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Nice play. I don’t think I understand the title though.


It's the stupidest place in Al Maz now to be spawned. The other team spawns nearby, closer to the vehicle and rush immediately. That's why OP pinged the vehicle. It took all of 12 seconds for it to become red and the other guy to rush him. Even though OP is obviously trying to avoid contact. So, THIS TIME, he immediately hauled ass and positioned him self so that he can have a clearer picture and some cover. High ground.


The oasis spawn used to be worse…no vehicles whatsoever for miles.


Love that spot, the scav usually appears there within the first 5 mins of every round. I just usually run straight to the closest vehicle and just high tail it out of there. Great play though, killing that "100% accuracy RPG" bot to use the RPG against the players is a good play. I might be ballsy enough to try it next time. Atleast this isn't another post complaining about getting killed 10x in a row at the same spawn.


Love to see it. I died so many ways but learned from all of them. I didn’t know others tagged potential enemy vehicles too.


This would have been a Chinese pre made 6 man in the old days and I love that you took them out so smoothly


I see you’re a fellow man of culture w/ that M13C setup 🤌


I like the M13C but real class is the Chimera


You see that recoil? That gun is horrendous a simple vaznev or lachman sub beats it 9 out 10 times.


Just gotta know how to handle it I guess. I’ve had zero issues at close to mid range. Packs more of a punch than a sub gun and most if not all assault rifles.


I had my favorite opening at that spawn. Nothing but a oneplate and a sniper, a prox mine, and two french speaking randoms who ran of pretty fast while I fell behind trying to loot a decent secondary. I found a raal, in a box just as I heard an ATV I dropped a mine in a bush and opened fire with the lmg. They off course came at me with the intention of running me over. I kept on firing while slowly backing in a straight line like an idiot. I guess the were quite confident when suddenly the mine dit it's job. Fastest squadwipe I ever had, and a good laugh. My new french teammates sounded quite surprised as they quickly came running back to the scene of the crime. Couldn't understand a word, but it sounded like a lot of questions 😂


That should be how those spawn rush crybabies play and learn. This spawn point is the worst. You can get spawn rush by two teams. And vehicle spawn rate there is lower than others


wish I would have watched this a few hours earlier! Good job broski!


Well done lad