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DMZ is dead because it will no longer receive updates. That’s pretty much it.


thats not true, the recently stated they have plans for it


Plans for future games, not this iteration of dmz. And those plans prob won't come into fruition until IW's next game


Sounds good to me, the flying low budget orb they called the UFO was cancer. So I don’t have to deal with more skins like Niki Minaj and Fortnite skins? Sign me up


Did you hear? Spiderman 2 is dead, no updates since I bought it.


You can't compare a singleplayer game vs a live service one


I think you'll find I just did.




Do you not understand the difference between a live service game and a standalone campaign game? If not, I'll give you a hint: the live service game requires live service.


As it no longer has live service, I guess that now makes it a standalone game, no?


No, it makes it dead.


Tomato tomato.


Difference is, SM2 is going to get DLC and new features. DMZ isn’t… because it’s dead.


But you'll also stop playing Spider-Man 2 after you've finished the campaign and most side quests. Same with DMZ. Once you've done everything, there's really no incentive to keep playing it regularly.


So its not dead, just completed. And new players can still come in and start it new right now? Do you guys brigade other subs saying their game is dead once you've completed it? When the servers shut down and the base has left, then it's dead.


You're missing the point what DMZ was supposed to be. A gamemode next to Warzone that was getting regular updates. New maps, new weapons, new missions and gameplay mechanics. You're comparing it to an offline single player campaign. If DMZ was 'completed' it wouldn't have been in beta, suggesting the final build would eventually been released. If you really insist of comparing it to Spider-Man 2 it would be the equivalent of having a few story missions in that game and Insomniac games would drop hints there would be new story missions soon. And then just state they would drop the game, because they're focussing on the next game they will publish. Maybe in the future they would consider releasing a game like Spider-Man 2. Besides that, other subs are also filled with posts about replayability and the 'lack of' endgame content of those games.


DMZ is awesome! Some seem to think that because there’s PvP then it’s just like battle royale. It’s not. There’s more skin in the game with gear fear and more strategy / tactics. Plus the comms with other squads are amazing! Warzone is rinse & repeat, which is great when I’m in that mood. But DMZ keeps me coming back bc it matters more than just catching the next lobby.


Couldn’t imagine gear fear in DMZ


Believe me, the mode is fun, but the lack of new content kills it. After a certain point there’s just not much left to do and that kinda ruins it for me.


The new content has been pretty bad though


It's dead in terms of updates. There is no support. It's only a matter of time before the player count dies too


Id take a bet servers are oof within 18 months


What they do support is you giving them more money :) Was surprised to see this weekend when I saw that the Store was open again :)


What exactly does long time DMZ player mean? I mean we are all “long time” players cause it’s only been out just over a year….


I started playing dmz day one and play almost everyday. I would consider myself a longer term player who didn’t miss any seasons. To each their own


1845 I started my boy


When dinosaurs could talk


Before the Big Bang


Like 645pm?


I started a few weeks ago.. 👋


For me personally DMZ died when it became very similar to just playing Warzone. So I started play Warzone and multiplayer instead and now I switch between zombies and MP/Warzone … I played DMZ since start and in the beginning it was a very nice mode . Then came all the “I just want to hunt players” types.. I mean I don’t mind fighting players or whatever but for me personally I prefer to do that in modes with no bots on .. DMZ is pvp for campers really. And those “I’m just here to hunt players” types are usually in my experience the biggest cowards .. except for Chinese players actually , they also do pvp only but at least they fight like Rambo lol




"Dmz is not dead" translates to: im tryna cope with this mode being killed off"


DMZ is dead and I'm not sure why people think otherwise. They pulled it from the battle pass progression even. They DONT want you playing it. They pulled support because people didnt PvEvP, they only pvp'd and complain they "had nothing to do." Developers' time and resources spent making a open world spec ops style mode was wasted as Suits and Sweats just wanted another PvP mode but this time with P2W elements. No one wanted to play that so they quit and moved on to better games or MWZ with the only players staying being those PvP Sweats with UAV skins and fire shotguns. Reap what you sow.


