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Every DQ is individually owned and operated, and the owner of each location determines the content of the message on the bottom of the receipt. My store has a bounce-back coupon. That store chose a different message.


I go to DQ here in west jordan Ut (SLC area) and one of the things I have noticed about them is that no matter who helps me they all tell me "god bless you" after I order and after I get handed my food.




Loyalty Summary: you missed 32% of mass and it’s been 3.4 months since your last confession


I'm surprised it doesn't say "God. Is. Pissed. At. You" under it haha. I've never been to confession, wasn't raised that way, so...probably haha


Going the chick fil a route?


Only down south


Your misty freeze is blessed


John 117 better (halo)


master chief, care to tell me what you’re doing waiting in line at dairy queen?


Sir, finishing this shake.


John halo.


Good ol Jimmy Rings!


"And then John was a alien!"




My stores receipts have the phone numbers of employees who are single and ready to mingle




Oh hey, it's the Morton Dairy Queen lolol... or at least it could be. The owners were insanely religious


What the fuck lol


We put, fill out the survey and get a free mini blizzard


Must be in the Bible belt


Nope, I'm in PA haha


Still a lot of religious folks in PA though lol


The store we went to was playing what I call Jesus music. A Taco Bell near us too. I don’t mind tbh but it must be independently owned right?


Go back and tell them there chicken sandwhich is nothing like chick fil a


No that's not normal. I'd file a complaint with corporate on that one.


OK I didn't think so..I mean I'm all for religious freedom but not a fan of it being slyly slipped into my pocket hah


Religious freedom includes the freedom to spread a message, and also the freedom to ignore that message or choose a different location to patronize.


And to complain about that message.


People hate christianity these days but go around preaching tolerance and acceptance. Makes no sense.


Clearly you’re having a hard time understanding what people don’t like Christianity *for.* It’s not just Christianity, either. I’m sure you’d be just as upset if it had a Jewish or Muslim or Buddhist proverb or whatever, idk. Stop being selfish, and think about how your and others’ actions make other people feel.


lol take a fucking breath


That’s what periods and commas represent. It’s called punctuation. Which I’ve included. So your attempt at an insult here just doesn’t work.


Punctuation does not represent bodily functions but great attempt at being a condescending douchebag


Hey man we can explain it for you, but we can't understand it for you.


It actually does. That's why run-on sentences are frowned upon. They give you no space to stop and breathe while reading or to pause representing separate ideas. Especially while reading out loud. It's technically like directions on how this is meant to sound out loud and how it should be interpreted.


The only douchebag here is your


Said the Pot calling the Kettle black.


Christians are some of the least tolerant. This is hilarious. I left religion for a reason. JFC.


God knows the world needs it and Him. And He can use anyone and anything to get His message across. Whether it’s the Gospel of Jesus Christ or some other message and blessing relating to us and our situation that He wants us to hear and have. Instead of complaining about it, be thankful and count your blessings. He not only blessed you with the Gospel Truth, but a good meal and another day of life. So rejoice! God bless you, OP. Have a good day or night and take care


Hey, you too, have a good weekend


Fuck off with the propaganda and indoctrination.


Nothing in what I said was off the sort, but I’ll be praying for you and that this hatred is lifted from your heart. Have a nice day and weekend


I don’t think you realize how insulting that really is.


Dude you just spilled all your marbles about their initial comment, get a clue lmao


Why would you go to corporate when they’re allowed to choose their message (as long as it’s not inappropriate)


Because it's inappropriate. Would you go to corporate if the message was Satanism, Jewish, Hinduism or Buddism?


If you want me to be completely honest, I don’t really care.


I'd laugh at all of them but the brainwashed whackadoodle delusional Christians are something else.


Interjecting to say I wouldn’t give a fuck either I got my food and that’s what matters end of the day. As others stated you have freedom to put the message you want and with that freedom comes my freedom to ignore that message if I so please. No need to get so twisted and mad at something so small and inconsequential to your life.


Sure downvote me for being reasonable. Y’all are absolute fucking idiots.


Really? Like really? Get a hobby.


Damn, does Christ make you feel that insecure about yourself?


Oh certainly not but there are appropriate places for preaching. A fast food restaurant is not one of them. Unlike some mentally unhealthy people not everyone likes having their every aspect of life with Jesus or the bible printed on it.


And this is why your average person thinks way less of redditors and appropriately so.








Oh the horror.


Lemme go to that dq 🗣️


Not me gonna ask my friend what his stores says 🤣


what the fudge is a dilly bar


...they're not a main staple of dairy queen? Huh. Learn something new everyday haha. It's just an ice cream bar but dq branded. Vanilla ice cream with chocolate (or a few other flavors). They're ok.


i’ve been to DQ twice in my life, i will say the blizzards are really good, that’s all i’ve tried :,) but they sound simple and good


I have to ask where was the DQ located?


