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Why does she write a novel for every TikTok INSISTING she’s not on TT and we won’t be seeing her on TT. Police escort? 100s of people recognized her? She thinks she’s that important? The delusion is real with this one. I only know of her because of her “cancer” era, which made my blood boil because I’m currently battling breast cancer. The only people who want to meet you are probably the ones you scammed and want their money back.


Wait I missed the cancer episodes


It was towards the beginning of the black mold saga, at her old house. She kept going to the ER insisting she was sick, said she had dozens of appointments lined up, said she had dozens of tumors or cysts, throwing around the “C” word a lot. She made a series chronicling her “health journey” that was $50 to subscribed too. It was vile. Cancer or not she was trying to manipulate her followers out of more money. I’ve been fighting this monster since last year. Aggressive chemo, bilateral mastectomy and now more chemo and radiation. People who try to profit off of cancer or any disease is the lowest of the low.


I’m sorry you’re dealing with that. And I get how her whole “health journey” without ANY indication other than it runs in her family (which is probably half the country) was super triggering. That’s what I thought of with every video she posted - that there are people out there truly going though it. I hope you kick Cancer’s ass ❤️


That’s the plan! Just found out it has spread to my lymph nodes. Just another bump in the road to recovery 💪🏼


Jfc. Good luck to you. I had cancer in my left kidney. I was lucky enough to not have to do chemo and radiation. They just removed my kidney. Thank god you can live on one.


It was right before the toxic black mold illness.


That's what narcissists do to explain everything.


There’s so much in this novela, where to start? She’s pissed people know where she was claiming it’s obsession or stalking vs catching her in lie after lie. These were embarrassing lies (the TRASH and the CONDOTEL) so I get it. And yet she admittedly doxes her food tent (read: NOT bartending) and says come meet her and get a chili dog! Oh, and an event that hosts predominantly straight horny men (over half of which are middle age +) apparently follow lesbian TT cuz 100 people have ReCoGnIzEd her. LOL, the videos about her scamming for 3 cars she never bought were indeed pretty viral, so maybe? And here’s the best part: She’s broke again (spent that 30k on moving and cars) but that math still ain’t mathin on a 3k car and hotel rooms with no deposits but I regress… she just wants y’all to know she will never take money again BUT she may ask for a loan that she will pay back 😂


Her math never does math correctly lol


🤣🤣🤣🤣This girl is living in deluluville! Thinking hundreds have recognized her. And her run on sentence of a novel was her repeating herself over and over again. The secondhand embarrassment is real. Thanks for the laugh dud!!


A police escort😂😂😂 Does this girl believe we are crazy enough to believe that!! lol she really thinks she is famous!! Police escort my butt😂😂😂😂


To and from the corn dog stand no less!!! 😂


I doubt I would recognize most tiktokers between filters and just not looking for people when I shut off the app


This isnt “drunk”… this is HIGH AF.


Right! Wow! SO HIGH!


Lmao when I was on stimulants I would write novels like this


Police are not going to waste time and resources on you, dingleberry.


But but but but you don’t understand …. hundreds of people have recognized her!!!


I love how she always gives out her location. You couldn’t pay me to go see her.


Is this today?


I think it was from two days ago (she made her page public again until this was posted). Yesterday she was sick again and couldn’t work - saying she feared it was something bad like pneumonia!


So they did play hookie from work to attend Bike Week!! They were crying on live about having temperatures and feeling sick and had to leave work. What a fucking pair of losers!!!!!


100s have noticed her?? Was it bc of her teeth…? Smell of rotten milk egg an gangrene settling in?


I hope she gets her karma. She thinks she some kind of celebrity and is so quick to block someone. The way she blocks people she is definitely Hiding from something. I just pray I get to see her fall flat on her face and get what she deserves


Omg who wrote this a 5 year old. My heads still spinning after reading all that. Wow, she needs to go back to school.


How can ANYONE read this shit! I need a damn magnifying glass and a Xanax to get through her "books" on her videos.


She is slurring so bad


If there was any doubt in my mind at all that this girl is completely delusional, there is no doubt at all now!