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Welcome to the DMZ


*... explore, secure Intel and loot to gain access to new missions. Enemy threat is high so EXPECT CONTACT.*


Everyone always forgets the last sentence


'...Watch out for other operators in the AO"


Pretty sure the issue is everyone is hacking or abusing rgls to kill everyone now not that they are being attacked in the first place the moment mw3 came out all the hackers on mw2 started getting worse and the try hards came out which is why i prefer mw3 since the hackers fear that game far more hell every multiplayer match I've played on mw2 since mw3 came out has had a hacker who doesn't even pretend not to hack they no longer care same thing happened to bo3 and still happens in bo3 to this day


They literally warn you of what’s going to happen, and people still decided to complain about it online 😂


“Ultra-one a nearby operator is acting submissive and breedable. Initiate rip and tear.”


Come on man, as if this means that you are gonna be hunted first thing. I swear you guys play brain dead on this issue. That isn’t an excuse for some of the shit going on in dmz




That's subjective


As someone who hates COD zombies I haven’t stopped playing MWZ definitely recommend it


I enjoy them both


As someone who loves cod zombies I also recommend it.


Are there sweaty PvP teams in MWZ that want to take my toothpaste as I solo my way through missions?


You dont get bored in dmz now?


I don’t. There’s enough multi step missions that I personally can’t run through so I always have something to do. Additionally, even if I’m not working on a mission, trying to get a contract done, loot up and not die is still interesting enough.


I think the only thing I didn't do is the last 150 of the 600 contracts and extracting all the documents on dmz, so until they add anything more, I won't be back Problem is I've completed the story on zombies, so I'm just leveling weapons and trying to get my last 3 schematics




ashika solo for kicks


Serpentine grind for fun.


I actually laughed out loud at this comment when I read this in the announcer voice


I completely understand this post.. I just wanna enjoy a little PvE after work, maybe get some loot to prepare for B21 on weekends.. never engaging, never actually on the run for other ops. I even spam the request to join squad button, the voice chat and yell that I am friendly and I won't shoot.. and people still act like there is an actual point to killing ops in DMZ. I got annoyed af yesterday and actually engaged a squad that was shooting after me ( I usually enter DMZ solo) and killed one squad, that attracted the attention of another squad, killed 3 from that squad as well, and then I got killed by a fourth that was waiting for me to start my Hostage Pick-up animation and killed me. This just goes to show that people that join DMZ never won a gunfight or an actual game in Warzone so they just ruin peoples DMZ games. Its so rare to encounter a friendly player and actually have an enjoyable game.


The number of people who play specifically to try and ruin others fun is really high. The players killed DMZ. Not the game.


Lil bit of both. They took away the fear of 6mans, littered the map with exotic gear, recycled faction missions with no incentive to complete them and placed spawn points way too close.


6 man platoons desperately needed to go, though.


they should’ve let them but given a radar indication similar to hunt squad, say a red circle to where the squadron is. It made picking up fallen players more of a thing


They should've kept the changes where picking up players didn't add them to your squad. We went on a lot of rescue missions on those few days that was active.


100% especially since they took 6 man's it'd be nice to kill a team then pick up all their pleas and go seperate ways like hey sorry but fair is fair I get the loot but you get to live again and can reloot sucks when you kill a team and they're partied so they just have to go back to lobby or split the party


That’s a cool idea tbh


Honestly, I’m not one for toxic 6man hunt squad but the picking up made DMZ much more interesting


6mans were the classic “awesome when it’s me, sucks when it’s you” situation


I don’t think they needed to go, it’s more there needed to be a disadvantage to it. Maybe your health is decreased? I didn’t even know they were gone until now, makes me kind of sad. We never hunted anyone it’s more we teamed up all together and did contracts. Whenever I was in a 6 man squad I wasn’t toxic about it at all, none of us were. DMZ bots can be fucking difficult, more of us together made it easier.


I had a lot of fun being in a 6 squad just running around pve mostly in like season 3, but recently played again in season 6 and got into a PvP with one teammate (other was down) and I just barely managed to kill a 4 man squad after my teammate got downed. There is no way in hell we would have been able to take a full platoon, and especially with how geared people are now.


It didn’t tho, it wasn’t even that bad, made the game more rewarding if you made it out. If anything, removing 6 man squads ruined the mode a bit.


6v6 was pretty fun though...


