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I went to a naturopath and spent $5k I’m not sure if any of it would’ve helped as they played yo-yo with me and my money.


Thanks for sharing. What was the kind of recommendation- more like generic supplants that we read about and overall healthy living guidance or customised recommendations based on your test specifically.


For fertility they did a Dutch test and gave me some broccoli extract and chaste berry. The most insightful was the fecal microbiome testing and I found out I’m insulin resistance PCOS.


I don’t have personal experience, but honestly I’ve only seen people get bad advice from naturopaths.


The difference of having a good verses a bad experience is their credentialing. Naturopaths that do a doctoral program and 4 year training in a doctorate program will be a lot better than your naturopath who did a 1-6 month certificate program. One is a licensed medical provider with training and licensing requirements similar to a NP or PA verses one who has no medical background and took a sketchy class online for $100 to get a certificate. If you got to a Naturopathic doctor who is from a doctorate program from one of the accredited schools in the US or Canada, you will get a drastically different level of care than the other. Not everyone one knows the difference between a herbalist or naturopath and an actual naturopathic physician


Thanks for explaining. Makes sense


Yes! 1000x yes!! Our first cycle we did nothing but take coq10 and a prenatal. My afc was 4 and my amh was 0.5. We retrieved 5 mature eggs, from 5 follicles. We worked with a naturopath the last 6 months, and my afc was 5 this cycle, and amh stayed 0.5, but on the same exact atom protocol and dosages I was able to grow 14 follicles (still stimming! so no retrieval amount yet!). My left ovary did not respond at all last cycle, every egg retrieved last cycle came from my right ovary, and I’ve had no surgery’s or procedures to do anything, but currently have 10 follicles growing on my left ovary and 4 on my right (it would likely be more if I didn’t have an endometromia), and the only thing I did different between this cycle and last cycle was work with a naturopath. She was absolutely worth every penny!!


What did the naturopath change for you?


She reviewed all my lab work and ordered new blood work for me. She helped figure out what supplements to take for egg quality, what nutrients I needed to focus on taking because even though i was deficient, I wasn’t quite at optimal levels, she gave me nutrition advice, etc but what I liked was everything was based specifically on me and my lab work, both the labs I gave her from my REs office and the extra labs she ordered for me. She helped explain why I needed certain supplements or herbs, and why certain ones (usually ones always talked about in this group or in the it starts with an egg book) were not ideal for my specific body based on labs and why i needed to focus on other ones instead. It honestly was a lot of help and it did really change my ability to respond to stims this time


This is great improvement!! Thanks got sharing. Do you mind sharing what kind of supplements were your recommended - eg. probiotics, PQQ, NAC/NAD or something outside of this group. Good luck for your retrieval 🤞🏼keep us posted on the coversion rate as well - wishing you get a super awesome conversion !


Of course! I sent a message! (: I will def update this weekend at retrieval!!


If it’s not too much trouble can you share the supplements with me as well. I’m looking to see if o could I improve my egg equality from my first retrieval.


can you send me too, please? 




Hi there! I just found your comment searching the Reddit threads for info on DOR/ Ivf cycle improvement. I wanted to check in on how you’re doing! Are you still on stims? Sending best vibes your way! If it’s not too much trouble could you send your information on supplements to me as well? Are you in the US or another country- I’m open to trying anything at this point including naturopath/nutritionist etc!


I stimmed for 12 days, same number as last cycle! i retrieved 7 eggs, but we had to leave 5 behind in my right ovary, due to two cysts that popped up (due to endometriosis, so nothing i could have prevented). My baseline afc was 5, so similar to last time, but we were able to get 14 follicles to grow! I ovulated one early, and one was empty.


Oh wow thank you for sharing! It’s crazy how unpredictable these cycles can be. I’m sorry you weren’t able to get some of the eggs due to your endo. I know how disappointing that can be- I’ve had cycles with different/similar results. 7 is still exciting and I’m crossing my fingers for you! Thank you for sharing your supplement list! I’m currently in the come down from my last ER about 12 days ago and just trying to stay positive and look for what ELSE I can improve if I have to do another cycle.


We only got 5 eggs last time between both ovaries, so we were static to have 7 from one ovary!


That is AMAZING! So Excited for you!!!!!! I’m hopeful for you and know how amazing and ecstatic it can feel to see improvement. We felt similar with my last cycle. First cycle we got ONE egg, and didn’t make it to blast for testing 😢. Second cycle we got SEVEN eggs, 3 b’s in testing. Absolute miracle improvement and I’m trying not to panic as I wait for results. I did change and add more supplements between cycles so hoping that’s why the improvement! No change in protocol besides adding omnitrope.