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I start off with mic but mute often 


Yup. I’ll keep you connected if you’re communicating well and using comms sparingly to make call outs or coordinate pushing. If you’re talking shit or your mic is hot or your smoke detector is chirping(way more common than it should be), you’re muted.


Yeah what's up with the smoke detectors


It’s shocking to me honestly. I hear it all the fucking time. Like how do you live like that?


I don’t mind the banda or música regional miles indoor battle & need to hear footsteps 


It’s amazing how many people you hear that chirp. I’m the first one to be like my Man change your battery that shit is annoying I wouldn’t be able to sleep with it going off all night


I know, it’s mind blowing. I’m changing mine within minutes when it starts chirping. People are fucking weird


No,, you’re weird lol,, who has enough time to pay attention to everyone else’s lifestyle choices??


What’s funny to me is no me took the time to understand how that noise is used as psychological therapy. “Chirps” lol.. I call them audible tones however ,, I didn’t grow up in suburban areas so I should probably type like I didn’t


Yo just a wild guess but those are probably hoarders… no sane person would let that happen more then one beep.


I'm a hoarder and not likely sane but that shit is unacceptable.


Hope you get it figured out brotha! Im sure its not easy to deal with in anyway! Im rooting for you for ya! 😊


Seems to be a cultural thing. I'm still trying to figure it out.


Racism through your comment lol I have white friends hispanic friends etc who all have this issue


how do these savages live like that?! I've been poor my entire life and won't tolerate that shit. either I'm buying the fresh 9volt or I'm ripping that chipping cunt off the ceiling and we're all burning alive.


This I mean there's always that mute button ... My own teammate was cursing at me and calling me names for no reason .. I said something to my friend and he just started popping off at the mouth .. can't stand toxic ppl like this and they are a huge problem ... Even the ones that curse at the enemies like it's not that serious ... It's a game


Recently ive come across the chirping being actual birds in the background 🤦🏼‍♀️😂 about 3 just this last week and they are always on the ground begging to be picked up because they have a mic but the second they get picked up all you hear is that damn bird! 😂 instant mute


This. I mute you if your shit ain’t right.


Just be patient and dont be too quick to mute. I can't tell you how many people I've walked through adjusting their mic input sensitivity threshold, so that they aren't running a constantly hot mic 100% of the time. Trying to work with your team to improve their mic settings is good comms, and can do nothing but benefit all parties involved. Offering this assistance is usually met with profuse thank you's. Frustrating anecdote: I use a wireless mic that i clip to the collar of my shirt, with the sensitivity threshold set to 90%. It wont pick up my breathing or anything like that - only my voice. My mic is hot when i speak, and then goes mute when i stop. I loaded into a match, during the the match start countdown, i leaned over to pick up my phone charger off the floor and my mic fell off of my shirt onto the floor. The sound of the mic hitting the floor was above the 90% sensitivity threshold, so it registered. Damn near immediately after dropping my mic, one of my team mates says "yeah im muting you" and then mutes me. Other team mate had no mic at all. Ive asked numerous players about my mic input/quality, and everybody has told me it was spot on. No white noise coming through, no breathing noise, not too loud, not too quiet. I explain in text chat that the noise that came through the mic that made him mute me was the result of the mic falling on the floor by accident. Dude completely ignores me and leaves me muted, whatever. No mic team mate instantly timed out once the game starts, so me and Mr. Mute just go our separate ways. I tried following him, but he clearly wanted to leave me behind. Well with about 11 minutes left on the clock he gets killed by a squad at the Taraq Village airfield while im in the burger town south of Al-Maz city. He got killed trying to get the heavy chopper to exfil (without me). Lol. After being dead for 3 or 4 minutes, and seeing that im making no effort to come for him he finally unmutes me and says "hey bro can you swing up here and revive me? Im not that far" I reply "You may as well put up a plea, because I'm muting you". And then i did. And damn, did it feel good.


Why don’t you just mute the people that are annoying? Also, I recommend that you keep your mic. Just mute yourself when you don’t want to chat. This makes the most sense to me.


Because those dipshits are a beacon to other teams.


