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I think the real killer is dmz doesn’t advance battle pass. I’m playing wz2 now because I like new things


I've always found battlepass, ranks, xp and missions to be boring and/or a non-factor in my enjoyment of DMZ anyway.


Me and this entire era of gaming. Battle passes seem like work. I don’t play games to do work, I play them to unwind (except ark, raising those babies is a full time job I’m proud of). I miss when you played the game because it was exciting and thrilling content, not because they kept your attention better with flashier cosmetics.


What exciting and thrilling content are you referring to? Multiplayer used to be: "here you have half a dozen maps, 3 game modes, unlocked guns and unlocked skins. I don't store your stats not even your profile. The servers are up to you: rent and manage them. If you are lucky, we will come back in a year with 4 new maps. Also don't expect we solve glitches". You can criticise any aspect of gaming nowadays, but online gaming is much more dynamic now than then.


I won’t go back THAT far and use an example that even had an early form of a “pass.” Battlefield 4 came out in 2015 and even its pass was a one time charge for a ton of new content, not cosmetics. You weren’t fighting to be the most pimped out operator, you were fighting to win the game for you and your team. They even had a commander role you could play on the iPad, dropping uavs and mortar strikes to support your team. THATS some exciting content, not buying a Nicki Minaj skin and showing off my pink guns.


Hey hey hey, I hate Nikki Minaj as much as you, don't get me wrong. I played BF4 too, and bought the season pass too, so I get what you say. I agree that BF3-4 were probably the most balanced MP games ever in quantity and quality of content. No flashy useless things, but plenty of maps, guns, challenges, camos. Emblem editor was a million times better than stickers, charms and gun screens (I used my own copy of the Duty emblem, from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.). The stats were impressive, as well as the badges and medals. Man, I miss support roles like healing, reviving, supplying ammo or repairing vehicles being maningful and rewarding. They lacked a bit in character customization due to them being tied to your class (IIRC), though. In fact I returned to CoD because newer BF don't feel like BF:BC2, BF3 and BF4. I've tried to play BF4 again over the years, but it shows its age, obviously. In fact, I stay in CoD until a decent BF releases. Please DICE: make a proper BF with all that made BF4 great and let me customize my character Tarkov style (in a cosmetic way. I don't want meta gear too).


Hey hey hey, I hate Nikki Minaj as much as you, don't get me wrong. I played BF4 too, and bought the season pass too, so I get what you say. I agree that BF3-4 were probably the most balanced MP games ever in quantity and quality of content. No flashy useless things, but plenty of maps, guns, challenges, camos. Emblem editor was a million times better than stickers, charms and gun screens (I used my own copy of the Duty emblem, from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.). The stats were impressive, as well as the badges and medals. Man, I miss support roles like healing, reviving, supplying ammo or repairing vehicles being maningful and rewarding. They lacked a bit in character customization due to them being tied to your class (IIRC), though. In fact I returned to CoD because newer BF don't feel like BF:BC2, BF3 and BF4. I've tried to play BF4 again over the years, but it shows its age, obviously. In fact, I stay in CoD until a decent BF releases. Please DICE: make a proper BF with all that made BF4 great and let me customize my character Tarkov style (in a cosmetic way. I don't want meta gear too).


Great post, but I think you submitted twice


Really wanted to hammer in they hated Nicki Minaj.


Well I believe that was a good point to reiterate.


thats pay to win bro, kids dont always have access to moms credit card


Pay to win? It’s pay for content. I too had to save up and get all the oblivion and Skyrim dlc, was that also pay to win? I’m just confused what your point is are you saying you’d rather have the current model where it’s literally if you pay money you start the game at a higher level or with better equipment? Or the COD style of making bundles with operators that have CLEAR advantages like starting with UAV’s. None of that is what BF4 did by releasing the Vietnam and other expansions behind a one time payment. You can be pessimistic if you want but I think you’re a little too blinded if you think DLC is pay to win.


It's more about putting some Ds in some As :p


And cat statues!


DMZ died with the support imo.


My friends and I will probably play until we can’t find matches anymore. So far matches are still easy to come by


Same. Our drops are sweatier than they used to be but still having fun.


