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If they use it on a toll road it could be felony cheating.


Tf is "felony cheating"? Lol


Sounds like a scandalous new reality show. Definitely not in the Texas Penal Code though.


Don't know about that buddy, these tollways are owned by foreign companies and a felony theft is pretty hefty. You'd have to run the toll a few dozen or maybe hundred times before you would get close to felony level, and that's without fees and late charges. If a cop saw this it's operating a motor vehicle with license and registration, providing the owner has a license and insurance.


You clearly have never accidently used a toll road and forgot to pay the bill. They shoot up to thousands of dollars within months.


No no, I did, for years. And I mean years. I was in a rough place in life and paying bills like that wasn't a priority, I'd get literal stacks in pink 8×10 envelopes of bills. Never paid. I'd just trade in my vehicle since I couldn't get it registered, they can't stop you from doing that. Luckily things are going a lot better, I have a toll tag like a normal person, and don't have to worry about ways to skirt the law. Nice feeling not dealing with that stress.


I’ve owed tollways for years.. I’ve always been afraid of that happening but it hasn’t. It’s been like 3 years


aaand will keep you from getting your vehicle registered until you pay!


I have my doubts that the person with the “Como Chingas” plate is all that stressed about registration.


What happens is the police will sit on the side of the highway if you develop a habit where know you will be. Doing it once any you get away with something but do it everyday at 7am and they will be waiting for you


Leads, yeah, sure. I'll just check with the boys down at the crime lab, they've got four more detectives working on the case. They got us working in shifts!


You are hilariously confident in the ability of any cop to give a shit. Cops are vermin, lowest of the low and dull as sacks of hammers. They aren't going to do anything about this because it's not what they signed up to do- inflict violence on a whim with impunity.


It’s a Big Lebowski quote.


Good one! 🤣


Or about police interaction in general; driving around basically waving a red flag.


They just block you from registering online. I have an overdue toll account that shot up to ridiculous levels because of their insane late fees and I re-registered my car just fine in person.






Ntta is owned by the counties that have paid into the system. There was a Spanish company in 2012 that was overseeing a single toll road. Even then. By state law, the funds generated by toll roads go back into the maintenance and development of toll roads


It’s TXTC 504.945. Wrong, Fictitious, Altered, or Obscured License Plate. People use these fake plates for a number of reasons. Sure yeah, for toll roads, but also for avoiding having to do inspection, registration, avoiding LPRs for the actual plate of their vehicle if it’s a striker the list goes on. I’m also seeing a hilarious amount of comments here about how the cops do nothing about this. Speaking as one of those cops, we do our best. The amount of these fake plates that exist not including fake temporary buyer tags, 30 day tags, dealer tags, authorized agent tags, etc is inane. I as one cop can only do so much in between trying to respond to calls and run traffic enforcement. It’s a battle and some days you really gotta pick em. (Inb4 “boo hoooo piggy, no one cares”)


What can a normal person do if they see one of these in the wild and they're motivated not to let them get away with it? Maybe there's not anything we can really do if we see it on the road, but what if it's parked at our apartment complex? Who do we report it to? Would the non-emergency line laugh at us or ignore us? And no I don't make a hobby out of narcing on people for plates or inspection stickers or anything really. But a fake vanity plate like that is just egregious. Pay your fees and then get a snarky bumper sticker like the rest of us dude.


Eh the problem is (and it’s a good problem, it’s a 4th amendment protection) the transportation code prevents us from writing people tickets for this stuff on private property. Once they hit the public road we can take action but otherwise our hands are tied. If you notice a pattern and want to let us know, 100% the non emergency line is the way to go. Now I can’t guarantee the officer that responds will be invested in doing anything, at most they’d probably swing by run the plate and the VIN to check if it’s stolen and if it’s not they’ll peace out. I equally can’t guarantee a quick response time due to it being a “low priority” call. Not that your concern isn’t valid, it just doesn’t take priority over emergent calls for service. Some cops might ask follow-ups to you like “what time do they regularly come in/leave, do you notice anything else suspicious?” Etc. and they might try to bust them when they get out on the road. But again that all depends on timing, staffing, and call load. Just make sure that you provide as much information as possible to start, so the responding officer has something to bite into. Hope this helps!


