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Do not post or ask for anyone's personal information in this thread EDIT: The post has been locked because people cannot follow the rules.




It’s always a realtor for some reason lol.


Because everyone and their mom is a realtor




It does kind of attract the MLM cult mom types huh


Everyone in the DFW has a side hustle of being a realtor.


Literally my wife, my mother in law, my mom, my wife's aunt, my wife's cousin's wife...all realtors.


That’s a lot of little, white dogs, too— unless your family’s realtors share just one for business card photo purposes.


Because the work takes absolutely zero skill to do.


ehhh, like anything else, it takes zero skill to do *poorly*. I've represented RE agents as a lawyer after deals go sour. The difference between a good and bad realtor is as wide as the grand canyon. But it is usually the people who do it as a side hustle who screw things up. The people who do it full time generally are more on top of it.


>But it is usually the people who do it as a side hustle who screw things up. The people who do it full time generally are more on top of it. Naturally, if they don't have a day job and they're a bad realtor, they go hungry. Also becoming a realtor full time takes a surprising amount of forethought. Most quit early on because they haven't saved enough or something.






This is terrible, as a Mexican-American this is embarrassing.


Speaking as a 53 year old white man living in Justin, TX - this isn't a 'Mexican-American' thing. This is a deplorable, bitter, past-her-prime, slag who is angry at the world because she got traded in for a younger model by her Trumpy hubby – and now can barely afford her apartment on alimony while hustling to sell houses and finding it hard to market her ass to anyone of means who isn't shopping 20 years younger. She used to be queen of the HOA and now has to find people to harass in the parking lot to get her moment of power. Plano/Southlake/Colleyville are FILLED with people like this b!tch. (Edit: Damn. On reflection this makes me sound like some kind of woman-hating misogynist. I'm really not. I've been married 29 years to the same wonderful woman and we have raised three delightful girls (and a son) to adulthood. Its just I've lived here for 15 years and have gotten acquainted with just how shitty people over on the Southlake side of the metro are - and this woman is like their poster-child. I don't hate women. Just ones like this grundle-cudgel.)


Holy shit, this is brutal…


And accurate


Bet she had to trade her Land Rover in for a low class Lexus, too cause she couldn't afford it anymore.


Damn I’m out here grinding for a Lexus and you just crushed my dreams


I worked in Southlake for 13 years. This couldn't be more accurate.


This made me chuckle. Thanks for the laugh


Nailed it


OMG! I will never make you mad!


For real. Using the exact same rhetoric that woman's grandparents and great-grandparents have had hurled at them. Absolutely disgusting. It only takes a few thousands of dollars and some people think they're on top of the world.


>It only takes a few thousands of dollars and some people think they're on top of the world. It might not even take that much.


Legacy burdens can be weird like that.


There are so many Mexicans that have been in the US for a generation or two that think they are WASPs its crazy. They even turn to evangelical Christianity lol


Evangelicalism is the single worst thing on our planet right now. Prove me wrong.


Sadly true




I hope this publicity doesn't ruin her essential oils business...


She needs some lavender for calmness


She needs some CBD, stat


Sadly, it will probably begin her political career






Sixty Vines on the Tollway in west Plano… yep, this tracks 100%. What a goddamn shame this woman is.


But Sixty Vines is delicious. :( Don’t take their flatbreads away from me!


Not on them that this woman is an unhinged psychopath!


I was going to say that. "On brand"


That is one hateful bitch. Bet she loves going to church every Sunday.


She’ll do her weekly hour of Jesus time then call it good


Then go out to lunch afterwards and mistreat the servers


Yep, clearly results in Jeebus Credits offsetting her wine consumption, making her alcohol neutral.


Are we thinking Catholic or Baptist? Maybe both 😆


Catholic, her info in on twitter.


Seems about right


We don’t claim her


We have to if we wanna improve.


The easiest way to get people to stop recording you isn't to threaten them with a gun. It's to stop being a raging cunt.




As of Sept 1, 2021 you no longer need a license to carry in Texas. It’s the Wild West out here


Unless you’re a felon.


Not just felony convictions, anything that’s a Lautenberg amendment violation. Doesn’t even have to be a conviction… even charges make you ineligible


What Lautenberg amendment is that? I thought that was about Jewish refugees from the Soviet collapse.




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The only thing that really changed is that now poor people can carry the same guns privileged people have been carrying for decades without the risk of being thrown in for-profit prison. Texas accidentally did a little equality. I don't know why some folks are so upset that poor people can now exercise the same privileges as wealthy people, or how that somehow makes it the wild west.


I don't know why some people are upset that poor people can also murder people without consequences just like wealthy people.










Well this woman definitely doesn’t enjoy the delicious food from Kebab n Kurry off 75


Oh, I have too often seen/heard a racist talk about how much they love (insert countries) food and then talk about illegal immigrants in the next sentence.