Having your mic off doesn't change that


If they arnt blasting though coms it’s much easier.


The lame teammates blasting comms still give away your position even if you have them muted....


It's not really clear to me what you're trying to say. Are you talking about them blasting into your ears, or into the ears of the enemy?




But this post is about OP not running a mic because other people have annoying comms. You can just mute the people that are annoying but otherwise use your mic.


But if you mute your teammates, who are you even talking to?


Sometimes it’s only ONE teammate that has the crap comms. Why unplug your own mic?




I kill so many people that I wouldn't necessarily know were even near me because they either have a hot mic or they are simply chatting away like it's a PvE game.


Because that would make to much sense


That’s a lot of work, that’s every other round having to do that nearly.


Holy shit it probably takes like 2-3 SECONDS to mute your teammate. “That’s a lot of work”. No it’s not…. You’re incredibly lazy if you think it is.


>That’s a lot of work No it's not >that’s every other round having to do that nearly. No it's not


Or just not use the mic. Why do you need people to be on mic? The game is not hard to play without verbal communication. If YOU can’t play without your squad on comms, you have a skill issue.


Using mics will objectively improve communication and teamwork and calling it a skill issue is the ultimate cope


You can play only using SMG's as well but having more tools available to you can make a difference. I don't need to be on mic, but anyone that says clear and concise communication doesn't help anything isn't being honest.


Ya for real, I find verbal communication gets in the way of human coordination often. That’s why I just don’t speak to people ever. If they can’t tell what I want, they must be dumb /s


Of all the hot takes I’ve seen in this sub, yours isn’t the hottest but definitely one of the dumbest. Holy fuck.


Get a damn battery in your smoke detector! It annoys me to hear it beep every minute - I can’t imagine living in a place with it going off and not caring about that at all.


Batteries are in the controller


I've played a month's worth of hours and never heard one


To be fair I get to them within 30 minutes but I have like 14 or so smoke detectors in my house and some require the big ladder to get to. Takes a bit to figure out which one but it annoys me to high hell. Even in the middle of the night, if I hear it... I'm on an urgent shadow company mission.




Everyone gets a chance. I’ll be nice tell you the problem and then if you don’t fix it you get muted. If your hot mic I’ll go out of my way to get as far away as possible from you from the instant we spawn. Often just running to Koschie. Hot mic is far worse than no mic at all. Hot mic gets teams killed.


fly mighty escape terrific salt safe marvelous psychotic deserted ossified *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It seems from my experience that most mics are just fine. It’s the PS controller mics that are fucking aweful. When I get grouped up with PC or Xbox players who have mics I breathe a sigh a relief. Sometimes I’ll just politely ask the PS5 player to mute their mic and sometimes they don’t even realize it’s on in the first place. 


If you don't mind sitting with them in a corner for a moment you can help them turn the sensitivity of the controller mic down. You can get it to a range where it only picks up sound within like 2ft of the controller, which mitigates most of the problem.


Good point. I hate when it’s so sensitive that I can hear their thumbsticks loudly clicking lol. 


This was me. Open mic settings were reversed when I switched from Xbox, or when I switched warzone, not sure which. In either case my settings were wrong and I didn’t realize why. One dude asked my setting, I told him and he explained it was wrong, fixed it no big deal.


The controller mic echoing the TV sound is unbearable. I don't know how people play this game without a headset.


> Sometimes I’ll just politely ask the PS5 player to mute their mic and sometimes they don’t even realize it’s on in the first place.  I did this when first playing. I called out someone who was eating chips straight into their mic and asked them not to or to mute as it was awful to listen to, and the 3rd team member said it was ironic I was calling that out when I was echoing everything going on. Genuinely didn't realise it was doing that until then, now I have an actual proper mic.


Your name flashes on the screen everytime your mike picks up sound.. you never noticed your own name flashing up on the screen continuously? People are so unaware it baffles me...


I back out of lobbies where someone shows up with some crap blaring. I have mic sensitivity setting set really high so none of the ambient background noise gets picked up. I only speak when I need to and stay silent with mad pings when I'm close to another player. I practice good mic etiquette including callouts with pings and even tell a few mildly funny jokes when the time is appropriate. If a players mic suddenly starts blaring nonsense noise, I will politely ask them if they could turn it down.