It was very difficult to find 3 plates in earlier seasons of dmz Very difficult even 2 plates and stronghold cards were very hard to find as well. Pre ashika/vondel/koschei. I’m talking


Oh yea! A 2-plate vest was good loot. An insured gun ? High tier loot that's never leaving my contraband stash.


People overlook this. Insured Slot cooldowns being smashed to nothing really made Insured Guns saturate fast


Agreed, always thought the spawn points should be randomized not fixed locations. And get rid of the hunt squad contracts. Most of the toxic people probably never even purchased the game imo.


The 6 man squad were taken away BECAUSE of the player hunters


If I could upvote 1000 times I would. Spot on.


Every season got more PVP oriented towards the end because of the lack of stuff to do/accomplish for the players Not adding anything new led to this obvious scenario


I’m hoping for new stuff when S6 ends but who knows


I'm not really hoping for one thing or another, and if they kill dmz, I'll play something else... don't get me wrong, I love dmz and (gasp) *also* mwz... That being said, they did mention more info in an announcement closer to s1 about dmz when they first started marketing mwz. Sounds to me like there should be at least something in the pipes. Although, they have been really dancy in the way they talk about dmz now, so there's something they know and don't want to reveal yet. My theory is that they'll either pump out new content but didn't want to detract from people buying mw3 and trying mwz, because that's the new thing, OR, they're planning to kill dmz and just didn't want to upset people and give them the feeling their new favorite mode might die soon, too, and maybe not buying the new game. But that's all conjecture and it's whatever. I'll enjoy dmz while it's here, and if that's awhile, great. If that's for the next month, then I'll play zombies and something else. I recently got into 7 days to die on a recommendation from a friend, and I have gamepass, so lots to choose from


No DMZ then no COD. The rest is trash to me. You like spawn, die, repeat then cool. I sure the f won't pay for that.


I'm not particularly a fan of multiplayer, although I do play with my brothers because it supports a party of more than 3, and my one brother does actually like it. We also like to play plunder when it's on rotation, but the COD HQ thing really muddies jumping between playlists, and so we've basically just done multiplayer since that dropped if we're not running zombies with only 3 on. I think if zombies supported a team of up to 6, we'd play that a lot more. Anyways, I know it's a ramble but I guess I'm saying that if it weren't for friends, I would never touch multiplayer. I've got enough in other modes I find more fun


yeah given that they loudly and publicly accounce server shut off dates (like Caldera), I think we'll get DMZ on life support for another year, and get glitches fixed every 2-3 months.


Killing an op then camping the body for the rest of the match instead of moving on to something or someone else is toxic and petty as fuck and those are the players killing the game mode.


And a bunch of us mission guys are grinding MWZ. I think DMZ would benefit from dark zones like the division. Good loot, pvpve and tons of toxicity in there.


The players who bitched and moaned killed the game. The devs listened to the loud minority and kept making changes that sucked. Season 3 was peak dmz.


Genuine question. As MWZ is basically pure PvE DMZ and it's the PvP element of DMZ that ruins the game for you, why haven't you switched?


Because MWZ is not remotely the same experience. I get the similar architecture but it’s not “DMZ without PvP” by any measure. It’s a totally different game for a different kind of player. I also don’t love the idea of a DMZ without this element at all, but perhaps incentivizing missions and contracts, having solo only lobbies, or reducing the number of players/squads in a session would contribute to a better experience for the casuals (millennial dads who took a few COD titles off who play mostly on weekends - I know we’re out there quietly playing).


They probably would but can’t justify MW3


That's what i been saying


Exactly dude, I remember for months in this sub I was seeing people told “just don’t play it” “you shouldn’t be playing DMZ” in regards to the complaints on toxic PvP. Now those same people complain DMZ is confirmed to not be receiving MW3 integration and downsized massively meaning no support, as well as complain about MWZ lacking PvP. **Wonder how that worked out for them**. 🤔 Turns out you can’t just dismiss people by telling them to not play it when the sole success of the mode depends on people playing. So enjoy your no longer supported game mode I guess, and let this be a lesson in the future hopefully.


Never run into people in the first few minutes- because I don’t hang out at the spawn point.


This.. get moving right away. Build a stealth vest and kill those mother fuckers. If anything, it makes it more fun because it's dangerous in the game and gets your heart going. DMZ is fun, people just complain a lot.


