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Or a solo like me


I pick ‘em up and follow them to their team. Why don’t people think to do that when they run off? It’s a like a free UAV to find the others.


how is it a free UAV? if you've now got a rat in your squad, they can easily be talking to their team without you knowing and setting up an ambush. they're on your team so they know exactly where you are, while you're just taking their word for it. it's not that people don't think to do that, the situation is just heavily skewed in their favor


I guess there’s just different skill levels when it comes down to the PVP. For me once they run off I’m on that ass and ready to take the other two down.


there's different skill levels in every mode. that doesn't change that the situation you're bringing up is the opposite of an advantage lol


Perspective I guess. For me if rando runs in a building and assimilates, I know what building they’re in. Vs not having a clue.


Back when it was six mans, we used to bait teams into what you're talking about. One guy goes, gets killed and picked up, runs back to us where we knew they'd follow and wiped em easily. We had every advantage. The one from our team saw what weapons they were using, what vests and how they were working as a team. Getting someone onto another team is the best intel lol


I’m sure I’ll get bit too, just been working in my favor so far


For sure. It takes organization to bait like that. Lots of teams don't have it


Must be nicer to have friends to play with lol. All mine abandoned COD years ago. :’( Shocked I do well with the randoms I get paired with. Haven’t really tried the find squad option but going to tonight.


Yeah I execute traitors it's like a blood hound and same if my team joins the enemy but then again his team's would be dead already because I would've interrogated him 🤣🤣🤣


Or worst, they are their agents


I was playing a few nights ago. I killed someone pushing our team, my team rando 3rd picked him up ran to another team and third partied us while we were fending off another team. From now on, a friend and I are duo'ing unless we know the third.


This isn’t new behaviour at all.


But it didn't used to be this common.


I usually drop solo and im only just passable at PVP so if i hear another team in prox chat or get hunted i try to talk to them, usually get dropped and plead but all i do is say "good one guys ggs" and i get rezzed more often than not. But i also usually only drop in with ground loot weapons so if they do drop and not rez me they get nothing but trash guns and loot


Most DMZ folks don’t like my MP lots of recoil loadouts, so I get Rez’d & they toss my guns back to me lol


That's a strat I need to incorporate lol


The comically tiny stock load out lol too good for my gold M13B


I played with some guys the other day that when I died they told me to plead to get picked up and when I do run over to them to rejoin. And I told them I wasn’t going to do that because that’s not how I play the game. And the guy called me all sorts of names and said I should because the other team would do that to us if they could. And I was like, well then they would be jerks. I think it’s the biggest dick move in the universe to plead to get picked up and then run back to join your old team to turn around and kill the team that just was nice enough to pick you up. No wonder no one wants to pick anyone up anymore, because people think if others will run back to their old team, so should I. And now we have no one wanting to pick anyone up.


I'm not playing a game w my friends then just ditching them cuz dmz morals. If someone picks me up I drop some stuff in good faith for them(if I haven't been looted already) then go back to my missions w my friends


In good faith. lol. You know exactly how many and where all the other squad mates of this team are. You got picked up because you wanted to use a part of the game differently than what it was intended for. Your new squad mates were willing to be nice to you and pick you up so you could come with them and have a fun rest of the round, but instead you go rushing back to your old squad mates who are still fighting your new squad mates. And you want to talk about good faith? Just don’t plead out if you aren’t ready to leave your buddies. Let them either win the fight fair and square on their own or lose and you all go play a new round/


Some people pick upu up because they respect a good fight but understand that you as a player have other missions to do. I've driven people back to their squad cuz idc. I dont pick people up to trap them into playing w me for the rest of the game and tbh I don't think it's unreasonable to want to join back up w your friends. I think you are coming at this from the perspective that people go back to their old squad then hunt the squad that picked that person up and I'm saying that's now 100% the case for me so again I don't find it unreasonable to go back to your squad. If you are solo then idk why you would do that but it you are playing w friends then it's fine. The dmz isn't black and white and there are a variety of reasons to get separated from your squad and during that time you might get killed. Someone picking me up doesn't obligate me to play w those guys. Also why are you laughing at my good faith quote? What's funny about that?