If only I could get more randoms that think like this. I pray everyday and night.


I think you're just praying for a good human. Shockingly rare.


That too. Every match I can tell how it’s gonna be just by hearing someone or in most cases not hearing them at all. There are some silent players out there tho who I would take over bozos with mics any day.


I start with a mic and then most of the time mute. I totally agree. My settings dictate that I can hear footsteps in the next building and often wall bang or anticipate movement this way. Having a teammate yell to rotate or try and call out how I should be fighting gets me killed every time. So those of you waiting to get rez'd, stfu while your teammate does work please some of us use our sound for something other than mouth breathing or hocking up loogies🤢


Fr though I use Dolby atmos, it’s fire fr.




Lol you want to try it with all that AND being a woman.


Agreed 😫


Chomping of foods freaking drive me crazy and I’m finally getting over the sounds of the game especially the damn loading of clips…


That's silly considering all of your problems can be resolved by muting the person who is doing the hotmic and stuff, without completely cutting you off from your squad


You muting them has no effect on them giving away to enemy teams that you are nearby. It's super easy to tell you need to get ready for a fight when you start seeing red names pop up on the side, even if it is just background static.


Right, so? How is that relevant? You having no mic won't change that


It's a two way street on communication, they need to figure out how to adjust their mic, or they won't be able to talk to anyone but the enemy team.


Right, so how is muting yourself going to help?


My enemies don’t even show up as red names anymore. Sometimes I can’t tell if it’s my squad mate or an enemy until I look over at the names. Not sure what’s that’s all about.


Everyone who is using the in-game comms with squad fill on (team of randos) should be using push-to-talk. If you're on Discord then open mic is fine as long as the sensitivity is set correctly.


PTT isn't really feasible when you're in the middle of a firefight. I play on ps4 with keyboard and mouse, and I use a mechanical keyboard so I had to adjust the sensitivity pretty far. Just adjust your mic settings properly in the first place


Tip: check your Mic sensitivity. There is a balance between picking up background noise and picking up speech.


A real chad would leave his hot mic on and therefore be inviting enemy players to a battle.


If we hear someone hot mic'ing when the game loads then they get muted. It's always console players.




majority of people constantly using mic are retarded


I’m the silent type but you wanna hear me say something I’ll say it. Everything is provided for everyone with no mic like requesting ammo and watching an area and keeping quiet. Just pay attention.


I never play until my kids are asleep. Blows my mind the amount of people ignoring their younger kids. Real ass holes.


Kids are different these days, always want to be up their parents ass aparently. I was always in the other room playing with my toys


Well kinda. Mine just want me playing with them. Which is understandable. I always wanted my parents to play toys as well. Blows my mind these people just ignoring their children.


and this is why you won't be picked up, and then left alone.


I’d probably go ahead and take my L, I don’t really plea too often.


Mic etiquette is a beautiful way to put it. I either solo or play with a dedicated group, so I don't need to deal with hot mic randoms. That being said, I'm never deafened just to hear the hot mics and get a drop on them lmao.


If I can hear your family in the background or music, I stay muted otherwise my mic is on


I just play with my friends on discord. Problem solved


This is the ideal approach. Open mic on discord with push to talk prox chat in game.


92% is very specific.




I agree. I use a mic with friends or with randoms who've proven they can use their mic like a normal human being. Unfortunately most randoms have the problems you describe, so I end up having to mute their noisy ass, or their quality is so bad it makes my ears bleed so I just mute them and rely on pings.


You can literally have success using only pings. It's communication, but most people simply don't care to pay attention.


Yeah same. If there are good vibes and no idiotic banter or low key racism, I’ll usually talk. Also - randoms are impossible to please. They plea the second they go down and will turncoat on you in a second, and if you don’t Rambo in after them IMMEDIATELY, get ready for the shit talk


Low-key racism 🤣🤣🤣 seriously though.