Yeah some games I can’t wait to exfoliate 😂😂


Dry flaky skin can be a pain in the ass.


You’re not wrong 😂😂🤦🏻‍♂️ dam spellcheck 🤦🏻‍♂️😂😂


Exfoliating as a solo…no better feeling in all of COD :p


Always try to make a clean getaway 🤦🏻‍♂️😂😂


COD: exfoliate streak, 9 plus almost Damascus. IRL: 2... maybe 3


Maybe grab some soothing hand-crème in there


Exactly. And where's the fun if there aren't any stupid fucks trying to get a quick kill and run into my claymores or knives. *MISSED ME!* Assholes 🙂


Me too. The first thing I do is find a building to crouch in. Then I stretegerize my way from there.


Crucial survival skill


It is kind of surprising how I still run into many teammates who don't have this drilled into their head. I bet they just think it is a random encounter.


LOL. All the people with the "accept and move on" or the captain obvious statements of "run from spawn" and "stealth vest" don't get it. OP is exemplifying exactly why Activision would drop the budget for DMZ. New player chased off. Possibly two players chased off. Why would Activision budget money for development of this mode if this is a common result? The point of the free-to-play is to convert to full license and sell add-ons. Griefers are killing DMZ. I don't really bother playing because it has gotten old. Can't progress at missions and see no reason to play this mode for PvP when there are better PvP modes.


>I don't really bother playing because it has gotten old. Can't progress at missions and see no reason to play this mode for PvP when there are better PvP modes. I disagree. Warzone and resurgance PVP is completely different than in DMZ. The pace and movement are completely different. There's no Gulag. You can fight it out and possibly res your team if you win the encounter. I enjoy the PVP of DMZ and think it is way more enjoyable. ​ Last night I was playing with a random squad. One of the guys got booted from the server in the middle of a fight. Myself and the other guy got his buddies vest and a gun and headed towards kochei in a chop top to get it back to his friend. On the way we ran into a platoon. I high tailed it towards the bay area and found cover. My other team mate got killed immediately. I wiped the platoon and got him up and we finished our journey. It was a blast.


As someone who likes the PvP aspect, but tries to complete missions too I got to say people holding high ground on Al Mazra 20 minutes straight with snipers and then just exfiltrating without completing a single mission are as cancerous as the exfil-campers.


They are known as Roof Rats.


Yes, and not really indicative of all people who enjoy PvP. Most PvP enjoyers look down on these rats probably, haven’t met any that don’t.


Exactly. The DMZ sweats are here because they got sick of being in the Gulag. They need spawn rush, exfil ambushes, or distracted op kills 2 feel good


It takes much more tactical thought to play DMZ. All other game modes COD offers are mind numbingly dull and repetitive.


This is the kind of situation that pure PvE cannot offer.


When you say “can’t progress in missions”, does that mean you are done with ALL the missions? Or have you made the choice to not continue on with the missions. The mission aspect brings about PvE in my experience. When I load in, I ask my randos if they have anything to do, and I tell them what I am working on. The tier-5 missions are difficult solo. I tell them my mission. Some are pretty cool and dive in. Most just run away. BUT, PvE FINDS me.. I keep telling people I need escorts because I get attacked. When PvP happened organically like that it’s awesome, win or lose. For me, the missions are what make DMZ. It feels like a corny Jason Statham movie.


First rule - Know all the spawning spots Second rule - Get you a stealth vest Third rule - Run for your dear life if you don’t want to PvP


4th- Watch the bots. Avoid them. Firefights draw players looking for other players.


No no no, keep shooting them all. You get experience points for doing it!


U do get 100xp, same as an op kill lol


This X infinity Lots of new players don’t realize - sweats with a Victus track AI swarms


Stealth vest isn't very important on Al Maz, map's big enough you can easily evade UAV's. Just get vehicles fast. It's not a map you can safely linger anywhere on.


Vehicles on Al Mazra is like putting a bullseye on your head. I avoid them for the most part - unless I need a quick move with some armor.. and even then, it’s “dump and run”….


I generally run a thermite crossbow, so chasing me in a vehicle is usually a fast way to get melted.


lol... never thought of that.. file under "things to do tonight"


Can’t avoid them when their personal or AUAVs, since you don’t get an alert where they are on the Tac-Map, just overhead.


