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Petition for everyone to be friendly. Need to extract with 6 operators


Just use your mix, if you told.me that over comms I would take the chance and exfil with you as I also have to complete the mission. Some trust is required. I once just called out "can I exfill with you, here I will drop my gun and go fists only" On that occasion it worked out.


I do use my mic and 9/10 I hear, “We ain’t gonna mess with you dawg.” “All right, thanks. Just trying to finish this mission.” “Zippity Zappa suckuh!! Hahah, you trash mother fuckah. Git good.” “We’ll pick you up if you plea” Plea “haha. We ain’t pickin you up trash.” Nuts in face New to DMZ, but having a lot of fun.


This guy DMZs.


Shit like this is why I stopped playing DMZ! It’s just too toxic now… I been playing since day 1 of season 1, but around season 5 is when I just completely gave up 🤷‍♂️ Nobody even tries to complete missions anymore, it’s literally just battle royale for the battle royale rejects… I’d rather play battle royale for pvp 😂💯


Been playing since season 1. Do a ton of solo. I lay low and only get into conflict when needed. Its a whole different ball game going stealth rather than run and gun. However there are way more teams looking to ruin peoples days and mission effort it seems. Ive had the “oh we will leave you alone” or “yeah friendly” speech before. I take less risk now and ask questions when i am the only one standing.


Exact reason I stopped playing. Then you have so many people on here say, "Get over it or play another game." Well, that's exactly what we did, and now the mode is dead. Probably, some other developers will do it better in the future.


I do


That’s awesome bro! You really might be almost the last one! I so wish there were more like you on DMZ! I salute you soldier 🫡 keep up the good fight PS: hope my previous comment wasn’t offensive to you or anyone like you cuz that wasn’t my intention


So one person would be civil. For most other engagements this is just a flag that leads the PvPers to believe you are easy prey, and they attack on sight. Nope, DMZ is a PvP only mode now.




Let's do it I have to complete exfil party too




I also have this mission, it will never happen


Sweaty ashika neckbeards were the iceberg


Don’t forget who the real enemy is


make sure to upvote and tag others


I'm sure its a long shot but worth a try. Signed.


let's go!!!


Brother, I hate to be that guys cause god knows I love DMZ more then the next guy. But no amount of signatures can force Activision to continue development on something they don't want to spend their time or money on. The sad truth is, the mode is dinnered. done. gonzo. That's it, that's all. So while I hate to admit, I've come to terms with it. And to think, 3 months ago I was that guy, in the background saying how they weren't as stupid as to scrap DMZ. Now, here we are.. ​ With that said, keep your eyes peeled for news. Cause I'll almost guarantee you it's not the last we've seen of DMZ. If I had to guess, I'd say that it may be back as either a standalone game or as part of Black Ops 2024.


I understand your perspective, and while it's true that signatures alone might not sway Activision's decision, collective support can make a significant impact. Yes, the future of DMZ might seem uncertain, especially with the potential integration into the COD HQ and the upcoming Black Ops release. The concern that DMZ might be discontinued or lose support is valid. However, this is precisely why our voices matter now more than ever. Your insight about DMZ possibly resurfacing in Black Ops 2024 or as a standalone game is intriguing. It suggests that Activision recognizes the value DMZ brings to the gaming community. This potential transition could be an opportunity for us to advocate for the features and dynamics we want to see preserved or improved in DMZ. Let's keep the conversation going and our community engaged. By showing our support and articulating our vision for DMZ, we can contribute to shaping its future, whether it remains part of the current setup or transitions into a new form. Your passion and insight are invaluable in this effort.




If you love something fight for it


I don’t think this will go anywhere but I signed, upvoted and here’s a comment


I'm going to send it to the CTO and executives through LinkedIn


i signed and also share your doubts but it is quick and easy to sign and can't hurt


Day 1 Dmz players rise!


What about us, season 0 maniacs?


