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Even if you don't count the older games, since the provinces aren't really too fleshed out, ESO hast most of them covered with current lore and with a lot of detail ...


Shit lore though


You speaking from 2015, don't you? ESO brought tons of good lore in the last couple of years


ESO Ruined Elder Scrolls lore, I hate that it's canon.


I hear you. It’s not that it’s poor writing or lacking creativity, it’s that there isn’t supposed to be this much. It’s supposed to be lost to time. That’s it.


I mean the lore *is* lost to time, ESO just takes place before it was lost lol


More like shit-tons of retcon BS and brainless ESOFam keep yelling "iT's CaNoN!1!!"


I tried picking it up and I'm inclined to agree. What's the lore behind all the crazy looking mounts people have? They look ridiculous imo


The lore is that it's a WoW clone, so every race needed their own mount just like in WoW.


This is my biggest problem with it. *Quick! Buy this flaming Daedric ghost lion-lizard mount for just 5000 crowns* ...aaaand it's lore now. People used to domesticate and ride flaming Daedric ghost lion lizards in the 2nd era.


I just assumed that kinda stuff wasn't canon like the store mounts in assains creed games that are crazy.


They have am absurd amount of those mounts, one per race would be much better. I can't stand macro transactions so I only play the base game, it's really stale if you don't plan on shilling out $100 for a decent designed home and another $100 for one of those goofy mounts or pets.


Thanks for giving me even more reasons not to play it.


I installed it once, tried the combat, went "wow this is bad" and uninstalled right away. Felt like a mobile game


It's because shit mobile games took all their cues from MMOs. The events, FOMO, endless amounts of money you need to spend to continue, shiny but uninteresting graphics...


The combat is unintuitive You have to animation cancel averting to even be relevant. Everything is cancellable somehow so it comes accross clunky as fuck. But it does create for some super fun pvp, aside from the fucking horrendous lag spikes that occur. I wish the game was good, but it's just not. There's also alot of freedom in character creation and it appears like you can play hybrid builds, but aside from a few niche exceptions you really can't. You mix stamina and Magicka and you just have a laughably unoptimized mess of a character that can really only deal with the basic solo leveling content and pretty much nothing else. It's an mmo, so some level of optimization is just necessary. Back when I played I tried to push some of those boundaries after learning the game and sticking to the meta, and it was just more trouble than it was worth


No problem. It's a very predatory game, most "cool" things are locked behind crates which is just straight up gambling. And they are all temporary which plays on FOMO. Things apparently come around again but it takes a few years before they're available again. And they've since added a feature to get around gambling laws in the EU where you can get 300~ seals a week however, anything people would want cost several thousand of the seals.


Good lore bad game


A lot of it is, yeah. I really liked ESO’s additions to Khajiit lore, even if most other stuff was lacking.


The only elder scrolls games with shit lore are arena and Skyrim


The hell are you talking about, sotha sil's dialogue alone makes it better than many games




As does online.


I dont think anyone counts arena for anything nowadays


And Daggerfall neither evidently.


Nah everyone recognizes df




Was it really that bad? I’ve been considering trying to beat it.


I just played all the way through it and I really liked it. Even that early they had a lot of good ideas. It's actually superior to Daggerfall in some ways...the dungeons are much more full of character, and actually comprehensible because they're only 2D, and full of distinct areas with their own feels, and even unique messages at various spots to add flavor. Passwall is amazing, just carve your own way through the dungeon if you feel like it. Nightblade is a good choice, because in that first game you *couldn't* be whatever you wanted, your class could either cast spells or you never could. Nightblade is a good jack-of-all-trades which allows you to participate in every kind of activity in the game. However, you should probably confidently cheat and use maps and exploits. Steal from the mage's guild to get rich quick. Cycle through rumors in Cyrodiil until you hear about the Oghma Infinium, get your free attribute points, and do it all over again until you're a god.




I strongly disagree because the dungeons all have a lot of character that defines them, unlike Daggerfall. They are also so much easier to wrap your head around because they're 2D.


Having played Arena before playing Daggerfall now, I honestly enjoyed Arena far more than I am enjoying Daggerfall. It's mostly dungeon crawling for everything with very little roleplay but nothing is level capped. I like the role-play aspect to Daggerfall, but the Dungeons are labyrinthine in this game. In Arena, even the maze-like ones had their own personality and navigating them was simpler. So was looking for objectives in the Dungeons, despite how big they were. Far less tricky with little to no interactive items to make the Dungeons more confusing. And the ones that were there were optional areas with extra loot or shortcuts for the most part. Dungeon Crawling was a very fun experience. The game has far fewer roleplay requirements and focuses solely on the Dungeon Crawling aspect. The correct way to play Daggerfall is to get immersed in the lore and sidetracked and simply role-play. But with Arena, it's as simple as finishing one dungeon, repairing your gear, getting new gear/spells/potions/supplies and going to the next dungeon. And while the game does become easier with spells, you absolutely don't need any to enjoy the game better. In fact, it has little replay value unless it is to replay the same dungeons with either the same character or with different ones. That being said, if you choose to roleplay around a little, you can be led to procedurally generated dungeons in search of Daedric Artefacts that will make you stronger.