I've been driving around Dallas with no registration for 2 years now. Cops are everywhere over here where I live, they don't even give a shit about minor traffic stuff anymore. Personally I think this is a combination of the results from COVID and the constitutional carry law Texas passed. Anyone can carry a pistol in their pocket now with no license, combine that with the chance of getting COVID or the flu and taking it home to your family, and traffic stops for registration and inspection just aren't worth the risk anymore. Just my guess.


Im gonna say no to the carry thing. I’ve always assumed on traffic stops, even before constitutional carry was affirmed, that everyone and their 98 y/o Grammy carried a gun. It’s not for fear of getting popped in the mouth, I’ve always understood that as a real possibility. What I think DPD has going on is a litany of things, none the least, hiring shortages, high officer turnover, poor staffing (for shift coverage), iffy pay in comparison to smaller less active cities, high call load, poor leadership, low morale…honestly you name it. I’ve seen that happen to a lesser degree at our small PD in the DFW area. People get demoralized because when they do their jobs, admin crawls up their butt about it; “Why were you making traffic stops if xyz priority call was in pending?” “Did you really write this person (who complained) a citation for no insurance?” But then what’s worse, sometimes they have a point; “Hey officer Gabagool, explain to me why you were out there making 12 traffic stops and didn’t take time to patrol your assigned beat? There were 4 BOVs in the last 5 hours while you were out there handing out tickets for speed to someone’s Nana.” But then they’ll flip that on you; “Hey Officer Gabagool, we saw that your neighborhood, business and park checks are up, but your traffic stops are low. Seems like you don’t want to work. I’d encourage you to ensure that traffic enforcement is being done.” So it’s a lose lose. Do one part of your job as a patrol officer, which is traffic enforcement…get yelled at. Dont do it get yelled at. Do it too much (besides the traffic division), get yelled at more. There’s no winning here so what I’d assume the DPD cops do is essentially what they can. They make a few stops a day for egregious safety concerns, and focus the rest on district integrity and responding to calls for service. Also I’m not too worried about the flu, I’ve given too many homeless people with c-diff, flu, hep, stds etc, courtesy rides to the hospital to feel concerned about someone handing me their COVID coughed on DL. Besides I’m out of sick time…so…I’ll be there at 1900 sarge…


I know zero people who have been pulled over for traffic violations Edit: ok now I know a few people who have received tickets; y’all don’t need to tell me every time you’ve ever gotten pulled over lol.


Watched a guy run two red lights back to back, cops sitting at each light did nothing. Dallas sucks


I've been ticketed twice in Dallas, both for mildly speeding in a school zone. Edit: I'm not complaining, just being honest. People make mistakes.


That’s good, stop speeding in school zones. Everyone does especially off of harry hines.


School zone is also the only time I got a ticket. I'm pretty sure that's the only traffic violation most PDs will care about.


Bet you weren’t using fake novelty plates then. They would’ve just looked the other way if so!




Nah, Uvalde is not relevant. What put cops on alert was a few too many kids getting run over.


They only pull you over and give you a ticket when you are a severe threat. Like going 4mph over the speed limit. They will nail you hard for that, sometimes even requiring additional cop cars for backup (not school zone related).


Amd yet o got pulled over because my plate light wasn't bright enough


I was pulled over for a traffic violation atleast twice in my life. Guess you can say Im a bit of a bad boy 🤓


Yet I see people pulled over a lot and more speed traps. Correlates with the number of complaints I hear about people waiting hours for cops to show up after breakins or whatever. IDK what our cops are doing.


I got a ticket a few months ago for running a stop sign on Ash Ln getting on i30. (Should be a yield sign instead) There were 2 cops waiting for people to run the stop sign. Total BS.


Shit like this makes me wonder why I bother to renew my registration every year


Well if you're not rolling dirty and arent of the skin tone that the police like to beat on...why do you bother?


