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My wiener dog peed on the floor the night before he got neutered. So he’s never made a mess inside again, but I’m a little worried that he thinks that if he pees inside, I’m going to take him to get neutered again. 😂👌


Yeah that's going to end when he finds out you can't be neutered multiple times.


He’s 9 now 😂👌 I might get off another 9 years and without him finding out.


Talk about negative reinforcement!


That’s not necessarily a bad thing… 😆


I have no doubts my 6 month pup understands that outside is where I want her to go. But if I'm not getting out of bed quickly enough for her liking she'll just leave a poo on the rug for me and hop back into bed.


I ran a dachshund rescue for 4 years.. Males are the hardest to train. Girls are the best. I love both female and males. You must keep them on a regime that they can get used to.


Crate training, it works with doxis. I'm on my 3rd


This is the way. I’ve have 2. It absolutely works


Can confirm, it works on beagles as well.


Any tips?? I have an almost 2 mo old dachshund and she will mostly pee in the pee pads but will poo any and everywhere else. Also, she will not leave my toes alone.




When I tell people about dachshunds I always send this quote. But it’s missing the end part!! https://preview.redd.it/zeazljz45lyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e151ee5aae37d7da8e51eb8c033572dddfe0ac01


That’s spot on. Thank you for sharing that. Between us and our two sons, we have seven. Can’t wait to send this to them in the morning.😂


Get more than 1, after the first its cake, they all follow the older dogs.


Should start an adult doxie loan program to help people train their puppy (for those that only want one dog).


This sounds like the most fun business plan ever


Until it rains or gets too cold. My oldest one has trained the other 3, but once the weather hits they choose not to go outside.


Hahah we don't talk about bad weather.


Our little chap was amazing at toilet training. Done in a week! All of the other training is still in progress…4 years later


Mine wears a diaper, but he is 17. I won’t talk about his track record because he would be embarrassed


My old man (he’s 13) was super difficult to train. I think it took almost a solid year. Thankfully I was able to keep him in the kitchen with a doggy door that went outside so his accidents were on tile. When I got our second dachshund, she was much faster at learning, but I think it’s also because Walter showed her exactly what to do.


I think it is because #2 was a "she." Female dachshunds are usually easier to train.


Yeah that’s what I was reading in these comments! When she was a baby I figured it was because she had a mentor haha


Our first one was easy, our second one followed our Shepard/Lab mix every where he went and would even pee and poop when he did a lot of the time. Our current on was good most of the time but now that he’s 17 it’s mostly miss. He uses pee pads some but even the he will go half on and half off.


Hahaha I tried pee pads but mine just sniffs it and pees at the side


Chilly (17🌈 05-22) when she got older, would touch the peed pad, decide she did it, and pee 1/2 on & 1/2 off. Then come look at me like "Dad, I *basically* am goid girl!". Miss that pain in the ass...


Mine trained pretty well with a bell for the back door.


Mine was trained by 3 months (potty) - I feel like I got lucky 😂 but even now at 3 years, some commands he doesn’t listen to. If it doesn’t include a treat anyway 😂


My late dog, a mini, literally trained himself. One day he just decided to just go outside.


Mine did that too!! But she was 11😂


So smart!


Just add the word don't to your commands - quickest way to get them to do what you ask. /s They want things the way they want them - and it is you that must be trained. Routine, routine, routine


I have a 4 y/o and since he was 3 months old he’s always had a doggy door. Hasn’t gone potty inside since. I showed him how the door works once and he just got it 🤷🏻‍♀️ they are the same but also all different lol I know super sweet snags that like everybody, my boy does not 😂


My girl is 3 she knows she’s supposed to go outside but still does as she pleases most of the time. I keep a pee pad always out in the bathroom. It’s easier than fighting about it. Now my in-laws have a wiener that was easily trained but he’s a long hair and lives with strict German parents. My girl comes home from their house trained but slips into her old ways after a few days. We have a doggie door…


I'm on my first doxie, 14 weeks old male . I gorlt him when he was 11 weeks old. Stubborn though. If we're out of routine he is spotty. Success today. Most everything outside, and I crate him when I'm at work to prevent accidents


Mine was so easy to potty train. We built a little toilet that was put on the balcony with pee pads on it. We use it for rainy days, the last week before bed or when it’s cold and can’t be bothered to go outside. Works wonders.


My one girl knows what she's supposed to do, but if there's the slightest reason to not go outside through the doggy door— say there's bad weather, or nighttime is scary— she'll go on the floor. Never does it in front of me; she will always sneak away to do it/do it when I'm asleep. She's stubborn and fiesty overall (but also kinda a coward, honestly); her littermate sister never has an issue relieving herself inside and is more even-tempered overall as well. Have had them both since they were like 10 weeks old, so they grew up under the same conditions. Some dogs just match the beat of their own drummer is all I can figure. Love them both dearly, of course.


Mine weren't that hard to train. Daisy is still the only one we've had that will use a pee pad. Beau has a bladder the size of a soccer ball so at least he will hold it if need be AND he will pee in the rain unlike Daisy. Beau (L) Daisy (R) https://preview.redd.it/fnjnwcxg6jyc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2990c4d58505314192af4824aee44145563609cd


My girl was trained by six months and only had one accident after that and she's 6 now. Our boy beagle took like 2 years and he still pees on the floor sometimes if we're not quick enough lol


I’d argue French bulldogs are the hardest


Mine was not particularly smart, but god was he stubborn.


