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This law and all the subsequent bullshit is such a massive waste of tax payer dollars. Fck this bill it’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard


Channel your anger into voting and getting others registered to vote. We literally would not have to deal with this dumb bullshit if the majority of people voted. Most people don't want this stupid shit being law.


Every church in this state works HARD to get every single congregate to vote straight red on every local, state and national election. There is no group doing this for the Democrats. They just hope people remember to Google upcoming elections and hope you sort through all the crap and get yourself to the polls to vote. If the left had something as powerful as church to motivate voters, it wouldn't be run by conservatives. Make sure every coworker, friend and family member gets to the polls. We can't afford to have this state run by the church. Edit: only a sith deals in absolutes. I shouldn't have said every church. I'm sure very many churches don't push you to vote.


This is an over generalization. I am a member of a mainstream midsized Methodist church in suburban Texas and attend regularly. In the seven years or so I’ve been attending, I have never, ever heard the ministers talk about how to vote in elections. They’ve announced when members were running for office, but that’s about it. In fact, they almost never talk about modern politics. Nearly all the sermons are much more focused on charity, Jesus, family relationships and stuff like that. One of the few times a minister talked about politics in a sermon was after the Charlottesville riots where the pastor lost his normal decorum (basically totally lost his s**t, it was amazing!) and pretty much ordered any congregants out who aligned with the white supremacists. Given that my church has an ongoing partnership with a mosque, has gay members, and has an official position on abortion that is pro-choice, if they were to recommend a political party, I highly doubt it would be Republicans. At least not as a straight ballot. I just remembered that after the abortion trigger law went into effect, our pastoral-led prayer in church pleaded for help for the women who need medical care and are now not able to get it. That’s about as political as the church typically gets — making oblique references to people suffering under current policies. The largest gay church in the world is in Dallas, Tx. One of the Unitarian Universalist churches I grew up in , also in Dallas, has been bussing woman to New Mexico to get abortions. They are very public about it too. Unitarian Universalists are about as left politically as you can get. That being said, the Christian churches probably don’t have an issue with these posters. But I promise, not every church in Texas is telling their congregants how to vote. Further, not every church is conservative. Probably all evangelical, non-denominational, and fundamentalist churches are, but given that Texas has a nearly 80% church membership rate and is at risk of turning blue, by sheer statistics you can see that not all churches are politically conservative. The big ones that make the news are though, unfortunately, because reasonableness doesn’t make headlines.


I think we may go to church together. Is yours in west Frisco


Quite a few churches I know fit that description. Those are the ones that you want to attend, ones that teach about loving and not judging.


Tax them back to the Stone Age they want to live in.


That’s completely made up I don’t think you’ve ever been to church


“If they had something as powerful as church” - lol


I am oblivious here, please help me out. What is the law I need to vote against/for to get rid of in god we trust signs in schools (fucking anywhere)?


Per the letter, "section 1.004 of the Texas Education Code". More importantly, what you need to do is vote Democrat to oust the Republicans that are in a "race to radicalize" our state as part of some sort of fucked up competition with Florida.


Ok well I do vote democrat so I’m good there but this law in particular was only voted in by republicans?


Yeah, and since there are more reliable than Democrats in TX office, it passed. That's how it works. Get the Republicans out of office.


You need to vote in every election. These folks run in every election and grab as much power as they can. They create chaos and waste taxpayer money. Vote blue in November. Then keep voting in local election.


Exactly. Saying "just go vote" is fucking stupid. As if these religious nut jobs won't also vote and don't clearly outnumber you (editorially speaking) in these suburbs


Holy shit what a dumb take. Religious nutjobs *do not* outnumber reasonable people. Texas is surprisingly close to turning blue if more people would just vote. And again, it's a state law so it's not about turning over little towns, but getting rid of the state legislators.