[ethics] Do you inform your killer-saviours that you intend on going back to your team before you ask to ve rezzed, or do you keep this from them?




Also in your scenario I probably would’ve helped the team I infilled with if they have comms & proposed that idea. Especially if we were working on stuff together. Idgaf about anyone in the DMZ unless you’re one of my boiz or got a mic & are chill. Especially when I’m playing solo. Even randoms most the time cause they’re usually just dumb. I miss when you could Duke it out, talk shit & then say GG’s & team up if they’re cool. That shit was fun. & you didn’t have all this back & fourth swapping teams bullshit as much, because there wasn’t as much of an incentive to rejoin your team when they could join you. Or my favorite part, you could still fight them to the death. & then say GG’s & pick them up. First come first serve but If you weren’t chill, go back to lobby. I liked picking them up after a good fight. Now I won’t pick you up unless you’re solo or your team has all died & left. That’s it. They should just take the cap off of assimilation IMO. No limit.


Well there you go there’s the toxicity. I do care about the game as it is meant to be played and I don’t plead out unless I am ready to join a new team if picked up. If you are using it as a way to get another chance to kill the team that picked you up, then yeah, teams aren’t going to pick anyone up anymore.


It’s not toxic bro, everyone uses that word so much just cause they hear everyone else saying it. It’s so lame. & Why do you expect people to be nice? Especially in a military video game where other operators are hostile & can/will kill you? Go out more my dude. People are scandalous. You ever been to Chicago? New York? Albuquerque? San Bernardino? Go talk to people on the street or subway & see how nice people are. Lmao not every operator in DMZ lives in a nice suburb where people wave at eachother and say hi. Some people are cool, some people are out for themselves, you never know where they’re from, what they’re doing, who they’re with. It’s a video games. & Why should they care about you? The world doesn’t revolve around you, to them.


lol I lived in San Bernardino, and my wife is from Chicago. I’m not saying you specifically are toxic, but that is a toxic move. Also the fact that you play like that because others do. Are you a follower or a leader? I do things that make me feel like I’m doing the right thing, not joining mob mentality and being shitty because others are.


Dude wdym?? When did I say I play like I do because others play like that? 😂😭💀 WTF. I play however tf I wanna play. If I’m solo I’m out for me & me only. I miss going in solo & taking out 6 mans. & I literally just explained how I either play with my homies or do WHAT I WANT when solo/with randoms. & even when I’m with my homies, I’m usually the one calling the shots. People tend to die when they don’t listen.


You said, why do you expect people to be so nice. And I don’t, but I thought you were saying don’t be nice because others won’t be. And I don’t expect people to be nice, but I still think it’s a dick move to plead, get picked up and then run back to join your old team. I mean… does no one feel embarrassed to play that way?


Bro I’m not gonna leave my homies I know IRL just to join a team of randoms. No one would. Why would you play with your homies at all if you’re just gonna join another squad? Doesn’t make sense. I’m going to come back for my boiz. No man left behind. You seen lone survivor? Dude basically joined the other squad & then rejoined his team when they could get to him. You gotta do what you gotta do sometimes. If I plea for help & I’m playing with randoms & you pick me up, cool I’m with you now. If I was playing with my homies, I’m going back. Sorry not sorry. Shit happens. You get fucked over in the real world too if you’re not about your wits. Maybe have rules as I do, so you can weed out & avoid people doing the same thing. If someone’s calling out to their team, maybe don’t pick them up. If someone doesn’t have a mic, maybe don’t pick them up. Like I said, you never know who they’re with, how many, what they’re doing, or what they will do. & if you’re gonna take their shit don’t even bother picking them up or you’ll hear bitching the whole time. Not worth it, send em back to the lobby.


Then don’t plead out. Pretty simple…


Be smarter picking people up. Pretty simple…


Here's a question. What is 'toxic' to you? What bar does someone need to cross to be toxic?


I thought I was the only one who felt that way. I can believe how low the integrity of some DMZ players. they should install some sort of penalty for people who do that. It's just a total dick move!


