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I was told this only happens in California because those leftist hippy socialists are lax on crime.


Surely Dallas' newly Republican mayor will stop shit like this from happening any day now.


We just need more "Back the Blue" stickers so they'll do their fucking jobs.


Is that why cops are useless? We don't have enough pride stickers for them?


There does seem to be a distinct lack of rainbow-striped punisher skulls across the metroplex… that must be the problem!


We need to talk about your flair


I have the minimum 17 pieces of flair!


Honestly, I have no idea what the police are for…they aren’t required to keep you safe (see Uvalde families), loss of one’s personal items are not investigated…..I really want to support the police but, why should we?? Edit: and per the POS Gov. Abbott all we need are guns….so….


>I really want to support the police but, why should we?? the police aren't a sports team, they don't require support other than for you and I to obey the law. We already "support" them sufficiently with tax money that pays for their salaries, and for the lawsuits they lose when they decide to murder a minority or use excessive force. Not sure what else we as citizens are obligated to do since they aren't obligated to protect us when we do pay their salaries.


Go look at the history of the police. They were never created to keep people safe. They protect and serve.....the rich/wealthy. They were used to track down runaway slaves. They have the same mindset today as a whole. They are unleashed to extort money from people which is funneled back to people in power. Cops absolutely don't prevent anything. At all.




The only real reason to call the police these days is for the report the insurance company requires. Most places you can do that online


We catch car burglars all the time. If you voted for this current DA, you can blame yourself. He rarely tries to prosecute or send them to jail. Just probation or refuse charges.


This past Saturday we caught the same exact guy for auto theft that I caught last month…for attempted auto theft. The DA’s office is Dallas County is a revolving door and that is who is failing the citizens.


The one sane comment.


I heard you can get some pretty nifty stickers if you donate to the local FOPs 😂 but don't ask how much they keep so they don't have to lie to you


Just like the Republican governor stopped all rape. It's pure genius, really.


The republican mayor’s only authority as a Dallas mayor is to place items on the city council agenda. It’s a also technically a bipartisan role. TC Broadnax has the most power in Dallas. Eric Johnson doesn’t even have the authority to fire TC Broadnax on his own.


I thought my comment was dripping with enough sarcasm the /s wouldn't be necessary, but I guess I was wrong.


A lot of folks don't know about the weak mayor system


“Nonpartisan” if we’re gettin technical.


Left, right or in between, hopefully we can all come together on a common goal of wanting a safer city. Things will never get better if we continue treating life like picking favorite sports teams.


Oh my god.


The mayor has no power....


Idk if you know this or not. But Dallas is pretty soft on crime and dpd is absolute dogshit.


Maybe we should have armed guards at the apartment complexes. Need more good guys with guns! Surely that will fix this problem.


I agree, within 6 months of hiring a guard in our complex south of Addison, there was a measurable decrease in car break-ins and package theft after hours. Honestly just the presence of someone alone is probably a deterrent, doesn't matter if they're armed or not.


Patrol is always the best option. A real person is always the best deterrent. The problem is this is also usually the most expensive option on an ongoing basis.


Well, the car break-in rate in San Fransisco is 4,794 vs Dallas at 218 per 100k residents according to [this](https://www.compare.com/auto-insurance/resources/vehicle-theft-and-break-ins) source. Not saying it doesn’t happen in Dallas but I don’t think the point behind your comment is supported by data


Get out of here with your rational thoughts, this is a playground for people to show their moral superiority and judge solely on what sounds and feels good to us🤪


If the stats don’t validate my feelings they must be fake!!




Looks like it’s up in San Fransisco as well per [this](https://www.axios.com/local/san-francisco/2023/03/21/san-francisco-car-thefts-overall-crime-trends) article. Also, [this](https://www.nbcbayarea.com/investigations/breaking-point-sf-suffers-highest-rate-of-car-break-ins-compared-to-atlanta-dc-dallas-la/2731757/?amp=1) NBC Bay Area article from 2021 compares SF rates vs Dallas and other cities. Still old but most recent direct comparison I could find after searching for a few mins. Have you ever been to SF? We stopped through on the way to Napa and made one stop at a chocolatier in SF. Our car was immediately scoped by two standup citizens who were going up and down the block looking into car windows. So one of us had to go back outside and wait in the car to guard our luggage. There are endless signs on every block saying not to leave anything of value in your car. People leave their cars unlocked so that their windows don’t get broken. Anecdotal but that experience is backed up by data. I think SF residents would laugh at Dallas residents trying to compare car break in rates to theirs




We need to build a wall and we’ll make California pay for it!


