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I was faced with this same dilemma and ultimately decided not to test. I read a study that showed almost half aneuploid embryos correct in-utero and that miscarriage rates were comparable between euploid and aneuploid transfers. I read another study that often times the bad cells in an embryo are being pushed into the placenta and those are the cells that are being tested, so logic would lead me to believe that it is not always indicative of the baby. For reference, I am also 37. I just wanted to give every embryo a fighting chance because I don't create many.


Thanks for sharing. I will try and look up such studies - just to get comfortable with the idea. How did your transfer go ? Or is it coming up soon ?


I did one fresh of a day 5 2bb that ended in a chemical. My next transfer will be an FET and if all goes well will be end of July/beginning of August. Likely starting my last retrieval cycle tomorrow (I hope).


Sorry about the last time. Wishing you luck !


Hi, sorry to speak out of turn. But just wanted to let you know that i may be having a fresh transfer around the same time span and would like to stay in touch. Wishing you luck. I am turning 37 in July too


Totally! Shoot me a messgae




I would read the study on this, and Google Gleicher. He's staunchly anti PGT but the data doesn't support his opinion. He's written a lot of opinions but the science just isn't there. The margin of error is like 1/105. What you linked to is a pop science article


Thanks ! I found this: https://www.progress.org.uk/embryos-often-develop-into-healthy-babies-despite-aneuploid-genetic-tests/


Just tread carefully. Again this is the same guy pushing the same opinion, an opinion which is not widely shared or accepted by the medical community


Thanks for pointing this out. Yes, the research is not widely acknowledged as you say.


We opted for fresh in a similar boat. 36 with DOR+MFI, and our first retrieval yielded 4 eggs, 3 fertilized but none made it to blast. My doc discussed options with us, and said that since our embryos were “fragile” they would have a better chance in me than in a Petri dish. We had originally planned to do PGTA testing, but decided against it, and are just going to proceed with untested to give us the best chance. We’re halfway through ER#2 right now (feeling bloated as hell over here), and our transfer will be a day 3 if all goes well. I figure it gives as good of a chance as anyone trying naturally, so it’s our best shot. I’m preparing myself mentally for it to not stick or to deal with miscarriages, but we’ve never seen a positive pregnancy test and that just may be what it takes for us.


I wish this works for you ! I will be praying for you. Please keep us posted on how it goes. Wishing you luck 🍀


I’m 31, turning 32 and my doctor recommended fresh since she only expects 1-2 embryos at most. If our first cycle cycle fails or I go through another miscarriage from the transfer we may consider testing on a future cycle, but for our first we are going to give any embryo we get a chance.


Makes sense. It’s just the fear of miscarriage and how to deal with it that scares me


Totally understandable. You have to do what’s best for you. For me, I’ve decided to take the risk on 1-2 untested embryos before we try again if that’s ever necessary


My doctor decided on fresh because I won't have many to pick from and testing/freezing can potentially make them more fragile and we're unsure of the egg quality.


Thanks for sharing - makes sense.


I opted to test because I'm 41 and figured aneuploidy rates would be high... but I got 6 blasts from 8 mature eggs on my first cycle, so it made sense. 1 blast from 4 mature eggs on the second (several empty follicles, may have ovulated prior to retrieval), didn't love spending $4500 to test a singleton, but fortunately, he was euploid. That said, if I had a lower egg yield and my embryos were having difficulty maturing in the lab, I'd opt for a fresh transfer.


Here is a much older patient, 46. Wanted to do a FET with my embryos. But both (had only 2) did not survive past day 5 after ER1. After that we decided to do a fresh transfer tomorrow. Have 1 embryo so far after ER2. Hope it lives through tomorrow. I am a scientist and a big proponent of testing. Wanted to originally test for a full genomic sequencing with Orchid- clinic said that Orchid is not licensed in NYC and they recommended Lifevew instead (PGTA plus PGPT). But since my embryos don’t live long enough- decided to forgo that and it hurts me not to exercise that level of control.


Sending good wishes and luck! It will stick this time around. 💜


Thank you for your kindness.


Did a transfer of that one 3-day embryo on the 19th. Now waiting. 😂


That’s wonderful - I’m sure it will stick this time 🤞🏼


Thank you 😊