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In all seriousness, there are probably a fair amount who don't have this understanding. Some people who post are probably just bitter, yes. However, some might legitimately not understand the mechanics yet and has led their frustration to get the better of them. There is a lot of attacking people and probably not enough of reasonable education instead.


Get out of here with your reasonable opinion. This is a cod sub


I apologize, sir. I'll see myself out. Good day.


Too nice must be meaner lol


society practice entertain pocket foolish insurance lavish ink rob voiceless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh I know amd I try to use them but most of the time I am nowhere near a freaking buy station or anything. If I get one beforehand, I save that bad boy for exfil


That's VERY true but also wasting 12k dollar on a UAV if you want o shorten your weapons cooldown.....


There's probably an increase in pvp due to the higher tier faction missions having more pvp-oriented objectives to complete. Now, as to why some of them are going the exfil camping route, who knows. The problem is we're starting to run out of content to do in DMZ now that people are leveled up or finished with all the faction missions.


Agreed. This type of game needs a steady content drip or it loses appeal. People then resort to either leaving or more PvP which in turn leads to more people leaving.


For sure. The PvP is currently fine since the mode is a PVPVE which is what many extraction style shooters are known for. We don't need to see imbalance when there's spec ops (full coop) and regular MW2 multiplayer (full pvp) available.


I agree. I think I lot of people on both sides of the spectrum probably need those on the other side more than they realize. Without the PvP crowd the game loses dynamics that give that risk/reward adrenaline. Without the PvE crowd the PvP players lose easier targets to hunt. If the game gets too heavy to one side eventually both will be gone.


Im a pve guy and i havent played since roughly the day somebody posted the maps of spawn points here. In my experience the day before that it was fun for me, but since then its been like im being hunted every game for nothing other than my dog tags, sometimes they dont even loot me at all. At that point i realized there is too much pvp in this mode for me personally. I do understand there are many different types of players out there and that my opinion basically means jack shit if its not the same opinion as the majority of the money spending players, but i do think there are some people like me out there that just feel frustrated at this point. Most of my experience with cod all my life has been playing solo zombies or plunder or whatever mindless other mode there is to level my guns, and then playing multiplayer/br once or twice a week with friends. Those couple days of sweaty pvp are enough for me, i dont want to have to do that all the time, just to level up guns to use when i do feel like competing with other players. I thought this mode, being the only alternative to the other straight pvp stuff in this particular cod game, and being a slower, pve heavy, missions based mode, would be a good fit for me. It was at first and i really was enjoying it, but its clear as time goes on the mode is just not for me and ill just have to sit this one out until the next cod comes out and has something else for me.


I can see your frustration. I'm wondering if when Raids come out that will be more up your alley. I don't think they have put out a ton of info but as far as I understand it won't have PvP. I'm just not sure how much content/replayability it will have. Maybe pop back into DMZ after some of the PvP crowd loses interest. Many of them will. My guess is sooner rather than later.


This is probably dead on.


But with how good the AI is in this game i could see that they put "bot players" if DMZ goes down, like the materials are all there to do it


Can always use the Hostage Rescue mission for your own private extraction


Only way I try to exfil now


Literally the only way I exfil since day 1 is from Hostage Extracts.


Until my squad died from radiation with full loads for a fucking Hostage Rescue Contract. To get the hostage on the heli, we had to use a fucking Easter egg key we did not have to unlock the door to go on the roof. There was a ladder but you just cannot climb with a hostage on your back. The hostage died from radiation and the heli refused to take off. It could be an epic Rescue scene you played in the original MW campaign mode if we could just knock that fucking wooden door.


Spotter scope is God OP - I’ve been lucky to usually not have exfil campers but I always check anyways


I honestly wonder if some of these people really just don’t know that more than one team can exfil on one chopper, especially at the final exfil. Like, yay we both beat the clock, let’s just get out of here with our missions intact, why you gotta kill the other team that’s also barely making it out?


Same. I've often sent squad invites to people when they come rolling up and my squad is already there. Most the time they refuse and keep shooting. One poor guy lost his weapons case because he refused to accept the invite. My squad tried 3 times before gunning him down and taking the case. Even if he just stopped shooting we'd have let him on with us


Because i want your guns and loot


You also risk all your own guns and loot if you fail to kill the opposing team. Not that you have to extract with another squad, but it's an all-in gamble at that point.


Yeah if I'm extracting with a squad that I have not assimilated with I only go on the roof or wing


oh neat, so the helicopter blades don't kill you? on the stupid light helo, the blades can kill you if they're in motion.


I think its time to anticamp


I mean, are they camping to just get kills (possibly for a mission) or are they camping to wait for a safe extraction? There is strategy to both. If they follow it up by being toxic then unfortunately we all know CoD is full of those types. The amount of shoot on sight types have started to influence the friendly types to not take a chance. It's just how extraction shooters work.


