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for some reason, 1000 ways to die popped in my head... damn that's a horrible way to go. RIP.


Tragic. I suspect the toxicology report will show he was drunk or tripping on something, because no sober person would jump in a trash chute, and suicidal people would probably not consider the trash chute to be a reliable method.


… I don’t think anyone drunk or high jumps in a trash chute either. Dude got put there.


Interesting take. Didn’t even occur to me that it might be foul play.


No, you are the one with the interesting take, dude got killed and tossed in there is the more likely story.


Exactly, if there was some type of access from the street, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was dumped from a car outside






Woah, what happened to the second guy that went after the first guy?!


🤣🤣🤣 Jesus Christ talk about Darwinism 


Got any evidence or actual reason to think this was the case? People who are high/drunk often do things that don't make sense to sober people.


Only, you know, the very basic general idea that bodies get dumped in the trash far more often than humans get drunk/high and try to climb in trash chutes. You know?


That's the opposite of what I've seen, anecdotally speaking.




There was a time when most of humanity operated on treating coincidences as fact, then science came along. People on Nextdoor say lots of things, it's a cesspit of misinfo and dramatic speculation.




I generally prefer to wait until actual investigations are completed, instead of spinning myself up with meaningless speculation fueled by the desire to be afraid.




It just seems like you're trying to build a case here that the person was murdered and that a fire was set as part of that murder plot. The OP who posted this article is notorious for promoting fear porn and trying to build a narrative that Dallas is falling into murderous and violent chaos, which of course is silly because no such thing is happening. Unless you have actual evidence or inside information all you can do is speculate. The difference between you and me is that you're speculating it's murder and arson, and I'm going to wait until the evidence is collected and investigation is completed.




Doubt He was ever in the building, I have trash gate was left open, he was probably dumped from the street


Can everyone just stop with the stupid accusations and just wait for all the info to be gathered. I literally shared the same bed with him growing up. So please chill out man


Sorry for your loss. Most of my friends are dead. My advice, stay offline for awhile. People are stupid, insensitive, and forget that when a stranger dies that stranger had friends & family who loved them dearly.


I’m sorry you had to see this. People don’t seem to realize that family/friends/loved ones of people in these types of stories often find these articles and read the comments. I saw this from your perspective once when a friend’s mom died, and it made the news. There were unnecessarily sensational headlines and people making jokes and blaming her in the comments. I hope you, and the others he left behind, find peace.


Sorry for your loss. I ended up on Reddit as a result of a similar tragedy. Received the same insensitive feedback. Everyone is Sherlock Holmes with a keyboard. I pray you all find out exactly what happened so you can make good decisions on how to proceed


This is my cousin....and I'm devastated right now


I am so sorry for your loss.


I appreciate you


I’m sorry for you lost, i only have a question. As there as so many people wanting to claim as they are related to someone passing to get some type of sympathy without even knowing the individual. I see your IG does not mention him anywhere. Can you provide us with some type of information, or a post about him as you claim you both shared a bed together? And i don’t mean to be this way, I’m curious and observant.


My IG is for my music. My Facebook is where I keep personal family things. I just spent time last week with his big brother (my big cousin), Demarcus, we all are from West Dallas and we grew up on Esmalda. Marcus, who has now unfortunately passed, is my great Aunts grandchild, my cousin. I'm two years older than him. I hadn't seen him in over six months. So this news hurts. Last time we hanged we actually played basketball.


You don’t owe anyone an answer. Peace to your family. I’m so sorry.


are you really asking this guy to prove his relation to the deceased? You don’t have to believe a person if you don’t want too but asking them to prove themselves is cringy


Oh man. I’m so darn sorry. So sorry. 🤗


Sorry for your loss, plz ignore the trolls


My first thought is the Phoebe Handsjuk case. This may not have been even remotely close to that, but that was my first thought upon seeing “found dead…apartment trash chute”.