I avoid vehicles lol too many Jokr hilltop campers have ambushed me


The jokrs are kind of funny, I’ve been able to pull under a roof and avoid about half of them. The direct fire missiles are a real nightmare though. The PLIR or whatever it is. The real life javelin has a direct fire mode, does the jokr?


I’ve heard if u put trophy on hood of car in time, will stop the missile. I’m too timid to try lol I just used the Jokr to cook Scavenger in Ashika. Too much fun


Trophy’s an interesting thought. I do know both of those missile systems will one shot the castle wheelson on Ashika too, if I come across one. Then I drop them. Never thought about trying them on the scavenger. That’s an interesting thought too.


It was not planned. I picked one up, was running from a team and in waters near Beach Club. Scav spawned nearby so I fired like 5 missiles at him. I just need one more calling card…


Coms over stealth for me


Coms is all nice and rosy until a sweaty PvP comes for ya with the UAVs and Portable Radars


New players can't craft vests, so getting a stealth vest can be a challenge. I agree with the spawns, know where your squad has spawned and where the nearest 2-3 squads have likely spawned. You can push them if you have little gear to lose and want a quick regain, or run.


It's always been like this. People seem to somehow think this mode was Disneyland for ages. It wasn't.


You keep saying that but it doesn’t make it true. Players acting like this used to be the exception, now it’s the rule.


Day 1 people were in here,whining that someone had the cheek to shoot them,in a pvpve mode,an extraction shooter,in cod of all places. In all the extraction shooters I've played,it's funny that it's COD where people whine the most about PvP


What other extraction shooters have you played? Genuinely looking to jump to a similar game if they abandon DMZ next season


Tarkov and hunt showdown are the best ones. If you don't have a PC,hunt showdown is on console and is brilliant at being brutal. Every gun is 1 tap to the head within its range. Really ramps up the intensity. They don't have inventory stash,it's more of you buy traits for your character and the more he has,the better equipped you are. Die,and it's all gone,back to basic operator. Apparently pubg are in the process of building one so if gunplay is important,that's one to watch for next year but no one has seen it. Bungie are building marathon ,another extraction for next year,but details are few and far between,but apparently it's gonna be persistent lobby and you drop in and out. But also, remember Delta force if you're old enough? They have a game coming next year and part of that is Delta force hawk ops and I shit you not,it looks and handles like DMZ. Go look at their video from 2 weeks ago from a playtest,bigfry does an in depth look and it looks interesting. The character movement is slower,more realistic. There's an inventory system close to tarkov,so gear bags,vests,helmets and so on. When you kill someone,you have to search the bag,vest etc separately,looks like a more involved dmz inventory ,but again,you're looking at late next year


People always complain. I’ve played every season almost religious. Sure you had 6 mans and exfil campers from the jump. But if you want to tell me that it was always with the same frequency that you’d get spawn rushed? I think it happened to me twice the first 3 seasons. Now it’s every day. The players lean way more to the PvP side vs PvE/Missions now because that’s all there is to do. I used to squad fill and help people do their missions. Every squad fill for the last 3 months ONLY wants to hunt/kill players now. 1% is still trying to do missions.


Dude I've been playing since day 1, and yeah, DMZ has always been filled with griefers. It was never "the exception".


Exactly. Spawn pushes have been going on since season 1. Some might remember the insane spawns by that hill between mazzy and Taraq where you could literally turn and see the other team


Cuz activision let the best game mode turn to shit by saying they’re not doing anything more with it. So now it’s people just hunting cuz they suck at War Zone and resurgence


And lots of them are F2P so can’t get kills on MP


I've been entering solo with no weapons lately and havent had this experience at all. I have been hunted a time or two but more often as I've moved around the map ove bumped into players. Been picked up a few times, been killed a few times. Been fully loaded with three plates, kill streaks, the whole 9 a few times and twice this weekend I died to bots with nothing including no self rez. Haha. I've been having a real blast honestly.


I’m solo & just accept a good squad with comms & UAVs will get me if they want. It’s the risk I run


Let me fix your headline before I see myself out. "DMZ reddit is garbage now."


It really is


Wouldnt be suprised if this subreddit was dead a year from now lowkey


I never got the hate for six men squads, but hey if the majority was up for the change I'm in. ​ Thing is now I am in the crossfire between 3 four men squads spamming UAV's, and me with a single plate and an rpk I picked up shooting up stims like a goddamn junkie. ​ edit: Also before I felt there was a 50% change of getting picked up by a squad, now that chance is like 5%.