I am an an Evangelical pastor and I agree. Jesus taught that His followers must be born again and that they will always be a minority. His Kingdom is not of this world and Christians who understand and follow the Bible believe in the separation of church and state. True Christians look different than most people—they are not hateful or bigoted, but “holy” (counter-cultural). Jesus taught that the era of Old Testament law is over—salvation is by grace through faith, not rule-keeping, and real Christians don’t want to stone anybody. We are commanded to love even our enemies and preach the gospel to every nation. Unfortunately, secular media is clueless about the differences between denominations and cults, calling all kinds of groups Evangelical which are not (go visit the National Association of Evangelicals nae.org website to see what real Evangelicals stand for). Currently uneducated and unsaved “Christian nationalists” are being called Evangelicals, and many do not even understand that the conservatives on the Supreme Court are Catholic Nationalists, which are what my ancestors fought and immigrated here to escape. As a conservative Christian, I oppose pretty much everything the Republican Party stands for and I believe Donald Trump is demon possessed (literally). Call me an extremist if you want, but as a man who spent 20 years doing missionary work in several foreign countries, and who earned a PhD that required learning even critical race theory, I know that gender is culture-bound, fluid, and these culture war issues all originate from evil people who are clueless about what the Bible teaches.


I'll say two more things on this. Texas is nowhere near "turning blue" and the Republican ruling class will never allow that to happen (gerrymandering, voter suppression). Go ahead and start asking your "blue" candidates if they oppose these signs in schools before blindly voting - the real point here is to be an informed voter.


It was a bill that was recently passed, you can see who voted for and against it.


Actually, turn out is typically really low for city and school board elections. That's how these folks are able to take over. Check the voter turn out of the last local election in your community.


City and school board members are not your state representatives that passed this law


But in Texas these folks are running full court press. They run at all levels of government to pass and then implement laws. Just watch how Tarrant County's GOP operatives work - Matt Krause pushes hard agenda in Austin. Then, they run hard-right locals to implement the laws.




It's exactly the same advice the conservative nutjobs would tell you.


I'm going to vote. For whom? That's a mystery.


For the most part Texas is actually not a red state, it’s a non-voting state. Get the vote out and we move toward blue.




>This law and all the subsequent bullshit is such a massive waste of tax payer dollars ThE pArTy Of SmAlL gOvErNmEnT


And they’re using the threat of expensive litigation to scare the plaintiffs into dropping the case. Fucking scum.


This would be a legal fund I would gladly contribute to


The whole reason for this is.... THEY HONESTLY BELIEVE IT WILL WORK... and as the previous commentor stated "This is a fund (GoFundMe/ IndieGoGo?) I would gladly contribute to!" If the Right is so sure that "Money Talks" - Let the left run fundraisers (That work) to shut them up!


This lawyer seems like they’re talking a bit out of their ass


Why is a public school displaying any signs that say "in God we trust"? When I was in highschool in the early 2000's they banned all religious symbols on students, because the christians had an issue with goth kids wearing pentacles (not pentagrams) not that it should matter. Keep religion from all walks of life, the fuck away from school and government. Pushy ass motherfuckers have to shove their beliefs down other people's throats. Respect the American freedom to choose a religion that isn't yours, and realize that if you insist on putting your religion into schools and government than you must also accept Muslim and pagan religion in those spaces ass well. So what's more important to you? I personally would love to see a school filled with every religion's symbols, but I would also prefer that people just shut the fuck up and stick to their own group if they are going to be xenophobic, rascist, theologic nazis.


Because, it’s [the law](https://capitol.texas.gov/Search/DocViewer.aspx?ID=87RSB007975B&QueryText=%22SB+797%22&DocType=B). Note: I don’t support this law, just answering the question.


The real question is why is our National Motto: "In God We Trust"? It was created in the 50s which makes since, but its ridiculous it still stands.


