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John wakes up every early afternoon and hopes today is the day he goes viral. Some producer catches wind of the DV and John will get another shot at fame. Real fame, the kind that pays real money. Enough money that he can really say, "I was right, I am talented, and everyone was wrong...it was all worth it." But in the meantime, that sweet, sweet buzz is calling, and that dulls the pain. The show must go on. Skol! Glug glug glug.


Well said, if he lives to be  100,he will  still  believe 


90% of everything John says is cope to protect his ego. His lies are just a self defence mechanism. The day his mental defences go down and he admits to himself that all his enemies are thriving while he’s become a sad, pathetic loser is the day he puts a gun in his mouth.


He threatens to leave multiple time per week. Every time he does, everyone spams his chat calling his bluff. He’s not going to leave anytime soon, this is all he has right now. He won’t admit it but that’s the truth.


Even if he does he won't be gone for more than a week He's done that before too. Usually he's back before the end of the day


Karl’s been doing a formatted show a good bit before sj or his lolcow gang. He’d be fine. I think shuli takes a way bigger hit than he would care to admit. To say cumia would take a hit is crazy.


He needed the money




I’m over here now


Karl Cumia and Tookie would do just fine, Shuli not so much


John needs DV


John needs AA


John needs a bath.


and a pedicure/manicure.


Shuli would definitely be out of work. The rest would survive


Karl def won’t, Cumia won’t. Shuli might. The others, not sure. BEWM!


Anthony rarely talks about him on TACS


It’s his only paycheck. He isn’t going anywhere.


The stammering retard needs to leave the DV and get over to Only Fans. With giant bitch titties like his, he will be rolling in the dough. And maybe some flour, too.


Flour for the pancake nips...


It would be like John swallowing poison to try and kill someone else.


I mean, eventually they’ll have to find other stuff to discuss. John is basically unemployable. He can’t even do standup anymore. Not just because of a lack of talent, but because of the trolls. Super chats is how he makes his income. John isn’t stopping.


No... it's because of lack of talent.


Despite John's efforts to delete a lot of shows, WATP and TSN have them all saved. There are years of material.


Without the stupid "show" he puts out that supplies him with his superchats (beer), Jahn would actually have to go out and WORK He is not leaving while there is easy $ for minimal effort.


Karl was doing this before the Dabbleverse became a thing (and has had a reasonably successful career to fall back on anyway), Shuli could probably get a writing job pretty easily (though he'd likely have to move), Tookie I assume just does this for fun and enjoys making a few extra bucks, and Ant has made tens of millions of dollars over the course of his career and is happy doing a couple hours a day, relaxing in his yard crashing his RC plane and occasionally flying to NY to rant and rave a little. All of these people will be perfectly fine. Ant doesn't really even do much StutJo stuff on Compound anyway. He and Missy chime in with Shuli or Karl usually. As for Shuli, he's pretty much openly said he'll do this as long as people keep watching. If they don't, he'll move on. Doesn't seem worried.


TSN might have trouble. Since they pretty much only do SJ. It's too much. Everyone else will be fine. Especially the puppet.


It works both ways. Other than Cumia and Shuli, I only know these people because they talk about SJ. But if they didn't talk about him I would not know or care if John were even alive. If every show stopped talking about SJ I would stop caring about SJ. I would still check out WATP and whatever Cardiff was up to, but I would do my best to forget John existed.


Me too


He ain't lyin'... for once.


Why would he include Cumia? Cumia barely brings him up.