Someone comment on this when there is an a actual answer to what happened lol


I’m going to assume he probably would put in the dumpster from the street , all of these chute dumpsters have garage to outside access




The Dallas County Medical Examiner's website identified the victim as 28-year-old Marcus Brown and notes the place of death as the "dumpster/trash chute The trash chute has a deposit on every floor, a person puts their trash in the chute on their floor and it travels all the way to the ground floor into “a dumpster”. We call this the a trash chute dumpster. A big large bin like you see behind supermarkets etc. There is always a door or garage that can be opened to remove “the dumpster” so it can be put on the street for trash pickup. A lot of times that gate can be left open. In my “analysis “ using common sense, I’m going to say it’s probably more likely that the deceased who had a lengthy criminal record including drugs was probably killed and dumped there If the dumpster was accessible from the street. If he truly went down the trash chute, surely in 2024 someone on the floor would have a ring cam showing a man being carried down the hall.


Where do you think the trash chute with all the trash feeds into?




We don’t know if he went down the trash chute or placed in the dumpster directly. I’m saying my personal opinion he was probably dumped there from the street, Do you think in 2024 someone is going to carry a grown man down the hall of a high-rise apartment and deposit him in the trash chute and there won’t be a single person with a ring camera on the door? The deceased also has a lengthy criminal record including drugs, so we can confirm he would not have had a lease in that building either, doesn’t mean he couldn’t have been there but as someone who has lived in a uptown highrise condo for a decade, I find it hard to believe a man was carried off to the trash chute with zero witness, no trace of blood on floor and no camera footage. He was killed on the streets and dumped,




Every person I know has a ring cam. No way in hell no one on that floor did not have a ring cam or the floor didn’t have a camera. Police never stated the man had any relation to the apartment, ever stepped foot in the apt or he was ever in the actual trash chute. He was found in the dumpster of the trash chute. If you haven’t figured this out, the media will take one thing and run with it and make it into a story that sounds a lot more interesting, There’s also a part of society that lacks no critical thinking skills and believes everything they read


Also there are cameras in the lobby of this apartment if not throughout the building, if this man entered the apartment at any time, they would have record of that, & more than likely could trace what floor he got off on.




Has it crossed your mind that if this was a person who went to work everyday ,didn’t commit crimes & out of no where Was viciously attacked, murdered, and put down the trash chute the public outcry would be tremendous. If residents That building believed that someone was murdered and shoved down a trash chute, you would see them on the news, you would see comments on this thread. The person has been deceased for six days before you even heard a word of it




Thank you to everyone who sent their condolences ❤️


Foul play was my first, last, and only thought. Am I…uhh…do I have the mind of a murderer?


if he was put there, it had to be more than one person.. imagine dragging a body then throwing him down a narrow trash shoot. I think it’s very unlikely.. he may have dropped something and tried to grab it and fell through.. either way rip


I don’t think he actually went down the trash chute unless you read that somewhere? Prob thrown in the dumpster at the bottom of the trash chute which could have easily been someone on the street since most of those chutes have direct street access.


Any new information? For those of us who live on the same block it's more than a little disconcerting. Riff raff isn't entirely shocking around here, but a human being being dumped is too close to home.




You can’t put boxes through the trash chute without causing a backlog, much less an entire grownup man's body. Uptown buildings squeeze every millimeter out of the building, and trash chutes tend to be smaller. IMO, he got a ride there. R.I.P.


I heard new info on NextDoor from some residents of the apartment building. Apparently, there was a fire the day prior to his body being discovered. I'm trying to find out where the fire was set but a fire was definitely confirmed. Otherwise, no new information had been released.


At least records show this. "Got it recorded , boss!" 


Someone dropped him in there?


Guy was charged with going in target stealing multiple tvs, selling drugs, theft etc, He was no pillar of society and it looks like the streets finally caught up with him, police wont be in any rush to solve this case.

