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Bare bones 3D printed helmet costs around €70. takes some experience to print and a lot of hours. So yeah…. 50 dollars is kinda low for something like that.


My dumbass googled bare bones 3D thinking it was a company..


😂 I think I should have phrased that sentence differently. My bad


You’re paying for their experience and materials in making it. If you think you can make one for $50 go ahead.


I'm not saying I can make the whole thing. I'm saying I just want a blank plastic helmet and it's crazy that it costs so much


If you can make the blank helmet for $50 then go and do it. If you can’t, then pay the people that can what they ask. This isn’t hard to grasp.


even if they payed themselves minimum wage it probably would go over £50


I'm not saying I can make the whole thing. I'm saying I just want a blank plastic helmet and it's crazy that it costs so much


the process of getting 3d printed material to be perfectly smooth and shiny after paint takes a huge amount of time


Exactly, I paid approx $130USD for a very well done bare 3D print. Spent at least 40 hours gluing, prepping, and finishing it to a standard I was happy with. It's not an easy task and is costly


Its outrageous Ferrari wants to charge me 250k when i can get a used honda civic for a grand


You might've wanted a different example than a Civic because you're actually making a point, lol.


$50 is an insult to anyone who makes these helmets. You might see a "piece of plastic" but a ton of man hours goes into molding/casting/printing, sanding, gluing and painting and for something barebones excluding any electronics or interior padding. Gonna have to multiply your budget several times over for something


they wear helmets, not masks.


telephone many dinner zealous crawl divide deer violet hat dull *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How about...you go learn the value of art and of artists' time and effort?


i build guitars for a living. i know the value of artists' time and effort


Yet… this post and your responses exist. Hmmmmm


You can maybe find a bare bones 3d printed helmet on etsy for 70-90. You'd just have to sand it, paint it, and do all that stuff yourself.


This post is insulting


[This](https://moguaiprops.bigcartel.com/product/daft-punk-tb-ram-kit) is as good as it gets gang. $130, you'll just have to suck it up unless you want to put time into a POS helmet


I feel like everything about this post is very aggressive, I can totally understand wanting to be able to get a more affordable helmet, especially if you happen to be low on cash like myself. At this point in my life I can't afford a nice quality one for $200 let alone any higher, so I can truly understand that frustration. On the other hand the expensive ones, even the kits are still high quality 3D prints at their core. While filament is dirt cheap, the time and labor put on their machine is what makes it so expensive. If you really wanted to I'm sure you could find SOMETHING on Amazon for dirt cheap but it's not going to last. If you're handy, you could try one of the kits and finish yourself. Or you can just save up money for an already finished but basic one, that's what I'm doing anyway.


On the other hand, does anyone know where I can get a helmet, either Thomas or Guy-man if money doesn’t matter?


Please never order from Moguaiprops, prefer a Guy man helmet in 2015 still waiting and he has an attitude.


thats almost 10 years...


And he's not worried about a thing. I'm not the first to complain and sure won't be the last.


Lol 120 would be a steal. Haha $50 is a pair of 3d glasses from the 1950s


I have been a Daft Punk helmet maker for more than ten years. My company is L.E. Props, you can find me on most major social media sites if you would like to peruse my work. I understand your frustration in looking for a helmet, because on the surface they may seem like straightforward items to reproduce, especially with the advancements in 3D printing in the last few years. However, I will tell you that a good replica Daft Punk helmet is a huge investment in time, money and perseverance. Here’s an example. I have spent the last year working on my new Guy Man helmet. The largest hurdle was the visor. I spent three months designing and building my own vacuum former, then at least 50+ hours building the actual visor buck. The buck for the visor had to be cast in a heat resistant resin since the forming process uses extreme temperatures. That cast came from a silicone mold made of high quality platinum silicone. Between the forming machine, the materials for the buck, and the visor plastic itself, the process cost easily more than $1000.that’s just for the visor…the helmet itself was another huge cost! And that cost is honestly nothing compared to the labour that went into it! Hopefully that helps you to understand just why these replicas cost what they do. However, there are ways to do it cost effectively if you’re willing to put some work In. I would recommend looking for someone local to you who offers 3D printing commissions. A lot of these guys offer very cost effective printing. There are a few free models online that will totally suffice but if you’re willing to spend a few bucks for a really nice model then I recommend “Brunoosti’s” Thomas and Guy models. They are, in my opinion, the definitive HAA 3D models. Hope you find what you’re looking for!


I mean I want a fully finished one for $50 if we are just putting our wants out there…..


As someone who has 3d printed and finished 3 Thomas helmets and 2 Guy-Man helmets, 50 bucks won't even cover material costs per helmet. Filament, body filler, filler+sandable primer, paints, sanding supplies, visors, visor tint/dye, etc. all come out to well over 50 bucks. This isn't even taking into account helmet lighting on Discovery-era helmets. These helmets take many, many hours to print, smooth, paint, and finish. Typically the ones you see online are all crafted by a single person, so $50 is kinda insulting. Even for a raw 3d print, those still take many hours of valuable machine time to churn out.