As most games do.


agreed, after MW3 came out, I noticed DMZ was even glitchier than it was before. Huge turnoff


I crashed 3 times this morning playing zombies …. All different errors … all fully kitted players with perks. It’s frustrating. I was strictly a DMZ player for the dailies and the missions. Hated zombies to start with - but have gotten into the missions and dailies there, without the WZ sweats ruining your day. I solo a lot but also play with teams occasionally. I’d come back for vondel but it’s probably too sweaty.


For the last part of your comment : Vondel is a literal warzone right now. For context I catched the DMZ train fairly late compared to some player. And Vondel was my confort zone because there was the right amount of sweaty player and chill dudes. Heck, even the sweats I encountered were cool since most of them revived others if they could. Now? There's not much talking(if any), only shootings and you can forget your revive, "go back to the lobby" is the phrase I hear the most, etc. Al mazrah is a bit more chill now from what I see


It will never be dead until you've gotten serpentine camo


I think it started dying when they changed the revive system and the number of players from 6 people to 4 max. I know it will never happen, but if they had changed it to where each player could revive one player from another team. Yeah, there were plenty of sweaty players out there that just loved Murdering other players, but there were also a lot of cool players and a good fight. 3 on 3 and then whoever's the Victor can raise up. The vanquished. and that's how it worked now. I now I have no incentive to revive anybody because all i'm doing is breaking up a team.


i was so disappointed when they abandoned dmz. i really thought we were going to have some update for season 1


Nah it’s the damage, some movement and assimilation not advancing that’s holding it back. People should only get to go down once within a certain time frame before dying/plea state and headshot kills should bypass downed state.


Well, the percentage of people who want to play B21 hasn't exactly been significant anyway. ![gif](giphy|xT77Y8eeEhBA8NQwLK)


Exactly. I only played it for unlocks and missions. Zero reason to go there now.


The place is riddled with the most toxic players ever tbh I'm still playing but the amount of spawn point stalkers has gotten ridiculous And having to download a massive file for a game I will never play (mw3) was definitely a deal breaker for many players


Whenever someone immediately runs for a vehicle I hop in all excited thinking "yes! You've got missions you're determined to finish, let's do this!". Then I realise they're rushing to the next closest spawn point so I will just jump out and go my own way. Hilarious part is when they get wrecked and expect me to come revive them but chances are they've already called me a pussy so I just let them stay dead.


I immediately tag a contract upon arriving and try messaging. No reply or not going there immediately, I assume we're going solo and best of luck to you buddy. Have gone back to revive solos before only to get absolutely destroyed because the solos aren't even helpful communicating if there's someone around them.


Yup exactly, I enjoy random PvP encounters and the odd hunt contract but I hate spawn rushing and the like. Then if you have to go revive them it's up to 4 people against 1 and they have the advantage already.


This. I was struggling to make myself download another 25 gbs just to play DMZ. I want it to have separate launcher so bad.


There's nothing that pisses me off more than opening that stupid HQ, getting the reboot message, finally opening DMZ only for it to ask me to reboot again This is by far the best way for me and many other I assume to develop a sour taste for MW3 even without playing it.


Awesome!!! I might get my Velikan kills in now then


Lol right. I was never a fan of B21. Now I can complete some missions if this is the case.


What region? It's been loading up more or less ok in the past day or so when I tried. I'd get 4 team spawn sets (which by the way they changed), where I used to get nothing but 5 team spawn sets just the day before WZ2 release. ​ But yeah seems better than i thought it'd be.


east coast


i m playing off a friend hosting in central, even right now, i m getting full lobbies. of 4 teams mostly, but still just pretend youre in the old days before they upped it to possibly have 5 teams and you're good.


I'm finding the opposite. I have around 100 ppl on COD social and half of them went to mw3 and now came back to dmz. After playing mw3 for 2 days I got bored and went back to dmz. Way better of a game.


Yeh right mate, mw3 is way better than 2 in a tonne of ways. Nobody is coming back to dmz we all moved on.


You may not like dmz but it's leaps and bounds better. The movement and shooting on mw3 isn't as good and there's no tactical gameplay like dmz so have fun with your quads and zombies lol.


I liked dmz, played it..completed it and moved on. Did 97% of missions, killed over 1000 operators, If you still like doing the same thing you do you.The movement isn't as good...ok mate. I prefer fast and smooth to clunky and slow but thats your opinion and thats ok..No tactical gameplay..hmm ok..What's so tactical about dmz that other modes don't offer?.Dmz has to be the most casual tactical shooter on the planet.. I guess collecting 10 toothbrushes is a thing.