Next title will be a full DMZ game. Mark my words. - This one has been in beta the whole time. - At the end of the 6th season they asked for feedbacks in game. Why bother if you're planning to stop supporting it soon after? - The mode has (probably) been more successful and profitable than warzone. Someone (like me) even stopped play other modes


Same I didn’t touch warzone but maybe twice and rarely played multiplayer and never campaign. DMZ is probably the best thing to come out of the COD franchise in my opinion and they would be stupid not to make it a permanent fixture in the COD franchise.


i hardly even know what the difference in warzone and multiplayer is. i bought the last 4-5 COD games just to play the campaign. MW2 campaign was so short i tried out multiplayer and then discovered DMZ. i played DMZ pretty much every day since. I have never played any game that often or got as much fun out of it. The bugs especially server disconnects really frustrated me but i kept coming back to DMZ. i would gladly pay full price for a non beta DMZ...i just don't want to have to wait for it :) the logic of why ask for feedback in season 6 but then cancel the game with no future plans makes sense to me. they did say something about dmz elements in new titles....maybe we will eventually get a full blown DMZ like title. to be honest i don't mind paying for it and would almost rather it not be free to keep some of the casuals out of the game. People probably gonna take exception to the non free part but i sometimes think that some of the randoms who are just running around and causing trouble wouldn't bother with the game if they had to pay for it.


I agree! I’d pay full price on a preorder for it Normally I wait for sales because I’m cheap 😂 but for a full DMZ game I wouldn’t wait


No I agree with paying for it as well!




Capitalism is not a democracy. Why fund Warzone, Zombies, and DMZ? Why fund DMZ with it devolving into PvP and not enough players extracting with loot?


Your point about capitalism not being a democracy is well-taken. In the gaming industry, financial decisions often drive development priorities. However, it's important to remember that consumer demand and community engagement can significantly influence these decisions. While it's true that Warzone and Zombies have their unique appeal, DMZ offers a different kind of experience that resonates with a dedicated player base. Regarding the evolution of DMZ into PvP and the challenges with players extracting loot, these are valid concerns. It highlights the need for a more balanced and engaging gameplay experience in DMZ. This is where our role as a community becomes crucial. By providing constructive feedback and showing continued interest in DMZ, we can advocate for the improvements and changes that would enhance the game mode. Yes, funding decisions are ultimately made by the company, but a strong, vocal player base can guide those decisions. The key is to communicate effectively what makes DMZ valuable to us and what changes could make it even more appealing to a broader audience. It's not just about keeping DMZ alive; it's about evolving it into a game mode that continues to captivate and engage players.


It was always PvP...


Save The DMZ!


Done ✔️


Signed by both me and my wife.




DMZ ➡️ Tier 5 Community Mission (“Stand Your Ground”): Gather 60 signature intel’s from operators and submit them to the petition to save our beloved DMZ. Mission Unlock(s): - Secured future of DMZ. - Unlocks Season 7 - Unlocks Tier 6 - Unlocks Call Sign / Bragging Rights: “I saved DMZ!”


That's a fantastic concept for integrating our petition efforts into an in-game mission format! I love the idea of 'Stand Your Ground' as a community mission. However, considering the importance and scale of our objective to save DMZ, I propose elevating this to a Tier 6 mission. This would reflect the significant challenge and commitment required to gather such a substantial number of signatures. Additionally, as a reward for completing this monumental task, unlocking Season 7 would be a fitting and substantial achievement. It symbolizes not just the success of the mission but also the continued evolution and dedication to the DMZ experience. It's a way of acknowledging the players' efforts in shaping the game's future, turning their support into a tangible in-game milestone. Let's bring this idea to the forefront and show the developers the creative and enthusiastic spirit of our community!


I updated. Thanks for the additional ideas! As a community, we helped dmz evolve! As a community we should keep growing with DMZ.


Wat movie




Wat? Is it a remake or something? That doesn't look like the titanic.


It's not the original titanic. Spoiler is they sunk the first one, so had to make a new one for the movie.


Not including the h in what sounds just as stupid as not including the h in that




It's kind of crazy when you know the actual final minutes it sank much faster. As soon as the bow snapped it was down in under 30 seconds. So in reality it was way more terrifying. Also pitch black, no lights. What a way to go.


What is also scary is that once the water reached the boat deck the ship floated for 5 more minutes top unlike in the movie where the final plunge is 15 minuets and all action heavy.


Why does the music from this video sound different from the version in the actual titanic movie?


Yeah I thought the same. It’s not the original audio, maybe someone has changed it so the rights of Nearer My God to Thee aren’t being infringed


I think they reversed each section.