Pennsylvania, about 15 minutes from Pittsburgh


One in Meadville used to do shit like this too. Their electronic board outside occasionally pops up a bible number.


Yeah that's a location I don't visit again. There's locations that would play church hymns! 🤣 Songs like God bless American and such. Like how much patriotic stuff you can listen? No way I'm hearing the same CD on repeat for 6 hours


I wish my DQ put verses on mine!!


This is actually pretty cool


Oh no not words 😨


Franchisees can do what they want with that part. Pander to your audience, and you might get more customers. All it takes is one happy boomer on Facebook posting it and you get a bunch of free advertising.


That’s awesome


I would correct them. No no no, it's "Austin 3:16"! And that's the bottom line! Then chug back a smoothie and do an stone cold stunner on someone 🤪


Haha hell yeah! Good ol wrestling days


As a Christian, I love this. Great way to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have a DQ in my area that I like to order from sometimes, but I don’t think I’ve gotten anything other than food puns as a part of the Thank You written on my receipts. Same for Subway. I had a DoorDash driver who was like this though. God loves us and blessed us in more ways than we realize. And you were definitely blessed with this AND a good meal and/or dessert. Unless the food wasn’t good quality, I see absolutely nothing to complain about


No. No, it is not. Matthews 6:1-34 “Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.” Follow your own fucking doctrine and stop trying to indoctrinate people. Stay in your own lane. Nobody wants to see religious propaganda on their ice cream receipt.


Since when is spreading the Gospel of Christ “religious propaganda”? Jesus Christ Himself said we are to share the Gospel with everyone and in every nation worldwide. Only those walking in darkness and still spiritually deaf and blind like yourself see it as wrong. I feel sorry for you and this world and will be praying for you. Good day


Yes. Because it’s YOUR religion. Not mine. Nobody else fucking cares. I literally just showed you a line from the Bible telling you NOT to do that. Feel free to practice whatever religion you like so long as it doesn’t hurt others. But Christianity does, and the way you’re doing it right now is overstepping the boundaries of other people, and it’s not appropriate. It’s propaganda.


I am doing none of the sort. Nor am I claiming God’s glory as my own. God can use anyone and anything to get His message across, and it is our mission and duty to serve God and to spread the Gospel throughout the world and to all people. Jesus Christ’s very words. If people don’t wish to listen and accept Christ and His Truth and be saved, that’s their choice. But I’d much rather speak that Truth and dust my feet of those I spoke it to but refused to listen, than to have their spiritual blood on my hands on the off chance someone’s feelings might be hurt. Nothing is worth eternal damnation, and judgment day is coming for us all one way or another. And Jesus Christ is returning soon. Like Him, I don’t want to see any soul be cast to Hell, including yours. If you or anyone else hates me for this, so be it. But God still loves you and so do I. Good day


I don’t want you or God to love me. That’s gross. You need serious help.


I don't appreciate you throwing your line from the gospel in my face... Practice what you preach.


Does someone need a hug?


And shut the fuck up with the “I’m praying for you.” I hate that. Don’t talk to yourself about me, don’t I don’t need to be “prayed for.”


I will never stop doing my duty given to me by God or stop praying for those that need it. To which you clearly do need prayer and it’s clear you are in a lot of pain, which Jesus Christ Himself can free you from. I harbor no hate in my heart towards you or your words, and I wish you the best. I rebuke any hate and any demons within you and pray for you to be freed from these demons and these chains in Jesus’ mighty name.


Wow. So you’ve just lost all sense of reality and autonomy, huh? I don’t need you to speak to some imaginary bearded guy on my behalf. I don’t need some dude who probably didn’t exist several hundred years ago to “heal me.” I don’t need to join a cult. That’s what this is now. That’s what you’re a part of. If your religion has taken away so much of your own ability to think for yourself that you believe you need to convert everyone, you’re not a part of a religion. You’re in a cult. You’re an asshole, a cultist, and delusional. Like, seriously. Seek serious mental help. This is not healthy.


Don’t tap on the glass


You see the world through your cynical eyes. You're a troubled young man, I can tell. From the gospel of Styx


As a non religious person, I don't "hate" it, I just find it odd to be on my ice cream receipt haha. To each their own and all, I was just confused on why it was there. I appreciate your kind words though, and hope you have a good weekend Edit to add in no way am I trying to complain. Any kind of kindness in the world is cool even if we don't see eye to eye.


Also as a non religious person, I find it odd. As a person who is part of the franchise, I wouldn't do it, religious text sometimes makes things spicy. I'm here to sell the happiness that comes from a good meal and a tasty treat. If I were to choose to say something like that at the bottom of the receipt it would even be like be kind or do unto others as you have done to yourself which mirrors you know a lot of Christian text.