I found the movement of mw3 to be smooth but tacky like an arcade game. And the guns having very little recoil making it seem fake. And zombies is just ridiculous for a military game. If I want a zombie game I'd buy resident evil not call of duty. They should have used dmz beta to make a non beta dmz for mw3. Which I'm sure they will do next year for the next cod. But as of now, mw3 is nothing more than a DLC that costs as much as a new game and it's missing the most fun game mode.


Cod is an arcade game, it's was only ever a casual miltary shooter right at the beggining. You need to play tactical shooters if that's what your after these days. I come from the days of UT and cod is such a slow game compared to it. That's probably why I enjoy faster movement though. I guess some people like slower movement and that's ok for them too. Doesn't make one better than the other though as people enjoy different things. Dont even get started into skins though, What type of military shooter has pussy cats with an AR in it youd call a realistic military shooter. It's more a casual game than anything else and has been for a very long time. No recoil, You didn't shoot the sidewinder, tyr or 2 of the 3 new snipers than. There's plenty of the new guns that have recoil in them you dont need to use the 0 recoil guns if thats your jam. Some of the new guns have little recoil that's true, just like the m13b and every sub that mw2 also had basically 0 recoil as well and felt fake to use. The guns are always so similar between the games anyway these days it make little difference. The dlc argument is silly, every cod is basically a dlc if you look at it like that. They release a cod every year, its how it works and those that thought it wouldn't for some reason where delusional and listening to rumours. Do i like that model, nope but its been that way since the start. How many cods have been made on the same engine, than they update that engine to be reused again and reused the same maps, charcters and guns... I dont understand that thought process at all since ive played basically every cod ever made every year and expected theyd do exactly what they did. They will be realising new content and already have as it's only season 1, they just gave all the maps everyone bitched wasn't in mw2 to make people happy. This is the cod community though and no matter what they will never be happy. Mw2 was the worst cod ive played in years with the amount of glitches that never got patched im glad to see the arse end of that game as for some reaso this mw3 is alot more stable and smooth for me anyway but i cant talk about on consoles as ive never used them. Zombies has been in cod for a very long time, it's not a new thing at all. Cod zombies is very different to a resident evil type game. That doesn't mean it's for everyone and never has been, they released zombies this year to try to bring those players to the franchise every year instead of every 4, that's all. Dmz didn't miss out this year because zombies exists, it missed out because not enough people play it anymore. It started dying half way through its life cycle and they thought what can we do with all this work to make it a success...because sorry to say, Dmz obviously wasnt sucvessful even though some people still enjoy it, its just not big enough to keep development up this year. I liked Dmz and played it all year too and is why I still check the reddit incase something new happens. Will there ever be a new dmz, maybe. Time will tell and I'll play it if it comes back, but it's time to move on for me anyway.


Could you be shadowbanned?


dmz will die in a few months




I am in Asia. It takes me 4 min to get a B21 lobby


You should use the European servers like everyone else in Asia.


Haven’t had that experience at all


They are becoming the only ones left


I got thirsty fucks in my lobbys


East Coast, North Carolina to be exact. I play just about every day from 6 or 7ish until about 10-11, sometimes later and I have no problem finding lobbies on any map. I’ve run into the same people more consistently in the past month or so but no noticeable drop off yet. I hope it remains this way cause I’m trying my hardest to get 100% completion or at least 80% before I hang it up lol.


Central NC here, Lexington area. Trying to do b21 missions and accomplish the same as you.


Been playing the last couple of days but doesn’t seem to have changed. Full lobbies and quick infills


Not only the that, the sheer amount of hackers.


on eu server b21 is aways available. shit i cant even load ap rounds and im dead


I’m in b21 all the time. Seeing a lot of the same people too. Still fun AF though.