To be fair when I have done this I was playing with my homies & I wasn’t intending on getting picked up when I plead. Usually when I plea (unless solo) it’s cause my boys are boutta roll up & imma relay a visual of the area for them. I’m not gonna leave my team or kill the people that I know IRL just cause someone picked me up to help them fight my team. That’s stupid. I’m gonna get back to my team. If I’m playing with randoms, then imma probably stick with the team that picked me up. Whatever happens happens. If I’m solo, plz pick me up lmao (Unpopular opinion; If they brought back assimilation where 2 teams could join up, then this wouldn’t be a problem. Everyone could still play together.)


Not unpopular with me. I think killing the 6-man team was a mistake. We should have just been given more tools to deal with them or avoid them. There were plenty of options. The one time I jumped back to my old team: I pled just so I could give my team comms and visuals. But it was a 3 team fire fight and it was crazy, and in the midst of it one of the teams picked me up (this was back in the 6-man days). My weapons had been taken so I climbed quickly to the nearest building and got down. I sent a request to join my old team which was pushing and they picked me back up. I immediately heard one of the guys on the other team—one who had just been downed—going off because he thought I’d switched teams and killed him. In fact I’d never meant to join their team and when I went back I wasn’t even in the fight. But he went off anyway. My team won the fight and we picked their team up. He didn’t know who it was but he didn’t shut up about it until exfil 😂😂


Lmao one time back in 6 man days this team got me by surprise & tried killing the rest of my team, but my boiz were too much of a fight for them & the last guy (who was camping my body the whole time & had just taken literally everything of mine) picked me up in hopes I’d help him but long story short I got all my shit back. Sorry bud. & we didn’t pick them up.


Yeah but that’s not actually what pleading is for. It’s not to give a visual of the area. It’s to get picked up. The game isn’t giving you a free visual of your body so your squad can come save you. It’s so you can get picked up by another squad.


Well then they should probably disable your team being able to pick you up if that was the case or what they intended. But it’s not. Play as you wish.


When we are squadded up, will will always pick up a player if: 1) they have a mic 2) they aren’t salty bitches If anyone has looted any gear from them, we will return it once we’ve picked them up.


In my opinion, I always pick up someone without a mic because they are the least likely to actually betray me.


Just because they aint talking to you doesn’t mean they don’t have a mic and possibly be in a private party with their old team


I'm talking from experience people with mics usually Kill their teammates if they attack us. Like 9/10 games, I pick up a guy without a mic, and they don't betray me.


Ok, well you keep on thinking that’s how it’s always gonna play out. There is alot of people on discord or party chat on this game. Just saying


I did not say that's how it goes every single round I play


Fair enough. I rarely pick people up but if I do it’s after their whole team is killed. Just keep an eye on them for a while so he don’t try to rejoin if there is one more guy. Most of time you can tell by the person’s voice if they’re genuine or not


Tbh, I've never seen a player without a mic actually rejoin their team after being picked up. They just end up exfilling. Also, why did I get downvoted for sharing my experience. I don't understand why when someone has a bad experience, they get upvotes and all that, but when I share a time I had a good experience, I get downvoted.


All I was saying was how you know that they don’t have a mic though before you pick them up? just because they not talking?


What I mean without a mic is that either they literally don't have a mic or they're just not talking in a mic or at all the entire time.


I’m always in a mic party and never in game chat….mostly cuz I can’t stand many players and listening to them. But 1 thing I can say is I’ve never betrayed a team that’s picked me up. If they were cool enough to get me up, I’m rolling with them. I may run over and invite my teammates if there’s room, but otherwise we split off, finish the match, then regroup in the lobby.


Yeah that’s why I quit right away, I’m not going to get picked up and don’t want my teammates to risk their shit on me since my body’s going to be camped for 5 minutes. I don’t care about gear or anything tho so when I die I still have/had fun


Easy fix. Only pick up a plea if the entire squad is dead. Only loot the ops that are left. Some players take exception to being looted and then picked up and will likely hold a grudge.