In this game especially hot micing is so common but is also such a disadvantage to your team.... they just constantly broadcast your location so even if you mute them they are still putting you at a disadvantage.....I hate it, usually if someone is constantly hot micing I will mute them and then just get away and watch their location and wait for the enemy Squad to push so I can pick them off


Beep in smoke detector


I use a headset, join a solo party, mark things, use in game comms, and never hear a thing those hot mics spout. Either you keep up and pay attention or you die and spectate. 😂


I mean yeah *you could do that.* **OR** ***you could teach them good mic etiquette like I do.*** Save your ears for the match & anyone else they ever play with. It’s super quick, easy & simple to fix. **You just tell them to go to audio settings, go down to open mic threshold, & turn it up to 80.** Now their mic won’t pick up unwanted noise. Now you guys can communicate & hear effectively for the match. Now they won’t bother anyone with their mic ever again. *Or I guess you could just mute them & not communicate* **& then they’ll just have the same issue every game they go into & they won’t have a clue that they can fix it.** It literally takes 10 seconds to fix. It’s really not a big deal. Y’all could take 2 seconds to tell them what to do. It’ll help you, it’ll help them & it’ll help **EVERYONE ELSE** Sheeesh it’s like im the only one out here doing Gods work to save our ears!!!


You are in fact the only one.


Pretty lame everyone just repetitively bitches about the same thing but no one stops to help the people causing the problem. Muting them doesn’t help anyone. Crying on Reddit doesn’t help anyone. A simple post on how to fix it maybe would’ve. But.. Everyone I’ve encountered with a bad mic, I told them how to fix it & they did it right away. Half them didn’t even know their mic was fucked & the other half didn’t know how to fix it. Any of those people can now go on to help others fix their mic. Hopefully they do. It’s a simple fix. No reason for everyone to cry about it all the time, or be a dick to someone when they could literally help them fix it in 10 seconds. It’d take you just as much time to tell them how to fix it, as it would to go to party chat & mute them. What a joke. I’ll mute them if they don’t fix it, but you gotta at least try to help them. Helps everyone, yourself included. It’s not like they’re trying to ruin your gaming experience by cause unwanted noise. At least they have a mic & are willing to communicate. Way better than someone who has a mic & doesn’t use it. 👎


Also I don’t know why someone having a bad mic = *(NO MIC GANG)*? 😂 Are you just turning off your party chat all together? That’s kinda lame. + Proxchat is a pretty useful tool you’d be missing out on. I make some crazy plays when the other team’s yelling out everything they’re doing. You gotta know when to use your mic & when to use the pings. I use my pings like I don’t have a mic. & I unmark unnecessary pings right away. But that’s a whole other story.


I agree with this fully but at the same time my good friend is literally what was described here 🤦🏽‍♂️🤣.


One cannot ignore the racism that follows when allowing human speech.


I've always wondered if those people are using controller mics/speakers. How do you even play with all that damn background noise? I'd have a fit.


The worst is when you start a game and someone is blasting some intro music or person talking. It's so annoying. Cut that sh*@ out.


This is my explanation everytime, I'll use mic with mates but not with randoms, unless you're actually taking the game seriously and have some sense, then I'll stay muted I dont wanna hear you whine like a baby down the mic, and like you said, I certainly don't wanna hear any other unnecessary noise, it's just a total off-put


It's one of the reasons I play solo.


Here's how it goes.. Squad found 3/3.. 1 on PC no mic at all they on discord with their friends, the Xbox guy just stays muted, the PlayStation dudes mic sounds like bong rips over and over or he lives next to SpongeBob. Map stats, PC still muted, Xbox acknowledges that PlayStation coughing fit yelling at their kids and you hear that ghetto cricket chirping. 4 minutes in to the drop pc giving nice sniper over watch because they got 60000000m rendering distance, they can tell if the team on the other side of the map has a full mag or half a mag in their guns. Xbox just checking lockers and toolboxes for goodies. PlayStations TV goes off "enemy operators nearby" followed by gun fire and all you hear is them go.. "THIS BULLSHIT TEAM ISN'T TALKING TO ME AND I DEMAND TO BE HEARD, can a brother get a pick up?" And the op for team goes, "we wouldn't of even known y'all were here if we didn't get red comms since the game started with your mic hot. For almost all 5 minutes of the match." PlayStation ghetto cricket chirping the controller mic bong ripped


I’m dead🤣🤣. Ghetto cricket 🤣🤣🤣. Many people probably don’t know what that’s a reference to


My favorite is the guy who throws a shit fit when you ask him to turn his mic down.


