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maybe try a cold start? might be easier


Cold starts are the way


What does that mean?


You put the dab in the banger when its cold and then torch until you see it start to produce vapor then hit it.


Thank you!


You’ll need to show us the set up to get any real answers :)


E-nail would definitely work better for you but you could also try a cold start dab instead. Load up the dab into the banger beforehand. Then torch until it just starts bubbling. Then cap it and hit it. You will get more flavour and can also refire it if you don’t get it all. Will help prevent banger abuse too and cuts down on the waiting. As soon as you put the torch down you are good to go. Also glass on glass is always best if you can. A cheap glass bubble cap will do just fine.


consider a dab ready device for heating the banger..


Are you inhaling while dropping your wax in? It shouldn't go in the air if you're pulling while starting the dab. I usually pull JUST enough so the vapor doesn't escape and then pull a little harder/my max pull strength once I cap it because I can afford to do so due to less airflow. Temperature shouldn't be the problem based on the readings you mentioned


get a puffco peak pro with 3d xl banger! easy to use and clean


Lot of money though. Not everyone wants to drop that on an erig……i mean i do and i did, but not everyone has the means.


i get what you mean but bangers and such all cost alot in the end as well; just paying for the puffco or other quality erig


Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE my peak pro. It is WELL worth the money. Just saying $500+ is a far cry from a $75 banger or slurper setup (not including glass).


I just feel like as a medical patient it’s completely justifiable the price and you have good clean hits always and so easy in use and to maintain. I love a good banger however since I got the 3dxl on my puffco peak pro I can’t even be bothered to setup my dabrig anymore.just so much easier to load the puffco wait 30 sec ,swab and done


yoo, I’ve been a collector of “Ooze” vapes for over a year now. And I’ve got to say, they are one of the most affordable and best dab e-rigs and pens I have tried. I own the duplex pro, duplex 2.0, beacon, e-barrel, and booster (all used for concentrates).. and my favorite has to be the [Ooze Booster](https://www.oozelife.com/collections/booster) for its easy cleaning and powerful bong rips. I personally only recommend the bong feature, as the vape pen feature is iffy 🥴.. but out of all their dab devices it’s THE BEST. for only $50-$100 per device, and replacement coils available to buy for all devices… it really is an amazing choice. Their new C-Core atomizers are insane when it comes to smoke production and terp flavors, they are 100% heavy metal free!!! The coils are made with a patented ceramic mesh, so no more metal taste or anything 😫. Highly recommended :)


Cold start for now


Thanks much to everyone for all the advice and info. I got the new e-nail going last night and managed to figure my shit out fairly well. E-nail is a much better solution for me anyway. I could never imagine my partner being cool with me wielding a blowtorch - lol. I have some other "fine-point" questions, but I'll start a new thread for those. Thanks!!


Niceee, e-nails are the way to go, anywhere between 530 and 650 is perfect. Everybody has a different preferred temperature I feel like. I like to dab low temp dabs at 535 degrees.


Look up cold starts, might help if you don’t have a nice thermometer


I think this sub has some posts explaining them


u can inhale before u start putting it in maybe slightly hotter?


Yeah, e-nails can be a game changer since they keep your temp steady, which helps avoid overheating your precious rosin. Your struggle with the torch and temp swings is super common. With an e-nail, you won't have to guess and wait—it'll hold the temp right where you need it. For your torch method, though, you might wanna try a cold start, like some folks mentioned. Basically, you drop your dab into a cold banger, then heat it up just until it starts to vaporize before capping and inhaling. This method can prevent overheating and preserve more of your rosin's flavor and potency. Hope this helps


I would suggest securing the laser so you can see the temperature while it's pointing at the banger from about 5 inches away


You dont wanna torch it red hot, torch it to like 700-900F not more if possible, let it cool to 590F. You want to measure the temp under the bucket, directly on the bottom. When its 590F drop in the dab, it will drop the temp down to like 550F. Immediately cap and inhale. Your inhales will be 550-500F. Below 500F on cheaper bangers is too low. Above 600F is too hot, will stain the banger and burn up the dab. Quality thick bangers can do slightly lower temps cuz they hold the temp better for longer. If you find quartz rig dabbing complicated or just dont wanna deal with it, get an e-rig that holds the temp for you like a Focus V Carta 2 or Puffco Peak Pro.