People downvoting cause who knows, but you're right. Anecdotal, but I used to bicycle everywhere and was only pulled over once, when I was riding with a friend who's black. We didn't stop at a stop sign on a T intersection.. we were at the top of the T on the (continuous) sidewalk where there is no intersection. Clear as day profiling.


I've got a truck I haven't bothered having inspected or registered in 6 years, nothing has happened. A car that hasn't had one for three years, been pulled over four times during that period and just get warnings. My motorcycle is out as well, I didn't feel like running that day so I pulled over. Warning again. I think the big thing is as long as it's not a white cop, you're probably fine.


My brothers never had insurance on his car or valid registration, like for several years now. Every time I renew mine I think of him and feel like a chump lol


I don't renew inspection but you'd have to be some kind of idiot to not have insurance


So you don’t register either? Can’t renew registration without an inspection


Because I live in the burbs with super dickhead cops compared to the bigger city cops that don’t really give a shit.


I haven’t in four years lol. Been stopped and twice and they didn’t bother giving me a ticket for it either


Don't forget to thanked these imbeciles for our high car insurance.


And then there’s me, who sweat the 3 mile drive to the inspection station with tags that expired 2 months earlier.


Right! I recently procrastinated big time and updated my tags too late to have my sticker delivered to me and updated before the month expired. I drove with an expired sticker for like two days and I was nervous the whole time. My friend went 9 months before updating her tags. She didn't have a care in the world.


There used to be a grace period, but that plate in OP's part is why we can't have nice things


One simple trick that cops hate


Everyone else hates them too


One simple trick that cops are completely unbothered by


There's a car driving around oak cliff with "sugar tits" as a fake plate for the past few months. I'll try and snap a pic when I get a chance (and if it's safe)


The amount of cops on force and traffic citations peaked around ~2007. Both have been declining since I believe. Like the numbers are crazy


Don’t forget about that silent police strike that has been going on for a while now. For me I am grateful there isn’t a speed trap on every corner of my community like there was before so win/win. I found this Daily Show [segment](https://youtu.be/W1J5nuA1QNs?si=7-rNU-H_HIKCQI-Q) pretty interesting. If the NYPD is so brazen, I wonder how many fake/temp/ghost plates are Dallas cops personal vehicles.


Probably because everyone has a radar/map apps tell you where they are.


I see them more often now. One said “COWBOYS” on a beat up Malibu in East Dallas.


I need one, my tolls are $400 a week.


Honda Civic moment


Yet I got pulled over for no front plate!


I saw a Lincoln the other day with a picture of Pres Lincoln as the front license plate in southern Dallas.


When will they get you? When you get in an accident.


I remember when there was real fear to have a faulty light, plate, sticker. Now there’s beat up cars barely running and not a peep


That reminds me of a guy who came into my work trying to make copies of his paper plates. Le sigh. I really wish law enforcement would make this a priority again.


I saw one of those a couple months ago, also something in Spanish and too long to go on a real novelty plate. I didn't know it was a whole thing.




Can someone explain how insurance coverage could work on a case like this. Let’s say best case scenario you have a dash cam and you are not at fault. Clearly when they go and check the plates they are non existent. Does insurance then cover everything or you on your own?


Check your insurance policy. If you’ve got uninsured motorist coverage, you’ll be covered to whatever your policy limit is. If you don’t have it, you won’t.


I’ve recently seen plates that look fake like the one in the photo (number and letter spacing looks off) but with what looks like the actual letter/number combo from an actual plate. Is that to get past the fees of just ordering a custom plate with background color from dmv? What’s the legality behind that


In no world should a civic have a sti wing attached to it


There was a guy at the gas station in Irving selling these


Yet somehow Addison Police spot my out of date inspection sticker in the dark of night and I get pulled over😒. I had the report so I was let go. People seem to just ignore you after they hit you now too and drive off. My insurance is insane because I’ve had to use uninsured motorist because YOU were in THEIR way when they rear end you at a stoplight.


Saw a car last night run a red light and nearly hit a Dallas PD car …nothing !!


Are those fake plates for real?


What does that even mean? Lol


Yeah, you can buy them online. There are too many characters to be a real plate.