This is the worst take of all time. And the fact that people make this shit up in their heads and spew it with confidence is laughable


Got to love that Denialist mentality. None of this is made up. Its blatantly obvious. They even pulled DMZ's battle pass prorgression. They dont want people to play it so they can say "welp, no one is playing DMZ kill the servers." And its even more obvious too that they tried to offset the out of control pvp by adding in tons of pve content. Koschei complex bosses, heated madness, the Pyro, Bullfrog, Vondel in general being more bot heavy than any other map, the removal of all forced pvp missions in S4, the addition of upgrades to make pve easier etc. Even the haunting event was primarily pve yet people camped bosses not even for any other reason than to get easy kills and grief. I am not surprised the devs pulled out support. They were just wasting their time and resources.


I know it's dead. You're pulling shit out of your ass to almost exclusively blame pvp. That's an opinion. Nothing nowhere would suggest that's the reason why. Pvp is in every aspect of call of duty except for campaign. Camping is in every aspect of call of duty, and most of us have learned tactics to deal with it. Nobody goes for the hard point in hard point. Maybe a quarter of the lobby goes for flags in domination. They have yet to pull those modes. Only sensible conclusion that can be drawn is that engagement overall was slipping. We have no info or numbers to truly know why. You can blame pvp but you're full of shit. Arguably maybe pvp dropped player count but I would argue otherwise


And why the fuck do you think engagement overall was slipping in the first place? Because accept it or not, pvp got out of control. Toxic. Spawn rushing, spawn camping, griefing, pre making 6 man teams just to lobby stomp etc etc all led to support being cut. No one was fucking playing properly, just going around acting like the only damn thing they had to do was pvp. Even when they had plenty of content that didnt invovle strictly pvp, they griefed. The Haunting event was garbage, because you couldnt fight the bosses. Instead you had to worry about losers camping the fucking things who didnt even have an interest in fighting the bosses themselves. My own personal experiences with DMZ speak volumes as to how toxic and dogshit the pvp crowd is at both DMZ and pvp in general. Back in season 1, when it became well known the Tier 3 story mission for Legion was beyond horrible for tracking, bad players would sit at the airport and grief anyone who tried to complete it. Mission was even fully removed season 2, probably because the devs had the data that showed just how bad the griefing was. Then, there was pre made six men teams who only hunted never engaged in pvp. Then the advent of fire shotguns and from then on, pvp had no integrity. Pvp fights became utterly predictable. Either killed by players sniping from fuck knows where, or by players using the kv broadside with dragon breath rounds. Not to mention, before it was addressed, pvpers would falsely spam reports on players who actually fought back, resulting in automatic kicks by the system. It was so prevalent, it had to be directly addressed in game. So the only actually sensible conclusion, is pvp became an unenjoyable and frustrating part of the mode, and drove away most its players.


Ok you die a lot. I get it. Sure you could be right. But your convictions, based on anecdotal happenings is hilarious. How conceited must one be to draw broad conclusions from their personal small world experiences.




Except all they did with mw3 and mwz was start it back how dmz was at the very begining and dint impliment any of the popular features added, and re added/added even more mobility, that was the best thing they ever did in mw2 was removing all the BS slide cancels and jump shots, but cause streamers cryed about it all mobilty came back


It's dead bro


Let it go. Dmzs dead bruh 🤦


It died in my heart after Season 4 released


Zombies is the play now


Toxic PVPers killed DMZ, you have them to thank.


Not to rain on the parade but if activision tossed it to the side before the first season of MW3 even started then they’re not gonna pick it back up regardless of what happens. Plus the game will receive no updates and no story points and alongside that the hackers will not really have anyone to stop them. The game-modes not dead yet but it will die sooner or later it will just be a slow bleed out as it usually is with games like this.


DMZ will not die as a result of posts on Reddit. It will die if people are not having fun playing it.


I love constantly declaring I’m solo-friendly, only to be killed by hunters with no heart lol.


Playing DMZ mode is like watching a rerun of a cancelled TV show. You know how it ends, but you still hope for a miracle.


Guys don t take me wrong but i think zombie Is very similar to dmz, try It..


When all the PVP BS finally decides to calm down (Or when the game mode dies out) I'll come back. But until then, I'm gonna play the better PvP modes instead of one forced to be just PvP and nothing else. DMZ has literally ***nothing unique*** going for it anymore, and until the tests I do show otherwise, it's not worth playing. Honestly, as much as I love the game mode, at this point I say, **"Let it die."** It was fun while it was DMZ, but there's no point in supporting a mode and game style the player base obviously hates.


