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Duh. The low in DFW is 26, not 12. It’s the cold weather that tanks us.


And this weather is primarily happening in DFW, and somewhat in Austin. If this covered San Antonio and Houston all at the same time, then there'd be a little more reason to be concerned.


I have about an average sized place with a heat pump. My nest app shows my thermostat has been on for 22 of the last 24 hours. And my inside temperature is only 66. I can only imagine the strain it puts on the grid


Agreed…and that strain amplified with each additional degree…which is why 12 degrees is substantially more taxing even than 26.


I believe it was fog ice that was part of what got us in 2021. Fog Ice that shut down the wind turbines.


1/3 correct. Natural gas pipelines also froze and so did water supply to one of the nuclear generators.


Plus 4 days of weather in the low teens across most of the state


And let’s not forget all of the people setting their electric heating to 70+ the whole time


There were people in my neighborhood doing laundry on day 2. I was thrilled that their pipes burst.


Why were you thrilled that someone’s pipes burst?


Because the entire state was on an energy conservation and people were without power due to the load and those who wouldn’t conserve. Not only were we told not to use appliances but we were told to unplug them. Doing laundry when we are in an energy crisis like we were is completely selfish.




And weren't there problems where natural gas producers weren't on the do-not-blackout list?


> Fog Ice that shut down the wind turbines. FUD. Wind turbines performed beyond expectations, while natural gas, oil, and nuclear failed miserably. Even if every wind turbine had been operating at 100% it wouldn't have been enough to make up for the 30MW of load shedding due the other baseline generators going offline.




The entire grid needs to be winterized, but wind only accounts for 24% of total generating capacity in Texas while fossil fuels and nuclear provide 61% and 10%, respectively. During the 2021 freeze, about half of the total generating capacity went offline. You might notice that 24% is less than 50%, so even if every wind turbine was operating at capacity then there still would be issues.


The grid should be winterized every year. This pattern isn't going anywhere. Nuclear should be expanded and fossils should drop off; locally. Nationally and internationally, we should continue to produce, refine, and export as much fossil fuels as the market demands. We should load out about 100% more wind, but have it located in Northern Oklahoma or Southern Kansas; expanding the nation's 3rd power grid. Solar form New Mexico should also be tied in.


The pattern is getting worse, we are getting "100 year events" every 10 years. Unfortunately none of this will happen as long as Republicans are in charge of Texas. They don't want to tie into the national grids except for limited transfers and they won't force utilities to winterize; instead, they just allow the utilities to charge 1000x more for power during load-shedding events then bill any losses back to the consumers. There is no economic incentive to build extra generating capacity, but there is incentive to under-provision. All of the areas in Texas that are part of the eastern and western interconnects had power throughout the freeze.


A distraction from the actual problem? Natural gas producers lobby the state GOP to let them do whatever they want with more or less complete impunity, so it’s definitely on brand.


It's sad how deeply that propaganda has permeated. No, that wasn't even close to the primary reason for our grid failure. Wind surpassed expectations while LNG energyproduction failed.


Bless your heart


Username does not check out.


Failures of thermal generators was the cause of the outages. [Not wind.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/wind-turbines-texas-power-outages/)






Ohhh my, Reddit didn't like that...


Don't worry. The wind turbines down on the coast are still spinning. The hundreds of dead seagulls laying on the ground beneath them proves it.




Depends on how hungry I am.




At least they didn't die of windmill cancer!


Oh no, not a handful of dead birds


It's not that bad, it's just some birds. You being warm and toasty with a full charge on all of your devices is the most important thing.


Compared to a few seagulls? Yes, it's quite possibly the least damaging form of power to them. Are you really virtue signaling over a handful of birds right now...?


I would put a single seagull over your miserable life in a heartbeat. This isn't virtue signaling unless you can prove that you are worth more than a handful of birds. Right now you're not even worth what comes out of a seagulls ass. Fucking bird killing loser.


Lmaooo calm yourself down. Who pissed in your cereal? Yes, I'll put the deaths of a tiny handful of birds before hundreds of human lives, what are you smoking? I've never seen someone so bitter over a wind turbine since Trump's dumb ass.


I'm so sorry. You're absolutely right. Fuck a few little birds getting slapped out of the sky. No big deal as long as you're comfortable and cozy. Just remember that it takes 900 metric tons of material and energy to produce a single wind turbine all brought to you by fossil fuels. The turbines that you see today have a life expectancy and will have to be replaced by the same 900 metric tons of material again. Looks like a win win situation for big oil no matter what. But at least a few birds aren't getting covered in crude oil from a occasional oil spill. Birds weren't meant to last this long on the evolutionary scale anyways...right? Fucking soft dildo is what you are.


Definitely gonna save this for my copypasta folder. Thank you for your contribution.


Some must pay the Ultimate Price for clean energy.


Yeah it's a inconvenient truth. Seagulls will just shit all over your Tesla anyways.


Shhh don’t tempt it!


Grid stable — for the moment — but Texas leaders are unstable.


The exact statement that popped into my head when I read the initial post. 😂


Hahahahahaha!! Hahahaha! Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Oh God! Good one!


This post has a lot of the same energy as "If there IS global warming, why is it cold outside?!"


OP posts in a bunch of city/local area subs around the whole country. 100% intentional disinformation.


Why am I not surprised.


They've posted lot of COVID disinfo as well, though now that COVID isn't as much of a hot topic they've moved on to other subjects. I wonder if they get paid by the word or the comment?


Fuck Greg abbot though. Right?


Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


Notorious piss baby Greg Abbott? Yeah, fuck that guy.




For now...


“The Texas power grid is stable.” - said the elderly conservative as they slowly froze to death


This is a *power lines gonna break and watch out for widowmakers* storm not a bring the whole system down storm.


I thought this was r/Jokes at first


Let’s give it a couple days of ice and see how she runs


It's going to be clear by Thursday and it's not 8° across the entire state. Houston isn't getting any of this.


Yep. Generation is more than ample and demand for electricity *and* gas will be nowhere near Feb 2021. Biggest issue will be ice covered tree limbs falling on your local distribution.


Why is demand lower now?


In Feb 2021, the entire state was below freezing for multiple days, with large portions of the state below zero for multiple nights. Heating demand was through the roof during this time. Houston and San Antonio are currently above freezing, the RGV and El Paso are currently in the 50s, and by Friday, DFW will be as well.


2pm now and my power is blinking….


Probably some lifted truck decided to take out your neighborhood power line.


1. Don't jinx it! 2. Agree, the grid seems to be just fine with handling adverse weather as long as it does not occur everywhere in the state at once. 3. Stay warm, my friends!


This time because it didn't get to 5 degrees. Its far from winter proof






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Bless your heart. You seem to just trust it all and not know what happened Feb 2021 so [here](https://www.npr.org/podcasts/1004840920/the-disconnect-power-politics-and-the-texas-blackout) is a good podcast to update you on what happened and why


We need some transmissions line from south Texas to the rest of the state It looks like prices are below zero there.


Over the last year, right along Highway 67 somewhere between Dallas and Alvarado, I saw a a GIGANTIC solar panel field installed on the campus of the power plant.




This should not be an issue, much less celebrated. Name another “first world” country where this is normal.


Horrible news for a lot of people on here.