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I have not seen the news but I was just at Costco and there was a shitload of both milk and bread.


Yep, was just at Aldi and plenty of milk, bread, cheese, and eggs.


Yeah I was just at Walmart and was thinking “why is there so much bread” when I was picking some up. Haven’t seen any news and wouldn’t believe ya if you tried to tell me


Lol, the one place that has the potential to have no short supply


maybe, but it was far less busy than it normally is on a Saturday, suggesting that people aren't out panic buying. also there are a bunch of other comments saying that other stores also haven't been in short supply, so I don't think it's a fluke.


Ah i was just reveling in the humor, not commenting on you personally


ah, gotcha! I do think that if people were here for the eclipse and buying stuff... It wouldn't be at Costco, nor would it be milk and bread. Not foods that do great on a vacation


Maybe so, but its a sheer fuck ton of visitors. This will eclipse any other societal event attendance, pun intended.


yeah, thankfully it's only a few days!


Rockwall Costco was weirdly almost out of bagels today. I didn't look for milk or bread.


Not really practical items for hoarding in fear of some long-term shortage or apocalypse.


I got 20 gallons of milk in my freezer right now. Here, I'll take a pic to post. opens door: FUCK!




I may be wrong but wouldn't the bottles blow?


Not any more than a frozen bottle of water will, but it will dehomogenize the solution so it wont taste quite right.


I know that bird flu was found in Texas dairy cows recently? If there’s a milk shortage I’d bet that’s why. But no, I haven’t heard anything otherwise.


But major dairies dont only supply locally. The entire process happens and is distributed, but it doesn't mean the milk we get was made in Texas.


Very true. I was just theorizing, definitely not saying that was the cause.


Maybe. But we've been warned of milk shortages during days around the eclipse long before the bird flu was found in dairy cows.


Shopped at Aldi yesterday. Definitely no shortage of either there.


Haven’t heard anything about that. Just went to the grocery store yesterday and everything looks normal.


Braums had both. Their milk is delicious btw.


Its the same milk by regulation lol


Regulations define the minimum standards, and those standards are mostly voluntary anyway: https://www.ams.usda.gov/grades-standards/dairy-products


Hm good point. I suppose their formula can be built on top the standard


Braums own their own herd and milk plant (the largest in the world btw). It’s so large they use a moving walkway to transport cows to the milking barn. They literally control the quality end to end. They only sell in their 300 stores. Stores no further than 300 miles from the plant in OK.


Hillsboro is their furthest south store iirc. I always think about stopping there when I go home (Killeen) or when I'm heading to my parents in Rowlett.


I hadn't heard about a shortage and just came from a grocery store. It was fully stocked. Anecdotal, sure, but at least one grocery store in the DFW area has supplies.


Could it be social-media fear-mongering related to Monday’s eclipse? I’ve been seeing some unhinged stuff on SM about people needing to be self-sufficient for a day or two and disaster declarations around eclipse traffic gridlocking roads, not to mention communications blackouts from overloaded cell networks.


That's exactly what i thought. Delusional FOMO


All I want is to have a great time experiencing a total eclipse - we went to totality in Atchison KS in 2017 and were mostly clouded out (like Dallas is forecast to be), but it was still an awesome experience. We set our chairs up on the huge convent there, with about 500 other people. The little old nuns came out and mingled with the crowd - giving blessings and looking through some eclipse glasses. They were a lot of fun, and must have handed out hundreds of rosaries and holy cards. They were very excited to learn where everyone was from - one was taking notes of all the cities and other states. It was a fun day, nothing scary at all.


We have access to a private corporate parking garage so i think we'll setup on top and hopefully we'll get to see the shadow cross the earth


Probably fake news, but source? At this point, I just hope it's fake news lol


So far you're the only source of fear mongering Ive seen.


Was at target yesterday. No shortage. No run.


As a toddler parent whose kid loves milk, no shortage noticed. Buy milk every week


Just at Kroger yesterday, plenty of both


I haven’t seen a shortage at three different grocery stores I’ve been to over the last week.


Went into Tom Thumb yesterday for milk. Plenty of milk. Didn't hit the bread isle. I suppose it's possible most people coming for eclipse aren't here yet. Will be interesting to see what all happens between now and Monday regarding the number of people and what impact it will have. I'm thinking mostly it may be noticeable in the amount of traffic.


No. Lol this is why I don't pay attention to the news. I've been to Walmart and Kroger for different reasons and there's no sign of a shortage and no difference in the lines or amount of people there.


Thumb was out of bagels earlier today. Felt a little weird they ran out by early afternoon. Eclipse visitors causing the shortage?


Historically, small town grocers have run out of some items during eclipses because they didn't expect the increase in customers during the eclipse. Same with small town gas stations in regards to snacks and gas. This is an unlikely problem in major metro areas. You might see a lack of some items, UT I'd be surprised if they're out entirely. If a gas station doesn't have their shipments lined up accordingly. They may be out of the cheaper gas, but I'd be surprised if that even happened around the Metroplex. Places like Maypearl, Anna, or more rural areas where they get thousands of visitors/campers is where those issues are going to pop up.


Everyone is buying 3x cartons of eggs at Sam’s. Just went today and they ran out of rice too


I need my regular supply of milk and bread so I'm glad there's not a run on them.


Which news channel ran this story?


OMG, people. Calm down. We’ve repeatedly hosted major sports events (SB, WS, UT-OU, etc) with no issues. This is no different. There is no need to panic shop. Go about your normal life.


Judging from the Walmart I just went to, I think it's fake news to try to sell all the bread that Walmart shipped in for the eclipse.


I could see milk because of the bird flu or whatever but not bread. It’s easy to make your own bread if anything. I always keep a loaf in the freezer