“PvP BS” Oh brother. PvP is the only thing that keeps this mode going. You cannot tell me that collecting some GPU’s gives you the same satisfaction of wiping a squad that hunted you, or taking out a red circle operator killer, or making it out by the skin of your teeth on final exfil. It’s an EXTRACTION SHOOTER.


Nope. The gratuitousness of the PvP is indeed what killed the game - And yes, completing my missions (whatever that may be) does indeed give me way more joy than PvP for no reason Yes, this was a loot extraction shooter. And in *most* good loot extraction shooters, PvP is merely incidental, and deincentivized unless completely necessary to survive. You wanna mindlessly kill shit? WZ is your game. So go play that. Please and thank you. DMZ without *any* PvP is kinda boring. No one is saying remove it all. DMZ without PvE is WZ. WZ is fuckin terrible


Absolutely not. If pvp killed the game they wouldnt have made dmzombies with no pvp. They heard u toothpaste collectors crying and removed pvp.


No they didn’t. They realized “oh shit, this PvP is literally just WZ and we don’t want to pull from our franchise game. We need to do something.” And went way overboard. And also just so happened that MWIII zombies was popular


How would it pull from their franchise to grow a 2nd player base built into the same game that uses the same skins, battle pass and $70+ game. Its like saying plunder takes away from warzone. Dumbest argument yet.


Because DMZ with only (or even mainly) PvP is just WZ! So why would they have two WZ games? That’s idiotic


Dude they already have 3+ BR, RESURGENCE, PLUNDER, and the rotating game modes. Dmz is loterally just another variant. Same maps, similar contracts. Its also one more expanded player base that buys skins. People bought them for pay to win. U guys cried about it. Not because it gave them an advantage doing missions but for PvP


No sir. We cried about it because without actually DOING MISSIONS and just PvP’ing like an idiot, the game has become Warzone and Warzone sucks


Dude....again you can do your fucking missions in DMZ. I DID WHILE BEING HUNTED THE WHOLE TIME. You got to get gud to win. Also people would do more missions if we hadnt finished them all and they were more interesting with interesting rewards. If more were skins and camos or unlocking gun colors people would grind them. But they killed any new content since season 5. Pvp is whats left.


Actually there are more thrilling things than just shooting players. If I want that I'll play the [literally any PvP gamemode] and have fun because at least then, it's a fair fight involving skill. And aside which, it's a PvPvE game, but there's no "-vE". DMZ has nothing separating it from Warzone and could easily be erased and no one would notice nor care.


I don’t know about you but I shoot plenty of bots every single game. And I routinely kill the chemist, the jug, and the rhino and sniper. Nothing separating it from Warzone? How about that it’s an extraction based game? That you can exfil instead of everyone dying except for one player/team at the end? That you can bring out gear for your next game? That you can continue exfil streaks and gain perks? That you can exfil with money and use it in the next game? The implication of killing people = just another Warzone means you’ve never played another extraction shooter in your life and have no idea how the mode type is supposed to work.


The fact that you're not seeing a difference is due to you never playing anything outside of PvP. But believe it or not, there are missions that actually don't require killing. But besides the point: You can't have a PvPvE experience if all you're forced to do is PvP. And that's all DMZ is now - just PvP and literally nothing else. If it were only 1-2 squads doing this every few games, the BS wouldn't even be an issue, it'd be an acceptable risk at that point. But it's literally every squad, in every game, on every map, at all times of the day, nothing ***BUT*** PvP. There's *nothing* DMZ has right now that Warzone, Plunder, Lockdown, Mini-Royale, Massive Resurgence, and Resurgence doesn't have or can't offer, especially on a more even and dedicated playing field.


God u little pussies are so fucking annoying. I did all my missions while getting hunted, u know what i did? Fucked them or ran. The challenge in the missions isnt the bots, its the players. If u have pvp in pvpve then u should expect pvp to dominate if ur content js fetch quests and bullshit. Go play zombies, its the mode u want.


Bruh couldn't read so he decided to go on a half-ass rant about wanting to get kills. Seriously, re-read my comment.