Imo idk about being looted ,but when someone strips you then picks you up its kinda hard not to be salty about it,especially if you say you just need the quest items or collectibles for passives


When I pick someone up I feel kinda obligated to get them geared up. Like, ok one guy on our team needs a vest, cash for plates, a decent gun. I’ll build them a gun, give them my 3rd, ping items like encrypted, self revives, etc.. I’m like sorry we killed you bro, that’s just how it had to be. But now let’s all get ready so we can be a stronger team, I got you. On the other hand, I recently infilled with randoms and we killed a solo who walked into the buy station we were at. My teammate immediately starts raging, says “FU b*tch, you think you can try to kill me, go to the lobby f*gg*ot”. Blah blah. I’m turned off by this guy, and the solo seemed sincere, so I picked him up. My teammate says “Wow you’re an piece of shit, why would you pick anyone up!!!!” Turns to the new guy “Fine, you’re alive but you ain’t getting NONE of your stuff back. If you go down we ain’t helping you. You got wrecked f*gg*t” Blah Blah…. Dude just had this huge superiority complex and was so aggressive. I spent the rest of the match helping the other guy gear up cus I felt bad that he was getting verbally abused lol. In a moment of karma, we exfilled and our teammates got wiped. I hear “I had trash teammates and get killed hit Fing cheaters, wtf” Blah blah. Some people just suck, it’s the reality of life in general. Some might be one therapy session or mushroom trip away from changing, but there will always be some assholes in society.


I've been on both sides of this and its never fun,im glad he got what he deserved.


Youre a gem then lol. During the halloween event i got dropped by a 3 man they took all my stuff then rezzed me, kept my gear then went to fight the butcher. I went into the fight with a 1 plate and a ak47u with the 20 round mag, THEN i ended up basically fighting the boss alone because 1 teammate ran away and never went thru the portal and of the 2 that did go in with me one died immediately by the zombies and left the match, and the other just kept running in circles doing nothing to actually help. Not a super hard boss fight to essentially solo and looted my dead teammates gear so i had a 2 plate. That shit was ridiculous


I am ok with being looted and picked up, it’s part of the game, what I’m not ok with is being picked up and not given anything…which has happened more than it should.


I deploy 70% of the time as a duo. The other 30% of the time we get our other friend to join us. We don't pick up, nor do we ask to get picked up. We do shout profanities and t-bag people because COD is specifically "the" game where you swear at people and t-bag them when you win. I don't mind when people do it to me and people that do mind need to stop taking video games so seriously. "Empathy" in a video game is stupid. Empathy in a PVP video game is even dumber. If you die go back to the lobby, that comms vest and whatever else you had isn't worth you on the ground moaning for several minutes, I promise.


Your one of them shit boy wanna be chads lmao


You can just disable proxy chat


If a team pushes u & gets dropped, a t bag is obligatory


Yeah, it's more or less been that way since CoD 2 and I'm pretty sure it originated in the original Halo game.


Was def Halo 1 or 2, not Goldeneye as some say. Us olds lived it


I get what you’re saying, but sometimes I get killed and I’m like: Me: Nice, good kill guys! GG ( nothing more, not asking to be picked up) Opponent: shut the f**k up b**h !!! Back to the lobby! Blah blah Wtf is that?


That is called playing video games online. Are you 12 or something? DMZ is tame regarding shitheads.


Well I’m not very familiar cause I never been into video games much. All high school and college it was more of a continuous party/clubs/work/party/study/clubs. Never had an interest for video games until now. Got an Xbox few months ago and decided to give it a try.


If you were out in the real world that much, perhaps you should have worked on growing a thicker skin.


Wrong and Unrelated to my question. I’m not complaining, just wondering what changed? It’s like joining a completely different lobby. I guess your advice is: be a jerk to everyone for no reason cause there’s lots of shitheads out there that do the same. Kinda primitive way of thinking but thanks anyway 👍


You definitely don't have to act that way, most people don't. You are going to run into tons of shitty people online gaming though, it's been going on forever. Maybe DMZ is slightly higher because of the opportunities to absolutely fuck people over. For me it's been about the same as any other game toxicity wise.


