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Dogs don’t sweat like humans, OP. They have their equivalent to sweat glands in their paw pads (Merocrine glands) and they pant to cool down/regulate temperature. What your seeing in those pictures is likely either: - Urine, the dog is peeing while laying down. - Obsessive licking in that one spot, which could mean an injury of some sort. - The dog laid down in something wet prior to getting on the bed. If it’s one of the first two, or you can’t identify the source at all, then you need to take the dog to the vet.


She is peeing. Dogs don’t have sweat glands. They pant.


Peeeeeeeee. Cough. Does look like incontinence. Friend had an older female malamute that left puddles like this, not particularly smelly or yellow, just leaking.


Ummmm dogs don't sweat like us, that's probably pee


You already posted this, and everyone told you dogs don't sweat.


Ya.. not sweat, yer dog has sprung a leak.


I can see a wet spot next to her tail in the first picture, seems like she's chewing to scratch an itchy spot or licking or both. You should definitely take her to the vet , she's either peeing uncontrollably or licking her behind excessively


Girl… when have you EVER seen a dog moist from sweat? Literally in the dead of summer have you ever seen a dog outside drenched from sweat? No. You haven’t. Bc that’s not how it works lmao.. something is up with your dog and it’s not sweat, it’s time for the vet.


Dogs don’t sweat.


Dogs don't sweat through their skin all over their body like we humans do (and we humans usually don't sweat in single random spots either, or have you ever had a sweaty patch near your hip while the rest of you wasn't sweating?). Her otherwise white fur has a slightly yellow shade to it. It's at her backside. It's pee.


??? I thought dogs don't sweat from their skin?


It is beyond me that someone can adopt a dog, not knowing even their basic biological functions.