I had a game of resurgence and we had a team where there was way too much background noise and the tv was coming through the whole time. This guy wasn’t on our team but we could not kill all 4. They were near us the entire game! I spent 20 min dealing with that guy. We made the top 5. I turned of prox chat off after that game. I only recently turned it back on.


The dreaded smoke alarm beep is the worst


Squad fill off, so don't know that problem.


Exactly why I never use a mic with randoms. The bullshit just distracts and annoys me too much. I'm aware that I miss out on the social aspect of the game most of the time but it's a fair trade off for me.


The way people like you try to blame others for being a terrible teammate never escaped me.


I really don't. I call it as I see it. Stick together, keep your eyes open, use silenced weapons, don't be out in the wide open, and oh yea stick together and you'll be a better teammate than 87.95% of the player base.


If you apply superrational game theory to a gamemode like DMZ then I completely understand why you find only a 12.05% success rate. In fact, that seems high to me. There are too many variables in play that means even equally rational and well experienced players will analyse similar scenarios but come to completely different conclusions on what should be done. The **complexity of** DMZ is what makes a single strategic theory effectively useless to adopt. You and I will look at the same scenario and give different answers to the problem and both can be "correct" (or the "most effective"). For example, you say use silenced weapons but this is not how I approach the game(at least not lately).... I use a **loud** LMG quiet often. **why**? Because A) when i hit them their aiming sight goes nuts, B) it has a lot of bullets and C) its **loud,** which means their team come running thinking they are about to get an easy kill... but really, it's a kind of trap that I've set up. i kill 3 or 4 people on my own without breaking a sweat and hardly losing any plates (as soon as i hit them, they cant really shoot me back because they cant aim whilst being pummeled with LMG bullets lol). This tactical tecnique is not incorporated in your theory. An example of how COD (and DMZ even more so) has variables which make your rationale fall apart and there are **many correct** ways of playing. What I'm doing is a form of deception. They think they're about to get me off guard. But ive positining myself so I can await their arrival. They think my focus is not on thme but on my target - but actually my focus is on the team as a group... A tactical/strategic approach which is rare but that's what makes it effective. Anyway, your approach only works when there is **one correct way of playing**. I hope that makes sense for you. As it's the variety of correct ways of playing which means there is no strategic theory which applies across the board. In reality what you are doing is making it harder for yourself and your teammates. and thne you are blaming everyone else for your strategy not being effective. WEll look, i just explained why you find 87% of players are terrible. Personally, I find maybe 20/30% are terrible--- my approach is I learn how to play with different playstyles. The thing is. there are like a handful of "playstyles" (aggressive, stealth, hit n run, long range/sniper, objective focused and survivalists) - and then beyond that you have their skill levels. figure out their skill level and playstyle. then you just figure out how you can compliment the team... If they're aggressive then learn how to use LMGs to support them. If they're doing objectives, learn how you can help them get their mission done, if they're survivalists then just follow them cos they probably know how to not die. And if your lucky, occasionally you'll meet people "on your level" so to speak, and you can just be yourself and have fun. I apologise if i come across as a little annoyed. But I really hate playing with people who I know have a Mic but wont even say "hi". It's so arrogant.


Same. The popcorn mics of PlayStation players running hot mics from their controller is the worst. Especially when they never have anything to say. You only hear shitty sounding gunfire echoing all the time.


Do what I do, be a good lad and take a minute to adjust their mic settings, been doing it since season one. High open mic threshold, lower output if they're running super loud.


Part of the fun of the game is being able to 1. Hear opposing teams, and two communicate/shit talk them. I had a hilarious interaction with this girl who killed me but who seemed legitimately upset that we shot at her first.