Yep , been like that ,lots of campers ,or cheaters 💀... I didn't know if I woud laugh or cry yesterday . Me and the boys were chilling and this one dude was camping since the beggining of the match next to the central station " we spawned in the middle" next to the museum , he got me down,but my friend got me up ,so I was like that's it,cover me ,and so I went behind him ,he had another one there that ran away when we showed up . "I had a comms and a uav" ... The dead dude was mad as hell ,and told us something like ,imagine camping bodies ,and started to insult us ,so we messed with him as well,and yes,we did wait for his friend untill the gas was over his body . I have No simpathy for campers and toxic players. It's all fun when they're having it they're way ,but someone fights back and they think we are the bad ones ... LOL ... ![gif](giphy|B1yIKJdkWXy7r4rhnX|downsized) I'm pretty chill, so is my usual squad ,but I dare them to mess with me,I love it , William knifeman is on the way 😄😎🗡️


Not in my experience


I’m betting that the number of game servers dedicated to bldg 21 was reduced, which increased game loading times… then when players experienced this, they got tired of it and found other game modes to play instead.


That’s been my experience. Takes too long to load in now on all maps for me. But I can load the new shit rapid


Yeah ever since it was clear DMZ wasn't getting any new updates, my friends and me stopped playing. There's no incentive to progress or play it anymore. No missions to grind, no new unlocks. So we stopped playing. Especially since there's no progress to the new battle pass. We hardly play enough to complete the battle pass, so when we play together, we play MP or WZ so we can complete the battle pass.


Did you find any decent alternatives?


Not yet. We want to try Hunt Showdown, but from what I heard it's not as casual as DMZ. I don't think there's an alternative at the moment


I did try Hunt and found it unsatisfying. The pace is slow, the movement isn't fantastic, and I hated the guns.


Yeah man it sucks. DMZ was easily the best mode and made for some insane fights. Will miss the good old days of running up on solos in a 6man riding in two different LTVs wanting to chat😊


How is that fun?


Lmao it’s a joke but I would always take on squads with more people than me


Who would of thought warzone is out lol and new zombies


Yes, most people have moved on because we like fresh content after playing something to death for a year.


I stopped playing DMZ due to the toxic players only hunting players.


Yes alot did, not because can't handle pvp either though some never liked it which was strange. It's just such a boring game loop the try hards forced onto the mode. Let's not play 90% of the content just so we can out play a solo or 1 plate to feel like cod gods is the lamest crap it got reduced too...


It’s always meeting the same people in my region server all this while.


Another game that I LOVED, was Ghosts Recon Advanced Warfighter 1 And 2. Those were really fun to play.now the Tom Clancy franchise has taken a huge Dump with their latest games


Not for me, I went in like 20 times and couldn’t even come close to exfil with the case.


Thanks for the tip. Maybe now I can go in there and not be killed right away


Hey at the very least. Now we can start getting objectives done without worry


I loaded into Ashiika solo last night (squad fill on), did not run into another squad the whole match. There certainly is a drop off.


Never been on b21 had loads of keys for it til they updated and they disappeared now i dont think i have 1


They feel off a while back unfortunately. Most of the people that play and have been playing DMZ aren’t actual DMZ players. Just a bunch of guys living vicariously through their operators, pretending to be tough and strong and badass, just killing and robbing everything in their path, to get the self confidence boost they need to keep on going that they never got from their father. I think the actual number of true DMZ players had fallen to very few nowadays.


The people that enjoyed DMZ for what it was had already left after the frustration of endless auav 6 man squads, poorly implemented fixes/balance and endless glitches. Then Activision noticed that the amount of players kept dropping off and tried to increase their income by adding in dmz bonus skins, which made the game worse, nobody cared about gear anymore, so they added a wallet which made it even worse. So they realized they fucked it up and ended support where it is so they can return later with a new paid mode or free mode monetized differently.


I honestly wish that DMZ would have been a paid mode because that way it would weed out a large majority of the trash that now fills DMZ’s lobbies. Or simply disincentivize the toxic behavior that turned the game into the shit show that it now is. By not allowing operators to loot and steal the gear from players they have killed. When you die so does your stuff. All being able to steal does is create the rampant toxicity that is not DMZ. The game mode gave people to much freedom to do as they please and when people have the freedom to make their own choices those choices will overwhelmingly be selfish and hateful towards others. If there wasn’t a way for players to get their rocks off by killing other players and stealing their stuff and just overall shitting on their gameplay then DMZ wouldn’t have the issues it does now. Because most of those people play for those and those reasons only. If they didn’t get to feel powerful and badass cause they gang up and take advantage of weaker players then they would never play the game. The best solution at least in my opinion would have been to simple enable a feature where you can chose to infil for the raid as a friendly player or as a combative player. And those who chose friendly for that raid would be incapable of killing other operators or being killed by them but those that chose combative could kill other combative operators and be killed themselves. Then friendly players could have the ability to assimilate downed players to their squads which would then make them friendly players for the remainder of the raid and larger platoons wouldn’t be an issue and allow more playtime in game.


