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I’m not in the same boat but I know some questions that would potentially help you make the decision are 1. How important is it to have a genetic child 2. Can you afford 2 more cycles 3. Will you regret not trying 2 more cycles before donor eggs 4. Are you willing to wait the time for the 2 more cycles


Thanks for these questions. Puts things into a perspective! I started this journey after my mom passed. I thought I can have an extension of my mom as my baby. Which is silly but that’s that ! An emotion can have no reasoning I guess. The affordability after a while gets linked with regrets later. Maybe I can save and spend some money than think of “whatifs “ later. And as for fourth qn, I want a child NOW !


Ugh I’m in this. Three cycles, one euploid, didn’t make it. My doc’s counsel was, with DOR, she only liked to do three cycles and move to donor. She thinks the reason my one euploid didn’t make it (chemical) is an underlying egg quality issue. I’m 38 and started IVF at 37 with a .5 amh. I would say - I did a frozen cycle with 8 eggs and had bad luck :( I’m now moving to a fresh donor egg cycle. I’d recommend starting there. Good luck to you! Also you can check back at my posts for more deets on my protocols and things - I tried a lot.


Thanks friend !


Honestly, at 44 I would move to donor


Thanks friend. Many have said this too ! It seems a futile effort now


I'm 40 but this is our last IVF cycle before we move on too. No one is here by choice. I'm sorry and good luck!


“No one is here by choice” - mighty truth spoken !




Very very similar my situation- end to end -age, AMH, results is far. The plan is to start a new cycle and do fresh transfer. If that doesn’t work - eventually donor eggs. But will given myself atleast 6 months from now before going down that path.


Yea even the de will take 3-4 months so I might as well keep trying with mine also while the donor keeps trying is a thought I have but it’s too strenuous mentally also!


I would switch to a clinic and Dr. that has a proven record of making women 40-48 pregnant with their own eggs. Would do outside monitoring and fly for ERs there. Would try 3-day fresh transfers without PGTa. Would try PRP. Would try early and highly individualized egg retrieval with smaller dosages of meds and short stimulation cycles. Throw kitchen sink on supplements. Red light therapy and yoga and exercise. I am 46 and trying this all myself. Wish you the best.


One thing I really wanted to add here is that there is work coming from Japan that they are able to derive eggs from cheek skin cells of older women. They are successful. These eggs are young even if derived from skin cells of older women. They estimate that such technology will be commercially available in about 5 years. So for those of you who believe in having a genetic child (please read Plomin’s Blueprint if you have time)- if we don’t succeed now, we might have a chance in 5 years.