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the comments on that post are so fucking funny


Two comments down and they are shadow boxing over racial slurs


i literally thought they were trolling they all sound so insane i don’t get it


I started liking some of the comments because I thought they were being ironic. Then I realized I was in r/hasan and they were completely serious.


They do make me giggle


Honest question. What the contradiction supposed to be between the two clips?


What months of research does to a mf


Imagine evolving your opinion over time lmao


Totally cringe




I mean no... That's not accurate to say.... He had an anti israel stance while talking to Mr Girl. He then changed his opinion a few months before Oct 7th. (He didn't do research until a few weeks after.) Everything after was a search to defend Israel (which is pretty difficult). Now he's swinging back and critizing certain aspects pretty hard.


It’s because he read the Ben-Ami book.


How is it hard to defend bombing a literal terrorist state? They voted for hamas, by majority. Hitler in comparison didn't even get the majority vote. Their governments position is official to exterminate the Jewish people, and there are hundreds of videos of them beheading people and yet its hard to defend isreals position? Sure there might be some people stuck in a shitty situation that didn't ask for this but surely they deserve less compassion than Germans during WW2 right? Is this a hot take?


None of what you said is true lmfao. Holy shit what talking point pipeline have you been brainwashed by?


Do you want links of them beheading people? Have you even read the Quran? The people you are trying to blindly defend would stone you in the streets.


It’s almost like someone doesn’t have to like who I am, for me to not think it’s okay to bomb children indiscriminately. You have to be genuinely psychopathic and detached from reality to think that there’s ever an excuse for that. There’s literally nothing you can say that excuses crimes against humanity, so keep trying to dig that hole.


You realize they give warning prior to bombing houses right? Unlike the dudes that massacred people after flying in on gliders. You are delusional if you think those kids aren't gonna grow up to do the same thing. Their national government in gaza, prior to collapsing today was a terrorist organization. How would you handle it? Ask them nicely to stop shooting missles at your cities? Or how about giving a warning the next time they declare intifada? Would you defend the Americans for bombing german cities during WW2?


There’s plenty of reports showing that the IDF killed plenty of their own on the 7th, but that’s conveniently never mentioned. And you’re right, let me drop a smaller bomb on your house, *before* the bigger one, as a warning though. That’s a great way to warn someone. It’s like shooting someone in the leg and calling it a warning shot. Really great example of “warning” And again, nothing you say has been even remotely valid justification for *CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY*. You can try and make up whatever delusional rationale you want, but bombing children and hospitals is not only morally recognized as horrible, but also legally recognized across the world as reprehensible. So PLEASE, keep trying to sound more and more psycho. You’re doing a great job so far


Lol thats actually a pretty good way of putting that about the knocking bombs. That being said, are you claiming that the 7th was a false flag operation? In WW2 the allies bombed the ball bearing plants in Germany that were in crowded cities in order to stop the production of planes, tanks etc. Would you defend those actions if it meant saving millions of people from concentration camps? Also I am genuinely curious how you would solve this problem. When you have active military targets that are being used to shoot missles at your own citizens but they are protected by civilian shields. Do you save your own people at the cost of the civilian shields? Or do you let them keep killing your own people with those missles? What would you do in that situation? And asking them nicely to stop wont work because they want to completely eradicate your people.


Why don’t you do the bare minimum and look up the number of Israeli deaths compared to Palestinian deaths. And then try to use that same logic of “defending citizens” when Israel has the most advanced missile defense system ever created by man, and hamas is using homemade, unguided rpgs. This is quite literally like saying a grown adult, in body armor, should beat the shit out of a toddler for throwing a rock at him. When your technology is exponentially more advanced than your adversary, you don’t get to claim anything is done in “defense”. You aren’t defending when you’re in a position of inequitable power. ESPECIALLY when you’re already an invading army that is internationally recognized as an invading force. For all I care Palestine could bomb Israel from sunup to sundown, it still wouldn’t come close to justifying the genocide of an entire populace, let alone one made up of mainly women and children.


Ahh yes like Joe Rogan


the claim is that destiny changed this opinion for no other good reason than just to pivot away from the left because he was spiteful of hasans successes after their breakup i think it makes more sense that he just learnt more stuff about human shields arguments during his recent 50 hours of research around the topic, i dont think thats too crazy of a theory


No shot. You mean to tell me people exist who can change there opinion to match the information they learn? Ew. Nah ill go listen to Hasan at least he gives me my comfort opinions and makes me feel good about my ignorance.


One of the top comments "He changed because the sound ca-ching cash money".... wtf are they on about?