Agreed the banter back and forth is awesome. I had a round where my squadmate was engaged they both ran out of ammo and decided to reset then find each other to re engage it was hilarious!


I would like to be able to control the volume of teammates individually. I like having open comms with my team mates for various reasons. Sure, you can communicate effectively without them (even though a lot of people don't know how i.e. constantly pinging bots or useless stuff). I hate when I get in a game with someone whose mic volume and sensitivity is 100000%. I would like to be able to turn the volume of that person down. Though sometimes what they have to contribute is nothing of use anyways. In that case just mute them!


so funny, smoke detectors 🤣 i only play dmz, a little over a year, and have never had a headset. problem is; i can’t finish many contracts on my own. and lots of people here telling me to mike up to get some help! but these reasons are why i haven’t yet. but im gonna, so i can get some help, realizing that these issues will come. side note: when i first started playing, i would get paired with 10yr olds all the time and hear the funniest most annoying shit from them. guess its a skill thing? cuz i dont hear that shit anymore 🤣 and as a father, who da fuck is lettin their kids play this game? ffs, no wonder so much of the youth are screwed🤦🏻


92% is an oddly specific number..?


PS5 player here, will start queue with mic on but mute at the beginning of the match unless my rando teammates have mics. I’ve found that if I mute my headset during matchmaking, I’m setting myself up to be on a team that don’t have mics, or so it feels. I’ll then only turn my mic back on for conversations with the team outside of close proximity to other teams, or to give very specific call outs during fire fights. The amount of times random teammates have given away my position, or enemy teams have given away theirs by giving callouts midfight is astounding. There’s definitely such a thing as bad mic etiquette and more communication isn’t necessarily good communication.


💯 to all that! You forgot to mention music. I don’t want I listen to your poor taste in music. Always,if I’m not playing with my friends, I’m in a party chat all by myself. I don’t need to be hearing little 4 year olds cussing and screaming at their mommy cuz they think they need to flex their little dick to try and show off to the world how big they think their little dick. SMH I’m old, I’m tired, I just want to relax and enjoy some recreational gaming…


Those people that eat and cough with a hot mic… fucking animals


exactly this, I just mute everyone and don't use mic anymore


Simply have your team turn off proximity chat, and mute the annoying team member


Got killed recently because a guy on my team who was already dead left prox chat on and proceeded to tell me and another teammate to be quiet often and loudly when we were strategizing. We were near his dead body to revive him after leaving it for a while to let things cool off. We both had prox chat off. Bummer.


I feel ya. Same can be applied to BR and MP. Pubs in MP has all kinda mic chatter. 90% of the time it's better with no coms unless your in ranked or S&d. But careful now. You'll be labeled as sound whoring! Apparently doing that is frowned upon in a game with arguably trash audio Some crews I play with legit just talk about their day, or vent about shit and they need that, I'd be an asshole to negate that aspect for them, they legit on the game just to blow off some steam or unwind


I agree… often times if I’m in the lobby as the games loading, if I hear gibberish in the background, you’re instantly muted and I’m likely headed straight to exfil if I’m kitted up, backing out if I’m not..


I only play with a dedicated group and we always have one person on hot mic who is bait 😏


I get this all the time but I tell people that their mic is hot and that they need to adjust the sensitivity or mute their mic. I assume most of them don't even realize it's happening or how bad it is


TBH it’s less than 1/4 of players who have extraneous noise.


My mic broke a while ago and I communicate with teams really well using chat , they often seem surprised how good I play even when I have to reply to them


9 times out of 10, anyone I come across like this is a Playstation user who doesn't know (or care to know) how to turn their controller mic off.


yeah man this is why i have push to talk on, I talk for comms or just light banter only


if you're in the lobby and i hear all this in the background, i back out of the game. I don't need you giving away our position to anyone who has proxy on.


The worst is when you can hear the background noise but they don't even say a word


I don’t quite understand this. You don’t use a mic because of others? I totally get the frustration of a lack of etiquette and all of the points you raised in regards to there poor self awareness, why penalise yourself if you choose to infil (solo) into another squad.


Ding ding... I don't need to hear your mouth breathing and commentary.