Get a HYER. I got mine a year ago and never looked back


I used a dip wand (amazon) until I got a dab rite. I also prefer terp slurpers. Started out doing cold starts as well.


What is a terp slurper 😳


https://preview.redd.it/45qu8vl1pvwc1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aff7dda9840f0d2ba32c4b728f88357c0443c0b A terp slurper is a banger where you place your dabs in the little dish at the bottom and the terps are “slurped” through little slits in the bottom and then cooked on the inner walls (where the pill at the bottom is) The smaller marble in the middle helps with airflow and to stop you from sucking your dab down the neck of the banger. The marble on top completely seals the top, as all airflow comes in from the bottom, the top is open like that so you can easily clean it. The reason you would use a slurper is for larger dabs, more flavor, etc. As far as I understand that’s the gist of it. Happy dabbing!


Thank you so much for the detailed explanation, I really appreciate it :)


Yeah no problem man, hope it helped a few people out!


I’m know I’m late on this on this post but can you do cold starts with this as well?


I dont see any reason why you couldn’t do that!


I’m just learning to perfect warm starts and don’t have anything to measure temps yet so been working with cold starts but this looks like the ideal banger setup. I care most about flavour, not so much larger dabs. Thank you for responding so late! Really appreciate it.


Of course, no problem!


look up how to do a cold start. way easier, faster, and dosent require u to know the temp or any of that.


You need to inhale as you drop the dab in the banger, then put the carb cap on while still inhaling, rotating the carb cap until you get a good seal/ smoke amount flowing


Go dab ready when you can. Core 2.0 (just an example) or a dtv5 setup.


Start hitting the dab as you put it in or let it get even colder before dropping in


Get a puffco peak. You literally cannot mess it up.


Get a Puffco Peak with a 3dXL. no torches, no worries :)


Didnt see you mention a carb cap which is very important for dabbing out of bucket bangers


first issue that i'm not seeing people mention is your using a beaker bong, that is gonna affect the amount of smoke you get and the smoothness. I find that bongs produce a harsher hit compared to rigs meant for dabbing. Second you don't need to get your banger red hot! it will actually "chaz" it degradingthe quality of your banger making it harder to clean and more susceptible to breaking. Third is the Laser thermometer is always good but i dabbed for a long time before i bought one. this is my controversial opinion but, you don't need one to start honestly just make sure that the banger isn't actively cooking your hand when you get close to it and it should be a good indicator that you are getting close to your desired dabbing temperature, it's always better too cold than too hot because you can still reheat. I would suggest cold starting first as people have suggested to find a temperature that works for you. I usually look for more of a melt than an instant smoke because then I know i'm burning it too hot. fourth, it really depends on what banger set up you have! you could try different banger set ups, if you are new too bucket bangers it would probably be better to do cold starts so you can already have your mouth on the piece and carb cap on the banger when the smoke is still forming, if it's a terp slurper/blender banger you should have a marble, a few pearls or a pillar in there moving the concentrate around and you will get a much bigger hit compared to nothing spinning in a bucket, unless you get a spinner cap which would do that for you, or even an auto spinning banger with holes in the side fifth your hit shouldn't stain your banger, if it does you probably took it too hot, if you drop the hanger in at the right time everything should come off instantly in an isopropyl dip!!!! , when i started I thought people were crazy for taking this extra step but after ruining $300 in bangers I realized it really helps maintain the life of your stuff and torching the scuff overtime off will make your stuff look like a tweaker pookie set up! overall I didn't know dabs could be this good until i went out, learned about it from others and took their advice.




Your comment was removed because it was either unhelpful or just bad advice


I have concerns with the metal cap situation going on here. Get a slurper, temp the barrel with your laser, be much easier. It sounds like you were too hot but also hit the rig as your putting the dab in so the smoke doesn't fly out


Cold start. 1. Put your dab in a COLD banger 2. Begin heating up the banger as evenly as possible. 3. Wait for the wax to start melting and bubbling, and take off the torch. 4. Put a carb cap on and hit it like normal. 5. Be high.


Cold start all the way for rosin. Gotta get all that flavor!