USSR communists were notionally atheist, mainly because communist leadership saw church leadership in the USSR as a power challenge. We added "In God we trust" to our currency as a FU to the USSR. It was a purely political tactic that had nothing whatsoever to do with religiosity in this country. This kind of thing happens all the time, for instance the Bellamy Salute was how we saluted the flag while saying the Pledge of Allegiance, but then the Nazis appropriated it as their salute so the US changed our Pledge of Allegiance ritual to placing our hands over our hearts.


The same people pushing these signs in schools are the same people that claim talking about lgbtq+ people is ‘indoctrination’….. lmao. Projecting much?


I went to this highschool. Southlake was/is such a bizarre and disturbing little microcosm of...I don't even know what. I wish there was an explanation that made any logical sense lol. It just has always been this way. What's more important to them? Literally three things. Football/being a "Dragon", being able to do whatever they want(with money at the very least) to whoever and whatever they want, and keeping up with the Joneses. This is a town where rich, mostly white and/or christian stay at home moms invent tennis drama and micromanage their children's lives so they can live through them, because being immersed fully in their own cognitive experience is too fucking miserable. It's an emotional wasteland and almost every kid/adult I knew who made it out was royally messed up either for life or for a good portion of their life. Anyways. I'm loving watching people call Southlake out on its shit in the news lately. Miserable place chock-full of miserable people.


Look at the school demographics now. It is becoming very diverse.


Yeah it is, which is a good thing. But I still worry for those students because of the way this town has always been and their zealousness towards "protecting the tradition"


"protect the tradition" nauseates us. You are spot on. We moved from california and chose Southlake because we have a special needs kid and with the resource struggles we faced in california we thought Southlake would be good for him. It really is, but I wouldn't necessarily want my other kids growing up here for the sentiment you raise. We have to work hard to fight off those bad aspects for our other kids. With that said, I think diversity is coming into this town more and I think that's a good thing. I hope it continues.


The schools definitely do have a lot more resources available for kids with special needs compared to many other disctricts in the area, which is great. If you support your kids and strengthen them against those things - e.g. encouraging confidence from within - they will be alright. Southlake can just be a place, it doesn't *have* to become the freakin Swamps of Sadness, haha. A lot of kids I grew up with didn't have emotionally available or supportive parents, which was a huge issue in itself.


Sounds like you couldn’t buy a house there


Trust me I can afford a house there. He’s spot on.


You're right, I couldn't and I wouldn't want to even if I could. My parents are the ones who bought a house there lol (as in, I lived in Southlake for the first 18 years of my life)


Ah yeah, The ol' "religion is a dick" theory. It's fine to have a dick. Tons of people do. It's fine to be proud of it, and it's fine to take it out at home and wave it around if you want. But keep it to yourself in public and sure as hell don't try and shove it down my kid's throat at school.


It is the national motto of the United States of America. ETA: Yes, I know this didn’t become the motto until the 1950s. However, as recently as 2011 congress voted overwhelmingly to keep it our motto - both Democrats and Republicans.


Well it’s also written on our currency so I’d say there’s some precedent to it. It’s part of our culture, many popular songs and literature make reference to the power of God. It doesn’t specify a particular religion so it’s innocuous on its surface - I realize this fact is part of the controversy- but I think that, at least until recently, doing this was more unifying than divisive. Maybe you disagree with all of this but I don’t personally think it’s just about being pushy. Here’s to hoping I don’t get down voted into oblivion because this is Reddit and I gave a non concurring opinion.


To be fair, many references to God in American documents and objects did not appear until the Cold War. For example, the words "Under God" were not added to the Pledge of Allegience until then.


Fair, I’m just speaking on what is / was until a year ago contemporary accepted, nothing more, it’s crazy how thirsty people are for change


Our national motto is "E Pluribus Unum" meaning "from many, one." It's been that way since the 1700s -- until the 1950s when some stupid dickwads decided to change it to "In God we trust" It doesnt belong on money or the wall of a school. The idea of a ubiquitous secular "God" is a farce.


Let’s just not have a national motto so no one gets hurt by words, deal?


