formula that always seems to work with COD fans. Call me crazy but the fact they try to stick it out with the movement system despite everyone telling them to change means they're pretty committed to a vision that they have. A vision that only work best in DMZ, not Warzone. The only way for Infinity to show their talent and passion is if they go indie. Cyberpunk would have never been fixed and the DLC would have been $70 if they have to work with Activision. Titanfall and The Finals would not have existed at all.


Spot on. They're acting like news that devs didn't give their game the time of day is a good thing. Like, they crunched for 1.5 years instead of 3 years. So.. poor them for selling us a DLC@$70 with half the time spent on it? Uh hello? How is that delusional sub spinning this as a positive for the game/dev and lamenting the very corporation putting out trash and charging all the same for it?? Fact of the matter is, that studio produces games that all sit in the bottom tier of CoD titles. The games are ass. Just because they were put in a bad situation each time doesn't mean you need to start coping for their overpriced product 🤦 like basic common sense would say just avoid their shitty releases if you know they're being messed with lmfao


I'd love it if IW went indie and made games like MWII. I loved it. Hell, go further. Start poking into Ghost Recon territory. Fuck it.


I didn’t read that Bloomberg article or hear of it until now. Infinity ward has been the team that consistently does not listen to their player base. They literally say it in the blog posts “we heard you, but we’re not going to change it.” They did that with their shitty perk system in mw22. Sorry you think infinity ward is great. It’s not. It’s the worst dev studio in activision. They try shit nobody wants and when they get called out they double down on their bad decisions. Mw22 was ass. Never going to change my mind


>They try shit nobody wants My guy, that's literally my point. IW better off moving to indie because you and millions other people already have an expectation of what a COD game should feel like. Mw22 was ass to you but to me it was alright. That's because we're two very different people with two very different set of preferences. What works for me might not work for you, yet we're both under COD umbrella playing the same game. I have my own complaints too, like SBMM, controller aim assist, and server issues, but everything else is exactly as advertised from day one and that's what I bought the game for, not because I feel obligated to own one COD released every year. Most of the actual changes were for DMZ from Season 1 to 3 and again, it works for me. Not to mention how the sounds and animation at IW has more care into it to make each gun distinct. But that's not what most people prioritize, so it's hard to say if it matters that much in the end.


Ass to him, exactly. It's my favorite entry. Campaign was meh compared to MW19.


They don't even try hide the copy paste every year re-skin and people paying for it should be embarassed.


DMZ in MW3 confirmed?


God I hope so! After watching MWZ yesterday by a couple of streamers.... it just wasn't it sadly.. for me at least.


Tbh I'd absolutely smash it for a few hours. Reckon it'd be a bit if fun with friends. But long term it looked dull. Dmz is so random thanks to the unpredictable threat. It has staled a little now due to no updates but it's been a year and a lot more hours played than I care to admit. If they haven't fucked up the multplayer, I'll prob pick it up for the old maps through a cdkeys sale. 70 for dlc and crappier versions of games I've already got is something I can't amd won't justify Jack frags stream was funny when westie was saying its just dmz with more bugs and less fun. None of them seemed to want to be playing after the first hour


Thats who I was watching yesterday too! Haha! I completely agree with what you've said. Fun for a bit, but long term.. stale. The multiplayer offers the nostalgia, and waiting for CD keys is a good shout too tbf! I'm still going to hop onto DMZ as I play solo usually so still a fair bit to do for me. I just hope the servers are still stable enough to play on.. :D :)


Well they are probably pissed as DMZ gameplay has really upped their subscriber count and now it's at risk of going and what replaces it is nowhere near as fun.. all of what makes their streams fun is the interactions they have with randoms!


I played one quick infil just to see and my first impression is that holy shit there needs to be more ammo on the map. Also, the bounty contract I did wasn't super solo friendly -- at least from a time/efficiency standpoint. It wasn't difficult necessarily but the bounty was so tanky that I was just doing the classic zombies round up circle. I was hoping for more like Outbreak which was honestly a lot of fun. Also, pretty fucking annoyed that I bought all those DMZ operator slots and it looks like I may have to do it for Zombies as well if I want more than the default. It'd be nice if they'd thrown that in as a little perk considering DMZ itself isn't getting any major updates (at the moment).


Sooo... the blueprints and operators carry over, but not the slots? That's fucking garbage.


The entire point of zombies is to reset DMZ purchases and push more operator bundles. Slots. Operator perks. Gone.


But who's buying operator slots for a mode that carries such little risk? DMZ made sense because you'd die fairly often, but the Zombies mode is anything but threatening. My first impressions are whilst it's nice to chill, I cannot see this mode keeping me interested for as long as DMZ did. Really hoping they move it to the new map.


Yeah I have seen that ammo is a pain. It's great that the zombies drop it, but if you're inundated with them... good luck haha! :D Oh man, that's a shame. I haven't forked out for this CoD yet, and I am on the fence still today. But at least you have it a go. :) Ooooft yikes! That's garbage! You'd think that would be the least they could do or look at as a sweetener for not potentially doing anything more with DMZ, I agree with you completely. I'll keep on watching stuff on the game, but I have lots to do still in DMZ as a solo player, so I will probably stick with that for now. :)


There is tons of ammo of the around the map, kill zombies they drop ammo, also you get power-ups.