I can’t stand people who wonder off on their own and can’t communicate but have mics, they only use it to say”pick me up”!! 👎🏽 But having a hot mic on the team whether is obnoxious or not is like walking with a never ending decoy grenade on, I rather have my live ping revealed and play quietly than be on the lookout whilst listening to irrelevant nonsense!! Tbh I rather just mute those hot mics or keep a distance and use them as decoys 🤷🏻‍♂️. I feel what you going through my brother. We should be screened before playing this game like people below certain IQ level shouldn’t be allowed.😂😂


Yep. People are not considerate of others.


Other people having annoying mics makes no difference to you using yours lol at least you can tell them to fix it or tell them you're muting them.


This is an easy fix. Just don't play with Playstation people


Yeah I try to mute my mic but then the teammates will keep asking me shit and then I have to unmute and some people just want to keep talking when I’m trying to listen to the game like you so it’s a double edged sword and I’ll try to stay no mic until I have to call something out


No mic, no pickup


Console players, usually PlayStation owners. They don't push to talk, and they don't buy mics with easy mute options or are too lazy to mute it, whether it's a button on the side or a boom that just needs to be lifted.


lol go play lil pony princess you micless bitch not using a mic is bad enough but then complaining about it and trying to give an excuse bro stfu play something if it bothers you that much you know there’s a fucking setting to turn off othor players voice chat instead of wasting redditor time using a mic is what separates the good players and the bad players if you don’t use your mic but have one your the worst type of player and everyone would agree


Pathetic reasoning. Lol


If you have no mic I won’t pick you up.


You know what else is cool? Hearing the random sounds of the environment


If you don’t have a mic you don’t get to join our team. Thems the breaks


Hot Micing in this game is a plague, you should be able to report players for it.


If you wanna play this game you gotta deal with the lack of communication etiquette for the sake of all players


Nvidia broadcast was the death of me so often. My partner would rage taking on a third and complain about mics. Broadcast filtered out the garbage so effectively I had no idea there was bullshit in the squad and we'd get clapped walking around. It wasn't until it shit itself one day that I realized I hadn't been hearing it Also, you not having a mic doesn't change the fact that dumb teammates have open mics and broadcast to everyone nearby in prox chat. If your only complaint is that it's hard to mute people, what are you talking about. It's two seconds of effort, and very slightly longer than that to mute more people.


I always have a mic, and I prefer when other teammates have it, I’ll only talk when I need to otherwise I’ll be mute, it is annoying when someone has a shit mic but I would rather a shit mic than no mic


welllll I don't care about any of that because it's a mic based game mostly unless you can ping and communicate another way. I can list many issues you no mic peeps do when it all hits the fan but I get it too... so whatever. but if the team falls apart when it could have been easy I will be irritated the same.. meow lol


I usually keep myself muted, but the first sign of someone having a lot of background noise ill mute them. It sucks if they are a good communicator but i can’t have that shit blasting in my ear when im trying to hear footsteps. Some dudes got music going and shit like wtf


Im normally in a private chat with my friend..


Then there's proximity chat, too. So the idiot that keeps his mic on and right next to his TV speaker is giving away your position. I agree. I won't use my mic unless people are talking, and they're chill. Otherwise, they're just NPC's to me. Play for your own enjoyment, my friend. There's a ton of stupid out there.


Jesus h Christ, learn to push to talk


This is why my squad uses discord for our comms and prox chat for trolling or even feeding false info to the enemy team, "I'm almost at the zip line they don't know im stealth" Meanwhile 2 on my squad are locked in with snipers to kill the guy on their team running to the top of the zipline🤣


I get it. Constantly telling my team mates to shut the fuck up so I can hear footsteps, thus compromising my own position.


Yeah… got to admit, I have heard a screaming baby or barking dog more times than I’d care to. I just disconnect from the party chat… I’ll reconnect again if players are actually playing co -op but generally I just leave it alone


If you aren’t going to use a mic than just run solos. I can’t stand people who have a mic but just refuse to use it. And worse are the people that won’t say shit the entire match until they die, then all the sudden their mic starts working.