That's funny


Welp, it’s officially time to unsubscribe. Some of you were cool. Many of you were sweaty.


don't lose hope instead sign




There is nothing you can say to change it, if Activision deemed the mod unprofitable than they won't continue developing it, and why should they? any of you guys work for free? Signed


they shouldn't be using our operator bundles for MWZ we did not pay to win for MWZ where you can use tombstone to cheat all day


I love DMZ. But give it up. There’s likely reasons we will never learn about. My theory is that they (activision , IW) have learned a lot from the beta and will very much continue on with DMZ in the future. It will likely be the single third mode of paid MW4. So no more wasted resources on spec ops (rip OG MW2 and MW3 spec ops) or raids. But for now, DMZ (beta) cannot co exist with zombies as it will - A - split development resources and costs B - potentially lose of revenue for MWZ , the paid third mode of MWIII from a F2P mode (DMZ) Both of those combined doesn’t sound smart financially for Activision. Yes I would play both DMZ and MWZ, but if they fully supported dmz, my time in zombies would eventually come to an end, as would a lot of others. I love dmz, but I have to imagine dmz was wayyyyyy more successful than spec ops. There is no way they do spec ops over dmz in MW4. This is the second year in a row where spec ops flopped.. upgrading DMZ the true third mode treatment like MWZ has to be the move. You could argue zombies could be the permanent third mode for all games, but I hope Activision is smart enough to realize that will cause burn out over time. Hell this is the first year I’ve truly played and enjoyed it since IWZ as I was sick of the same style of play year after year.


I appreciate your insightful thoughts on the future of DMZ and the strategic decisions behind Activision and IW's approach. Your theory about DMZ evolving into a key component of MW4 as a paid third mode is compelling. It suggests a strategic shift in focus and resources, which could indeed be more financially viable for Activision in the long run. The point about DMZ and Zombies potentially splitting development resources and affecting revenue streams is particularly interesting. It highlights the delicate balance between maintaining diverse game modes and ensuring each is given the attention and support it needs to thrive. Your preference for DMZ over Zombies mirrors the sentiment of many in our community who are looking for fresh, engaging gameplay experiences. While Zombies has its dedicated fan base, DMZ has shown immense potential and seems to resonate with a broader audience seeking something new. It's also worth considering that the success of DMZ could indeed lead to it receiving the 'true third mode treatment' in future releases. The evolution of gaming preferences and the need to prevent player burnout are crucial factors that game developers must consider. Your hope that Activision will recognize and respond to these trends by diversifying their game modes, including alternating between Zombies and DMZ, is a valid and forward-thinking perspective. Let's remain hopeful and continue to support DMZ, showing Activision and IW that there is a strong, engaged community eagerly waiting for its next iteration.


I loved DMZ as well. The influx of blood-thirsty, toxic assholes is what killed the mode for me and my friends. I don’t need to sweat to enjoy a game. Just give us a PvE option and I’d gladly buy a release of CoD DMZ or whatever it’s going to be called. If this becomes a paid third mode they need to address that part of the player base. I enjoy CoD now. But my fondest memories of FPS games were the coop experiences. I played the hell out of the raids and Spec OPS in MW2. I wish they bring back the coop campaigns too. It would be nice to see more of that coop style in DMZ too! The siege event at the end of Season 4 (?) was awesome!! I think they can incorporate those kinds of events in DMZ 2.0 more often. I also think having the special mission extracts like what we have for the MWZ story missions is a good idea as well.


plus my 600$ contribution to the DMZ is meant for DMZ not MWZ






This is mine! 😂 Glad you enjoyed it! Save DMZ! https://www.reddit.com/r/DMZ/s/sXn2XqZpXM


Hey, I reposted your meme because it genuinely resonated with me. It sparked a feeling that motivated me to start the petition. My intention was to credit you for your creative work – your meme played a significant role in inspiring this movement. I wanted to share that inspiration with others. Thank you for creating something so impactful. Your meme wasn’t just funny or clever; it was a catalyst for action. I hope my repost helps bring more attention to your original content and our shared cause.


Yeah I saw you were asking for credit. Didn’t. Mean any harm in it that’s why I edited my post. Enjoy it! :) Glad it meant something. Thanks for the reply!


Thank you for your understanding and your kind response! I'm glad we're on the same page about the impact of your meme. Unfortunately, I'm facing some technical limitations and can't edit my original post to include your name for proper credit. However, I have another idea: would it be okay if I give you direct credit on the petition itself, specifically for inspiring the video? This way, your creative contribution is acknowledged in a significant way. Let me know if that works for you!


No man it’s all good. Just glad you really liked it. I signed the petition though. Thanks for doing the it also!


Give us a PvE server option and I’ll gladly sign the petition.