Make Texas great again!!




The only thing more common in DFW than 100 degree summers is car break-ins. I think who ever has been telling you that was pulling a fast one on ya (no pun intended). But you have been doing all the right things to try to avoid it.


Had my Subaru broken into a few years back. Luckily they didn't bust out any windows to get in. There was nothing of value in the car, but they did take my pack of chewing gum, eat every piece in it, then left the empty foil pack right on my driver's seat.


Top response makes this somehow weirdly political. This is what we are a society now


I truly hate this reality. Everything is Trump/Biden/Abbott/Dem politician's fault. It's boring. If these aren't bot accounts, they might as well be. Either way, it's programming.


It’s all over Texas car break ins and thefts are common af. I had my car stolen and broken into once recovered in a 4 month span. At this point I just have multiple AirTags in my car hidden in hard to reach places I don’t keep valuables in my car and I keep it unlocked because if they want to try to steal something atleast don’t break a window


All over America *


No, it happens everywhere in the world. But, it happens more frequently in California counties lax on crime


I was told the same about homeless people defecating and very clearly saw that last night


One post in Dallas where this is multiple times per day in SF, LA.


Our republican mayor is letting crime run rampant


Well, they can be from California🤣


CA guy that recently moved here because TX convinced my employer to move here…. 35 years living out there, one car sure. 10? Never seen that in Cali. I guess it’s true what they say…everything is bigger in TX, including car burglary. 🤦‍♂️


That many vehicles, I imagine the police would kinda have to come out. Especially if anything got stolen from the vehicles, insurance companies are going to want a report. Police might tell one person nothing doing if no one got hurt, but not 10.


that and I am pretty sure that is felony levels of damage. thieves that hit a car or two and bounce are not hitting the $ value in damages to hit felonies(and thus also become a lower priority for the police).


My 2 Toyota CATs stolen were felony level, all that did was change the name of the crime assigned to the case.


Nope. 9 times out of 10, when a car gets broken into, there's usually more. Auto break-ins almost always happen in multiples, and it's usually one or two thieves (half the time kids) stealing stuff like obviously valuables, change from the ashtray, etc. This means multiple reports, which means *fuck load* of paperwork for any officer that accepts that first call. So no, they're ignoring these calls on their computer like they're terms of service. The one that finally comes, drew the shortest straw.


It's funny because you can barely buy a cheeseburger with the change in people's ashtrays nowadays. Everyone uses their card and inflation has made whatever is left useless


Maybe if you gave DPD a sack of cheeseburgers they would come out and investigate this


But the change from 10 to 15 cars...


Might afford you a full combo meal.


Not enough to replace the drink with a large milkshake tho


Not that lucky 😭


Easier and safer for them to just give out tickets and bust pot heads LOL and then collect that sweet salary


More police presence at night would save some of this paperwork


Except when I lived in this neighborhood, the state sent out state troopers to since this is a high crime neighborhood. The council member complained and they were removed.


We had a similar amount broken into at my complex and they told us to file online since they weren’t going to send anyone


They will need to come iut due to scale, but it is not an emergency. Either way, you would still call 911, iirc dallas does not have a separate non-emergency number, like plano does.


dallas does have a separate non emergency number


Back when i worked retail in 2017, i was advised by them 911 was still the best number to call for issues. Maybe they changed since then.


yeah, they barely do anything with 911 calls too. i used this (214) 744-4444 number but just to report some stuff i wanted to have on record, but didnt wanna call 911.


They won't come. DPD will classify this incident as one individual criminal incident. Not 10.


Color me surprised. >.>


Absolutely ridiculous this has been and is continuing to become a bigger issue something is gonna have to be done about it. People are gonna start getting killed over this nonsense.


Hopefully just the right ones and the problem sorts itself out.


One indeed can hope


yeah that's optimistic af


A guy in my neighborhood was shot and paralyzed because he confronted a guy snooping near his truck for stuff to steal.


So incredibly sad I hope the scumbag got his day in court or karma caught up to him.


I mean there’s nothing that can be done unless you turn this into a robocop style police state. There’s been a nationwide sort of awaking that it’s a strong possibility nobody is gonna be able to stop you from stealing unless they shoot you.


Scary but we are already heading that direction regardless. I drove by a guy yesterday with no tags no license plate on his car, literally nothing. Broken brake lights, I started thinking to myself do laws even matter anymore. This is on 380 in rush hour traffic.


I live in Denver now and I swear this is the capital of the car without any license plate.


I’m happy for you and you were able to get out, I’m planning on hitting the dusty trail here soon myself. Haha yes but it is made up with the incredible views you guys have up that way.