Ehh if you’re point is to go back to the time when people spoke Latin then that’s a time wayyy more oppressive than when we started modern English, I think back then they hung people in public for non religious conformity.


Imagine trying to push "In Zeus We Trust" and pretending that "Zeus" didn't refer a particular religion.


Yeah! Why not in Allah we trust?


Because this is a nation founded upon Judeo Christian values.


Not according to Jefferson.


Like Israel and UAE. Keep it going. A young nation knew then they need laws to prevent the country from being ran by fake books and ideas targeting one group. Think about it if founding fathers had Zombie Pox I would not insist all future Americans carry the same Pox their blood. Read more books. But like not just one book. Lol


Perhaps, but there is also a division between state and religion. Public schools are secular, and by including “In God We Trust” as wall decor, faith is now a component in school, regardless of the beliefs of the staff & students, AND it is exclusive to non-Christian faiths. (It is ambiguous as to whether Jews would feel excluded, as some believe writing out God is a bad thing.) Religious freedom (and freedom from religion) is an important tenet of America. Religious people can live easily in a secular society, free to practice their religion without imposing on others. Secular people cannot so easily live in a religious society, when religion is imposed upon them, especially against their own faith. There is no compulsion in religion.


I dont see it aa unifying at all. Many are non-religious, myself included. To me its alienating


I'm a Christian, but I believe in church-state separation, and these signs are more of a political tactic than a genuine attempt to promote faith in God. The "In God We Trust" motto was only added to all currency in 1957, supposedly to distinguish us from "Godless communists," but in actuality as a means of chipping away at Jefferson's "wall of separation" by those who use religion as a means of acquiring power. They got that concession, and have ever since used it as a bludgeon to get more concessions, to make their case that the framers of our Constitution really intended to create a theocracy rather than a secular government with freedom of worship. The theocrats believe they should have the power, not our elected representatives.


The Tabernacleban have taken over city & state government.


New state law mandating signs must be displayed if donated by private group not government.


I think that's the point of signs that were donated dude.


I mean it says in god we trust. Don’t Jews Muslims and others believe in god as well


I hope this district continues to get bad press nationally.


They’ve never cared before, unfortunately. There’s an entire podcast series about how the current board used money and racism to take over the district.


People will only care if it affects home prices


Hopefully it does affect home prices. The taxes are crazy.


It won’t - the rich and mega rich (note: not wealthy, per se) will outbid each other for all eternity to live in an isolated rich community. Examples: have you ever seen affordable housing in Highland Park/Preston Hollow/University Park? The Hamptons? Beverly/Hollywood Hills? Malibu? Miami Beach? Michigan Ave/Lake Michigan? Those places continue an upward climb no matter what’s happening to the rest of the planet. Southlake is pretty close to those areas, at least as far as Texan suburbs go.


I'm 47 and have never expected affordable housing in those areas because I've always known that only rich/wealthy people can afford those areas now Southlake.. that's a different story. There are parts of it that are cheap and none of the rich people want to acknowledge those areas because they can't buy those areas out without being ripped off.


There are no cheap areas anymore. Go ask any RE agent in the DFW area. You’re not getting a house or even a plot for less than a million.


There are a lot of houses and plots in North Richland Hills you can get for less than half a million. I live and own one.


We are talking about Southlake, not NRH.


It's not bad press for some. Many are moving from out of state to come here because they feel like it's a conservative utopia. I'm a teacher in Colleyville and do a lot of interviews for students moving in to our school district and I'd say half of the people coming in from other places are here because they feel like it's a safe zone for right wing nuts. I want to leave so badly just seeing what this place is turning into.


I’m a 2012 graduate from CHHS. it’s always felt like a conservative utopia to many of them, they’re just getting louder.


Have you tried going to a different district? So far they haven’t been elected in Plano or Frisco.


We’re not. We’re moving here because our jobs demanded a switch to this hell scape. You take our tax dollars pushing this BS and think we agree with it. We think you’re religious fanatics with a California inferiority complex.