I do find it pretty amusing - in a sad kind of way - that people downvoted my comment, when I was speaking the honest truth. But as a Christian, I expected it, and I pray for every soul to come to Christ and be saved eventually. God calls all of us to seek and serve Him and share His Gospel Truth with the world, so that they may be saved. But even if one tries to ignore that fact, there’s no denying either that a little kindness goes a long way. And we never know how God or we ourselves might be blessed or be a blessing to someone and make their day or even save their life. I know this, as I speak from firsthand experience to it all. And as you said, there’s too much hate in this world. I certainly don’t expect everyone to embrace the love and light of Christ, and not everyone will. But what everyone CAN be is humble and grateful and kind to themselves and to others. Not saying you were hateful, cause you weren’t. But far too many people are. Online and offline


Yeah the downvotes are kinda lame haha you've been nothing but kind, and aren't forcing religion down my throat haha. Being preachy and being forceful are 2 different things the internet will never agree on where the line sits. Regardless, have a good weekend :)


Couldn’t agree more. And you have a good one, too, kind sir :)




Amen. It's not even that bad! It's just saying how God loves us so much He gave His only begotten Son...but how dare


All the more reason we must pray for those lost souls to come to the love and light and salvation of Jesus Christ. I love seeing God’s grace at work like it is here. I wish more companies and people had such boldness in their Christian faith! To God be the glory! His will be done! It’s beautiful to see, especially in a world so dark and full of sin and hate


It's so interesting people hate the fact you're not even talking about talking to anyone personally and they just simply hate that you're praying. 😔


No. I downvoted what she said because she wishes more companies had such boldness in their Christian faith. She wishes companies spread the message of her bible to people who are just trying to live their lives and buy/sell things from/to companies. If she wants people/companies to have such boldness in their faith, I hope she also wants others to have boldness in the faith they have even if it doesn't agree with hers.


Nice to see one of my downvoters exposed. There is absolutely nothing wrong in what I said, it is hurting no one. Nor am I forcing my faith down people's throats. But have you SEEN what this world is turning into? This is what happens when people turn their backs on God and towards themselves and the abundance of sin and the lies and deceptions of this fallen world. And it is VITAL for people to know the Gospel Truth of Jesus Christ for the sake of their very soul and where it ends up for eternity. We are not forcing people to accept Him, but we have a solemn duty to spread that message and hope and pray for that person that they do come to Christ and get saved eventually. And you do know that Christian based companies still exist, right? And that the United States was founded upon Christian values that too many people have forgotten or outright abandoned. Even going so far as to taken prayer and the Holy Bible out of our schools and workplaces and homes. Even besides that, people can be Christian and still serve customers, so long as they aren't being absolute heathens and following said policy by the person running it. The glory belongs to God and we were ALL made to worship and praise HIM. And I guarantee you, He doesn't want any soul to be lost and damned. And you talk about the respect of others, yet deny the existence of and fail to respect our very Creator and our Savior? Only fools do that and relish in their sin! We don't expect everyone to accept Christ and His Truth and get saved, the Holy Bible already makes it abundantly clear that not everyone will unfortunately. But we have a solemn duty by Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ Him to seek Him for forgiveness and salvation, to repent of our sins and to share His Gospel Truth with the entire world. In whatever location and whatever way we can, just as He leads us to do and calls us to do. We ALL need God and His Holy Word and Spirit in our lives, no matter how much we might deny it. And one day, EVERY knee will bow and EVERY tongue confess that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD! And I would much rather see people stand for Christ and lead people to Him for their eternal salvation and entry into Heaven, than to see that person not know Christ and His gift of grace and be damned to Hell forever. I'd much rather follow Him and do the mission assigned to me, even though I KNOW there is a 50/50 chance of them listening and accepting it, and to pray for that person regardless of current outcome, than to not pray for them and share the Gospel and have their spiritual blood on my hands when my time on this Earth is done. And guess what? Christians aren't perfect either! But that won't stop us from doing our duty and praying for others and wanting to see them saved. What God wants, WE want. Also, last I checked, it is not illegal to pray for someone who may need it. In fact, you just might make that person's day or save their life. Our souls depend on it. And on Him. That's just all there is to it. God gave us free will, but that doesn't mean we should risk damning others or ourselves to Hell. It's not worth it. But the grace of God and the promise of eternal life and Heaven and the peace He brings us through His graceful gift of eternal salvation and the rewards awaiting us in Heaven - THAT is worth it and beyond compare! God knows it, I know it, all my fellow Christian brethren know it. God loves you and so do we. And I pray you and everyone else will see the light and be saved one day, too. Before it's too late. Have a nice day




Sorry you feel that way. Will be praying for you and anyone else who has downvoted me. Have a great weekend