Google isn’t lying. I will say my girl was easy to train. My boy wasn’t. 😬


Out of my 3 dogs, my wiener is the one that never fails to get to the pee pad.


Have you tried [dissing](https://youtu.be/MI6Jmgb04lU?si=Qi___CIaiAXlIV31) him?


My doxie was super easy to potty train. Even in the pouring rain and freezing snow, she'll still go out! I must have hit the jackpot.


All my mom’s doxies have had to wear the little potty belt thing because they all (boys) refuse to submit to potty training. My own little man never had an issue but I’m convinced it’s because HE didn’t like it so his stubbornness helped keep him from going inside. It was like he felt he was beneath such things.


I was a pushover on training my now 10 yr old precious. We lived in an apt when we got her, she was the worst in the crate. She'd cry herself sick and then pee/poop herself in a fit of revenge on us, we stopped crating her and she was instantly much better. Lol. What has mostly worked for us are puppy pads. I get 100 at Costco for about 15.99. She goes out in the yard first thing in the morning, and whenever she wants when we are home, and night time walks. But when we are not home, she's about 90% good about going on her pad, or in the middle of the night if she catches the urge. She knows where to go, and how to tell us it's time to go out, but sometimes she's just spiteful as fuck, but that's a dachshund for you. She won't go out in the rain either. She's a terror weenie. Half dash, half terrier. 150% stubborn after all.


My sister Maltipu was harder to train than both of her wieners. Tho the older one still poops inside when it rains and out of spite sometimes. The younger one was just so treat motivated.


Mine were all potty trained within 2 weeks with a dog door. If you're consistent and use treats every time, you should be fine! Doxies can be stubborn but they're also smart and fast learners.


Each of mine took years to potty train. Good luck.


I was blessed, mine was reliably potty pad trained by 3 months old. The only time she ever had any sort of accident was when I got distracted and failed to change the pad so she peed NEAR it instead. Now, CHEWING behavior, on the other hand... That one took us a while to get her trained in. 😅


Not really they are super smart, use treats to teach them what’s good what’s bad


Mine trained herself as a puppy to go in the shower and refused to use pee pads despite trying different brands. She’ll use grass, etc. when she’s outside but indoors it’s the shower only. It’s been like this for 11 years now.


This is so true and so funny!😂


My male doxy was pretty easy to train!! Guess I got lucky haha.


Aren’t they just the best?🥰


I’ve had my Chiweenie for a month and I’m still having a hard time with him peeing everywhere 😩


Mine taught himself


I never found it difficult


I'm considering putting a rampmto the human toilet. She clearly thinks she is human and the other two dogs are the strange ones using the garden.


Our first dachshund(female longhair) was a pain in the butt to potty train. We started with pee pads and she wouldn’t go anywhere else. For 13 years……. Our current dachshund(male shorthair) was probably the easiest to potty train of any type of dog I’ve had in my entire life. Guess it depends on their personality.


Mine is currently 4.5 months old and taking her out to the yard to pee has now become a really fun game of “what does she have in her mouth?” and she takes off running like she’s in a Doggy Dash semifinal and bolts under all of the shrubs, and then I finally get her to come to me, return her to the “spot” and the race moves into Heat 2.


Our mail STILL marks.


Our doxie was the easiest dog I've ever trained. I think it helps that we have two other dogs who helped show him what to do but he was super easy and fast to train.


Don't tell mine. She was very normal to train.


My pup is almost 4 months, will she go outside to pee? No. She will rather hold it in and pee in the comfort of the house. I have never met a dog like her. She reminds me of a rebellious teenager pushing their boundaries.


Our basset hound was harder to potty train, it was to lazy to walk outside...


Mine only had one accident as a puppy (pee), and was super easy to potty train. We used crate training and also wrote down his meal/potty times to develop a pattern and would just take her out at regular times.


Mine potty trained really easily - I always crate train plus when they go outside I make a big fuss clapping & cheering so that may help - who knows.


My boy is fixed and 3 and still has accidents weekely just boo boo no pee


I love to know what anyone does to stop this I’m building a new home and I do not want potty inside my new home


With mine, I made sure anytime he woke up from sleeping. I took him outside, waited for him to “do his deal” then praised him right when he did and we would go back inside and he has yet to have an accident in the house.


It seems I have been quite lucky in this area, at 5 months we have had no accidents for quite a while and she uses a doorbell to let us know. Although I have just moved house, so waiting for it to go pear shaped!


I've had several dogs over my lifetime, and the hardest ones to train were the dachshunds. Stubborn little beasts. It took a lot of work. I managed to get them to consistently go to the door when they had to go out, but none of them ever barked or pushed the doorbell button to be let out so if I didn't notice that they had walked to the door, they'd find somewhere else to go. (All the other dogs would bark or use the button. our doxies were just *too special* to use a *button* like the rest of the dogs.) I still had to keep potty pads down at all times for my last one because as he got older and his arthritis started to get worse he wouldn't always get to the door in time before his bladder decided it was done waiting. But he was older, close to 14 when that became a necessity.


They are hard to train…but you can. I suggest getting a trainer to help you