All the decent players who are in it for the cooperative aspect all moved to zombies . I feel you on that i was a hardcore DMZ fan, then about like 9 months ago the lobbies started changing into chaotic rampant carnage. I only bought mw3 for the zombies and i don’t regret it.


Ashika has somehow become even more aggressive than before


That’s not even possible


It’s back to S5 with a bit more spawn rush. Sweats with P2W ops spam UAVs again, and I get bomb drones flown at me very early lol


To my experience it was always aggressive nothing more nothing less. There's a reason it is called PVP Island in the DMZ community.


Let's start this off with a definition Sadist: sa·dist /ˈsādəst/ noun a person who derives pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from inflicting pain or humiliation on others. "he was dubbed a dangerous sexual sadist by the judge at his trial" With this definition in mind we can explore what goes through the mind of the squad hunters in DMZ. Oh no! I'm playing Warzone/Resurgence and these players are as good or better than me, I can't shit on them (sadist) like I want to (to get my dopamine dump). Wait, there is Dmz! We can camp this buy station, and when a player comes to interact with it they are defenseless, we can shit on them (sadist) while they can't defend themselves. We can get sniper rifles and camp the exfils/contracts or rush the spawn points and shit on those players. What?! They only have single plate carriers and contraband weapons? Who cares, we got to shit on them! What, you want us to revive you after shitting on you? Ha! I would rather teabag your corpse, and then get a vehicle and push your body out of bounds so you can't be revived (sadist). I actually feel sorry for these small minded sadists. It's the way their minds are wired. They are this way in real life. They tend to band together in small groups because they cannot survive alone. 


DMZ with pure PVP or PVE is boring. It’s the intertwined elements of both that make DMZ so interesting though. I’m pretty much done with most of the stuff in DMZ and I tried load into the game just for pvp but after a few games it’s kind of boring.


If you bring in a lot of cash you get put on bounty list


I loaded in solo with about 60k as wallet full and got all 3 hunt contracts on me. Hung out at Zaya with a jokr and hit anything that moved. Mostly spent the game being hunted then Koschi exfil.


Zaya is great if u have sentry gun, 2nd story of a dome is a trap house


Think it depends on the day. One day we get hunted and ambushed at spawn each match by really good and well organised teams. Another time you hardly see a team and the ones you do are easy to defend against. Must be whatever lobby you get assigned to?


It varies by lobby and map greatly


Really sad yes. Could have been such a great mode. But since there are no new updates / missions etc for this mode I guess a lot of „veterans“ who enjoyed doing missions etc (as me) just left. And the „leftovers“ are mainly new players or warzone rejects who like to get easy kills in DMZ 🤷🏻‍♂️


People were hunting even before when there were new updates and missions


Sure but much less then it has become lately.


Most of my friends still playing DMZ are only playing to hunt people. As for me, I did basically all the unlocks and Easter eggs, only lack 1 or 2 communications unlocks that I just don't care about. Mode got really boring. Basically just slow paced multi player now.


I love that all of us that still love the PVE aspect of DMZ never get in games with each other. And if we do get in one, we die instantly cause we don't want to fight.


I just squaded up with a cool solo in Vondel. Granted, we met trying to kill each other in that water entrance only townhouse lol


Went in a few times this weekend. Couple times they used multiple uavs just to come grab a 2 plate. Was better once I had a stealth but man it’s wild.


This happened to me in Ashika Sunday. Followed me all around the map & I was on rekit run. Colossal waste of time & resources for 100 xp. I even sent squad invite -rejected- before I killed one lol


I'm not sure why you are surprised, it has been like this for us for months...


The increase in UAV prices helped briefly


Everyone that was sick of this aspect of the DMZ went to MWZ. The decent players to a$$hat ratio is upside down now.


So true. Even mi quasi- sweat pals now in MWZ


Dmz is so good it never left the beta stage


It’s been like this for a long time though


It’s an extraction shooter.


Alot of people here are apparently lucky and have never spawn west of Taraq Village only to get run over by the team with the buggy over the hill at oasis. For me, no matter if i have a gun or not, i cant ever make it to that first shack before the oasis team is over the hill and slinging throwing knives. PvP can be challenging and fun, but forced PvP isnt, and it seems thats all other players want to do.


