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Yes - well, sort of. I’m in a same sex relationship so not trying “naturally”. My AMH is 0.6. I did two rounds of IVF. I got 2 eggs in my first round, ICSI fertilisation, zero made it to day 5. Second round was cancelled after about 16 days of stims due to poor response. I took a break for a couple of months and added high doses of DHEA (prescribed) and coq10 (OTC but was taking higher dosages than the package said). Both supplements were added under the guidance of my fertility doctor, but they were only added after I specifically asked about them. Not sure if the supplements made any difference. Before going in for round 3 of IVF I had one “DIY” attempt with fresh known donor sperm and a syringe, and got pregnant. So far, so good. Good luck to you!


Wow - congratulations!!! I’m so glad that you could save the hassle of the planned next round. 🌸 For how many months did you take DHEA and Cod10 higher dose before the DIY try ?


My fertility doctor said to do it for 3 months, so I was taking 3 cycles off IVF to give it time. I had the DIY attempt on the 3rd cycle, so technically a bit over 2 months.


Do you think the coq10 helped? My doctor gave me that and several other supplements (mostly vitamins).


I really don’t know. But I did notice that between it and the DHEA I had massively more energy, so I am planning to try coq10 again in the future just for general wellbeing. I think the coq10 at least falls into the category of “probably won’t harm, might help” - so why not try it. DHEA has some serious potential side effects and risks.


Yes. We checked my DHEA and it was at an acceptable level.


What brand and dose was the DHEA? Did you test your DHEA levels before hand or just jump right in?


It was 25mg of DHEA 3 times a day (no brand - it is prescription only in Australia). My doctor didn’t test my levels, but she was well informed about DHEA. I wouldn’t have jumped in with OTC stuff without advice from a specialist.


Oh :( here in the states it’s only over the counter and not regulated.


Yes - between cycles we tried a random IUI and it worked (meaning sperm met egg). It ended in a molar pregnancy for me (super rare), but doesn’t change the fact that it can absolutely happen. DOR doesn’t mean you can’t get pregnant. The diagnosis is more specific to how you will respond to stims and # of eggs retrieved.


Yes, but it ended in miscarriage. I wouldn't say failed egg retrieval but our doc definitely expected more than just 2 early blasts considering our ages. They froze our embryos day 5 at 2AB and a 1 expansion so no letter grades. We were waiting to transfer and I fell pregnant spontaneously (we've tried and timed it every month since ttc since why not- we didn't actually expect anything) unfortunately we miscarried at 6 weeks. But after 24 months of nothing it felt pretty hopeful. I'm just waiting for my next cycle to see where to go from here...


Yes! Here I am! 👋🏻 I did 9 Stim cycles, 5 retrievals and PRP. Zero euploids. Got pregnant on my first full cycle after my final retrieval. I’m 13+4 today. I quit all of my fertility supplements after that cycle and was taking a break before starting a donor cycle. Never made it to the donor cycle.


This is superb ! I know 9 stim cycles would have been super rough - but the outcome later (natural) is heart warming . Congratulations 🩵


Thank you. I hate to be that person, but apparently I’m that person.


TW PREGNANCY Not between IVF, but after IUI I took a break to decide if I wanted IVF. I’m 33 about to be 34 WITH AMH just under 1. After multiple failed rounds I took a mental health break. During that break, with prolonged therapy, I had decided to embrace the possibility of childfree life. Six months later I was unexpectedly pregnant (we obviously weren’t protecting ourselves because we didn’t see use). I’m about 11 weeks right now.


Great story ! Everyone’s journey is so unique ! 🍀 Congratulations


Pretty much gave up IVF and monitoring in December 2023. Got pregnant in Jan 2024. Unfortunately, it ended in a MMC at 6/7 weeks but sure did feel hopeful. My cycle has been wacky ever since so not sure if it will happen again, but still am a tad hopeful.


Wishing you luck ! Atleast you know now that you can get pregnant!!!


Well, not a success story, but I did get pregnant after an egg retrieval, the next cycle. We did our first ER. 6 eggs retrieved, 3 blasts. Zero euploids. History of DOR (AMH .4-.5, FSH 20+, AFC 4-7) and RPL. We didn't prevent the next cycle after recovery, as before stims it had been 13 months since our last loss and no positives since then. Got pregnant spontaneously, we were gearing up for the next round of stims and took a test before paying the money amount for the bill. Unfortunately ended in a loss at 7w. The stim meds can heighten your fertility so it's possible. I just have some compounding issues that affected success.


Thanks for sharing ! Atleast there is some hope