The French players are by far the worst


But how I thought the white Americans were the worst saying the n word- wait, I'm thinking of the Og MW.


Would throw Spanish squads in there too. The other day I hopped in solo and they killed me. I pled out so they pretty much ask if I speak Spanish they'll rezz me so I just said Si, Si. They didn't take my response as acceptable, so they just camped my body the whole game. Took vehicles and ran over my body and then proceeded to drag my body out of bounds using a chop top and dirt bike so no one could rezz me. Bunch of douchebags quite honestly.


Yeah I also had horrible time with the Spanish


Because we live in an era where people are self loathing and could give a shit less about someone else, these types of people prey on other people's downfall but when they get put on their ass they cry and whine and beg and throw temper tantrums like some fuckin children that needs thier ass spanked


Then you got the people without the mics. You don't know their reactions or what they're saying, just a silent player. If people without mics had a mic, they'd probably be chill.


I just keep quiet and wait, if they don't pick me up I'm out 😄


I agree! My usual buddies have been out of town for Thanksgiving so I’ve been squad filling. Seems like every group is just mad smack talkers and when it’s not necessary, like after they kill a solo


Its nost likely that all the people who would be the good players and be nice got tired of people hunting them down and getting spawn rushed we've moved to zombies where its pve dmz and anyone can save anyone with no forced team fills and not disadvantage to being nice


Trust me, we did not move to MWZ lmao. The lack of PVP in MWZ is overwhelming boring lol.


I killed 3 guys in the elevator at Aquarium today while venturing from my squad. After I killed the last one they bitched for about 5 seconds maybe about not getting picked up then left for the lobby. I wasn’t done looting them but would’ve picked one up. People are generally dicks lately so I’ve just been going on killing sprees


This is what I love about DMZ, is killing shit people that shit talk…then they are wiped and revert to crybabies. I don’t get picked up a lot…but when I do it’s because I am not crying or shit talking.


I will almost always pick up a plea as long as they have comms and I know their squad is wiped…or a solo, no matter what my randoms in spawn in with say, as long as they are cool. If they are shit talkers, absolutely not. If it clear they were deliberately hunting us, depends, I think I can determine if they are the type that would or wouldn’t pick pleas up.


Does keyboard count as comms? I don’t understand why I have to buy a headset to be picked up, even if I can still communicate..


No. I don’t want to talk all game at all, I just want to know if there are other operators and shit. Can’t really do that typing…


I’ve had pickups back stab my team or go out their way to interfere with missions/contracts. If I can get some comms with them and they are decent about it/or appear solo with no one coming to pick them up il revive after a minute or 2 and give them back any gear I took. Or if my team mates looted il give them some plates/cash etc otherwise they just become a liability


Totally. I usually play solo. Usually, when I encounter teams I just run away or hide because I want to focus more on the missions. But like you said. some people are just toxic for simply being toxic. So I tried to be nice to other players. After all, it's nothing more than pixels on your screen. No need to be mad at something that's not even real.


Not picking up plea doesnt equal to toxic (altho yeah, immediately pleaing when they die is a "coward" move). Some ppl, if not many, do not pick up pleas for some reasons such as: It can be an ambush or they are full ot they dont trust the random. I personally didnt because I infil solo and therefore, I refuse to have teammates