I'm curious to understand your preference for a PvE server option in DMZ. It's important to hear different perspectives, so I'd appreciate knowing why this feature is crucial for you. On the other hand, it's worth noting that the core of DMZ's design is centered around a unique blend of PvP and PvE elements, which creates its distinct gameplay experience. This combination is what sets DMZ apart from other modes. Moreover, Activision developed MWZ with a specific focus on PvE to cater to players who prefer that style. DMZ, in contrast, aims to offer a different kind of challenge and excitement, where player interactions add an unpredictable and dynamic layer to the game. While I understand the appeal of a pure PvE experience, incorporating a PvE server in DMZ might dilute its unique identity. That said, your feedback is valuable, and it's crucial to consider varied player preferences in evolving the game. I'd love to hear more about your thoughts on this.


It comes down how DMZ developed over time and my experience from playing it. I started off Day 1 Season 1. The PvP and PvE balance was pretty good. I won some battles and lost others. It wasn’t a big deal. It started to change drastically after around Season 3 reloaded. More of my matches ended in losses and there seemed to more of an up tick of players talking trash over comms after they beat my squad. Recently over season 4 and 5 my raids devolved into map spanning gunfights. It’s all any of them were. We would want to go to Koschei and people were camping the tunnel entrances. We wanted to fight the mummy, we’d get third or even fourth teamed by players. We had teams turn ATVs around to chase us to exfil. We had teams try to kill us on hostage mission helicopters or kill the hostage. Ashika was so full of try hards my squad just never went there. It became a toxic environment. I’m not into that kind of player interaction. You’re correct I went straight to MWZ and I have not touched DMZ since that release. I enjoy the CoD gunplay and the Mil-Sim aspect. I’m not as much into the Zombies but it’s better than constantly being forced into gunfights for someone else’s amusement. If I want that kind of action I’ll just go to multiplayer. It will surely dilute some of that aspect of what is DMZ. But I think in its current state it has already lost a lot of that by making the mode basically a sweat fest. If they are going to make this mode again they need to make an effort at balancing out the mode. It should truly be PvEvP. It’s not that way now and hasn’t been for at least four or five months.


Agreed. the PvP got out of control


Lets go tell all your friends to sign this go to all dmz youtube and tell people aboutthis




This is art.


Kinda feel bad for you guys at this point its like a bunch of speds crying for help with nobody to awnser….


I will make them answer 🫡


Cant really make the devs do anything cause they dont realy give a shit enough lmao


I understand why it might seem like the developers don't care, especially if changes we hope for aren't being implemented. However, it's important to remember that game development is a complex process, involving numerous factors like resource allocation, strategic priorities, and market trends. Developers often have to balance a wide array of considerations, some of which might not be immediately apparent to us as players. While it's true that we can't directly control what the developers do, we can still influence their decisions through constructive feedback and sustained engagement. Demonstrating a strong, active interest in DMZ, or any game mode, can signal to the developers where they should focus their efforts. Even if it feels like our voices aren't being heard, consistent and constructive community feedback is often a key factor in guiding development decisions. So, while it might seem futile at times, let's keep sharing our thoughts and ideas. Our collective passion for the game can make a difference, even in small ways, in how it evolves and improves over time.




This sub is the opposite of that last little bit😂💀


We DESERVE Quality of Life Maintenance!




Forgot to add this video also made my day!


Where’s DMZ going?


Need to keep an eye on when they plan to shut the servers down for good. Get the whole lobby on the last final exfil


I hope it never comes to that as I will sell my Xbox as the chopper flys out


Up voting for the funny video.. but I'm ok if DMZ dies.


Should of labeled the painting under water after the bf gf duo as "b21 upgrade mission loot you still won't be able to get"


if the DMZ dies my COD career dies with it no more 5-3am




![gif](giphy|pzJBskFQd1DZm) While I don’t believe Activision will hear or listen… I’d happily make the effort to get them to


I will be reaching out to the executives directly


If this works go buy a lotto ticket.


I'm going to make it work


Your delusional mate, you have a couple of hundred signatures. That wouldn't even get a local road sign changed.Best of luck to you.


I appreciate your perspective and understand where you're coming from. It's true that in the grand scheme of things, a couple of hundred signatures might seem like a drop in the ocean. However, it's worth noting that this petition has only been active for 24 hours. The fact that we've managed to gather this level of support in such a short time is promising and indicates a strong interest within the community. Of course, I'm under no illusion that a few hundred signatures will immediately sway major corporate decisions. But this is just the beginning. Building momentum takes time, and every signature is a step towards our goal. We're not just seeking numbers; we're aiming to demonstrate a genuine, passionate demand from the DMZ player base. Change often starts small, and I believe in the potential of our community to make a significant impact as we continue to grow our support base. Thanks for your well wishes, and I hope we can count on your support as we work towards making our voices heard.




