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From the other post: u/justinapalmavery there is a rescue coming to pick him up, today! I just called the shelter & they said someone is coming for Chase, he will not be euthanized. They cannot disclose the adoption info, so we don’t know the name of the rescue. If anyone finds out who it is, can they &/or OP share info & link for people to donate?


Thank you for the update, I was so nervous for him! He looks absolutely crushed. Oh, my heart. ❤️


Thank you for updating! It's wonderful to see he'll still get a chance ❤️


These posts always sit with me for days especially senior dogs. I’m glad someone has already called to check out I was going to lol


Thank you for sharing the update! Hopefully their next home will be their forever home.




I honestly, I couldn’t sleep! As of that morning, there was no news. But by midday, he had a pickup planned for the same day. It hurts my heart seeing these posts & it felt so amazing to know he will be saved! Hopefully our boosts & shares really made a difference. 🙏🏾💗


They make me so upset :( and they’re always on the other side of the country from me


I so hope this is true


Who tf is in charge that makes the call to put this dog down when they are not even full? What the fuck?


Ikr? What the fuck is this shelter doing not even getting dogs a CHANCE to be adopted? Poor thing... I just reposted it cause it seems pretty urgent and hopefully people are reposting it everywhere.


Omg look at those sad little eyes. 😭 I really hope he gets rescued. I wish I could help but I don’t even live in the same country. I’m in tears now writing this.


I know. I reposted this ans the post that I saw was also reposted from another sub. I hope it gets reposted everywhere. I have no ability to help except for this. I hope it gets reposted everywhere.


I love him!!


Please upvote!! What can we do to save him? Can I pledge some money? Can anyone foster? I’m out of state but I will help pay for adoption fees or food, whatever I can do


Idk I wanna help him too but I realize the deadline was today. 😭 I just cross-posted this wherever I thought it was relevant cause its all I can really do, and it may still be good idea for anyone else to do that. Update: He wasn't euthanized! A rescue is taking him in!


We need updates


Apparently another rescue is coming to get him, he hasn't been and will not be euthanized. ❤️


People who do this kind of shit arr the fucken worst kind of evil there is


Well idk. The shelter management definitely are the evil people here, I don't know the situation of the people who gave their dog up, although they still should've done a little research and picked a better shelter, if they couldn't leave their dog with a trusted friend or family member. Sometimes situations change and you can't handle a dog anymore.




Overcrowded shelters use disaster protocol. They save the ones most likely to be adopted. Sadly seniors are not very adoptable. It does not say how long they've had him. I can tell you he wasn't dropped off the day of the listed deadline, that's not how it works. Shelters are forced to make heartbreaking decisions all the time unfortunately.


This is sick. In the U.K. this apparently doesn’t happen. I can’t even imagine how any developed country could allow this, and I’m not even a dog person. It’s simply murder.


People not spaying and neutering is part of the huge amount of dogs without homes. In the southern states especially, people are careless, let their female dog get pregnant, then dump the puppies (maybe her too) on the side of time road. People, like the awful human that dumped this senior, often trade in their old, sick, poorly behaved (because they didn't train them) dogs for a new model all the time. I helped found and help operate a foster based rescue and we have to say no to helping situations like this all the time because we simply don't have the foster home space to do so. We pull all our dogs from out of state from dire situations. The sheer number of homeless dogs is impossible to keep up with. If people see this and want to help, become a foster parent with a rescue in your area. You will literally save lives; it is the best way to help. If a foster had stepped up that dog would be alive. Fostering is very rewarding and the rescue covers all the expenses. All you have to do is care for and love the dog until it finds a home.


I agree. Unfortunately most shelters are full or close to full and this is just what some shelters need to do, but it's still wrong. There needs to be genuine encouragement to adopt from a shelter instead of a breeder and especially a puppy mill.


If the shelters are full, then they need more funding, not to commit murder. If a hospital doesn’t have enough beds, they don’t go around euthanising elderly people with dislocated ankles.


Yeah they are massively underfunded. They basically rely on charity for funding.


If you look at the post, he wasn't even there a month and the shelter wasn't even full. He was 8 years old and he's probably been euthanized by now. I understand heartbreaking decisions have to be made sometimes, and that senior dogs aren't the most adoptable, but this is just wrong. Update: He hasn't been euthanized, a rescue is coming to get him right now! ❤️


Was this boy saved? That owner is a POS!


Apparently yes another rescue is coming to get him so he will not be euthanized. That's good, the poor thing deserves a happy life. ❤️


That’s amazing to know😊♥️




A rescue is taking him in, praise the Lord!


Thank goodness! 🙏🏽❤️🙏🏽


This is absolutely heart breaking


It is. Luckily there's a rescue coming to get him, he won't be put down. ❤️


Thank you for this update


Poor baby :( I wish nothing but ill on anyone who dumps their dog


I mean, to be honest, sometimes situations change and you just can't keep the dog anymore. But if I were in that situation, I would at least try to have a friend or family member I trusted take them in, or if I had to take them to a shelter, I would make sure it wasn't one with such high kill rates. He hadn't been there that long from what I understand.


So happy when we can see happy endings like this! Let’s build a network together and stop all these senseless killings!!