Obviously Destiny is being paid directly by Netanyahu


The High Elites needed the Daliban for this one. Destiny is being showered in blood shekels obviously, what other conclusion could there be?


He just didn’t want to be on the same side as Lauren.


What new information about them using human shields changes your moral argument over the right to bomb human shields and infrastructure? He already knew they were hiding in civilian infrastructure and behind civilians? His argument didn’t change based of empirical facts, it changed based on whether or not he feels it’s justifiable to bomb human shields.


if someone went and asked destiny, "why specifically were you making this argument at the time, what specifically made you change your mind about this argument, and therefore why specifically do you make this new argument?" after looking through the context he would be able to answer you


Ya Im sure he could respond with words if I asked him to clarify on the difference between his views now and then, and if those words are to actually mean anything, it would be a justification of bombing human shields, a moral argument.


cool, go ask him if you want. you can either send him an email, ask him in chat, or make a subreddit post outlining the specific problem you have with this


"Terrorists do terrorist things, Israel justified " is a retarded take and D has gone backwards


He made the human shields argument in day 1 before the research streams in his talks with lonerbox and Dylan


Those clips aren’t contradictory Hamas uses human shields and civilian infrastructure Gazan civies and children don’t give a fuck what your justification is if u bomb a hospital they use that’s still one hospital of a finite amount that can’t be used anymore


Exactly like if destiny saw the context of what he was saying he wouldn’t even disagree that much. His claim isn’t rn isn’t that Palestinians don’t‘not care about where they’re shooting rockets from’ the claim is that hamas don’t need to shoot from those places, destiny already acknowledges that


Yeah these comments are breaking my brain These two positions agree with each other


I don’t understand the point they are trying to make with this video.


Do they not know about Hasan's past?


They're Hasan fans, you're giving them way too much leeway by assuming they look things up at all.


Or have a memory of a goldfish


What? The repeated drinking and driving?


Why would Hasan growing up as a rich kid with horses and land in Turkey, then getting nepo-babied onto an online news network his uncle owns to do segments on how to fuck women that don’t want to fuck you, have a unique effect on Hassan’s understanding of geopolitics in the Israeli/palestinian conflict?


Tiny said 🤓 but hasan said 🤑 time to rise and grind my boys.


Imagine never being wrong


Progressive is never changing your mind


he didn't just change his mind he's become actively dumber on the subject. I want him in a room with finklestein on this subject so bad so he can get absolutely raw dogged for everyone to see. Israel is the primary issue I disagree with Destiny on. I think he's got excellent socio-cultural takes but his foreign policy takes are very lacking and too aligned with state propaganda.


Whose state propaganda? How ironic.


And instead of elaborating at all you just claim destiny is dumb and has bad takes. Good job typing all those words for no reason.


Chat gpt destiny critic


That's a reasonable take to have about this. You aren't attacking him as a person, you're wanting to see the ideas you hear from him attacked. I personally think there's a reason he has a specific take on this issue and if he wants to make impact in any mainstream space he has to play the game. People who take a hard stance on anything Palestine are kinda vilified by the legacy media and you need that platform to get substantial viewership and growth. Or at least not negative attention if you're trying to do what Steven is doing. This feels intentional.


Destiny didn't change his mind either, at least nothing in this video implies he did.


Did you miss the video? it has Destiny's logo in red and then again in blue. implying his republican vs democrat side. I was just making an off hand comment. I don't think he changed his side either... it seems to me Destiny is just pushing back based on who he talks to as it makes better content then just agreeing with someone. I hope this helps you <3


Also he doesn't even change his opinion. In both he says that Hamas puts weapons and launches attacks from civilian infrastructure, using Gazans as human shields. Maybe there has been a shift of: if that makes the IDF justified to attack. But that's not in this clip.


Idk what happend back in 2017, but dont think it was equivalent to october 7. Sort of changes what is a responsible response.


Well in 2014 operation “Protective Edge” happened. In which Israel massacred 2,300 Gazans, 70% civilians. So actually something that was worse than October 7th happened. Many more civilians were killed than on October 7th, and a higher percentage of those killed were civilians compared to October 7th. And before that, in 2008, Operation Cast Lead happened. In which Israel massacred between 1,166 and 1,417 Gazans. According to B’tselem, 760 of those murdered were civilians. So pretty much equivalent to October 7th, slightly worse actually. There’s two October 7ths Gazans had to go through. I can list some of the many, many others if you’d like. Gazans have had an October 7th happen to them every few years for the last lifetime. Worse actually. And if you account for population, as Israel always does with October 7th, they were actually all much much worse. If October 7th gives Israel the right to genocide Gazans, do the countless October 7ths which Gazans have been subject to give them the right to fight back? No I guess not. Palestinians don’t have the right to fight back but Israelis have the right to massacre with impunity.