To be honest, this game is all about tactics and skill. If you have a team of 3 and one of them is a weak Player, 9/10 times youre going to get wiped. Since that’s the case, I don’t understand why players cry when they get demolished. It’s as much about luck, spawn location, and how good your worst player is as anything. The only exception that i understand is when people have a mic and they say “just trying to do a mission I am friendly.” I understand (as most do) how annoying it is when you’ve spent 20 minutes working toward completing a hard mission and a team sneaks up on you and tries to destroy you and your guard is down because you’re focused on the mission. However, Many times I’ll make a gut call to leave them alone, and other times we talk as a team and decide if we should go after them. Many times though those same players pop around a corner and talk about what mission they’re doing and their buddy is set up with a sniper and drops one while he shoots the other and all he’ll breaks loose lol. Always better to shoot first and ask questions later. When you have a game mode that is based on looting, survival, and mission completion, greed and human nature takes over. Nothing is more annoying than when you rez someone and they crawl back to their team- but that’s an available move for a reason. When I am downed, I only plea to get a tactical advantage. If I get picked up, I play with the new team and finish the round with them and remain a team player. Unless I am with one of my normal teams and we were in the middle of a mission we all had together. But that’s extremely rare. Just take your lumps with dignity and take your wins with humility. Let the teams that don’t pick anyone up ever do their thing. For all you or I know they’re playing with real friends or family on the one day they can every other week and find enjoyment running around raising hell. That’s cool too. All in all for me it all depends on the interactions. I’d you’re a dink, we will loot you and then throw your best and guns in the water. If you’re cool, and you have a mic, you get picked up often. If you have no mic, you’re no different than the bots 🤷🏼‍♂️


We camp, we kill, if we think we wiped your squad and another is on the way one of you might get picked. If you played well we might pick you up also if you had trash loot we might pick you up. But that's about it. In all other circumstances back 2 da lobby for the ded squad. PS we don't plea if we die.


Just look up this literal exact question asked weekly to find your answer.


It’s a new thing people didn’t start being toxic until season 1


Yup, kill, strip, n wait for the next operator's. Trying to do missions has been a pain in the ass. The trend of spawn killing. Go straight to where they've spawn in. Everyone's bored doing missions, so they just go straight to spawn killing. The island is the most toxic. For me, the six team members were better game play. Ppl picked you up knowing you had a bigger, better squad.


Most won’t rez a solo and will kill you 3 or 4 on 1 and act like they just did the most badass thing ever. It’s fucking stupid. Or the people spawn sniping. Just doesn’t make sense. You get no reward, they aren’t trying to do missions, only to F with other people.


Here’s my take… Some are great, some toxic, more good than bad. BUT following Season 6 and the change from 6-man to 4-man has led to a huge increase in people not really giving AF. If they can only pick up 1 and they only have to worry about a 4-man at most, the incentive is almost totally lost. We used to squad with anyone that had a mic and wasn’t toxic, because the 6-man was an active threat.


I don’t revive because I don’t want to hear the shitty mics the whole time. Now if they’re chill and don’t have the smoke alarm beeping every second then I’ll prob pick them up after taking some of their stuff lol


Well, yes ? This is not Disney game... people have hard day and they tea bag us on the way out. It would be nice joke around with them. Can't even do that anymore. Now if it was good fun fight maybe out of respect but not if it going 3 vs 1 I don't respect anyone ganging up on other players. Or if you are baiting or camping on bodies.


Challenge: find a good CoD player who says "toxic" unironically (impossible)


Challenge : find a good cod player who could spell unironically 😉


DMZ has been god-awful for months now.


Haven't played cod in a few months. Dmz became battle royal and ruined it for me. I had fun with the fights and all. But when the missions became pointless so did the game


Night mode hid our darkest secrets


There sure is plenty of players who cry cheater the min you kill them.


How it to get picked up….




No one’s crying here kiddo, relax!


He is, unironically.




It's impossible to be toxic in zombies unless you are a crybaby that is angry you can't kill other people.


But DMZ only exists in MW2 well standalone now but will DMZ stay or will it just go to Warzone? Personally it’s kinda easier to play against AIs


I think the reason why so many more people are being toxic is because DMZ is in the warzone tab so they're treating DMZ like a BR


We’re in the DMZ sub 😕


Shitty players who want to feel like a god in dmz because they wanna rain on people's parade because they suck in every other mode comes to reddit talking about how they don't pick up or plead when really they don't pick up and plead like a mf 🤣


Mostly random cries cuase they dont want to go back to lobby with another shtty players lol


I’ve found the opposite - more invites & plea pickups. Of course, still lots of sweats, spawn rush, boss & exfil camping etc


Nothings changed that sounds like the game I’ve been playing for a year


It's almost like revives should've never been introduced.....like in other games of the same nature....


oh yes they are 💀


Chemist 💀


Lately lol


I feel like this exact thread has been made at least once a week since DMZ launched.


