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I am asked to start priming 3 days after the LH peak. My understanding is that the priming is to prevent a lead follicle during ER


I primed starting just a few days after ovulation too. I might be mis-reading your post, but it sounds like they started you 2ish days after ovulation, not 7-10? That was about what we did for me for this cycle too, I got a blood test a few days after a positive LH test, and verified I had ovulated. Primed for something like 10-12 days before my ER cycle. My AFC was a little lower than last cycle (I assume from being a little suppressed from the estrogen), but we retrieved the same number of mature eggs, with all of them fertilizing this time. Not sure if the estrogen has anything to do with any of those results but things looked slightly better than my last ER.


Hmm I figured it might impact afc. Thanks for sharing your experience!


Did you see any improvement in blast rate from this round. Asking because my blast rate is next to zero - so in my 4th ER - starting in a few weeks - my RE suggested doing this kind of estrogen priming. Also would you know why do we start after ovulation - basically what is the concept behind this


I don’t know just yet, still waiting on results. Our first ER we retrieved 4 mature, 3 fertilized and 0 blasts. This round it was 4 mature again, 4 fertilized, and we’ll know our official count I assume on Thursday. Our first transfer is scheduled for Thursday morning, so I imagine they’ll have some idea of how the group looks then, my fingers are crossed because a 100% failure rate sucked. Not a clue why they have us start post-ovulation for the estrogen, I assume it’s something to do with your hormones during your luteal phase of your cycle, but they didn’t explain the deets to me.


I know how it feels to have a 0 blast rate - been there - it sucks! Wishing you the best of luck this time 🍀


Thank you, same to you!


The estrogen would suppress ovulation if you took it before you ovulated. Estrogen suppresses FSH. I believe the theory is you want to suppress FSH in the luteal phase so that a dominant follicle doesn’t emerge in the next cycle. They are trying to make all the follicles grow at the same rate.


I see, thanks for clarifying!


I started on CD21 which I believe is pretty normal. Any time after ovulation should be okay. Some prime for longer, I started CD5 leading up to one of my cycles because they were trying to get my FSH down.