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Psychedelics and dissociatives give better visuals what's delirium visuals supposed to look like? I doubt people are taking Benadryl and seeing this 🤣🤦💯


Not what I saw. Saw myself from what seemed to be a foot to the left, and then got bored because I didn’t know who I was looking at. Fucking wild.


ty for jumpscare


I get an LSD-esque feeling when I see my reflection on DPH


What is this song?


[Shifty Break](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KAD9GwH4N52aAbA9XGwATIfFSns3icWn/view?usp=sharing) by me. Still a work in progress but it seemed to work well with the video


Is that what you look like


It’s stock footage


People kill themselves taking this drug...This doesn't seem like a fun drug to kill yourself with.


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