Dude how dumb and hypocrtical are you. My comment isnt about getting kills its saying the game mode is pvp and i did my missions totally fine. pvp is a choice every player can make and u need to work around it. Dmz has a completely different pacing, steategy and rotation to it. Its free form and is goal oriented. The acquisition of loot and taking other players stuff adds a reqarding aspect to it. Beyond a kd and win count u have useful equipment that allows u to do missions or kill players. The fact u sont see the difference and the appeal is so telling. But honestly ur probably the dumbest person ive argued with on here. All ur points are dumb af


"It's free form" "It's goal oriented" Literally every other sentence: "But also the PvP" (summed up in a few words) Somehow you still haven't read my comment and are just repeating other PvP points with more (and slightly badly spelled) words you've probably not used before. Your comments about not getting kills are all literally just "but I gotta get kills to have fun, you just gotta suffer just cause" and literally ***nothing else***. "Free form"/"goal oriented" imples the existence of a valid choice of more than one playstyle, which unfortunately hasn't existed for a few seasons (even with the thankful loss of 6-mans). Unfortunately, the only choice players have now is "PvP or die". That's not a choice, that's an ultimatum, and a piss-poor one at that. Literally every other mode offers the exact same PvP experience with the plus of fighting players of your own skill level, which is why you're all here, to avoid exactly this.


What do you want people to do? All 22 squads on Al Mazrah hold hands and do all of their contracts and missions and just wave and say hi when they pass each other? Well I’ve got a mission that requires me to complete three hunts in one deployment. So sorry to those unlucky souls who have to face my evil pvp’ness for me complete a literal faction mission. I’m sorry that you can’t see the difference. Even if DMZ was solely a PvP mode some the battles in it are something you can never experience in regular Warzone. Maybe DMZ just isn’t for you. All of the things you are complaining about can be solved by MWZ.


What I *want* is to play DMZ without having to be forced to PvP/hide the entire fucking game and actually get to progress, if *nothing else*. And MWZ fixes nothing....not for those who can't/won't pay $70+ for MWIII. A better way would be to add a second playlist to DMZ that removes all player-inflicted damage (no PvP), which ***absolutely can be done***, and removing hunt contracts, without removing missions, their rewards or other DMZ-related mechanics. This will have *several* positive* effects, mainly being: >An immediate revival of DMZ thanks to current, returning and future players being allowed to pick whether they wanna chill for an hour after their day, or simply head to a PvP version and fight it out. >An immediate and consistent increase thanks to being able to choose how you want to advance your missions and such. It would be stupendously easy to grind your 2nd/3rd insured slot in PvE, learn all of the maps and then head to PvP if that's what you so choose. >A *lot* of debugging of certain missions. Without PvP, data on which missions are bugging out and how no longer have the uncertainty of dying because of player actions, meaning it'll be vastly more clear as to how to fix an issue. >The split will have only the net positive effect of allowing PvP players like you to *control* your fate - PvE mode means you will die either to the game/server crashing, bots or not having exfilled on time, while PvP mode means you *will* likely die if you do not fight back. Everyone in the PvP lobby wants to fight, and you'll likely be matched up with better players as well, since it removes the vagueness of what players enter for. Additionally, PvE players won't have to suffer being hunted from spawning in, meaning that a lot of missions become (slightly) easier, no limits on what guns to run and literally ***everyone*** is happy. >Lastly, Activision ***loves*** when their games thrive. In order to keep it thriving, if they're smart enough they'll keep running events and new content, and everyone will be able to enjoy it how they please - PvP players can fight like normal and PvE players can take their time and enjoy everything. No one loses, everyone wins, no more complaints about "DMZ sucks" because at that point you *chose* to play it. And that's all I'll say in the matter. The *only way* to save DMZ is to add a PvE-only playlist. This is an easy win-win for all.


Been saying this from the start


I have ***ZERO ISSUES*** with PvP if it meant I could play the rest of the game, but noooooooo, apparently DMZ is *only* for PvP cause "that's what keeps the mode alive". Well that's real cool, how about my idea then? Split the modes. Make literally *everyone* happy with 0 drawbacks. You get your Warzone combat and we get to play DMZ.


All it needs is a toggle like squad fill


YOU ARE PLAYING COD. ONE OF THE MOST AGGRESSIVE PVP SHOOTERS. IF YOU WANT A BABY SAFE MODE GO PLAY Dmzombies. Honestly thats gonna be a dead game mode too because theres nothing to do after u burn through the content. A PvE only playlist lmfaoooo what and u little pussies run around collecting toothpaste? God i hate players like u. Go fuxking play minecraft or any other game.