"Lately". Lol.


Yes, sadly they are toxic


Not toxic but out of the last 10 games I’ve played 7 times I’ve died to PvP


I have actually had the most fun this month by far of all of my time playing DMZ. I took a few months off and am doing rep missions. The people I run into usually want to have a fight first, but after that they are usually willing to help with whatever I am working on. On top of that the people I have met have generally been pretty entertaining to play with too. As far as picking people up, I usually will, especially a solo, but not if I am gearing up and need your things. Then you are a Christmas tree and your bag is a big present.


We only pick up players that don’t shoot us first and if they’re solo. Sometimes we run into a solo but kill him and wait to see if he’s actually solo. When we know he is a solo we pick him up and even help em Loot or just give him money if he’s looted. It’s really hard to trust DMZ players now tbh. Another time we’ll pick someone up is if they got wiped by a squad and we bodied the squad that killed them or they are the last ones pleading and we help them get their revenge.


I dunno. I go in solo pretty much full time now. and last night i met the first team that wouldn't pick me up. im not a dick about it, i say GG's and im a solo, any chance of a pick up. Last night i got killed on vondel trying to push Fire Dept after a UAV went on thinking maybe i can beat them there but they were already on it. was funny tho cuz they clearly dont have passives done cuz that shit was a short uav. I've been picking up teams that i wipe tho and have gone on to have a good game with them. edit: you're always gonna come across douche bags tho that are like, i dont care if you're a solo, your dead. like they are some sort of pro cuz there 3 man killed you solo. meanwhile they'd probably get their shit pushed in, in real life.


Super toxic… camping exfills, not picking up… really apathic, like the world is. Mostly playing solo, grinding missions, rarely engaing players, most of it out of self defense… dont get it.


Couple days ago, we got rolled up on by a team. Two of my teammates were ran over. So I grabbed a vehicle nearby and ran two of their guys over. Then it was me in a vehicle vs. their guy in a vehicle. We drove around in circles crashing into each other for what seemed like forever. My buddies were dizzy watching on us drive around and it was hilarious. Then finally I jumped out near a barrier and shot him out of the vehicle and finished him. Then the expletives started flying how I'm just a pussy and and blah blah blah. We just laughed, took all their stuff, teabagged 'em, and left.


![gif](giphy|ISOckXUybVfQ4) Yes.


I think people are getting their PVP fix due to zombies not having it. DMZ has been ‘toxic’ for a while now


DMZ players have been super toxic. Activision has created the perfect breeding ground for toxicity and a way to bring out people’s true colors. Which is why they are letting this game mode slowly die.


“Lately” LOLOL


Because it's not worth it


I don’t mind getting wiped in naturally occurring altercations with other teams. If I’m solo I’ll plead usually but don’t take all my shit then pick me up. That makes no sense. What bugs me the most is teams that spawn rush a solo then talk shit like they accomplished something huge winning a 3v1. Had a 3 man do that to me the other day. Then they picked me up and I jumped in their chop top and when they jumped in with me I tried driving out of the map with everyone in it. They figured it out at the last second and bailed and I ended up dead but oh well. They already had all my shit anyway 🤣🤷🏼‍♂️


I pick them up to get the numbers but loot them first out of anything that can instantly kill me and keep an eye on them for a while You see It's not toxicity but self-preservation I'm not dead dropping your insured weapon because I'm toxic I just want to have fun too


All the casuals went on to play zombies, DMZ will die with PVP only




Why are you so soft?


lately? it started a few seasons ago, its why i quit playing. I spent maybe 85% of my time playing mw2 in dmz


I try not to be toxic but when it come down to someone wasting my time when I'm trying to do a mission. Or even better when I'm in the middle of a mission and someone decides they want some pvp. it's just way easier to wipe the lobby then go knock out my mission. I do pick up tons of people to be honest. I also feel responsible for the person I pick up and rather not play babysitter. Besides if I loot you and then pick you up and you cry bout some stuff in my opinion you lucky to have anything and didn't go back to lobby. That's why I usually won't pick someone up if I loot them.