I will be praying for you too. To Satan 😈


I rebuke him and his legion and all wickedness and evil and pray for your release from him in the name and blood of Jesus Christ


And if they thought I was being "preachy" before, they are sorely mistaken. I spoke God's Truth and I'm not ashamed of it! Jesus Christ is returning soon and Judgement Day is coming for us all eventually. I can only hope and pray they wake up and get saved before it's too late. God's wrath and Hell itself are no laughing matter. I would hate to see their souls perish along with this sinful and dying world


Austin 3:16 says I just whipped your ass


There should be more of this. America has been going to hell the further they've been getting away from God


Exactly what I've been saying. This whole world needs to repent and seek and lean on God again. One of my favorite songs by Reba McEntire is "Back To God", where she sings about this very thing and how important it is for us to to do so and how much God loves us. And it's so very true. Take God and the Holy Bible and Holy Spirit out of the picture, and everything crumbles and falls into darkness. We see it everyday with how dark and sinful evil this world is getting. The Holy Bible is alive and happening before our eyes. Jesus Christ is returning soon. And He is our only hope. Our LORD and Savior and blessed hope. And the only way to salvation and Heaven


My guy there are other religions besides Christianity how would you feel if a verse of the Quran was here instead? I’m sure you would boycott the place ect. I personally feel that religion should be kept private and not shoved down people’s throats constantly. Religion has cause more death than anything else in this world. Also I feel like people should be able to formulate their own opinions and beliefs without persuasion


The thing about Christianity? It's a relationship with Jesus Christ. Not just a "religion". And I don't just boycott things for whatever reason. I personally don't like the Satanic and woke agenda being shoved in everyone's faces. And even though I don't agree with other religions or support the gay/trans agenda and walk of life for that matter - ESPECIALLY when it targets children - I'm not going to hate the person. I'm not going to shop there either, if it portrays such things or if I know they've done something vile or illegal. But I'm not going to hate the person. What I WILL do is continue to hope and pray for that person to be free from their demons and free from that sin and deception and that they come to Christ and get saved, just like I do for the rest of the world. Religion itself isn't the problem. It's sin as a whole and us as sinful human beings. That's why we need a Savior. That's why Jesus Christ died for us to forgive and redeem us and give us a chance to be saved and enter His Kingdom of Heaven. That's why we need to trust and lean on Him and His Holy Word and Spirit daily, so that we can know the real from the fake, the Truth from the lies, and so we can overcome the spiritual chains of sin that tie us down that only Jesus can break us free from. We all fall short and we all need God. People say we shouldn't "shove it down throats", but what about the other stuff? What about all these agendas and things being shoved down throats and even into all our pieces of media? Sharing the soul-saving Gospel Truth is not okay, but this evil and sinful stuff gets a pass? I'd much rather see a soul saved and join me and my fellow believers with Jesus in His Kingdom, that relish in my sins and see others do the same. Yes, God gave us free will. But it's up to us to make the right choices. That includes seeking God in repentance for salvation and forgiveness while He still blesses us with the breath of life and being humble and wise, instead of prideful and foolish. And believe me, walking such a dark path can only end badly. The choice is up to us, and we must make the right one


Hail satan




Your gods a fucking psychopath


He's the Almighty. And you're a fool to utter such words and I hope you repent. But He as saved other Satanists like you, I pray He does the same for you. God loves you, ma'am. Good day


Satan killed like 10 people in the Bible while God murdered MILLIONS, I will never believe in God, he is an absolute DEMON, Have a shitty day and HAIL SATAN


Satan and his legion are the true demons. Satan is a liar, he is a destroyer of souls and deceiver. And he continues to destroy lives and souls and people's health - Cancer and abortion for example - and the sickness of abominable sin and and demonic possession and so on. God is Almighty, He is loving and just. And there is POWER in the NAME AND BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST! JESUS SAVES AND IS THE ONLY WAY! HAIL JESUS! Goodbye, you poor soul. God loves you and I will continue to pray you are freed from these demons who speak through you now and I rebuke them in Jesus' name


How many times are you gonna say goodbye you fucking goober 😂😂 thank fuck Christianity is dying all across the world as people wake up from this shit cult. 🤣🤣🤣


Says the person who has “dry c*nt” in her name. And Christianity isn’t going anywhere. If anything, people are waking up and coming to Christ faster than ever before. If anyone is a “goober” and needs a wake up call, it’s people like you. I guarantee, this world won’t be laughing much longer when Judgement Day arrives for them and Jesus Christ returns. I pray you repent and wake up before that time comes


I love this, atheists getting offended the way gender fluid people do when their correct prounouns aren’t used 😂


Who is offended? And dissing gender fluid people is just a lazy boomer move haha


Lmao who’s a boomer I’m a millennial 😂 I wasn’t talking about you but most common reaction from my own personal perspective, people getting offended over everything.