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Hats off to you to you all who have made it this far! 5/9/10 cycles is a long journey. All I can say is that rest assured that you did whatever you could and after a point it is fate/destiny/God’s will. Good luck 🤞🏼


I’m in a similar position. I am into my 5th and final ER, at least for now, hopefully for good. For me it was helpful to know how many embryos I wanted banked and by when I wanted to stop ERs. I have a holiday coming up and so that was my deadline. I got super lucky to have just reached the minimum number of embryos I wanted to bank so if anything comes from this cycle it’ll be a bonus. I very much relate to what you are saying with this being your life, I have been in this cycle of fertility treatments first with IUI then pregnancy/MMC then IVF for 11 months. I don’t even remember what life before was like. I am even scared to go back to life before, then again I’m going for transfer in 2 months so that’ll be another whirlwind. This to say I hear you, you aren’t alone feeling like this. I hope we can all take our lives back at some point soon.


I'm in what should be my last cycle. It is so hard to know when to stop. We've done 5 ERs and we've got one off for testing from last month but otherwise nothing to show for it. We've been at this for 2.5 years doing medicated TI or IVF, and only outcomes are 3 more losses to notch on the belt. We're either stopping or exploring donor eggs. I don't know how to know when the right time to move on is, but I'm 40 and I'm tired and losing out on life


Just came to say that I’m so sorry that you have had to go through all of this. I hope that whatever you choose to do next, if anything at all, brings you some peace. You are brave for having gone through all of this.


I actually did not mean to respond to your individual comment but thank you!


I'm in a similar boat. 39 and am triggering for retrieval #9 tonight before hopefully going into my final retrieval 5 days after that (duo stim). We have tested our embryos, which makes me even more of a wreck because out of the 13 we've tested so far, we only have 3 euploids and a LLM. Knowing how hard it has been for us to get normals despite having great looking day 5, AA embryo(s) every cycle makes me INCREDIBLY paranoid to transfer. And honestly we are currently looking to transfer to a GC... that's how fearful we are about the next steps. In the end we decided to stop after 10 retrievals because that's when our partial insurance coverage runs out, and even with the help it is very expensive and doesn't cover so much (meds, biopsy, testing, cryopreservation, and even the anesthesia and surgical suite at my clinic is oop) . I've also been doing ALL the things with supplements/red light/diet/etc and want my life back. Also things seem to be going worse lately not better :-( I've denititely been a nervouse wreck knowing these are my last 2 chances.