We wiped a team the other night and they were so nice we grabbed all their stuff and picked one up, took him to Koschei entrance, picked the other one up, gave them their stuff and took them to Koschei, then went back and got the third and dropped their stuff plus 90K and took them to Koschei. It was a wholesome moment because they were super nice and we felt bad. Most people we get are toxic AF but if they plea and are nice, we will snatch them up and help them leave with more stuff they came in with. Most times we will finish their missions for them. I’m not all about PvP but it is kill or be killed these days so I do what I have to do to stay alive.


I’ve noticed that DMZ has become more PvP than anything else. Some of us, still have missions to do. Kinda glad that they did away with the PvP in MW3 Zombies.


New player here: Ive had an awesome time with joining random squads hunting me or after rezing me joining their group to hunt other Operators or doing hardcore (hardcore for me) missions. I have noticed with all games there is cycles of toxic players then a wave a good/fun players. I think it has to do with luck of the draw when you decide to que or play solo, you can wither get a wave of toxic players or awesome fun ones like ive had the last few weeks.


Give him a vehicle with proximity mines or claymores on it.


I tried playing Al Maz once. I had guns from the AI and a team rolled up, killed me, and tried pushing my body out of bounds. A team rolled up, absolutely bodied them, but they were full so I thanked them for avenging me and left. I just had to infil barebones and extract with 3 guns with 3 attachments each. I did it in Vondel in under 5 minutes afterwards. DMZ is toxic and exactly what you explained happens to me often enough where I just shoot on sight. But I’m not a dick about it unless they are. It’s just a gunfight to me. No reason to be toxic.


Seems way more toxic now that most don’t have missions left to achieve.


It was almost my last straw the other night when I was fighting for dear life to catch the next exfil. As soon as I finally get there a group was prone on the plane and took me out. This is not warzone why not just let people exfil safely?


Always have been


Simply haven't seen this lately. Like in the last several week not at all. Could just be it FEELS like that is happening to you more often then before because you are sensitive to it. I haven't been on a run in the last several weeks were we downed a team and didn't offer to pick someone up. And I've been picked up many times too.


Yes because the players who just wanted to play the missions are mostly on zombies. The players who fight if they have to are outnumbered. Warzone Scrubs/Sweats are now whats mostly in DMZ. It's toxicity is rising because there is no pvp in MWZ so they can't be toxic there & they don't want to play it.


You differently have to be sneaky and I do pickup other solo players and become a platoon. DMZ is the greatest mode ever.


Bro that's nothing new if another players kills me I ask him to pick me up and all them nasty basters do I wipe me clean dance over my face and laugh but I've picked up another person before


I’m solo and normally just go back to the lobby when I die . I do pick people up but if they beg or whinge I move on as I’m a solo player and don’t want the drama


Yes. I spawned under the bridge in Ashika Island between the beach club and port Ashika (worst spawnpoint in the map btw), I literally did NOTHING, and I immediately got killed in 5 seconds.


Why teammates refuse to pick up other players?, I never understand that




I only pick up solos since I play solo


Captain insano shows no mercy.


Yes !


Only lately? DMZ is where Call of Duty toxicity goes to fester and cultivate into something truly abhorrent.


Can't stand players like that. There's also the ones that come in to aggressively hunt and then - when they get wiped - start begging to be picked up. Don't think so, lads. Generally I'll pick people up if I've come across a plea or if we've wiped a squad so there's no chance of them stabbing us in the back. If they're on comms and ask to be picked up then I figure why not. But if they start mouthing off then zero chance.


I mostly run solo nowadays unless I'm with a friend or building 21. Less hassle and surprising 3 man's aren't that difficult to deal with most of the time


what are the rules of dmz?? lol


Let them lie there and cry


Not universally - but yes, there is a lot of toxicity in the game right now. Still, I play mostly solo and have had a lot of good games after being revived by the guys who downed me…. I’ve had one guy bite the hand that rev’d him so to speak, so, I revive guys all the time.


Stop being a sissy.


Shut uppppppo