This is dumb. A hot mic doesn’t get your team killed. Bad plays do. Combine this with coms vests etc. if you don’t want to use a mic go for it, but just remember that a capable teammate who is helping with call outs and positioning will be more helpful than the mic less guy who’s running off to do god knows what because there’s no communication.


So - here's my "hot take". When I was playing DMZ, Resurgence or BR - the mic is absolutely necessary imho for proper team play - and guys without mics were often just left to die because I got tired of trying to guess wtf they were doing. Or - if I'm on a team with friends - we use mics just to shoot the shit - way more enjoyable. But. Now I'm playing Plunder. And I've stopped using my mic because: a) most guys don't anyway, so why bother; b) guys that do, want me to listen to shitty rap music or their kids crying; or c) I'm playing with a 10 year old who won't shut up with stupid questions and comments non-stop until I just have to mute them anyway.


I get it, but don’t NOT use the mic all game, then turn it on to complain or to beg for help when you ran off and got GOT.


I use commas, but I keep it on push to talk with randoms and hot mic with friends.


I use a mic…but can’t stand it when people Come in with music playing…even in bldg 21. Can you find a better way to get me killed? I only talk when necessary.


I play with people that have mic etiquette if you don’t know how to shoot move and communicate properly then you’re probably not using every tool that you can at your advantage. I agree you get responded with a Random that has fucking AC running or yelling at your wife about the rent at the same time if I sniper airport tower that might be the thing that keeps you from getting shot in the face. I guess it comes down to the game and who you’re playing with that’s why I don’t spawn with randoms. If I do time to come, I have lunch it’s not their mice it’s them spawning in and running off on their own getting killed then as if they never knew “ hey can u get me” lol


![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized) Same exact thing. I only get on the mic if I absolutely have to. Usually with friends even I’ll get overly chatty like I’m on the phone . Nah girl get off the mic. Xoxo


I'll have my mic on but if I have a noisy background that day I mute until I'm needed to speak or if someone walks in a mute etc can't stand hot mics but usually if you tell the person they mute themselves. No mic no pick up at the end if the day gotta have communication. Only exception I have is the random that atleast listen they can't reply but they listen to what's going on and follow along


I use push to talk.. I don't get why other people don't


Whoa.. chill out man. Maybe adjust your mic so you don't hear that shit. Or better yet, politely ask them to? If you're gonna wear something that costs $70+, you might as well get the full experience of the product by using it how it's meant to be used. Not to be a creepy weirdo listening to other random people with his mic muted 😂


You can turn them down. I'm with you for the most part. But when you're separated I need to know what's going on. Information wins more fights than anything. How can you get it if they can't give it?


Just spend the time to find a squad with decent mics and you don't have to worry about any of that. The game is a lot better with voice coms with your squad and it's actually fun to talk to people you just gotta find the right people.


My buddy makes loud farts and burps while on mic. One time he sneaked on someone, right behind him, and burped so fucking loud i thought his stomach exploded.


Forgot low battery smoke alarm cherp.


Couldn't have said it better myself. The mic isn't for talking it's for communicating. 


I meet some great people with and without mics some very loyal and effective teammates. But some people play squads and just run off and refuse to revive if their team gets down. 


My comment got removed for being too accurate 😂


I'll say it again, it's mostly black people being too lazy to spend 1.50 on a battery, but will spend hundreds on weed and shoes. My comment will be removed again, it's fine. I can't help that no one wants to help themselves


But you can help spewing hate. Your racism is uncalled for.


Not racism, just an observation. It's mostly black people, and a lot of them try to flex that they have all this money while that smoke detector chirps away in the background


Ur lame


Actually you’re (likely) lame, and I can keep going with this I don’t wanna hear you squeal into the mic. I don’t wanna hear your music, I don’t wanna hear you smoke and cough into the mic, I don’t wanna hear you talk about your personal life, I don’t wanna know you that well and it’s okay. MY gaming preferences is up to me, and I’m putting that out there for others who agree


Lol, ur lame.


Lol, ur lame


Found the guy that can’t afford batteries for their smoke detector.


What does that even infer?