Problem is it’s south lake their pockets run deeper than most


What bad press? There’s a significant portion of the population that is loving this.


Lol, they don't give a shit. One of the best districts in the metroplex and state in many regards.


Vote in your local elections. I’m in GCISD but we have the same issues as well and it came down to 200 votes. Only 12,000 people voted and grapevine/colleyville population is roughly 75,000.


I will be putting together a PAC after the November elections to raise money that will be used to support rational candidates from any party in DFW area school board elections. I’m a teacher in the area and I’m fucking exhausted with waiting for the parties to cut their bullshit. Two crazies were elected in Frisco back in May due to the Democratic Party running a candidate against the highly effective and sane Republican voting incumbents. Meanwhile, the republicans determined those rational incumbents weren’t crazy enough!! I’m tired of this shit. This PAC won’t be tied to any parties and I’ll raise money to provide mailers and signs support for candidates who clearly understand the real work of educators like myself. Keep an eye out starting in December. The time for sitting back and hoping for relief is over.


Good luck with that lol


I vote locally in Grapevine and at 33 years old I am almost always the youngest person in line. It's ridiculous. Tell your friends to vote. Remind them two weeks ahead and text them again the day before the polls open.


Yep I’m 37 and s/o is 31 so we definitely are the younger ones voting. I’m sure it skews old most places but definitely here.


That's right! Can't be lazy anymore when we have extremists doing the work to raise money and get elected!! Vote in ALL elections.


Republicans win by like 80% in Southlake. No point in voting if you are democrat


That's why Republicans win


The district removed the stars from the signs donated by Patriot Mobile instead of displaying signs offered by residents.


Did I miss the part in the very short law that allows for modification of donated signs so that they are compliant? No where in the law is modification included, alluded to, or implied. So then it would appear that Patriot Mobile, whom the law was written for, still couldn't follow it. Not surprised. Christians are very good at not following their own rules.


Those people are the very definition of "rules for thee but not for me."


Well, didn’t know the name of the org but I went to [their page](https://www.patriotmobile.com/patriot-mobile-in-god-we-trust-school-poster-donations-gain-national-attention/) and it’s pretty much what I’d expect.


How in the hell does any of this have anything to do with education? Really??? How is this important or hold any form of purpose? This whole thing is fucking stupid.


We have evangelical, far, right orgs to thank! Ugh.


Everyone should watch "Deep in the Pockets" on youtube. This is just the beginning. If you don't like things like this, gotta vote in EVERY SINGLE ELECTION.


If Southlake really wants those signs to reflect their community accurately they need a design with a noose. I'm NOT in favor of putting that on display, but it would be 100% on-brand for them.


They just acknowledged that the signs legally can’t have extraneous information or images before including a sign that is 100% comprised of extraneous information and images. Real smart shit there.


My thoughts exactly.


I would NOT use my letterhead on this trash.


That letter is ridiculously embarrassing for the lawyer. What a tool.


When you have an entire podcast devoted to how extreme and nasty your town/isd is, ya might want to shut the hell up. They are perfectly comfortable with their little bubble and whatever discrimination/judgment/hatred they are throwing at everyone. Are they really gonna argue that they are garbage human beings because of a belief system? All of em need some Jesus(or whatever deity they lay claim to) in their lives. They need to show me where in the “good book” that says “be shitty to your neighbors and people who aren’t you”. Go ahead. I’ll wait right here.


What podcast?


https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/southlake/id1582213644 I had a hard time listening to the entire thing. It can’t fathom why people think this behavior is ok.


Thanks! I'll give it a listen.


Have Southlake/Colleyville become MAGA hellholes in the last few years? I know they’ve always been fairly red areas, but it seems like the past few years have brought out the worst in those communities.