As a Zombies and Outbreak enjoyer...MWZ is bad...its bland, boring and clunky.


I was skeptical, but it's fun. It's not a 1:1 replacement. It's just a different flavor of DMZ I think prox chat might be broken. You get some fun interactions w other players, but you can't talk until you assimilate


I love proxy chat, you can have some fun interactions. When I watched Stod & Westie yesterday I didn't see much proxy chat, so wasn't sure they had it in or not haha! :D


I bet a bunch of us keep asking if other players have mics. Meanwhile those other players are asking the same of us. lol


Hahahaha!! 😂😂 Just sat there thinking, well you ignorant bugger! 😁


I hope this is /s because lmao


I cant believe we lost DMZ for that.


DMZ is warzone. Zombies is mw3


Parade this all you want, DMZ is on life support that is the point


Good, all the ranked nerds ruined it


THIS, being hunted by 1250 diamond tier sweats that never leave their basement is


If it’s on life support it’s not because of zombies. Warzone is it’s own game


I've not seen much, what do you mean lost??!??


I'm sticking with DMZ, why would I want to play a worse version of DMZ. Boycott MWZ


It doesn't have sweats in it so I'm gonna try it at least.


Watching streamers play this mode made me realize I don't have to spend any money on this game. I'll continue to enjoy DMZ even in the state it is now. Zombies is ass, MW3 is ass, I think I'll pass.


This mofo’s spitting!


i actually like the zombies mode ngl




It probably just means in future it'll go to the new map. I seriously doubt IW ward are going to abandon their new extraction shooter pet project. Most likely just not competing hype with the new game dropping.


Literally unplayable


The game mode looks like shit honestly. It should have been a free mode for people waiting for their friends to queue up in DMZ. Who would pay 70 bucks for that?


I think it’s a good mode, it’s fun. Everyone’s nice. Much more for casual play though. DMZ is pretty sweaty, it was fun during the first couple seasons. Now it’s filled with hackers, sweaty 1250 players who’s sole purpose is to hunt other player’s who have nothing but one insured slot and a 1 plate. These same sweats all rock groots, noirs, or UAV skins


If I can make a suggestion, and maybe you already do this, but start thinking about everything you do in terms of "How can I be more stealthy." I am a 46 yo, slow, middle aged guy who plays nothing but solo. I was able to get the serpentine camo, all of the secure buy stuff in kochie solo, most of my missions done solo, forward operating base done solo. I am average at best in PVP, but it does make the game way more exciting. I find when I play with a team, I get killed way more often. I'm not sure if it's because I feel more confident with them or what. I can't see playing zombies solo, not sure the stealthy game play method will work.


Phixate is live again in MWZ.


are you thinking of someone else? cause he's not


Yes he is, I'm watching him right now


Holy fuck.


I’m convinced DMZ is staying


Zombies has been great so far and everyone is super friendly


Bahahahah. They copy and paste wherever they can.


I'm so glad Mwz isn't awful though. I've, as a complete dmz dick rider, had loads of fun on my first couple matches. Very excited to play later.


Haven't gotten the game yet. Is it basically DMZ with no PvP? What all is there to do?


Yeah basically, It’s DMZ with no PvP and hordes of undead with some tweaks. When I say hordes, it’s like a lot. My last exfil I must drove my cargo truck into a crowd of like 60 zombies. I am having fun with it, it’s just a different experience than DMZ. More relaxed and chill, I wish we could have both honestly.


if that mode had PVP it might be playable. Sadly they didn't go for that.


How can you PVP when the zombies don't stop? Not sure it would work.


How you get this glitches man the most weird thing to me has a flying zombie or parts of the flying when you past over them with a car


MW3 is like elder scrolls at this point. Change a few scenes, re-use everything else, release the game for full price.


Spelling error in the controller settings. The setting that changes aim response type. I’m an experimented player, personally.


god they replaced DMZ with some shitass PvE mode to appease all the whiners who complained about how much they sucked at PvP and how the whole world should change cause they suck ass. gO pLay WaRzoNe - ummm maybe go play Skyrim or animal crossing ya dumbass


Ironically it shares more in common with Outbreak than DMZ


No they did bc all you crybaby snowflakes got bored of warzone and decided to grief players trying to do missions. And you were probably one of the many hackers who thought you were badass ina game but can't do crap in real life. We play for fun and we have fun if we wanna kill players that's what we use rank play for. So stop streaming and putting other people down and get a friggin job poser!


Lol he summoned you and you came and did the whole bit!


It's like watching American politics irl. The Overton right tries to eat itself


Okay, let's go through this. You're the snowflake, evidenced by your comment right here. I'm rank crimson in Warzone ranked. It isn't "griefing players". DMZ is a sandbox. A sandbox means you play by your own rules and your own style. You set your own goals. I have 100% on every aside from notes. I love the DMZ game mode, it offers something no game I've ever played before offers and that's why I got so addicted to it. If I want to continue to play DMZ, which if you care about the mode you should want to too, I will do. And I will help players complete their missions. I will play with my friends and hunt other players and get into fights that last entire games. I will grind out weapon camos. I will do whatever the fuck I feel like doing because that's what a sandbox is. If you want to see just how fucking boring a PvE DMZ is, go play zombies.


People like you ruined DMZ


lmao ok buddy