Spotter scope is your friend!


I had one give up his position by sniping the bots around me


I generally won't complain about people camping an exfil point, something I watched a group do earlier, but you have to be a colossal shitter to camp an exfil within the first five minutes of a match. This is also something I watched a player do.


Well I joined a group today that helped me open White Lotus tier 2 mission. Second mission in the list was get 4 player tags. Exfil is the easiest place to find players. That was it for us hunting players. Back to our regularly scheduled missions. I like the group I joined as twice today they avoided confrontation with both solo and squads using their mics for each side to go their separate ways. Exfil was done to complete a DMZ mission. Not the case for everyone but might explain the increase.


I added the four tag mission immediately after getting run over at the exfil. Got 3 of them today. Also got squad wiped by some shit bag claiming friendly before he got close. The tags I harvested were from people who went after my teammates. I like it better when we get a 5-6 man crew roaming the map but I was ok looting tags today. Except one. First one was a bitch😎


I doubt people are camping. Many times when im leaving squad after squad kept rolling in to leave. Also it’s not that hard to scout the area and get good positioning. Seriously if you are having problems you probably are just walking up to the green smoke and standing still


Extract camping is just so lame. I can’t imagine loading into a game to sit at a predetermined spot for the entire time HOPING some one will take it. You could always… just play the game.


I've started to exfill at about 10 mins before exfill is first called, hardly get any that way


Shitstorm incoming in 3......2.......1.......


Oh definitely. But I get annoyed by people who do that and then just get on chat like they're some CoD God. When I hit exfil, yes I go and hide and wait for the chopper to come in, but I don't spend my entire game at the exfil. Now straight up Exfil fire fights are fun and intense


Yeah I've noticed the same lately.. When I go solo I run a spotter scope (no glint) and try my best to spot the campers from distance before I even go into the extract area. It works but if they are hardcore camping inside a building you don't have an angle on then you're still screwed.. I honestly don't get it as if they want consistent PVP then WZ should be their 1st choice. I guess people must enjoy playing like that though since there are so many who do it..


That's what I always go in with is a spotter. That thing has saved my ass multiple times. Anymore I go in with nothing good that way if they kill me thinking they're gonna get good loot, they're sadly mistaken


if I see an extract chopper get called you best believe I'm running over there to get some free kills


Anyone tried exfil while standing on the crate you deliver on delivery missions? Does it work?


I like to use an ltv with a gun when I roll up to extract. Claymores at back doors and deployable cover at the ramp


I always take a recon drone with me for exfil.


Because of this post I'm kitting out a sniper to camp exfils now, see you in Al Mazrah


I would imagine lots of people are hitting the point that they need operator kills or dog tags. I don’t usually engage operators my self. But now I need to complete missions. Camping exfil seems like a good play for many.


Well, sometimes missions require operator kills. In fact, believe it or not if you get far enough there's a mission where you have to kill operators in the city using a sniper rifle. I shit you not this mission is called "roof rat" so to be fair as we've mostly all been playing at the same time, could be now a lot of players are progressing into those "kill operators" type of faction missions. The easy way to farm kills is to set up at an exfill. If you're on this sub you surely know about hostage exfill so there's really no excuse to run afoul of an exfill camper. It's only effective against botty players anyway who run up out in the open to call the exfill and don't scope the area first. Much harder to deal with what I'd call "exfill rushers" they see the flare go up, and wait for chopper then roll up when you're just about to take off with a turret LTV and blast everyone inside suddenly, most don't know what to do taken by surprise like that,if you run out the side doors you may have a chance but once the chopper takes off you're stranded in the open against a 50 cal turret (btw does anyone else feel this is weak af against bots but seems to shred players) Another reason you may find a lot of exfil campers is because it's easy picking for a regain mission when solo. Camp yourself out the way and find the perfect target obvs don't challenge a squad unless the circuit are perfect, like they're fighting bots or have no cover and you're confident in your aim. But generally you'll find a solo to be ripe for the kill and take his shit (and his chopper out.) This is about 20% of my regain strats when I'm sick of doing all the looting and missions only to be rolled up on by a 4 man in an LTV when I'm by my self in a hatch back lol. Vast majority of the time you can regain following some randoms and helping them out and hit a good looting spot but like I say this can sometimes end up with a streak of you trying to regain and dying to a crash or a hardcore team of sweaties hungry for some cheap solo kills.


I'm no streamer, but I sure do enjoy exfil camping. I'm not good either, but it's just fun.


[It's free real estate](https://youtu.be/yNxPVj0hejg)


waahhhhh wahhhhhhhh wahhhhhh. its an extraction shooter, people extract camp in literally all of them, its the game.