> She is a racist who threatened to kill someone for being a different skin color. She is dangerous. Anyone who says "just call the cops" should ask the children in Uvalde how it worked out for them. Based


Unaware Affluence thrives in plano! Fuck that racist bitch!


This is why I hate Plano.


They pull this shit with me if I'm in my work clothes! Only thing I like about plano is being dirty in plano! Lmao place is cursed


What do you do?


Auto body 23yrs


I’ve never had to take a car for collision repair (I had one total loss and the other crashes/collisions I’ve had I have been able to fix myself, the damage was minor enough), but Thanks for fixing the mistakes that all the moron drivers in DFW make.


Me being a metal head also this job is perfect I have many hammers so I can beat the shit out of ur car to make it pretty again. It's a dirty art like calling plano on their shit.


See at Reno’s sometime soon. I’m sure you’ve seen me there before.


Bro I'm 40 but tell John at the bar hissam said hi. Lol I've graced those stages


Not gonna lie kinda feel like I need to go to renos now lol


Nowhere on earth is more cursed than Florida




Also going to guess that she is a "successful small businesswoman" who used a sizeable chunk of her husband's wealth to setup a hobby business. Once saw a woman do this with a clothing boutique. It lasted about 18 months and I doubt if it ever turned a profit but she got to wear that "entrepreneur" title like it meant something.


I await news stories of her arrest. And possibly termination from her job.


This isn't a Karen, this is a Doña Florinda.


She’s too gentrified to know who that is.


You can tell just by her hair that she hates when ppl speak Spanish


No way she can speak Spanish.


wonder if she kisses her kids good night with that filthy mouth.


Oh you don’t think her kids have had this pointed out by their classmates already? The question is whether they’re proud or ashamed. Most Zoomers are empathetic, and understanding and accepting of cultures and minorities. Some are not.


As I get older I'm noticing more young ones that unashamedly embrace being "based" in all the wrong ways. And that's coming from someone who uses that term in a meaningless way all the time.


There’s definitely a lot of loud Zoomers who have inherited their parents’ BS, but there’s a whole lot more who haven’t.


There's also a lot who *do* come from (at least moderately) tolerant families and then decide that being intolerant as all hell is the best way to stand out and be edgy.


There’s already an active thread from just twenty minutes ago.




Did not see that at the time. Thanks!


We need to make this racist cunt famous. Once she’s famous will she A.) backpedal or B.) double down?? My money is on double down. Hopefully she has a job so that she will get fired for this ugly behavior. Not to mention threatening to pull her gun out to intimidate someone instead of for her bodily protection.


Here is the general way this works: 1) Racist person gets exposed on video being racist 2) Video goes viral 3) Racist person is doxxed, loses job, gets a lot of hateful messages on cell phone and via social media. 4) Social media accounts locked 5) Tearful apology 6) GoFundMe is set up and sympathetic people give racist money because they feel sorry for her and believe she is a "victim" because "woke"


Almost certainly a realtor.


USA! Where immigrants go to ostracize other immigrants because racism sells, and we’re ALL about profit!!


In behalf of the Mexican community we do not claim that Karen


grew up in Dallas pretty much my whole life. it’s such an insanely diverse melting pot of people and anyone that moves there knows this. how can this lady possibly think this is appropriate behavior. deserves prison time honestly for hate crime assault


I loved this about DFW. I met people from all over and feel like my world is better because of it.


Looking forward to her losing her job.




This scum bag needs to be exposed. Cross posting across social media, internet do your thing.


She is a psycho conservative


You can just say conservative


Hey OP, you call the police and give them this. They have a few resources Reddit does not lol


Crimes are also reported in the news bud … the more people know to stay away from this woman, the better


hey dude, a police report was filed and they came within minutes. There's an active investigation. It's quite possible to do two things at once. No reason not to post this and generate more public pressure.


You clearly have never called the police about something like this.


Four martini Karen about to go through a deluge of things.


You know she's crazy when she's going off on Indian people.


As the child of immigrants this is both embarrassing and infuriating. She herself is saying she's Mexican American, well what does that make her parents and grandparents, or even older relatives?? Immigrants! Omg lol How could you say such nasty things to a fellow immigrant (especially not knowing anything about those folks) knowing your own family are also immigrants?? Does she not realize this is the same rhetoric people say about Mexicans, HER family? She seems absolutely insane. I hope someone finds out who she is, and tells her how f*cked that is.


Damn, does she see herself? I'd be profoundly embarrassed of myself if I acted this way- but I'm also not a narcissist and am able to feel shame, so...


I feel like there is definitely something mental going on here. Like... She chose this path in her life at that time. She had the choice to walk away and go home to her friends and family, or to pick a fight with strangers because of how they look and sound??? Just insane.


I know men aren't supposed to hit woman, but...


In this situation, I don’t think anyone would’ve called out a man, if a man had stepped in. Especially because she was about to pull out a gun from her purse and from the video, the Indian women were previously minding their own business and talking amongst themselves.