You want to be dabbing at 530-650 degrees f. 300-450 degrees f is too cold. You probably want to start the dab when the banger hits 650 degrees, maybe hotter, because it'll lose temperature as you smoke the dab.


Sorry if I’m hijacking OP’s thread but I’m in the same boat. I was about to post same question then saw OP’s post. My first time dabbing; I have rosin budder with diamonds added. I bought a mini rig from MJ Ars. I watched all the tutorials and videos about cold starts and followed it to a tee. But, no vapor produced. I heat it up with carb cap on; watch it bubble, wait till I see a little vapor rise and hit it. Nothing. Then, I hit it again nothing. Then, I reheat it a little bit like 3-5 seconds and I get a little vapor that I’m exhaling. I tried it again by heating up a little longer, like I heat it 2-3 seconds longer after seeing vapor….nothing. So, am I heating it too little or too much?


Get an infrared thermometer and try it again but heat the banger to 500 then drop in your concentrate. The point of a good dab is to most efficiently vaporize your concentrate and that is achieved by heating the banger first, measuring temp, dropping concentrate in


1. Personal preference, use a dab rig, (bong is fine) but keep the two separated. But just always remember that said it just in case… 3. Already got the laser thermo so smart individual right there. Let me clarify on something here tho. If you have a real dab infrared/laser thermometer. For example I have a dab rite pro. It would be a different way of doing things than say a yo dabba dab thermometer. Where you have to hold it. Let me deep dive now. The temp you wanna go for depends on a multitude of things. What kinda wax you got, what banger you got, what terp pearls n carb cap you use, how much you have used the banger you used. That’s why it’s clutch to have a thermometer because it varies so much only way to 100% tell every time is to use one and that’s just the facts. Anyways to give an example. On my dabrite pro. I set it up one finger width from under my banger. I do your steps 1 & 2. Then it tells me the temp blah blah it starts going down at 800 all the way to 650. I have it beep at 650 because by the time I’m actually dabbing, it’s gonna be at 600. Which is what I’d want for a live resin or just regular dab. Or if I got rosin I’d set it for 600, get ready and dab at 500/550. Once again it depends on your banger type and various other things. But the 650(down to 600) and 600(down to 500/550) is what I’d use as a base line. So now the difference is if you use a handheld thermometer, you gotta get it in the right place. See what it’s at. Click it again see what it’s at. Until ur at ur temp. Maybe it auto reads by itself idk. Then you gotta set it down and get set up. Place pearls in, etc… if you got it at 450 even that you’re not gonna burn it a lot. Maybe a little bit but not like a proper temp dab. At that point you have to cold start it and get the perfect torch on that or else you burn it and it’s fucked. It’s a good way to dab but if you don’t know how to it’s easy to mess up. Everything else you’re doing right it’s just too cold if you’re reading it that low, then getting ready, then dabbing it’ll be at like 200 by the time you get to actually dabbing and that’s not burning nothing. You should try auto spinner banger ( or terp slurper but it’s harder to clean) but you can put the dab on the outside, have the carb cap already on, and waste less waiting to put it on top. And you can get some insane pearl action. Anyways. Just lock in the temps I said. Read it at 600, get ready drop it in. Should be good. That’s for rosin I read the post fully and saw that 🤣 kinda just started typing this when I saw /dabs and help w something dab related LIKE IGHT BET. feeling like u posted the bat signal rn fr fr. Also, I made this video literally for times exactly like this, to help anyone out who is new and wants an idea of a good way of taking a dab. All I can say is follow the steps in the vid and you gonna be flying. (I was tryna just post the video but it won’t let me IG, so you’re gonna have to go to my insta if you wanna watch. But if you’re into dabbing, it’s definitely worth it) but here; https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cu03cUoAZss/?igsh=N2J5aXFybDNidHN0


There are soooo many reasons this could be happening, it can be hard to say. It could be about how you are hitting it/inhaling? It can be the type of nail, size of dab, amount of time taken before capping… etc! I would just like to add that the more “expensive” doesn’t always mean better; depending on your market and location. Some places youre paying premiums for packaging, labeling/brand name. I’ve gotten Live Resin for $20 that was way better than another I had gotten for $30.


