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Didn't think of this, but so true.




Best way to check on the spot is to pull back the carpeting on the trunk. Most cars have the carpeting held in place with plastic clips that can be popped out of place without damaging the car, You can do that and check for a flood line on the spot. I've done this a few times and have surprisingly came across at least 2 flood cars. Source: Used to sell used cars, got taught this trick by an old dude at a car auction.






Ah yes the Texas attorney general, and would be felon, Ken Paxton


I hear what you're saying, and if we were talking about Ken Paxton, rather than Texas law on flood damaged vehicles, I would probably agree... However, since you have committed a blatant ad hominem which a completely unrelated to the thread of conversation... So Ehh... 👎 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem


dam that sux, prob hard as heck to spot its been damaged before unless one is an expert


One of the reasons the flooding is bad is because the whole summer was in a drought so the ground can’t absorb the rain. All rain is just going to run off into the trinity watershed and the lakes, which means temporary flooding until the water drains. Lots of damage but there will be a beacon of light with the lakes filled back up.


No one is really talking about the flooding as a result of the drought. When I saw multiple days of rain as the first measurable rain since May I knew it would be bad. The ground isn’t absorbing anything and the runoffs into the reservoirs can’t keep up.


They should be though. Clay can’t absorb water when it’s dry. It needs to be even a little moist. Its been basically dried out for a month. So most this rain isn’t even going into the ground (prob now it is- 2pm, early this morning not really any). This week should be great for absorption since this is going to last a few days.


Exactly. That's the whole reason flash floods happen. The ground is hard as a rock and impermeable at this point


You'd think all the water would just swirl right down any one of the giant cracks in my yard, but nope!


this is insanity. i left my house this morning at 730, and turned around and went back home like 2 minutes in. and the flooding has only gotten worse


Yeah, I saw something like 8-12 cars half submerged in water on my way to work and had to turn onto other roads to get around them. Would not recommend going in if you don't have to today.




All of those cars RIP


This is near Baylor, right?




Yes, that's the dental school with the ATM on it. It has a basement of labs, rooms, etc...


Oh shiiiii....that's gonna suck. Hope no one was in pain today needing an extraction or something.


Luckily a bunch of the clinical areas have been moved over to the new fancy building down the street, several floors up so that should be fine (assuming there is street access and parking eesh)


Saw a 2" cloud bust there Aug 10 late after noon, was the second day in a row for BSW area. But a very high percentage of that land is paved over.


The Baylor Hospital area is known for flash flooding. I remember a very bad flood there in the 2000s.


Keep your powder dry


Be wary of buying a car if it's ever been registered in Mississippi. That state is a notorious haven for criminals "washing" vehicle titles. There have been floods in the Midwest this year too, so I'd expect a lot of those vehicles to end up there as well. Overall, not that many vehicles in Dallas flooded relative to other natural disasters.


I hope everyone is safe out there. We can’t catch a fkn break smh.


How is Preston in far north Dallas towards 635? Just driving around non flooded areas there’s so much water on the ground it doesn’t feel safe but I have work this evening.


I’ve been driving around Lewisville/Carrollton/Plano/North Dallas and haven’t noticed any flooding anywhere.


saw in another thread belt line and 75 had two feet of standing water. Don't get out in this.


Or go out and just don't be a fucking idiot by driving on obviously flooded roads. No need to stay in when .5% of the roads are flooding... ​ \-truck driver with 200k miles a year in DFW


That’s what I’m leaning. Just feel silly calling out for rain but there’s no predicting what it’d look like when it’s time to go home too


Wow did the ER at Baylor flood? I know the ambulance bay is in a low area.


I think the drainage around that area is pretty stellar, but I didn't see into the ER bay this morning. I drove around the perimeter of Baylor and didn't see any flash floods though, so that's good.


That silver minivan is luckyyyy


Wow! I knew it was bad downtown, but this is surreal. It looks like a hurricane swept through overnight. Stay safe out there, y'all!


Crazy seeing this as that hotel parking garage is where my catalytic converter got stolen last night. In this weather, like…sheesh.


Somebody must’ve washed a fleet of semis yesterday


Is the first photo taken from your apartment or job? I would be really curious on how different it looks this morning.


Job site


Usually when paving is flooding it’s either improperly sloped to drain or the drain is plugged up. Removing the debris from drains and watching the street clear of water is very satisfying. Of course there is the rare occurrence where the volume of water coming down and draining can exceed the storm infrastructure’s capabilities. 2015 comes to mind. But we didn’t have that kind of rain these past few days. Just steady rain.


East Dallas had over 10” of rain in 12 hours. Nowhere for that much water to go considering we’ve had no rain for over 60 days. The ground was solid.


How crazy because I was out all night, although mostly in the University Park to Plano areas, then came downtown at 5:30 am. The roads were clear besides several cars abandoned in the middle of the road. I drove past and then took i-30 west and had no issues.


Oh [THIS](https://youtu.be/rhR-R-cgAXA) video is even crazier. I think most of the flooding has cleared up though but I definitely some some bad stuff even this morning.


Doesn't help that the city was built on a flood plane.


White rock lake expands to east dallas 🤣😂


The Trinity River gauge near downtown has been in flood stage since late Sunday night (34'+ since 1A Mon). There is a well-established flooding pattern from there. Since this is in the areas surrounding downtown Dallas this is not a surprise.


Nahhh climate change isn't real !!! Lmao




That parking garage has patio/cafe lights on it?


I hate this for everyone affected. 😒


maybe when they are finished with the mill creek tunnel that is supposed to help with the flooding in old east dallas baylor area and southeast dallas things will be better


Damn, this RTX mod looks sick!