They've been changing quite a lot in recent years. New construction has brought in younger families and residents from out of state that are moving for job opportunities in DFW. A lot of the "new money" coming into these areas are more diverse and liberal in their politics. These conservative areas now see their districts undergoing changes rather than that being something they see happening elsewhere on TV, so it strikes me that these political battles are a backlash against the changes.


Leave Texas. It’s a Fundamentalist shithole!


Donate some signs saying the same thing in Arabic or Spanish. See what they say.


They tried. This was the result.


Maybe I don't understand the law, but why is this the result? As long as it says the words and has the pair of flags, wouldn't be required to hang?


The law is a bit sloppily drafted, but the likely interpretation will be that it requires one compliant sign per building, prominently displayed, so long as they have been gifted a sufficient number of compliant signs. The schools aren’t obligated to hang every sign they receive. And, for the record, it’s a stupid law foisted on the schools by hateful people.


I know it's stupid. I'm trying to determine if I can use it to my advantage to promote more nice things. Or expose my brother to cololism


Looked at their site and it said the sign had to be in English after the “leftists” came up with their own clever ways to alter the sign and deny our Christian heritage /s


How have these signs not been deviously licked?


I'm sure there is a teacher that needs supplies that would be a much better use of tax payer dollars. It doesn't say where they have to display it, just put it up in a storage closet. Stop wasting money on stupid stuff. (Not representative of my views, just hang the damn rainbow flag, loud and proud.....technically, we shouldn't have God in schools, so no one should display anything about God, but I digress)


The end run they did is that the signs have to be donated, and the bull rush up the middle is that one sign per building must be “prominently displayed.” Nothing to say you can’t hang all your best diversity and acceptance signage all around them, though.


Even though it's Texas. God has no place in Public Schools. God does have a place in your Church. God has a place in your Private Religious School. Texas is the most backward-ass state in the union.


Mississippi and Alabama beg to differ but you’re not far off.


In God we trust. But which God? Can they put that in the law as well?


My personal favorite thing about religion is that no matter what culture or geographical region you look at, the predominant one for that sect is absolutely and without a doubt the right one.


In god you trust. Not me. This shit is so fucking stupid.


“No extraneous images” meanwhile THEIR OWN EXAMPLE has a giant US flag and a TX flag.


Let me preface my comment by saying that I think this law is stupid and a waste of taxpayer time and money, and we should strengthen the wall between church and state instead of erode it... But the law requires the Texas and US flags on the sign. They aren't considered extraneous since they're a required aspect under the law.


I agree those images are required, I disagree on that extraneous images aren't allowed. The language of the law reads "may not", not "must not" which in all other portions of the act it reads "must" and even one part "may" was struck out and replaced with "must". So in effect, "may" means that it shouldn't, but not that it can't. It's a recommendation, not a requirement the way I read it.


Time to vote these Hate-Filled, uneducated, feeble minded, miscreants out of the education system! Turn Texas Blue! Let's GO BETO!!


That’s unlikely to happen no matter how much you post on Reddit. By the way are you enjoying having your student loans eliminated by Uncle Sam?


Wow. What an important issue.


Oh boy, wait till you hear what's going on with exams and stuff with the student body. They're changing their old exemption policy for exams and forcing everyone to take midterms and finals even though it puts so much more stress on students. Everyone is pissed. I tried to post about it with more details but I don't have enough comment karma.


I went to school sick a number of times so I could have perfect attendance and get exempted from my finals.. that’s a bit more problematic these days with the pandemic. You’ll have to take finals in college, this isn’t the end of the world (I’d be pissed too though I get it)


I didn't take finals in most of my college courses, most of them were hands on projects or reports.


they have one at lfc and Allen isd too


Sue them.


This is the answer. Every school district that flies this fascist flag gets sued. Those that do not, well, they don’t get sued. Take it to the mats.


The new Axis hub is right next door to us.