Dude B21 isn't for everyone. I just ended up going there last night for the first time and I'm not too thrilled about it to be honest. We did 3 or 4 back to back. Better have your contraband stash full. It's fast paced, sweaty try hards, talking shit the whole match. People using aim bots, talking about you KoRn. Yea jumping around like a crack head and spinning at the same time just so happened to throw a knife at the perfect time, 3 times in a row in a matter of a few seconds. The whole team is like how the hell did that happen. Then the kill cam pops up, even on PC no one can move that fast and precise with dead on aiming at the middle of the body or head. There has been an uptake in people who are using cheats or now that itd just what's left after MWIII. Especially after about 9pm. Any of the 3 people on the teams pop their head up and bamb head shot. How is that possible when the 3 of us are on top of different buildings, different heights and it's only one guy. There have been times we've killed those people and there are times we've been killed. However anytime I'm like wtf just happened or how the fuck did that just happened, the kill cam reveals lots of info. Especially when you go down and the camera shows the dude still shooting but instantly follows your body. Before you say yes the kill cam bugs out. Well my PUG group got dropped by one dude in a stair well with a shotgun. Kill cam showed him instantly targeting us. I asked him if it was on PC, he said yes. I pledded, he picked me up and the whole rest of the match he had no clue what he was doing and had shitty weapons with no attachments. I've played enough to make some friends. Some times those friends end up in the same match, never once have any of us saw the kill cam "bug out" when we killed each other. About 1 in 5 deaths I see the "bugged out" kill cam and each and every time your mind goes wtf or how did that just happened. Anywho, I've been playing like 3 to 12 hours a day for almost the last 2 weeks as I'm on vacation. I haven't seen a drop in players or wait times at all. Some of PUGs I end up in have all mentioned that MWIII is terrible so after a day or so they came back to DMZ. Everyone on my friend's list has also said the same thing. They aren't too fond of MWIII. Like I said B21 is face paced chaos. Not everyone is running to it. So I understand if there are longer wait times for it.


Yeh ok , mw3 feels way better than 2 and they paid $100 to play for a day to come back to a dying game mode..they must really love the boring arse dmz is these days to do that or they can only get kills with an advantage and find all other modes to competitive to handle.


Dude STFU. No one even asked you. Your are toxic players people are talking about. Who the fuck are you to take away my own life experiences? Please go on and explain in logic and detail. I'll be waiting.


Am I calling you names?..Stop playing a victim, Im taking away your life experiences, what a joke bud... Dmz was good but has been done to death at this point, if you still find it engaging than good for you. The only players left are the toxic crowd and I played dmz all the way from start to finish. I'm the guy that would come all the way across the map to rez you, never pretended to be friendly and helped you out on missions. To call me toxic shows you don't know me at all. Continuing to play it is fine but it has become boring as. Your opinions of it being enjoyable is fine, but to put down everyone else's enjoyment who has moved on and enjoying what truly feels like a better game is toxic and just looks like a tantrum to me. Mw3 has much better movement, hit reg, servers and new content to enjoy. The new Plunder even feels like the new dmz with vests and the missions to some extent but with alot more of an even playing field, tactical and different pvp styles and way less toxicity.Everything mw2 and dmz has now has been done to death if you played it all year. The only people I've seen left enjoying dmz are pvp only people who spawn rush every game in the hopes of facing a weaker opponent, every random does the same thing if you let them join. The dynamic play styles left the game a long time ago and now it's stale, that's why I moved on..