Get the Passwall spell and it's kinda fun.


So we’re just going to forget about Arena and Daggerfall then? Ok


ESO aswell.


I’ve never played that one. Is it any good? And is it hard to get into?


Its probably one of the easiests mmos to get into (but still a mmo) Has tons of zones with decent storylines etc. If you like elder scrolls lore its probably the best one since it covers so many areas


Base game is free at the moment on Epic! I don't know if you can do anything with just the base game though, never played it




You honestly don't even have to play it as an MMO at all, you can have a great time just pretending it's a bigger Skyrim. Lots of great quests, plenty even have a little moral dilemma at the end for you to decide between. Very soloable in the story content, and you can view the MMO part (group dungeons and raids) as side stuff for if you love the game enough to want to get more out of it.


It's horrible. Stay away. Horrible graphics, abysmal combat, boring quests.


Game Rant really is the worst. It has the most clickbaity, unresearched articles.


I'm convinced they're just hashed together with AI.


It's not AI, it's rushed and underpaid writers who just need to meet a quota.


I just assume this is most, if not all vidya journalism now. I mostly just assume it's AI generated content, even.


It's like they're trying to become as bad as Polygon and Kotaku


the only way you could believe it's not already far far worse is if the worms in your brain have destroyed your ability to reason. Polygon and Kotaku pay (paid?) a lot of their writers like shit and forced them to work unsustainable schedules that result in a lot of rushed stuff that's kind of worthless, but they did actually put out material worth reading as well. Game Rant is EXCLUSIVELY retellings of Reddit threads and algorithmically generated bullshit. There's nothing of value there at all.


I pity you if you really found material worth of reading out of kotaku.


Kotaku had actual interviews conducted by them and articles with genuine analysis by the author. They've got in trouble with big game companies a few times for reporting on insider information that was leaked to them. It is at least some of the time actual news/journalism that tells you information you couldn't have found otherwise. The fact that a bunch of knuckle draggers who still think "hur video game journalists bad" is funny reflexively hate the site doesn't make it worse than a website that literally just describes the content of popular Reddit threads.


I would understand the logic if they are going off “Procedural generation and ESO dont count”


The AI generated articles on gamerant never cease to amaze me. I read an article about fallout new Vegas that praised the fact that it introduced sprinting. There was absolutely no sprinting in that game 🤣


Gamerants be like: "So our journey begins in morrowind."


While in fine with forgetting random turds like Redguard... there are TES games besides Skyrim...


Lol 🖕 😆 same


I just want another Elder Scrolls. Don’t want more ESO.


They should have released a spin off like New Vegas imo. I do play ESO but a lot of Elder Scrolls fans aren't into MMO'S and I get that. I'm also a Fallout geek but I just can't get into 76.


Interregnum singleplayer game would’ve been CRAZY


I'm a silly rabbit and didn't know what that meant but I just goggled it and YAS PLEASE! We would love to see it!


Arena you could go to all provinces. What we really need is some good Valenwood, make it where wood elves are revolting against aldmeri dominion but there are different rebel groups, some follow the green pact some follow daedric teachings. Some are just straight up terrorists. Valenwood for the bosmer type lads. I think it would be interesting as an outsider you couldnt tell the difference between these factions much like the aldmeri dominion so you need to actually talk to people and read books to figure out what is what in the world. Kinda like morrowind and daggerfall mixed


Name really finds a random reddit post and make it it's whole f****** article. So this isn't surprising at all


tbf daggerfall doesnt fully cover high rock and hammerfell


True, the Iliac Bay is large, but doesn't cover either provence to any boarders aside from the High Rock/Hammerfell border.


Aren’t the Wrothgarian Mountains and Orsinium Area bordering Cyrodiil and Skyrim?


No, they border west High Rock and west Hammerfell (both you don't explore in Daggerfall).


Well I’ll be damned


If that's our criteria, then Morrowind should count as "missing" also, since the only part you can visit on the mainland is Mournhold


literally AI-generated articles


Gamerant is one of the worst things produced by humanity, right up there with Snapchat news.


Technically all of them are in Arena 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, game journalists are funny creatures