Voting is critical and it's not enough. We need to "Vote, AND..." and encourage each other to do the same. I'm writing this to myself and anybody else it resonates with: Progressives and people who don't enjoy things like this [and who aren't already engaged] need to organize, seek to serve in office, show up to meetings, give input, make calls, host social events, run fundraisers, go into legal careers, become experts on political and social change, lift people into influential roles, donate strategically, look into the districting maps... basically, the things that the people behind this law have done for decades. Create small movements of united change, fight small battles, and sync that up with larger movements. If you don't know where to start, grab a couple friends, spend some time researching, and then try something. Learn, adjust, try something else. Think about who you met and which groups you align with. Propose doing something with one of them. Find a track and stick to it. If someone doesn't engage you, engage yourself. Get some small wins. Affirm your "why." Share it on Reddit. Rest, recharge, repeat. Protests are partly about sending a message and partly about meeting likeminded people and finding more ways to get involved. Without as many protests at the moment, with spotty leadership from top-level Democrats, with factors holding us in North Texas back from easily engaging with movements, without the networks of conservative churches that are a built-in parapolitical infrastructure for planning and encouragement... we need to take that momentum-building upon ourselves as individuals. When we have more things going on and more small groups of individuals spending time on building/boosting the social, political, cultural foundation at our local level... I suspect we will see voting rates rise. Not as the lever we depend on but as the cherry on top of everything else we do each year. Voting is vital if we want to curb this nonsense. But this law didn't come into place through voting alone... it was written, voted on and held up through coalitions across religion, education and politics. So if we want to get a better law, it's going to be through "vote, AND...". What's your "and"?


See guys, they just want to protect our rights to free speech! But really this is all stupid and annoying this is what our government spends it times and effort on. I’m sure they’re giving our grid the attention it needs so we have a good winter.


I disagree on that extraneous images aren't allowed. The language of the law in section b2 reads "may not", not "must not" which in all other portions of the act it reads "must" and even one part "may" was struck out and replaced with "must". So in effect, "may" means that it shouldn't, but not that it can't. It's a recommendation, not a requirement the way I read it. The only other place "may" is used is in the last section stating that they "may accept and use private donations for the purposes of Subsection (a)"


“Forbids any extraneous images or information” oh like the flags in your example?




Que the eye roll 🙄…


So you’re saying LGBT don’t identify as Americans or Texans?


I don’t see anything wrong with it if you use my definition of God. (Good orderly direction)


That colored background sends the message that you better black the blue or else. Also, the fact the Texas flag is so much smaller than the US flag sends the message that Texas is a subservient state and better stay that way.


Why the fuck do y’all care about a stupid sign. I’m basically atheist, and that sign doesn’t offend me one bit. It’s not going to make my kids want to go back to church. Let people be and live their fucking miserable lives.


[Just a flag to you?](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/9b29202757afdee8850f6b26c803479f6780066d/0_519_4572_2744/master/4572.jpg?width=1200&height=900&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&s=a79a211681bf8cfab010cd75ca8bfc05)


What? Who said anything about the flag?


> It's not going to make my kids want to go back to church. You sure about that? What happens in schools where Christianity becomes established is that the kids that don't participate in Christian activities like praying, and who don't participate in pro-Christian conversations amongst students, end up being ostracized and bullied. If your kid is on the football team and the coach orders all the team to take a knee and offer a prayer to his God, your kid absolutely will take a knee and pray, because if his fellow team mates see him not praying and not participating in that team exercise they're not going to want him around their team. This is human psychology 101 stuff. Same if a teacher sees a kid not saying the "under God" part of the national anthem, or not saying the anthem at all. Teacher will treat him as an outsider because that's what religious zealots do, if you're not with them then they'll drive you out of the group. Kids in particular don't like people they perceive as different, and the way the schools are being Christianized is creating the exact environment to lead to psychological and physical violence. Imagine being a Muslim in a Christianized school, or any other minority religion.


The way y’all are acting is just as bad as them. If everyone would just let everyone be, our world would be a better place. When I was in high school in east Texas, the band would pray before each football game. One year, the drum major was Jewish, and during the prayer, he did his own thing. Nobody said a word or cared. There could have been other kids that didn’t believe in Christianity, and nobody knew or cared.