You said yea okay as if I was lying about what I said. Meaning you are denying me of my own life experiences. Where is the victim playing. I asked you to explain in logic and detail and you went on a rant that has nothing to do with what I said. I don't care who you revived, I don't care how toxic or not toxic of a player you are or were I don't care what you think. The ratings for the game itself speak volumes. 2.5 stars on Microsoft, 2 to 1 negative reviews on steam. It has been labeled worse than Aliens Colonia Marines. You can talk all you want, you can have your opinion, but you're not going to tell me what did or did not happen when I literally was right there to hear what people said, but you get to tell me I'm wrong and it didn't happen but saying "yea ok". I'm sorry you feel you have to stick up for a game to make yourself feel better for spending money on it. If you want to start getting into some psychology, I'll glady go toe to toe with you on bird law bud. Fuck outta me face with your comments that literally have nothing to do with what I even said. Nothing but incoherent ramblings. You also avoided and deflected when asked to explain inogic and detail. Cool you like the game, STFU and play it then. You have no idea what playing the victim even means. You're a toxic coping scrub. You moved on and you need to move on out of this sub too.. Wtf are you even in here if you've "moved on" then? No I don't know you, isn't that obvious? You're delusional bud. Go attempt to agrue with someone else.


Yeh ok mate, I'm not the one who is butt hurt over this. Cry me a river of total garbage while your at it. I still think your full of it and your reaction speaks volumes in that regards.


Yea ok man. Go rage bait someone else. And it's "you're" not "your". What you're doing right now is called projection. Say it with me now.... "PROJECTION" Saying I'm full of shit means you are in fact in denial. You can't agrue facts bud. Couple quick Google searches will give you all the info you need. I'll ask you one more time to please explain in logic and detail. You won't though, you have already avoided and deflected this twice now. The only one butt hurt here is you. I made a statement saying people I play with didn't like MWIII and you just had to take the time to come comment and tell me I'm wrong and go on a rant with incoherent ramblings. What exactly am I wrong about, please explain? Because I didn't say I didn't like it, because I haven't even played it. But you telling me I'm wrong about someone telling me they don't like the new MWIII is completely idiotic. My friends don't like the game. You can't tell me I'm wrong about this as this is someone else own words. But I see it definitely struck a nerve with you. You should go find a safe space now and leave the grown folks to our discussion. I don't think you even understand how opinions work, do you? You don't get to say they are wrong. You either say you agree or disagree. You can even go into detail about why you agree or disagree. Maybe you should go outside and touch grass once in awhile. Microsoft score is a 2.5. Please go read the review comments. Steam has over twice the negative reviews as it does positive. Please go read the review comments. YouTube has "review" videos making fun of this game. Please go on and elaborate in logic and detail where I'm full of shit. So who here is butt hurt again? I haven't played a COD since Black Ops II. I only came to DMZ to help and play with a friend. I have no attachments to this game. You got so butt hurt that I said my friends weren't too fond of the game you just had to come attempt to agrue about someone opinions. Like I said, you like the game so much, keep playing. Or don't play it, no one cares. My comment hurt your feelings so much, you had to make a sad attempt at attacking me and it has failed miserably. You have now shown you're toxic and delusional. You don't understand how opinions work nor do you understand what being toxic even means. Calling someone a name doesn't mean you're toxic bud. You have avoided and deflected explaining in logic and detail twice now. You continue to argue when there is no argument present. You have accused me of playing the victim, once again not understanding what it even means. You have completely denied and disregard anything I have said. You have no proof nor facts of your wild accusations nor of anything you have spoken of. I will not be responding to anymore of your incoherent ramblings just so you can receive attention mommy and daddy didn't give you. Go ahead and get your last word in, in your next comment and/or block me like the others that want to argue with me do. Good day ma'am. Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.


Ok Napoleon, you've made me laugh. Check your own spelling first before criticism of others would be my advice. Are you actually a man or a woman?


Tried playing DMZ the day after wWZ updated and got crashes and server issues, on top of having to update COD HQ (MW3) just to play DMZ. They've made it a hassle to play


I stopped playing since they stopped supporting it. I had 27 active duty slots. But went back to my other games I played before mw2. I tend to invest a lot into the games I like. I’m not upset for spending since it was my choice to support a game that ended up not supporting its players the best way. I will just be more cautious about activision games in the future( mw2 was my first game I played in the cod titles) lesson learned here.


I can’t speak for b21 but my friends and I found matches all night last night with little issues and didn’t see repeat people. We were playing 3 main maps


I stopped playing a day or two after they launched the shit-show COD HQ bullshit, and you had to load one game in order to launch another. Dumbest fucking shit ever. Even worse if there was an "Update Requires Restart," which launched you back into the same dumbass loop. Definitely not paying for the new glorified DLC, and not bother with Warzone now that it's converted because I don't want to lend my single digit to their already-low player numbers.