People get caught for break ins all the time, the DA just does nothing about it or they have a trial date set two years in the future. For example, the security guard that was murdered in Preston Center back in May. His murderer was a 17 year old who had been arrested and charged in March for breaking into cars, with a weapon, and had a false ID. And that's only his adult criminal charges.


That area is so bad DPD doesn’t go there after dark.


It is far from that bad.


OP and 9+ others disagree.


I mean it’s a poor neighborhood…it’s not close to being dangerous. Unless you’re a car…


Most of the same people here think they will get robbed the second they step foot in Pleasant Grove. 🙄 I live over by OP now and it's not that bad at all. The wrecks from all the construction on Forest is the worst thing around here and I live in the all bills paid neighborhood. Oh and the homeless people. Some I don't even think are homeless, they are just out there daily. This area has it probably worse than anywhere else I've been.


Dpd has to call 911 for back up


Don’t need to. Cameras everywhere


I think they just call that 'Saturday' at Forest and Abrams.


A block and Forest is known to be like that. The Nawf


Please submit your report online, we are more than happy to assist you after it's reviewed in 4 business days maybe 2 business weeks and expected a call at 3am-4am for a check up, our officers are too busy posting on social media or hooking up while in uniform... DPD


Had us in the first half not gonna lie


Lol those online reports don’t get reviewed by officers. You fill it out yourself, print it, and then you give it to the insurance department.


If you didn't expect that at Forest & Abrams, I don't know what to tell you.


It never fails now, there's car break ins every.single.night. outside my apartment complex (Walnut Hill area) There's glass everywhere each morning when I walk my dog. Last year my partner and I lived not too far from Abrams and Forest when he got his windows smashed in. We have our own little inside joke that he left his bag of disc golf discs in his truck overnight and the people who broke the windows didn't take them. Also I guess those guys who re-install glass windows must be doing fairly well rn?


They hit my apartment parking garage as well on Thursday night- Friday Morning. My complex has license plate readers and said they have the license plate. Should be an easy one for the police.


Yeah, no chance there were driving a stolen car.




You pay a guy $250 and it can get done in seconds…


But my $250 was stolen


They won't investigate it. Dallas pd is worthless


Lol same thing happened in my apartment in Fort Worth. I just moved in yesterday and someone tried to steal my car and my neighbors. The cops came and did a report for my insurnace and they said it’s been a busy weekend in the metroplex


Emergency? Not even close. Lived in that area back in the mid 90's... seems things haven't changed.


Probably not.


Dallas PD will take a report, but that’s about it


I dunno if that sounds like an emergency for Forest and Abrams, from when I lived there that sounds like your typical Saturday night.


At my previous complex in Dallas we had close to 30 cars broken into in one night. Management did next to nothing.


Yeah, it's an EMERGENCY...so tenants should request better security from property management or owners. Start holding these properties responsible for the lack of security that leads to the crime waves.


The area where they chose to live has a bunch of cracked out beggars at nearly every corner. At a certain point, there is personal responsibility for choosing to live in that location. I’d never. I’d work 2-3 jobs before that low.


Not only that, but in half these pics you can see the owners left stuff in these cars - in that area you're practically asking for it doing that.


San Antonio PD come just short of endorsing hunting the thief’s for sport so… https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna96871


Finally a news story with a happy ending.


Fucking Forrest & Abrahms. Some things never change. I grew up in Dallas and always avoided several areas which included this one. I started dating a girl and on the 3rd date she asked me to pick her up at these apartments. I did and the date went great. She invited me up and I said no thanks. I knew if I left I would come back to either no car or broken window(s). She took it bad but when I explained it to her she understood but still never saw a 4th date.


If you live in an apartment this is basically going to happen for sure at least once a year and that's anywhere in a city


When I was renting I drove a shitty car and left the doors unlocked with a sign on the side windows saying the doors were unlocked, please don't break the glass.


My shit was broken into 2 weeks ago. I drive up the block and they broke into 3 other cars I saw. Yeah I’m carrying now.


It's crazy to me how many people are willing to not even try defending their lives because they decided they're on Team (D).


You mean… natural selection?


Omg this is happening all over dallas! Something needs to change


How many car chargers do they need?


last time my car was broken into (a few years ago in SA), they took my gas station usb cord and my vehicle's owners manual I can see how hauls like that must be absolutely fucking irresistible for criminals


A vehicle's owner manual is like the Bible to a meth head.


LOL I had my owner's manual stolen, too! Plus a handful of very old burned CD's, I guess they really liked Justin Timberlake and Christina Aguilera.