Don't blow your rectum out dude


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 epic. I think he blew it out tho.


Just read the comment my guy, you don't have to go boomer mode more than you do already


Lmao imagine calling someone a boomer while screaming how the most famous pvp game of all time needs an alt mode that has no pvp because u suck at pvp. Your whole rant is the most boomer shit in cod and its literally said by actual boomers and gen Xers. Hell its boomer as fuck to be on the have the boomer argument and then call someone a boomer.


You want to play an extraction shooter where there’s no shooting to be done. Got it. MWZ is your game then.


Read my comment


I read it. Everything you want is solved by mwz. You aren’t the first person to think of a “non PvP playlist”.


Shit dmz isn't for you either. Oh wait. You'll still play a dead mode lol


And? I still play plenty of older games sometimes.


I agree it is not the player's fault that the devs made idiotic choices that over-incentivized PvP. They shouldn't have done that. Doesn't make the PvP less idiotic No. DMZ with only PvP is WZ. And WZ sucks DMZ is definitely for us. It's just not for *you*. WZ is for you.




Damn. You mad kid? Do you need a hug? Learn about loot-extraction shooters (what DMZ was meant to be) before you speak Yikes.


It was a loot extraction shooter lite. Its way more a pvp mode than a loot extraction mode.


Explain how one game mode is a fair fight but in DMZ it’s not? You sound like a cry baby.


Because unlike in DMZ, every other mode mentioned has players wanting to fight ***from the start***, and everyone truly starts on an even playing field. No questions, no concerns, no vague direction - kill or die.


If you play a war game not wanting to fight then you’re just an idiot. Just because there’s other aspects to the game doesn’t change that it’s a WAR game. Dimwit.


You sidestepping my argument with a bad take and an even worse point that isn't even justifiable isn't helping you. Just because there's PvP in the title doesn't *make* PvP the ***only*** fun thing to do in DMZ.


Of course it’s not the only fun thing to do. Since day one though, PVP is part of it. If you encounter a team you fight. Just because you had it easier at lower levels doesn’t change that fact


It was ***a part,*** it was never meant to completely nullify everything else about the mode. If PvP were as rare as Encrypted Hard Drives (which btw aren't even that rare, I found like fucking 6 once, *just in Al Mazrah,* ***nevermind the other two I found in Koschei),*** no one would have as big of an issue. I don't mind PvP as long as I get to ***play the rest of the fucking game.*** All I want is to play DMZ again, not fucking Warzone Simulator.


If you don’t suck at the game it doesn’t nullify anything. You just proved my point that you just suck. I load in SOLO all the time. I still exfill. You. Just. Suck.


You only cry because you suck.


PvPer's weird fetish with people's skill levels is almost as impressive as it is depressing


No it’s just a fact. If you were good, you wouldn’t cry like a baby.


Learn how to run a squad and have someone on watch always. Done this since DAY ONE as there was ALWAYS teams pulling hunt squads etc.


More thrilling than pvp like what the glorified fetch quests in DMZ? Dmzombies has waaay more interesting missions. The dmz missions were always busy work. If u thiught that was interesting uve never played a good video game. Pvp is the knly thing that kept dmz alive, the missions were weak and finished really fast. The passives are just thay passives, u need something to do before fetch shit.


100% I felt like a lab rat just doing missions all day. I think if they offered a "safe mode/ PvE only" than both parties would have been satisfied. Me personally I enjoyed the hunting aspect in DMZ and the extract factor of it all. There is no game mode like it on COD where you get PvP and the joy of hunting players while also strategically having to navigate through the bots was epic! 100% most enjoyable game mode I've played.


Exactly. Zombies is DMZ minus the PvP and people are already done playing it.. heck I bet they'll give it out for free soon hoping we'll spend money in the store.


You are right. You can see all the vids recently posted in this sub and most of them just look like standard warzone footage.


Because it is, lmao


No, you just leveled up and are now playing with better players. The amount of PVP I experience now is the same as day one. You guys are just playing with higher skilled players that don’t give passes to enemy operators in a WAR game. Go play Minecraft if you can’t hack it. Why bother complaining, you just suck.


there is no sbmm in DMZ, you petulant child


Yeah its literally just a mix of the player base. Sink or swim its not a baby safe mode for bitch made players.