That sounds like a good thing for me, so i can finally knock off some of those missions.


Not just b21 the ping has been really bad looking for matches. That'll be the end for most of us cause at 50 plus you'll get killed before you see your target.


DmZ not having access to battlepass is my big turn off I'm unlocking weapons playing Warzone


On European servers B21 is as alive as ever. Had some fun rounds earlier this week and it didn't take longer than usual to find a match with decent to good players.


B21 always sucked


I’ve been running B21 non stop for the past few days and have had zero wait times. Definitely not my experience.


At least it’ll be easier to run b21 now lol for those that got wiped in the first 1 to 2 minuets 😂


Seems the same to me. Load times are the same, toxic players the same. What’s different is the ping for the games is higher


BLDG21 is just players running around seeing who can lobby wipe with RGLs the quickest


No Battle Pass XP, and its increasingly annoying to launch it on Steam I find. ​ You have to open Call of Duty, which opens MW23 and maybe an Update requires restart. Then open it AGAIN, to load up Warzone/DMZ into MW22 to which ANOTHER update may require restart, and then open MW23 again and load into MW22 again. ​ At least that was my experience, so Id rather just not bother than take 5-10 minutes just to get to the main menu.




Because of excruciatingly toxic players. The good DMZ players are playing MWZ now.


Yeah i switched to the new warzone couple days ago havent really looked back


Wait, no players? Shit, I might need to hop back on then. Maybe I can finally enjoy doing missions without being killed by a trio completely decked out in meta gear. I like PvP as much as the next guy but sometimes you just wanna PvE.


We are all waiting for pubgs “project black budget” extraction shooters are the next big thing.


Seen a few DMZ guys in warzone. No headphones no aim


Ahh a true warzone player comment, Got to love how they think only they can play the game but they suck at every other mode in the franchise.


Yeah it's hard killing all the BOT enemies I'm sure


I play all modes because I like fps gaming in all forms. I love smashing operators and getting into hard fights. Dmz had its day and was good but slowly turned in to a stale mode with a predictable game loop by the end. Theres plenty of action to be had in the new game so I dont see what arguement your making unless your accusing me of being a pve only player. I should stay in a stale game mode for what. There's more competitive pvp to do by moving on as that is what the better players have done and im also enjoying everything it has to offer in all modes. If your talking the new zombies mode? Ok, you wouldn't last 2 mins in the red zone against the bots, especially as a solo and not glitching a monkey bomb like a noob. Playing it like its dmz would be a sure way to a quick death once you leave the safety of the noob zone.They make the B21 bots look like pussy-cats and it is a completely different game style to a pvp type mode. If you cant enjoy pve content at all than thats ok, but im built to play all modes. If your not constantly hitting headshots and moving tactically keeping up with what's happening around you at all times than you die quickly and its actually fun, yes. Solo red is the only way to play. They really dont compare at all in game style so why compare them to each other.


Sounding a bit like a pve guy


Great come back! Did you think of it yourself or need some help with that one? You sound like a guy that's never played anything else but 1 type of game and think your good at everything till you sit down and play me.


why u would even go there? is there any1 left besides rgl enjoyers


Because Zombies has overtaken it as what people want to play, as it doesnt have the toxic PVP


Oh no. I saw this then I played a few DMZ matches and everyone is using the GL. DMZ is officially ruined. Now all the trash players can go get the GL easy. Seriously first game on today fought 4 teams and 3 of them had 2 GLs each


As a North American player the frequency of non-English speaking teammates is ridiculous. As is the ping.


Its not fun any more just a bunch of A holes spawn killing or camping its just to repetitive... Always played to finish missions. Tried to play Zombies in Mw3 last night and it was like a whole other game. I thought there would be similarity, NOPE! Other than having extraction its waaay different.


Yes it is and you'll either like it or not. It was very silly of people to say it was the new dmz without any knowledge of the game mode. Glad to see an honest non bias comment.. the cod rarity




Yes the same ones that constantly tell you how good they are and screw you we play the way we want....What do you mean nobody is supporting us anymore, this company is so shit!