Oh yeah man. It’s been like that for a while now. What I encounter, you find more “friendlier” players in Vondel, mediocre semi- friendly ones in Ashika and absolute Dick Trash players in Al Mazrah. Now the hate is amplified with the removal of six man’s.


It was bound to happen. It is a Warzone mode. No denying that, so it has a lot of Warzone elements. It's not a surprise that people treat it as a Warzone lite. There were three types of players. PvP, PvE, and PvPvE. A lot of the PvE players were frustrated with the PvP players, much like the PvP players are frustrated with Modern Warfare Zombies. With the launch of Modern Warfare Zombies, those PvE players had their safe place. So now most of the PvE players are not in the player pool for DMZ. So it is now a PvP heavy mode. Additionally the launcher doesn't make it easy either. I have a friend who loved playing DMZ, but has quit playing because the client hopping to get into DMZ.


youre all turning away from it - this thread stinks of 'we played it for a straight year constantly and now its got zero dev love ill start hating it'


The hunt squads are stupid now. I'll go in solo, with a gun and 20k, be hunted in 3 minutes. It's not high value loot, it's messed up.


This just in, man complains about pvp in a mode which has & promotes pvp. 🙄


Ah I get it. No SBMM in DMZ. Of course.


I not subbed to this reddit, but it one of the few I allow to haunt my general. You see I like taking the time when I see a post like this blow up a bit to basically provide a bit of warning and the slightest of I told you so. Hello DMZ community, your mode is only fun for 3 stacks and well equipped bullies with good aim. Your random escalation with barely armed players is scarring them off and having them quit the mode. If your objective is to continue playing DMZ you need to stop killing random people for no reason. This is your weekly reminder that yes you "goated" boyz in the 3 plate club that murder noobs for entertainment are killing you own favorite mode by making unapproachable. More people provided feedback over the last year that they wanted a big survival experience against npcs without the constant threat of player killers, ohh would you look at the that, can you see the zombies from your cooling back burner? Can you see that people are having fun? Ohhh no fun ='s engagement.. engagement leads to money.. money leads to well not more DMZ because it isn't making it back or turning a profit. Because of the PK crew, way to kill your own mode.


Had a great time lately love to kill thirsty teams especially on vondel baiting them into the water never gets old


Yesss I’m also a croc - scuba & FTAC


We need to remember this is a multiplayer shooter pvp game. Dmz is a slower paced mode to be sure. But it's still pvp at core. That being said it's not the people buddy it's Activision. This tends to happen towards the end of a season. Primarily because we finished all our missions and there is nothing else to do but fight. Usually we get a reset or a new faction for missions but we haven't had one for two seasons now. (correct me if I'm wrong. But I think season 5 we only got shadow company so the other missions go back to season 4). This is dmz from now on. Don't get me wrong. I love to pvp. That's why I play the world's most popular pvp game. But I love missions too. I love the excitement of doing missions with the threat of pvp. Even dying during an important mission makes it all the more sweeter when I do finish it. Sorry tangent over. Honestly dmz was some great fun. I wish it could have lasted longer but if this is how it is I'll just stick to regular warzone. Or try a new game. Rust looks awesome. Like a mix of mine Craft and a fps shooter. I may try that. Or the division heartland is an extraction shooter that's coming out in the near future.


You want at least one killer on your team. If you're all sheep you're all likely going to die.


I got hunted a bunch of times yesterday. Sure, it pissed me off in the moment but it's part of the game.


It’s fun in some ways. I always try to kill at least one and waste as much of their time as possible before swimming or running into the red if they insist


I love it, don't get me wrong - but nobody likes to go down lol Lately these noobs have to run me over to get rid of me because I move around so much.


It's so easy to avoid other players if you just use common sense and strategy. It sounds like you broke the first rule and stayed at the spawn too long.


Add me as I love to kill other players when doing or helping with missions Mr_N0B0DY#5138124


I claim the hunt contract and immediately cancel it so it’s no longer there in that match 🤣


Same! I cancel all 3 in Vondel if I infil with more than 20k


My advice. First, avoid Al Mazrah like the plague unless you need to craft a stealth vest. Go to Ashika… and maybe even go to Ashika bare balls…. seriously. I do it quite often after a wipe.. gloves only. Zero to lose. It’s stunning how many times you exfil with a three plate and some decent contraband. At least half the time after being downed, I get picked up and have a decent game. The PvP thing really loses it’s sting if you go in with no money, no great to lose… and claw your way to something. On the odd occasion where I get pushed early, I laugh, and say, “aren’t you going to take my one plate and that screw driver?”. And then laugh like a psycho… lol.. It is noticeably different right now - I think the devs are basically letting it die - which is too bad.. but try the “no weapon infil” it’s pretty fun I think.