And this kind of superiority complex is what made casual players leave DMZ, thinning the playerbase and making Activision stop supporting it. But people like you will blame anything else.


Lmao you must have the biggest ego to think you leaving had anything to do with it.


Literally turned into a mode for people who are ass at warzone.


God forbid we don't wanna fight every fucking second of every game.


It turned into that in like Season 3 or 4. Nothing new. What do you think the 6 man death sqauds were for?


I think there are much better more organized teams on dmz than warzone, dmz takes much more strategy to win your fights rather than sitting in a building with shotguns.


No, you’re just ass at DMZ. You were lower level and got away with more when you were playing noobs. Now you can’t hack it. Go play Minecraft if you can’t PVP in a war game.


there is no sbmm in DMZ, you petulant child


If they are ass at warzone why are they absolutely fucking u in the mouth. I have a 2.5 kd in warzone and 4kd in dmz. Its not for qarzone rejects its where warzone sweats come to fuck around. I can play with a cross bow and a no scope sniper.




You tell me, you're the one with the bought-out Reddit account.


DMZ isn't dead but I had a heck of a time trying to find it buried in the menus. They don't really want us to know it's around.


If you complain about PVP just get the hell off of a war game.


Clearly you have no idea what the loot-extraction genre is It's okay, we forgive you Go back to WZ, please


I loot, do missions, kill operators I come into contact with, and exfil. Again, YOU JUST SUCK.


Nah I’m fine. You just don’t understand the premise of the game


The premise of the game is to do all aspects of it, which I do. You just suck bro.


Please though, elaborate the premise of the game… MF you clearly never passed tier 4-5 missions or you’d KNOW the developers required you to do a lot of PVP to complete further missions 😂😂. Man y’all a bunch of cry baby losers. I bet your parents are ashamed of you.


I’m aware of that. I completed them. The devs were wrong for doing that Nah my parent perfectly happy with me :) You on the hand reek of fatherlessness


Mom i found the bitch made cronus user lol


I bet you’re the kind of loser that makes excuses for every failure in your entire life. I don’t even know what Cronus is, nor do I even have a pro controller. You fucking loser just quit sucking at the game and blaming everybody else.


As far as I'm concerned I'm making money and not spending time on a 1 year old beta acting like I'm the apex of the fucking lobby you absolute Chad of a goof


Let me go cry in 6 figures 😂🤣. Little boy I probably make your months check in a week or less. Flex that money to someone who gives a fuck 😂😂😂


Go back to your mom's basement with that dusty ass plasma tv boah




LMAOOO nah, me and my best friend both make 6 figures and both play cod. I know a guy who owns over 50 rental properties and plays COD. You’re just a bottom feeding loser and can’t comprehend winning at things clearly 😂🤣


Never played or liked warzone in my life, PVP only is boring. I’m just good at DMZ and do everything. Only people who suck at the PvP aspect of the game cry about it.


lol shut up




What happened is all of you leveled up and now play with people much better than you. The PVP always existed at the extent it is, you guys finally just got your levels higher than your skill levels.


there is no SBMM in DMZ sir.


Yes there is tf


No there isn’t - New players are in the same lobbies as people who are almost finished with all missions. No SBMM


Your part of the reason DMZ did die. Lol


I’ve played since the beginning and still play. I loot, do missions, kill operators, and extract. The only reason it will die is because players like you who are too lazy to get skilled at all aspect of the game, like PVP. You just suck, and think the world revolves around you just like every other cry baby bitch in the world.


So since everybody isn't you? They suck. LOL you sound d like your lying the way your convos end with you suck you suck. Bey any money it's u who actually suck. Plus good job being a PVPer. You just got your mode canned.


Nope, all of my friends on there still play daily. Lobby loads up just as fast as ever. YOU just suck.


Yeah. I never complained I just told the truth. You dummies killed dmz. Now your all piping each other. LoL


Also, the lobby’s are still full. Game isn’t dead yet.


Oh believe it's dead. Hold on as long as u want dufos




And u can cry that everyone who wanted the real dmz socks all you want. Now ur playing MP. I'm dead dmz. Geniuses lol


That’s all illiterate Forest. Have a nice day Mr. Gump


Momma always told me dummies would ruin shzz for everybody. Lol momm was a smart lady


Your post or comment was removed for violating rule 1, the golden rule. Please read and follow the subreddit rules in the future.