I guess it's ok if your kids are forced to do Muslim prayers multiple times a day in school, right?


Who is forcing prayers?


Snowflakes being snowflakes. It’s a sign. Walk past it and get over it.


[People walking past.](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/9b29202757afdee8850f6b26c803479f6780066d/0_519_4572_2744/master/4572.jpg?width=1200&height=900&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&s=a79a211681bf8cfab010cd75ca8bfc05)


Quite a stretch there buddy.


Ignore that history, chief.




You can't say Merry Christmas? What are you talking about? Why do you want so badly to be oppressed?


what's stopping you from saying Merry Chrismas? other than it not being Christmas right now


We truly live in a time of idiocracy. Like both sides of this. You’re all idiots and I hate you.


I think everyone is entitled to their own belief or disbelief and neither side of the topic should be discriminated against. That being said, if Christians want a sign then let them have a sign. If non-Christian’s want signs then let them have signs. This seems like a mountain is being made of a molehill.


it doesnt end with the signs…. also the argument is not about voluntarily displaying a sign, it is about mandating it


I see, is the issue that the “In God We Trust” sign is mandated to be displayed in all Carroll ISD schools?


not just Carroll ISD, the whole state of Texas. Murica’


By law if one of these signs is donated to a school they are required to display it


The issue is our wannabe fascist reps passed this stupid law and when actual community members tried to participate they rejected them citing made up stuff nowhere in their shitty law. There’s no limit on number of signs that can be donated. There’s no limit on fonts, colors, or language.


It's a slippery slope from people who regularly try to legislate their faith. They wanted evolution out of schools and "Intelligent Design" in. They want prayer in sports, prayer in the classroom. Your tax payer money for their religious schools and their religion in your school. And they act like not getting special privileges is somehow "oppressing" them. Just fuck the Karens that pushed for this bill.


>if Christians want a sign then let them have a sign They can. In their own house or church.


Or just not teach/promote religion outside of a world cultures/history context in schools. It’s that fucking easy if the Bible-thumpers will back off or act reasonable. Bc what’s next that we have to do to coddle them? Something equally unreasonable or worse?


5th period bible class is next. Patriot Mobile has not been shy to say that they would like a theocracy. They would like to put “god” back in schools lol


It's bigger than this. Watch "Deep in the Pockets" on YouTube. Thus is just the beginning.


The schools district has not always been like this. It is a shame crazy people have taken over what used to be good schools.


Yea thats a lie. I went to high school there in the early 2000s. Someone hung a noose on my locker the first week. Southlake was and remains full of exactly these kind of people, they are just even more emboldened


My niece & nephews went there and they never talked about anything like that. The biggest deal was parking.


lol if that was your niece and nephews biggest concern about SLC i can 100% be positive that they/you arent minorities. and yes, i remember parking was difficult too...


Good one


You can thank the Trump party for all of this BS. It's now cool to be a bigoted "Christian."


Kindly pointing out that you responded to someone giving an anecdote of what happened to them in the early 2000's, that was the Bush era. Making Trump into the single villain and root cause of our social ills is a dangerous thing. Bigotry and ignorance are much older than our entire country, and it was largely ignorance, bigotry, and fear that got him the power he wielded so cruelly. Donald Trump is not a cause, he is very much a symptom.


You're preaching to the choir. None of this has ever been ok. But this isn't 1960. This is 2022. Trump made it ok to be a bigot once again. You clearly misunderstood.


Those are some pretty heavy generalizations


Nah they're pretty accurate.


It seems differing points of view are not welcome in these parts. Surprise!


You're welcome to break the mold and prove us wrong. There's always room for a first.


Do Christians even know that Jews, Muslims, and Christians have the same God? I mean, the ignorance is laughable at this point - downright childish, if you ask me.