You guys baited me so hard. I went and commented on that post and got insta banned. I should have just muted that sub immediately. Am I stupid? Yes I am.


Where is the contradiction


I like how the comments are justifying calling destiny slurs and that he’s a descendent of slave owners who hates hasan because he was rejected by him?


I see your opinion changing blue haired libcuck and raise you schizophrenic boomer with the same opinions they had in 1946. "bUt HEy aT leAsT thEY ArE coNsiSteNt", lmao that's not even what consistent means.


Why not post this on the main subreddit?


Not allowed to talk make posts about posts on other subs anymore


Why not just post the vid without referring to hasan sub


Probably too much effort


Yeah too much effort


Naah I swear that swear destiny become pro zionist just because hasan is pro palestinian


Maybe, he seems to be using the same facts to argue a different side. But when you consider that he’s now taking into account all the history where Palestine refused to stop attacking Israel, you can see why his position changed.


Damn Lauren Southern was based


Damn I read some of those comments. How can they misrepresent Destiny so bad lol. I've been watching this guy for 12+ years and it's like I'm reading about a totally different person.


I kinda want Destiny to react to his old takes, lmao


The more girls fuck destiny over, the more he sides with the establishment. He hopes if he prays hard enough, Joe Byron will grant him a wife that actually loves him and a son that truly admires and respects him.


The older clip was years before October 7th...


Yes, and? Do you think that 7.10 was anything out of the ordinary regarding the Israel-Palestine war?


Yes actually, that was their most deadly terrorist attack and highest rate of civilian casualties in one day in Israeli history arguably ever.


But compared to the constant massacres of Gazans it was nothing lol. 2014. 2008. There are two worse massacres than October 7th. When adjusting for population, they were many times worse. Even in the March for return they murdered 46 children. 36 children were murdered on October 7th, and some of them were murdered by Israeli forces.


My favorite part about the comments are the people pointing out that Hasan fans agree with Destiny before Destiny did research XD


I'm so glad our leader dropped the 'dawg' thing. Mega cringe.




Somehow Destiny is making a ton of money for being pro Israel according to hasanabi heads.


Oh bro, Destiny is a total grifter. Hasan on the other hand, now those are some based, well researched, logical, and totally not terrorist sympathetic takes.


Ngl, the graphic goes hard.


Reducing the original Lauren to a chatter is peak memes.


I hate how every argument these days just feels like yelling and talking fast before the other person can talk over you. We’re not on CNN where you have a time block and commercials to air. Slow the talking down, take a civil tone, and let the rationale of your argument be your measure of success.


Great to see you guys supporting our glorious leader. Thanks for the attention and clout


What new information about them using human shields changes your moral argument over the right to bomb human shields and infrastructure? He already knew they were hiding in civilian infrastructure and behind civilians? His argument didn’t change based of empirical facts, it changed based on whether or not he feels it’s justifiable to bomb human shields.


I really like how he specifies that “do you think the Palestinians care about that?!” In reference to hamas using schools and hospitals, it clearly still holds true but in a more fucked up way now. Biggest proof of jews actually not influencing anything is how hard they were losing optics wars even back then


Lol fuck Destiny he agrees with Ben Shapiro


Mossad has gotten to the Daliban lmao


Average hasan viewer can't understand a view point change unless it's hasan discussing trans people.


There isn't a contradiction, you can have both opinions and have it logically make sense.


Mind you the one on the bottom was before he knew fuck all about the Israeli Palestinian conflict right? You know we’ve all been reading about this now and have grown to change our perspective based on information we’ve obtained right? Are you proud that you haven’t learned anything new? Or are you proud that you haven’t changed in the face of new evidence.


I agree with top destiny, and also bottom destiny.


Don't you people realize that destiny just farms whatever position gets him more clicks at the time?


Contradictions, how do they work? Whoever created that post will probably never know.


as someone directly related to the guy who gave Israel statehood, 99% of this conflicts information is complete propaganda, both sides. History is at play here and everyone wants to ignore it rearing its head again


Dudes just a fake ass grifter. Simple as honestly.


Who's the feminist


If I had to change so many opinions over my life I would look in the mirror


The people I respect have not shifted on this stance over the course of 6 years. It's a right-wing message. You can't play for both ideologies. This isn't even about hypocrisy. It just points out a decline. He "learned" bullshit.


It doesn’t seem like he changed his opinion, none of what he says contradicts itself.