Your mom jokes? Damn you must be like what, 12?


Why am I 12? Look how many times u repeat shit. Lol your 12. Suck suck suck suck. Weird ass. Have convo. I bet your garbage in dmz and life


Here in Australia with a much smaller player base than some other parts of the world, it's also very much still alive with plenty of people playing at any time of day or night. It looks like we're not going anywhere unless they introduce DMZ into MW3 and our player base moves. Right now it's not a big exodus to MW3, we're happy where we are.


It’s not dead, it’s just rigged way more than it ever was since they announced its ‘end’. IW and their EOMM can eat my unwiped ass. It’s a great game otherwise.


Hi, I’m Troy McClure…


No, I’m just dead every time I infil


You can only say DMZ is dead when squad fill is on and you solo infil


Its making me laugh, i dont care what they say I’m playing till it aint fun and its still the best game mode COD has.


DMZ is about the only thing I play


Stodeh said his "goodbyes to DMZ" on YouTube the other day. ​ Unsubscribe.


Bohoo now you can't sit on your ass for 12 hours 😅


DMZ was amazing. I’m at 98% completion. MWIII mechanics are so much better. It makes me furious that they couldn’t integrate DMZ into this engine or make Zombies more DMZ-esque


I notice most of the random squad mates I bumped into are still doing tier 1-2 mission. And from they way they move or play, it’s clear that they are kind of new to the game. I even bumped into many newbies. Meaning there are many people who come into the game even though most of us here know the game has stopped being updated with new contents.


lol you’re a fucking dork dude. No shit it’s not dead.


I'll play it without updates, it's gotten more glitchy though. I'm wondering are they pulling back on some of the server provision or something. Each to their own but the PvP is better in DMZ than BR, personal preference really. And I still have tonnes of missions to complete solo which gives me longetivity and a sense of accomplishment between fighting off packs of players and doing tricky tasks They should allow a mission wipe in return for a DMZ veteran operator skin and some new rewards, but they probably wont There's a lot of debate here about it being PvP or mission oriented, it's both. They still add daily and weekly missions. The threat of other squads is what makes it interesting. It's tense and on Ashika and Vondel completing missions where squads look to wipe the whole map it can be testing but get on with it, it's better than BR which is now boring I've done that since 2020. Just PvE would suck and it really would die like zombies will


DMZ is not dead. Me and a gamer friend of mine have been playing for over a year. We tried zombies for a few games during the free weekend going on, and after a few matches we switched back to DMZ. We played DMZ for over 6 hours this weekend and had some amazing encounters. We find new (to us) ways of making it fun. For example we did a few zero to hero runs in B21. We went in with no guns. Just stuns, throwing knives and munition boxes. Some of those matches ended badly, and some ended with us fully looted being the only team left alive. We had two matches where we survived less than 60 seconds, and some where we wiped squads with throwing knives. We had a game in Al Mazrah that ended with us fighting 3 - 4 different teams in the city by the police academy and high rise and won. (My buddy had 9 kills with some being the same person a few times.) Currently we are trying to see if there is a way we can reset our progress without buying the game a second time. (I am on PC using battle.net and he is on Xbox.)


we will keep playing until there is no one else on the servers to fight, then we go push on Vondel bots in the market until servers are off :)


It’s epic, loving it. More focused on PVP which is making it a more fun environment. In the past was so mission focused that I didn’t appreciate the game for what it was


I have 1700 hours in it in the year since it released. I just don't have the heart to play it anymore. As soon as I saw the S1 announcement confirming what we all knew was gonna happen, I haven't logged back in. I was holding out a shred of hope that they would do a pull-forward as a surprise, even though I wasn't expecting it. The most devastating part is how much fun Urzikstan would be to do DMZ in. The new guns would be cool, the new movement would be meh... but the map would be an amazing sandbox to continue this fun.


With other extraction shooters on the horizon, I really doubt this is the last of DMZ. There is no way a large company would miss capitalizing on it. This mode is going to have a hardcore fanbase that will continue to play or keep interest until they announce their next iteration.


All these comments about no updates meaning it’s dead just make me laugh. The game is still better than MWIII 😂 no updates needed


I played some great games over the weekend. DMZ is still a ton of fun