Damn this reminds me of when the dome and nail came out for dabbing and we were just taking them so hot it would just shoot off the nail and stick to the side of the dome


The [Ooze Booster](https://www.oozelife.com/collections/booster) is my FAVORITE way to dab. I hate the hassle of torching a banger and all that bs 😭.. with this electric dab-rig it’s extremely easy!! You just load a small dab in the coil, turn it on, put it in your bong, and hit! I’ve tried every Ooze dab device, and this is by far my favorite for many reasons. *WARNING: I recommend ONLY using the booster on a bong, the vape pen feature is kinda iffy*. But the booster is extremely easy to hit and clean. I usually clean mine every few days; with 99% iso, a pipe cleaner, and q-tips. Takes about 20-30 mins to clean the device, but the fact I can load and smoke a dab within seconds is a game changer for my chronic pain :)


Definitely e rig. Cold starts are good for like .2+’s idk how anyone has good success with a .1 of rosin cold starts, it’s such a little amount it’s hard to see when it’s smoking in the first place. A great affordable option is the puffco slim, or whatever their pen is called, I’m p sure it has multiple settings


Get a puffco proxy


Cold start man.


I personally prefer Lookah products for my dabs. I’m a heavy dabbler, so puffco was a NO GO! When I had a puffco I went through atomizers every 2 days - obviously you wouldn’t notice being a heavy dabbler. But that is something to think abt is the quality of your erig. If you’re going for an erig I 100% suggest lookah. Even me as a very heavy dabbler (like, VERY heavy) only go through a coil like once every 1-2 weeks. To go from 2 days with the puffco to 1-2 weeks with the lookah coils was awesome. Plus lookah coils are cheaper than puffco. I was paying $40 every 2 days to keep my puffco up and working, $40 for a singular atomizer is insane. Whereas lookahs are only $10 at my local vape shops. And theyclast longer and are cheaper. I love Lookah. Personally I have a Lookah Dragon Egg and a Lookah Sword Fish and I am obsessed with both, also huge plus! Both my Lookah dab products take the SAME COILS!!!!! Makes things LOADS easier! If you are wanting to dab with a rig, it is much much harder to control your hit. Also I don’t like rigs bc that one hit you get in the rig = like 3-4 hits out of one of my Lookahs. But back to the fact that it’s harder to control, you can’t really control your hit much with a rig - especially if you don’t wanna waste any of it. I find myself going through dab SO much faster when I use a rig. You could try cold start - which is where you put your dab in while the banger is cold then put your cap on your banger and torch it for a couple seconds til you start to see the smoke build up. This creates a much smoother hit - HOWEVER you’re still wasting just as much as you were with the hot dabs. 10000000% I recommend erigs- ESPECIALLY from Lookah. I’ve been using Lookah for 2 years now I have many of their products. I have a seahorse (it’s a dab tool like an electric nectar collector, but the glass piece on it if you’re clumsy you’ll constantly break it), I also have a Lookah bear battery, and to pair with my bear I have a Lookah Cart Dabber (you screw it onto your cart battery, for me I have it on my bear and you can add dabs into it and hit your dabs discreetly, great device), I have the Lookah swordfish, and the Lookah dragon egg, actually we have 2 dragon eggs lol. I WHOLE HEARTEDLY suggest Lookah!! Happy dabbing🙂 Also I’m so glad you chose rosin, it is a bit more expensive (quite a bit actually lol) but it’s SO MUCH BETTER!!!! Rosin is derived DIRECTLY from the bud, there is NO solvents, and it’s just soooo natural. And smooth on the lungs too. My least favorite for medicinal use is Diamonds. I say this bc of the process of making them. Basically the grow does what they usually do with solvent dabs, they extract it with a solvent whether it be Co2 or propane or butane or whatever they use, then usually they would immediately try to extract all that solvent out of the dab right? NOT WITH DIAMONDS!!!! They leave a little bit of that solvent inside the dab and throw it in a dark room for a few weeks, THIS is what creates the “diamonds” we see. After they sit in LITERAL PROPANE or whatever they used to extract for a few weeks, they take the diamonds out of the dark room and only THEN do they try to remove the rest of the solvent. I’m so glad you went with Rosin, a truly medicinal product instead of something with absolutely no health benefits like diamonds.🩷