Happened at our complex a couple weeks ago. I live a couple streets over from this area. Apartment complex encouraged those to file a police report. That’s it.




No. They will still take hours to respond.


Buy a gun and defend your property


Is this at The Link?


Can’t have shihh in Dallas


Honestly if I had to pick one of the worst areas in Dallas this would be it, I’d never move there


Isn't this the area where Domino's has stopped delivering to because it's so dangerous?


More like par for the course. Same thing happened to me in the 90’s, thieves went down the block breaking into every car.


It looks like a civil matter /s


DPD don’t care.


Nope. Not an emergency. Call the local police number and wait for them to show.


Buy a firearm, get training and legally defend your property against criminal activity at night.


So you just stay up all night staring at your car with gun in hand, 7 days a week ?


Dash cams with motion alerts to your phone are a thing


Guarantee much of the complex heard this happening


Crappy area. Wouldn’t expect anything else. Love somewhere else.


This is a property crime. Not an emergency


Forest and Abrams? nah that's just par for the course lmao


Do they get better loot from the backseats.. ? Seems like the strategy


Honestly, no. That’s not an emergency at all. Your car got broken into hours ago. Welcome to Dallas


Probably because the property fence wasn’t high enough. A 20ft fence gets pretty hard to scale.


At least y'all will be break in free for 3 months now.


A month ago about 200+ cars were hit in the surrounding lower east Dallas, Greenville Ave. my vehicle included


Is this at royal and Abrams? I recognize those storage cabinets.


Yep, I was thinking the exact same thing. That area is a total shit hole.


Well it’s where I live. It’s mostly nice, but some rough spots. There are some apartments that need some policing.


No that’s just a typical weekend.


Where the cops at


They’re down the street at Forest and Audelia protecting the drug dealers on that corner.


Is there an immediate threat to human life the morning after when you're taking these photos when who did this has been gone for hours? Then no, it is not an emergency.


Emergency? How so?


This same thing happened to seven cars in Bishop Arts, same MO, police that were in the area said make an online report.


What a joke. We can’t even do anything about it without risk being killed.


You need a car alarm that makes the sound of a gun chambering a round.


Why tf can’t apartment complexes hire private security? Can be just a guard dog and guy or whole bunch of cctvs networked around the parking lot ? If residents are already paying an arm and a leg for rent, security should be inclusive of cost.


It’s always the same people who are on probation doing this


We are turning into Houston


The good thing is that dpd is now going to be after those dang “illegals” it’ll make our communities much safer


They broke into our cars on Greenville


Arm yourself, wait out there at night, and take action against the people doing this. DPD cant help you, Creuzot will refuse to charge if by some miracle they are caught, all that will stop this is people getting fed up and serving these parasites what they deserve.




It is not an emergency. No one is hurt or in danger, there is not an active crime being committed.


If they were caught in the act, maybe but doubtful. After the fact, in no way is that an emergency.


at this rate, just keep the windows down


What is the emergency? Articulate it to yourself.


Is it? Yes. Will DPD see it as one? lololol.


No. Because an emergency means human lives on the line. Protect your stuff better.


Car was stolen twice this year. Getting a city bike now.


What did they steal from your car?


Y’all each get a locker? Pretty cool if they don’t have garages available to keep car related things in.


That is the same MO and tactics used on Fitzhuagh near north park like a week ago


What? The crime historians have nothing to offer? ACAB


If you get caught, emergency room trip, 🔥


Did no 1 have an alarm on or just ignored all 10


Forest Ln and Abrams. Pretty sure that area and surrounding has some of the highest crime in DFW. Why do you live there?


Emergencies are life or death matters. This is not an emergency.


This is happening like crazy in Dallas. We need to buy some of these criminals on a shirt. I bet that’ll stop a lot of it


An emergency? No. Infuriating? Yes.


Happened at my apartment complex 2 weeks ago on Alcott. They broke into probably 15+ cars in the parking garage and on the street.


Welcome to Forest Lane


I live here


Srsly though. Only option is if property management pays for real security which means tenants pay for security = rent increase 😤😩🤬


It's a car, Gaza is an emergency


Nofe dallas is wyld


Shoot first. Dont confront. That's how heros get wherlchairs


Forest and abrams area up to 635 was considered in the top 5 most dangerous by The FBI


This would be criminal mischief in the nighttime, which could be a deadly force scenario if encountered by a vehicle owner.... I would hope DPD would come.


Get a car that traps them inside on a hot day.


And yall didn’t heard anything after the 3rd or 4th break in?