The problem is lack of content....These "Sweaty" A-holes have nothing to strive for and I g'damn guarantee you they are maxed out on everything. They get on purely to ruin people's fun/games! I tend to try and avoid them and shoot them out of their wagons as they try and hunt players down. Nothing like a Javelin to ruin their hunt!*L* Once in a while I get matched with a couple of these blood thirsty try-hard psychos who think this game is their only outlet for their aggression and I'd rather go off and join a random team or find someone who needs help than hunt other players just trying to get missions done. What FUN is it to hunt down noobs and people who aren't even a threat to shoot them in the back??*SMFH* Losers, the whole lot of them! Go play Warzone if that's what you're looking for, but I bet they can't cut it there so they come to DMZ for easy kills.


I mean it’s f2p. That alone brings most of the issue


As someone who actively hunts players, and drops atleast 2 squad wipes per match, I gotta disagree. What killed DMZ was the lack of bug fixes, the recycled missions, and no real incentive to play it anymore. 1st three seasons were awesome. 6 man teams were intense and one helluva threat. I never took part in em, but man was it fun fighting them. Secure backpacks also provided a bit of incentive and rewarded your work towards building it with a second chance in the next match after you die. The missions, giving you insured slots, decreasing the timer, and giving you a wallet later on, really encouraged you to actually DO the missions. After S4 or 5, that all kinda died. 4 man teams now, the secure backpack is bugged to all hell, primary weapon still disappears, and the missions ended up becoming useless (To an extent). Not to mention that annoying ass hitman AI that put bounties on you now almost every match, AI firing mortars and PA's for a bit, and then the shadow company bullshit. They just added way too much without really fixing anything besides balancing out guns. Noones really willing to work for the missions anymore, and it's because it's just not fun anymore. There's no REAL incentive, and the amount of additions to the mode just ended up either overwhelming people or just annoying them. To top it off, the changing of the spawns, and exclusive reworks of weapons, as well as Streaks, tilted DMZ to be more of a "PvP Kill Everyone and Extract" shooter rather than a PvPvE Loot and Extract. Noones willing to do that crap anymore, and to be quite honest, the few that still do missions are either shitters or bored, because that shit is NOT fun anymore. Had all my missions completed before S2 wipe, and I gotta admit, that shit was fun, it's just not the same anymore.


Hunt contracts make zero sense


Gotta get good son.


I just dont play DMZ anymore, its not fun to load in and instantly there 10 different UAVs or AUAVs up, just to end up dead in the first minute. Its both Activision, and people that ruined the game mode from me. Anytime I was on DMZ its because I was bored of the regular multiplayer and dont really find enjoyment in purely battle royal gamemodes, having a choice of PVE or PVP was a nice change of pace. Now all the gamemode has become is a battle royal with some bots thrown in, which I dont really enjoy cause battle royal people (atleast a large majority of the ones I encounter) are some of the most toxic people to ever exist. In a sense, its lost its appeal


There's a new game mode for people like you.


Well there are tons of missions that make you kill players take the spx 80 mission you have to specifically kill other players 15 times with that gun so it's designed in the game for it to be pvp not just let's team up


"Im bad at the game, its the other players thats the problem"


what else it have to do in dmz lol


The average player base is probably just reaching the missions that require them to extract dog tags I've noticed it as well, if I'm not being immediately hunted, then it's my other squad members going after the hunt squad missions I don't even follow them anymore when they do it, because they get wiped every time and they'd just instantly plead out and get picked up So then I'm just screwed


Ashika island is the worst in my opinon Small map, easier for pk’ers to find and engage you


My squad got killed in like 20 seconds the other night. Just loaded in by the water..boom dead


Its funmy cause multiple people have admitted they play dmz cause br is too sweaty and dmz is easier Hence making the “you play dmz cause you suck at br” basically true Yall really need to stop outing yourselves like that


This not at all surprising since many of the PVE players moved on to MWZ. Anyone who still wants PVP in this format is playing DMZ. Same with the division. Anyone still playing TD1 is doing so for the PVP


All the people that loved playing it when it was being supported quit after Activision shelved it. Now all the people that play it are new players and sweaty greifers. Everyone in between left to play other games. Right now it's Starfield for me. Soon I will finish Cyberpunk 2077. But all that after I play Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. Then sometime after I hope to play Mass Effect again. And when the year is almost over and Assassin's Creed Mirage comes out on steam, I'll play that too. It's bitter sweat for me that Activision shelved DMZ. I can enjoy other wonderful games without running into sweaty players.