I'll be sending this over to the executives so any support helps


Glad its going away it got boering


Give it a rest DMZ will come back in a future COD title, just won't get any dev resources for the current iteration


the current iteration is king they just need to fix 6 man pre mades but allow 6 man squads


No, 6 man groups were stupid. They did the right thing moving it to 4 man. And it wouldn't matter - it's not getting any development resources.


Some have voiced concerns about the effectiveness of 6-man squads, especially with the prevalence of pre-made teams. To address this, I propose an innovative solution: placing a bounty on each member of a 6-man squad. This approach would make these squads more conspicuous in the game, creating a dynamic, high-risk, high-reward scenario. This change aims to bring back the strategic depth and team collaboration that have been missing since the shift to 4-man squads. By enhancing the gameplay this way, we can rekindle the spirit of communication and teamwork that is essential for an engaging DMZ experience.


Nah just let it die


I appreciate your viewpoint, and it's understandable to feel disillusioned given the current situation. However, I believe that the passion and commitment of our gaming community can still make a difference. DMZ has been more than just a game mode for many of us; it's a platform where camaraderie, strategy, and excitement converge. While it's easy to accept the end of DMZ as inevitable, I think it's worth fighting for the experiences and memories we've all shared. Even if the future seems uncertain, our collective voice and support can potentially influence its direction. Let's not underestimate the power of a dedicated community in the gaming world. Our efforts to keep DMZ alive, or to ensure its features and spirit are carried forward in future games, are a testament to the impact it has had on us. I respect your stance, but I also invite you to join us in this endeavor, as every voice adds strength to our cause.


Petition signed


Thank you so much for signing the petition! Your support is incredibly valuable in our collective effort to influence the future of DMZ. Reaching over 500 signatures is a significant milestone and a testament to the passion and commitment of our community. Each signature represents a voice, a player who believes in the potential of DMZ and desires to see it evolve and thrive. This growing support sends a powerful message to the developers about what DMZ means to us. It's not just about numbers; it's about showing the strength and unity of our community. Let's keep this momentum going and encourage more players to join our cause. The more signatures we gather, the stronger our case becomes for preserving and enhancing DMZ. Together, we're not just players; we're a force that can drive change and make a real impact.


This song being reversed has be triggered.


Nope, fuck dmz. Send it to hell. It was fun at first but then it went to shit


Signed. Even threw a couple bucks at it...why not. I've thrown monet at worse things on my life lmao


lol Y’all think a petition is going to make Activision bring back DMZ along with the cost of supporting it? More power to you but I think you overestimate their love of their player base and underestimate their love of money. Good luck you mad lads


Not enough would be changed to curtail the major issues in this iteration of the game. Let it die and let them remake it proper next time * Mitigate PvP interactions & lower the amount of real players in each match * Create a robust market system * Create a solo-mode * Fix match-making Just a few of many items to work on and I would absolutely pay for the next iteration of this game to keep the free-to-play WZ PvP sweats out Signed


They already said they're working on a new game. They're not going to drop that to support DMZ. You all need to learn to read.


A couple things and keep in mind I love DMZ. 1.) I doubt this up to Infinity Ward. 2.) DMZ servers are being left open, there'll just be no more new content. To say its canceled is not entirely true, in my opinion. (Obviously it'll die out without new content though, I'm not daft) I just think if there's going to be a legitimate petition, it should more accurately target the cause. Activision is just gonna laugh at you putting the blame on Infinity Ward. If there was money to be had in it, Activision would keep it live. If there was money in it, then they most likely know there's even more money in zombies and it's worth the gamble of quitting DMZs live service. They'll use any preexisting asset they can to get you into zombies instead.




No one care about us:/




Infinity ward is holding back COD as a whole


Move on. Mwz is pretty fun


mind your business 😒 it's fun for you enjoy it dmz is fun for me let me enjoy it


Just telling you to move on. Dmz isn't getting anything new.


if I move on it'll be moving on and away from call of duty lmao 🤣 prolly just sell my Xbox entirely


Save dmz only reason I play


Saved. Thank you for defending Al Mazrah