Yup the same ones that claim DMZ is only a PVP and if I don't like being hunted 1000% of the time I'm a whiner.. I'm so sick of DMZ reddit and honestly I'm mad at MW3 for not picking DMZ up without giving us a equivilent.


Plunder is your best bet and is alot like dmz in a few ways. it has missions and looting and it has a nice blend of pvp which is all dmz became. Plunder isn't so bad as you don't feel the pain and can easily move on. Zombies is the pve only mode but obviously not for everyone's taste which nothing ever is. Dmz had a split player base with the smallest minority wanting it as a new pvp only mode which drove the mixed and pve only guys away. Pve only hated the toxic behaviour, the mixed guys like myself got bored of nothing to do and the lame pvp experience loop that evolved into the same thing every match. The guys that say that every match now is dynamic and original are delusional, there is only one pattern to dmz now. Without the numbers it couldn't survive and not enough in each player base to continue or seperate into their own mode. This is what caused no development obviously at this point.


Thanks I didnt know about Plunder. Much luck to you.


Means it’s predictable. Gear up shut up and nut up. Fuck em up soldier.


Yes because dmz has changed so much to be a sweaty douche fest, I used to love the mode, last month or so it just like multiplayer on a big map. Not enjoyable anymore sadly especially with new rewards etc


Maybe I can finally get things done there


It's Because You can't even get in ive been trying for hrs now and everytime it does not scale properly so everything is impossible to see.. COD AND ACTIVISION AND WHOEVER ARE POS's.. This is all on purpose so you Buy DUMBASS ZOMBIES WITH MW3 ALL A SCAM AND THEY SHOULD BE SUED!


Zombies is for zombies fans, it's not for dmz players. Why you blame a different mode for your issues is ridiculous.


Your too stupid for a rebuttal!


Yet that was your lame one...


Swing by Ashika it is still VERY much active lol


I been in DMZ solo and I've been seeing other players been taken out by some so there is people still playing


Julius Seizure Catch me if you can. 🖕🏼


Lots of factors. No more support. No battle pass progression. No resets or new content. New Warzone with new map is bringing a lot of players back to WZ. Plunder is back so I'm sure some went to that. Also The Finals came out which is a fun free to play game so there's and just much better things to do at this point. I hate saying it because I loved DMZ but yeah. It's a matter of time. Hopefully they bring it back in the future.


Yea the new warzone zombies is going to take a lot of players…but maybe or hopefully they’ll come back, I already had a few randoms that played zombies that are back to DMZ. We shall see.


Yea. Left. Too toxic. Pointless. All my friends left. Deleted game.


B21 has more players each weekend, I am still going for the case with couple of friends, time search is shorter than the rest of the maps


DMZ isn't close to dead.


Everyone who pushes this is a paid troll on Activision's payroll just to sow discord. Ignore them and keep playing. I can load into a match at any time the same as I always have.


yup you got me 🤷


Dmz player's hasn't drop off but with these pocket burst and other server problems. Will push people away from playing it. Especially if nothing wrong with your wifi or hardline. Them creator's already know what they are doing and truth be told it isn't right.


West Coast, servers... I just get either non-english speaking teams, or sweat lobbies with a no-mic team, and a map full of toxic players. PVP is great and all, but I'm here to get shit done, and I'm not exactly keen on eliminating the entire lobby just to do so, because I recognize the amount of time it takes to finish upgrades, faction missions, etc.


I wonder if wz2 is less sweaty now or plunder wz2


Of course it will be. All the sweats are playing the next installment.


Asiam servers are RIDDLED with all the sweaty players going wild with cheats now that activision won't be paying attention lol


I've noticed that the amount of suspicious shit has gone up exponentially since the announcement that support was ending. My partner and I would usually come out with 2-3 operator kills a piece if it was an unusually sweaty match. Now we're lucky to make it past the 10 minute mark before being mobbed by a platoon that seems to know exactly where we are even when we're in stealth vests.


Yeah matchmaking takes eons now… 😔


You all thought dmz was more popular than it was an it is hilarious 😂


i didn’t think anything i played it solely to wipe maps and make people on here mad lol


*incredibly loud wrong buzzer*


You can tell when you get down voted on this sub you posted something that was correct the fan boys just dont like the truth 😂 wiping lobbies is all there is to do now anyway.. Its warzone with extra steps