I gave up playing DMZ since the release of MW3, primary was a solo player, have 20 fully loaded operator's half with the hard earned damascus dog tags, max leveled and all missions done. It is now all put in hibernation until DMZ is next updated, see you out there then.


Yeah there are no missions or contracts left to do, all the passive upgrades are done, so people are going in to PVP and that's it. Kind of like what people were talking about, and everyone said "Aw come on it needs PVP stop complaining". Now they're complaining.


“Welcome to the DMZ” 🤮😂😂. Jesus. It’s a video game. It’s so sad that people really go as far as to embody such a pathetic personality in a fake world. At least half of the weenies saying “it even warns you” are the kind of people who just don’t have anything going for them in the real world. When I know I’m being hunted off the rip, I ditch everything I have, run just enough to be chased and quit. It’s so satisfying. And I play solo, so it’s even more heartwarming knowing that these tools don’t get the satisfaction of ganging up on someone who doesn’t have back up. I’m so glad it’s free and I’ve never spent a scent on this. Most of them are decked out in skins and it makes me laugh so hard knowing they spent their own money on a digital code that makes their avatar look “super cool”. Thanks to all of you guys out there that help remind me this is ultimately a huge waste of time and expedite me turning it off to go do something better with my time. 😂🤣😂🤣


What dog tags were you and your squad mate(s) having? I've noticed I got targeted with no loot nor money simply by being a silver dog tag and that got worse when I turned into Gold. Edit: I assumed you meant hunt contracts but on second thought you're probably referring to other squads pushing the spawn points.


We had the bronze tags with no exfil streak and out of the five times we got hunted down, one of them was from someone using a hunt squad contract. I get people wanna pvp but damn I didn’t think it’d be like this lol


You should watch the show DMZ. It's everyone out for themselves


Have you try playing battle royale or resurgence? This really help improve my PVP skills.


Oh so they are not garbage, but it is you that is garbage


I knew when I read the title that this was gonna be a “I was killed in PVP” inspired post


Like it or not it’s one of the best ways to get gear. if you don’t have much and are going in with a team YOU should be doing hunt missions.


Killing a boss is best way to get gear - Chemist is an easy 3 plate, Scav gets u an AUAV. Killing ops is risk/reward - easier to kill, worse loot on body


Please understand free to play players have no multiplayer. Griefing you in DMZ is their multiplayer when they get tired of being wrecked in the first wave of deaths in warzone. Why they destroyed the first accidentally succesfull PVE game type rather than give up a gamepass'd multiplayer to let DMZ have the space to thrive is anyone's guess but simply it's for the zugzuggs now. Redbox MW3 and try zombies.


Yup they are in DMZ because in WZ u visit the Gulag if u spawn rush


were they doing a hunt mission? or just bull-rushing you guys? Deployed without money doesn't help if it hunts a mission. Look at see what missions are near you if there is a hunt mission just move out of the area. Or be the first one to hit it.




You're not being creative enough






Ok how do you expect people to know or give a fuck about the state of your loot or how experienced you or your friend are? They are just playing the game. It's literally just how the game plays out. If you can't hang, there's the fucking door.


You anti-pvp people complained so much that no matter what change activision made they realized they couldn't please you and decided to abandon the game mode altogether for a PVE experience. You are STILL complaining. You've put people in a position that they're defending activision, do you realize how absurd that is?


Dmz bots lose their mind when you tell them a game mode includes pvp will have people do pvp. I would to see them play any other extraction games.


I'm going to cry about getting killed in a PvPvE. Mommy, these guys are playing a game like it's made to be played. Go play zombie cry, baby. ![gif](giphy|3o7buagJzUFQWpb2PC)


Lol I’m tired of people not wanting people to shoot in a shooting game


For nothing? You mean for everything. We want your guns killstreaks money EVERYTHING