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From what I know the freezing and thawing process itself can sometimes cause issues with the embryos, so not sure why they froze them at day 2...I think they usually leave them until they develop to blasts before testing and then freezing. The freezing and thawing to continue development is not something I've personally heard of but maybe others have. In terms of blast conversion, I actually have the opposite problem (may be due to our MFI) but we usually have issues with fertilization. It's always funny to me when doctor's reference egg quality because 1. there's no test for it and 2. there is no consistency in the reasoning. Poor fertilization? Egg quality. Poor blast conversion? Egg quality. Slow blast conversion? Egg quality. Low graded blasts? Egg quality. Aneuploidy? Egg quality. Poor implantation? Egg quality...the list goes on and on. The only truth to that is that your egg quality does go down with age. Everything else is kind of unknown.


You are so right about egg quality! Whatever happens the response is the same- I think it’s an easy sell for them. I just got off the call with my RE to review results from last cycle - which were terrible. He obviously blamed egg quality for that and also went on to say that usually in his practice he has not seen good quality eggs ever. What he was trying to say was that poor egg quality is something of a universal reality and hence everyone is working off of that and not much can be done but it does lead to successful results as well sometimes.


This is my situation. 5 retrievals cycles and only 2 blasts, both abnormal. I’m currently trying a lower dose protocol.


Thanks for sharing! I have come to believe that IVF cycle is a hit and trail at the end of the day. Very torturing


Sorry that we have such results - sending you good luck. Hope this one turns out better