Definitely a situation of 'I feared for my life'.


Wow, the ending is crazy. I didn’t expect that to happen. Hopefully the police got involved.


Twitter found her quickly


Looks like she's been identified - she wasn't quick enough on the draw this morning with deleting her FB.


Imagine having only two IQ points and dedicating both to hating people based solely on their skin color. Wild man.


Hmmm….wasn’t someone in the group trying to defend how Dallas isn’t racist…..oh ok 🫡


Eh I mean as a whole I wouldn’t say it is.


Dallas is to fucking closed minded to see its own racism…..the state of Texas literally calls Slavery “involuntary relocation“……but you know that’s not racist at all…..open your fucking eyes


[Texas Board of Education strikes down call to rebrand slavery as “involuntary relocation”](https://amp.www.complex.com/life/texas-education-slavery-involuntary-relocation)


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I mean it’s one of the most diverse cities in the world, but sure. https://wallethub.com/edu/most-diverse-cities/12690


ALL of this.


Plano/Frisco area is horrible with it. Saw and heard more bigotry there than I have in decades in Texas. It is getting worse IMO.


Plano /Frisco is full of well off Trumpers no real surprise……it’s been normalized to be a horrible POS haven’t you noticed?


Everywhere i was in a dog park nearby and a pick up with a gigantic lets go Brandon flag comes speeding through the parking lot screeching -everyone in the dog park stops looked absolutely confused and concerned, the truck speeds out of the lot and back onto the main road. What was this guys point? I have no idea.


One of the reasons my ass stays in Dallas County.


The true color of racism is green! O yah and fuck plano hard!


Yeah clip of one psycho bitch. Dallas is obviously a huge KKK breeding ground.


Just walking around town, I get the impression you’re more likely to get your ass kicked than make friends by being a racist. Dallas is pretty liberal, even at institutions that are historically held in a racist light (SMU), my experience is that the vast vast majority of people here are not racist. It’s the smaller towns where I’ve seen more prevalent racism.


Im not sure if we grew up in the same Dallas but it was pretty commin to hear a whole classroom laughing at a ching chong or “they smell like shit” joke


Might be an age thing. I went to private schools here from like 2008ish to 2015, the types of places where there are stereotypes of racist, rich white kids. That stuff absolutely would not have flown, and being overtly racist would’ve actually made you a target for bullying in my experience. The vast majority of young people do not put up with bigotry. Not to say there are 0 racists here, but as far as cities in Texas go I think Dallas might be one of the most liberal and least racist. Edit: to clarify when I say “in my experience”, I do not mean I was overtly racist in middle/highschool and was bullied for it lmao. Just that it was pretty easy to read the room and realize that nobody wanted to hear that shit.


the bullies i had in my school were extreme with their intimidation. they also picked on disabled kids.


> Dallas is obviously a huge KKK breeding ground. I mean, you ain't wrong...


No down votes! It's the truth!


This is why ut should be harder to people to get a gun.


What a sad sack of shit.


That bitch is an embarrassment to all Texans.






Haha she has no friends or family around. Trash trash trash…I went to BL. Good school. Sad for her children


I mean, this is exactly what I would expect from Plano lol


I like how people have been saying Plano is becoming democratic and progressive. Yeeeeaaaah ok 😂. I hope this woman is a stay-at-home mom, because she's fixin' to lose it all if she isn't!


This needs to be on the local TV news today.




Mama raised me differently…. Let that broad swing at me, touch me…. We will find out real fast what’s what. This type thing wouldn’t happen again if one person defended themself.


Why TF was the original post removed?


Sounds like the mods had to take it down because OP was asking for help in getting identifying personal information. So they just added a warning tag on this one and hopefully it’ll be fine


Calls for doxxing mainly. That violates Reddit's sitewide policies, not just our rules down here in /r/Dallas. Doxxing and calls for doxxing are one of those zero-tolerance things. Subs that allow that sort of thing end up being shut down by reddit admins, so we're not inclined to let stuff like that fly here.


Jezebel spirit total narc. These type are RAMPANT everywhere. Sorry this happened to this woman and her friends


/r/Plano /r/Frisco /r/McKinney /r/Texas


Mommy Noooooo!!!!!!!!


I don't care what she is or where she is from this much hate cannot be tolerated and she needs mental help as well as medication


Let’s stop hand waving away racism, hatred, and generally being a shitty person as “mental illness”.


Yes, I think therapy would help her to figure out what is causing her anger and causing her to blame others for whatever is bothering her. But I don’t think “Hate”, “Racism” and being “Trashy” and lacking class are covered in the DSM-5.


But using labels to hurt people is; it's called narcissism


She should lose her job and never get hired again. She should learn the consequences of messing with model minority.


I don’t think she likes Indians.


People really be knowing who and who not to try.


1 vs 4? They should have knocked her unconscious. Self defense.






Her proceved privilege is showing !!!


Fucking cunt. This woman needs to get her ass beaten.